Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

Satanism is the Klipoth the left side of the tree of life and the Klipothic demons are the negative polarity of the angels on the light side. The 72 Goetia demons are the negative polarity of the 72 angels that form the Shemhamporash which relates to the 72 names of YHVH. Its the left side of the Judeo-Christian pantheon the negative side. Levay also put the Baphomet into this and kept the name of the Klipothic demons Samael and Lilith on it.

Aquino wrote in his book about his time in the CoS, Anton Lavey did worship Satan theistically. However if a person is using the CoS symbol they are using a sigil that connects to the Klipoth realms of Samael and Lilith. Lavey's own daughter Zena mentioned her father Anton Lavey was a total piece of shit in her interview with Vice magazine.
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by LockyMoth »

That's right, as LaVey's sigil is circled by Hebrew letters and Hebrew letters are with the Qlippoth and Goetia.

As for that interview, Zena is very right in what she says. That is the result of doing too much Hebrew circled sigil work.

LaVey was better when he worshipped Theistically first and didn't use Hebrew sigil honestly.
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

I personally gave up religion, occult, "spirituality" . I believe true spirituality and working closely with your body and the earth. People focused too much on the "higher" tend to seem "heads in the clouds" I take a different approach now and my life seems to be doing better
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

The other Hebrew letters around the CoS Baphomet spell Leviathan the power of YHVH in Kabbalah. That seems to be the most popular style.

LockyMoth wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:40 am
Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:36 am Satanism is the Klipoth the left side of the tree of life and the Klipothic demons are the negative polarity of the angels on the light side. The 72 Goetia demons are the negative polarity of the 72 angels that form the Shemhamporash which relates to the 72 names of YHVH. Its the left side of the Judeo-Christian pantheon the negative side. Levay also put the Baphomet into this and kept the name of the Klipothic demons Samael and Lilith on it.

Aquino wrote in his book about his time in the CoS, Anton Lavey did worship Satan theistically. However if a person is using the CoS symbol they are using a sigil that connects to the Klipoth realms of Samael and Lilith. Lavey's own daughter Zena mentioned her father Anton Lavey was a total piece of shit in her interview with Vice magazine.
That's right, as LaVey's sigil is circled by Hebrew letters and Hebrew letters are with the Qlippoth and Goetia.

As for that interview, Zena is very right in what she says. That is the result of doing too much Hebrew circled sigil work.

LaVey was better when he worshipped Theistically first and didn't use Hebrew sigil honestly.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

Sitardass if you keep giving Nickel all your money... How are you going to buy any more drugs. I know you smoke a lot of crack and this easy equation is hard for you to figure out. Looks like Satanism is working out really well for you Sitardass.
blink wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:54 pm
LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:24 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:48 pm What happens is when a person dedicates to Satan-Lucifer which is what the dedication is to or another demon. Is the entity will then cover them in their energy like cocooning or blanking effect. This energy is heavy and vampiric the entity will then start to vampirize their energy and shell them into a lower energy frequency and put darker and more negative energies into them. They will also put energetic bindings on the energy body such as the heart chakra and the solar chakra the solar chakra has to do with draining you of your vital energy.

Well, I don't know from basically where did you get such info as the energy from Satan is not vampirizing.

I dedicated to Satan around 2018 I think and since then I felt more enlightenment and energizing effect from the Demonic aura.

From where did you get the fact that Satan has vampirizing energy?
from being infiltrator jew and spreading bullshit... just like jos said don does
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

The retards are here from JoS.
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by LockyMoth »

Damn, sometimes I wish I hadn't had to quote an enemies lies like from you blink, Siatris, Saxon, Cobra / Nick or whoever is hiding behind this account.

I am so "Infiltrator Jew in your and many other people's minds but only because I stick to Satanism but in the not dogmatic path of the JoS.

I came here as I can freely say something, have my word, show respect to TS (Theistic Satanists) and also nonTS people. I don't have any problem with the path Don chose, though I disagree with it as it doesn't coincide with my principles and ethics related to Satanism, but everyone is different and I respect that, and everything I agree and disagree here, Siatris, is called up an OPINION. There is nothing that I have ever said that was slanderous or caused ad hominem attacks.

You are okay to come here and debate but only if you are doing it in a civil manner. Calling someone Jews, when they are not, like you, the JoS did to me when I left cause I found out there are lies and misinformation, that is an ad hominem attacks.

And lmao, what is your problem with Don calling you a crackhead. Doesn't it show now what you are, Siatris or whoever is behind this account? Many of you JoSers admit that you are smoking weed or snorting Crack so, get used to the effects of your own "medication" if I can call it like that.

You are so offended that you are called crackheads, stupid losers that give Nick money (thing which is also true as the Donations address is sparking up with millions from school kids like you), but I should just let things go when you called me a Jew when I am not, you called me a lobotomized retard, a baby who is sucking my momma's nipple and more of other things which I won't put here because, this is not a Pron forum like you did sometimes with the JoS, it is a forum related to Satanism.

Keep your drugs away from your nose if you want to live a happy life I would say, or else don't blame it on me or the others that you really have a fucked up life because of substances and a fake form of Satanism from the JoS that is under Nick's rulling unfortunately.

Oh and how is your little incel Abyssos doing there? You let him post up as a laughing stock and you fakely promise to help him. Oh la la, what a *real* *yawn* TS attitude you show. Oy veyyyyyyyyy
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

locky wrote:
“You are okay to come here and debate but only if you are doing it in a civil manner.”

After all the forum sabotage, mind games, harassment and problems this guy has He got himself banned for good reasons. Yet persists to come back over and over to cry wolf and whine he got banned for 'nothing'.

He's a manipulative liar who owes myself, the other members and this forum a massive apology.

Don wrote:
“My question is for Zola, you stated you're working with some other being then Satan-Lucifer the lying, deceiving Christian spirit from the Klipothic regions of Hebrew hell. And that you know its real identity and true name, so what is it then? No need for a large article just who is it then.”

I will share what I've learned and have been working on an article to do so even before you returned. You're getting the article.

I'm working hard to get it done to where I'm comfortable to publish it. I do try to give decent articles so I'll not be rushed. But never think I'm just sitting back doing nothing. I'm also in the process of recovering from a bad cold that's kept me bedridden for over a week. I don't get sick often but when I do they're usually doozies :)

Please be patient a little bit longer. I think maybe you are anticipating a fight with me. But I still say welcome and glad to see you.

You also said:

“That includes having university PHD's emailing for help with information on books they are researching on to write. And people emailing me for book deals from reading my work. When it got out that I left the JoS I had people asking me to come on board of their organizations as clergy as well. Leaving the JoS opened a lot of different doors for me.”

That's awesome and I believe it. You were always the scholar. Please let us know if you publish a book, I would definitely buy one and support you.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by LockyMoth »

Ya I believe that Cobra is manipulating. I just said this in a more of a rethorical way cause I knew he won't post civil and he will cause ad hominem attacks. But, he gets what he deserves if he acts like a necrotic tissue.

Anyways, are you OK HPS? I hope it is nothing serious with your cold.

Spiritual tip: You can direct healing energy to the organs that are most affected by the cold, and affirm in present tense: "I am healing myself from any and all blockages and diseases put on (insert name of the organ here)".

I don't get sick either, but sometimes it means a little fight lol.

Also @Don Danko333, if you are really going to write a book, I can't wait to share some of your findings with us also, I tried up your Kundalini routine and it seemed very interesting and amazingly helpful :D.

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by LockyMoth »

Damn, sometimes I wish I hadn't had to quote an enemies lies like from you blink, Siatris, Saxon, Cobra / Nick or whoever is hiding behind this account.

Lol 😂 the username, you are 13 lol.

I know that the attack was directed at me and then to Don as well so, that gives me the right to come up and defend myself in a civil way.

You admitted using multiple accounts (spamming) and that you started being uncivil.

Bingo, at least I don't have hardwork to do to debunk your lies in a separate topic obviously :lol:
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