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Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

This has taken me a long time to post; but I do feel its an important subject, and as such, it had to come in its due time, and not before. I have not been idle as Don and the rest of you debated. I began this article before he reappeared, and continued working while you debated. The timing of Don coming in now, sharing what he knows from his own personal experience is...timely. What Don is saying is truthful. But, I think this information is going to help fill in some bits.

I've been working on and off for some time now, trying to put this information into coherent words as best as I can. This has proven trying as a lot of my time online, my energy was eaten up by the fool constantly attacking me, coming in here under many names, hindering me. I feel this person is working (albeit probably unknowingly) for the enemy. What Don is describing, when he's talking about how the JoS dedication of ones soul to the biblical satan shrouds one in negative energy proves (to me), as I have long suspected, that there is a problem with the JoS satan they worship.

These radicalized people believe they're working for the true Satan, so do other sects.

What I found at the JoS is that some of the knowledge – and its vital – is corrupted. Enki isn't the true Satan, for one thing. He's a reptilian. For another, the biblical satan is indeed, the other half of the christ egrigore. They are like a janus head. One is the light aspect and one is the dark. But they are the same. High up occultists of the enemy know this. That was revealed to me some time ago but I always knew there was more to the story and I've been waiting for that to be revealed, which it recently was.

The satan of the JoS isn't the true pagan deity I refer to when I say the being I know as Satan. The being I know and have been in contact with long before I ever found the JoS, this being whom I call Satan, it turns out, is an ancient pagan god.

I know because He himself gave me His true name. He told it me before I ever was directed by Him to check out the JoS, when He said:

“You want to write about truth, and that's great; but you only have half of it right now. Search this (gave me something to input which led me to exposing christianity), go, see what you will find.”

I feel I was sent to discover people were being deceived in His name. And also that the biblical satan isn't an alternative to christ, but part of the controlled opposition.

Later, after I was publicly humiliated and excommunicated (which turned out to be a blessing in disguise), I suffered for months barely able to function and feeling suicidal. But when I made the decision to live again and carry on, He returned and said:

You have suffered greatly; yet it is a small thing compared to my own. Now we understand one another.”

He asked me to create this forum. It has always been my understanding that one of its purposes is to assist others via giving them truth. Hence, Truth for Satan.

The being I know as Satan's true name is Serapis. The name Satan means Adversary. Which was, indeed, one of Serapis's functions. He was known as the Adversary of the Labyrinth.

Serapis described himself via an oracle to the King of Cyprus:

''A god I am such as I show to thee
The Starry Heavens are my head, my trunk the sea
Earth forms my feet, mine ears the air supplies
The Sun's far-darting, brilliant rays, mine eyes"

Which made me think of:

“there is no place in the universe that knows not my presence”

Some necessary background:

I spent a decade plus as a dream yogin, meaning I perfected the art of dreaming consciously. At the height of this ability, I was able to maintain conscious awareness through separation, journeying in the non physical dimensions and reuniting with my physical form in the morning as it awakened from its nightly healing trance. I would then get up and write down all I had seen and learned.

I was shown how to do this by my guide. He helped me discover the knowledge. These wise beings, these Daemons, extra-dimensional people don't generally do full on manifestations and sit down to have tea and a chat. They communicate via the solar as a gut 'knowingness', via the third eye (which is open in the dreamtime), through synchronicities, coincidences, etc....many, many ways.

I've always been psychic or 'sensitive'. One of the things I loved to do (back before the internet – bookstores in general seem to be vanishing these days unfortunately) was to go to second hand (especially occult) bookstores. I would make my way into the stacks and then stopping, open myself up (psychically) and send out the message if there is a specific book here I need to see, I ask it to reveal itself. And then just wander the stacks, 'feeling' my way along. And always, something would draw me and pull me to it. And so, one day doing this, I was drawn to a book called The Tibetan Book of the Dead. I bought it, tried to read it, but it's written for the eastern mind so it was kind of hard to read for ended up in my book collection.

But there was a reason that book spoke to me. A few months later, someone I loved very much died suddenly and tragically. I 'saw' him (in spirit form) at his funeral, he communicated to me there, also at the cemetery and also followed me home, where he communicated some more but still, I was left feeling I wanted to make sure he was ok. I still wanted to talk to him, but he had left the room.

I sat there wondering: How do I do that? And suddenly, in my third eye, a book began dancing about. I went to my books and the one calling me was The Tibetan Book of the Dead. I took it, sat with it on my lap (it was a large hardcover edition), put my hands on it and said:

“Show me”.

And then opened the book at random. This older version had notations in the margins. And there was a notation in the upper right margin which drew me. It's been a long time and that book I no longer have. I bought another copy to discover the notation has been removed in later publications. But it said:

“Place not your trust in mediums. Do not channel any spirits. To do so is to open the gates to the temple and invite in the lowest of the low who linger without. If you want to talk to the dead, you must take the High Golden Road.”

And intuitively, I knew exactly what they were saying and what this meant.

What it means is that your physical body is the temple. You don't just open the doors and invite in anybody, anything, sight unseen. Because the ones who'll take you up on that are generally the low sort of spirits. It's like placing a blindfold on and then inviting any low sort into your house to ask them for wisdom. You're going to get nonsense, nothing of value and probably robbed and beaten besides. You are going in blind.

What you want to do is go into the non physical dimensions consciously. The most natural way we enter is via the dreamtime. Our ka, soul, animating force, self...whatever you want to call it exits the body every night while the body goes into its healing trance. We are eternal beings with no need to 'sleep' like the body does. And so when it is resting, we are off doing other things. This is the High Golden Road. To consciously travel the non physical dimensions, find the person you wish to communicate with and literally see them face to face as you communicate. No going in blind. And you do this yourself.

No Mediators.

Begin by recording your dreams. Work on the recall. It will get better and better. Eventually what will happen is you'll be in a dream and think: I HAVE to remember THIS! And in that moment, you'll achieve lucidity. As you look around with full waking consciousness you'll realize this isn't the 'normal' waking physical reality; though it is as real and immediate as being awake. In fact, it feels more 'real' than 'real'. This will be so exciting it'll probably blow you right out of that state, you'll start up awake in bed. The second level is then to keep getting to that point and once you do, hang onto conscious awareness for as long as you can.

As you do, time spent experiencing consciousness in the non physical realms will lengthen naturally, till you can lie down in the physical, consciously leave, go about your business for the night and return. All without a break in consciousness. When my ability was at its height this is what I experienced.

In 2013 as I'm coming back into the physical I'm enjoying a conversation with two beings, both male. We were having a very deep and interesting philosophical discussion; they'd accompanied me back to my body (the way one would walk a friend home) and were taking their leave, about to depart. I hurriedly asked them their names. By this time my physical eyes had opened; I was back in the physical body, but I could still 'hear' them. They both answered. One of them said:

“My name is Serapis.”

I'd never heard such a name before, I asked Him to repeat that please. He said:


I leapt out of bed, ran to my computer and wrote the names down before I could forget. I thought they were strange but interesting names and decided to use them for a book (fiction) I was writing at the time.

I had decided to use the name Serapis for the evil antagonist character for my fictional story. And then one day (at least 500 pages in) I'm sitting quietly, drinking a coffee looking out the window when suddenly He spoke up. I heard Him clear as a bell. And He said:

“Oh, yes, about your casting me as the villain; you will NOT. I'm not the enemy of humanity, I never was; you'll not cast me in that role. Destroy that filth about me and I'll give you true information.”

It really made me jump! His voice was so loud, clear and totally unexpected. I did as He requested, went to my computer, pulled up the file and trashed around three hundred pages. Which hurt to do; it was a lot of effort and time to write....but it felt like the right thing to do, so I did it.

He was good as His word; He began sending me information (he still does). And that was a lot of fun. I would feel the urge, rush to the computer and write what came to me. Its like suddenly you feel you're welling up inside with words (if words were water), and they spill out. And you writing them down is like holding a cup under the flow, attempting to catch it all. It's coming very fast, you have to just do the best you can and worry about correcting spelling errors and punctuation etc later.

So. back to I'm wondering about the name Satan.

Satan (n.)
Supreme evil spirit and adversary of humanity in Christianity.
This contains two meanings. One is that they teach (in christianity) that this being (whose name and attributes, functions were appropriated and inverted) is OUR enemy.

Not true. He told me this Himself before I even knew who He was (other than just a name).

WE are the true humans (though the enemy hybrids think THEY are). WE are ensouled beings with the god gene connecting us to the First Principle, the power to create universes.

He IS, however, the enemy of the ones who did this to us.

Christianity's version of satan is in fact, an inversion of what the function of adversary actually is.

Greco/Egyptian: Serapis/Asar Hapi:
God of water and fertility. Apis is the name of Osiris in its Egyptian form. Apis-Osiris:

"the great god, Khent, Amentet, the lord of life forever,"
(text from the18th Dynasty).

God of the nile river (water). Even for Egyptians of old times a very ancient deity. Patron of upper and lower Egypt. Frequently depicted with a water jug pouring water. He was one of the most powerful and popular deities of ancient Egypt. Recognized later also as a god of the underworld. Credited with the attributes of Nu (oldest of the ancient Egyptian gods), father of Ra, the sun god. Bringer of life, the one who greens the two banks. Lord of the Birds and Fishes of the Marshes. Sometimes depicted with green or blue skin. Because of his link to the Nile and fertility, associated with Osiris. Because of this Isis was considered his female counterpart or his wife.

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Quotation from Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma:

“Thee,' says Martianus Capella, in his hymn to the Sun, 'dwellers on the Nile adore as Serapis, and Memphis worships as Osiris: in the sacred rites of Persia thou art Mithras, in Phrygia, Atys, and Libya bows down to thee as Ammon, and Phœnician Byblos as Adonis; thus the whole world adores thee under different names.'”

Everything in this physical universe comes from the non physical.; which is everywhere. In quantum physics it is described as a potentiality field of energy that is alive and reactive to thought. It has a form of intelligence. We can look at the great designs found in the natural world and it is obvious (at least it is to me) that it is manifest via intelligent design, not just random bits thrown together.

You might think of it as a source field of energy that contains all the blueprints for that which becomes physical. And I have heard that the akashic records reside in this place also. You might consider this first principle god or the gods. Whatever name you call it, it is a force with the power that creates universes. Then as it descends into physical matter, it manifests as the planetary bodies, the suns and stars, then (and this is according to writings I have read from a conversation between two scholars, one a high ranking Egyptian HP and another a greek philosopher). There is a kind of descending order as this energy moves from the eternal non physical into the etherical and then material realms or dimensions.

It is said after the heavenly bodies, comes the angels, then the daemons (in early writings the two names were actually interchangeable) then terrestrial daemons (advanced humans), then regular people. It was considered that the very high dimensional version of ourselves (we are an extension of this first principle 'body') is the perfected soul. We come from this life in eternity into the underworld or middle earth - physical reality – that is, being born, to live as incarnated beings. Physical reality was considered the dark underworld and we wander this labyrinth, in pursuit of TRUTH.

In ancient Europe depictions of the labyrinth are found even today all over the place, inscribed in stone. This is the meaning.

Serapis is the Adversary of the labyrinth in his 'dark' aspect. Remember too, he was recognized as a god of the underworld. The underworld is the labyrinth, this physical middle earth. Full of false trails and (spiritual) darkness, wherein we wander in search of truth.

Adversary in the Septuagint translated to diablos. Greek: one who puts (obstacle, something) across the path of another.

Sounds negative however, we need resistance, adversity to test ourselves against. This is the positive aspect of 'throwing something across the path of another', and this was the function Serapis fulfilled in His minotaur aspect in the labyrinth.

We're not all 'equal'. We exist on a spectrum. There is always someone better, faster, smarter and stronger. But this isn't evil; its GOOD. The enemy preaches at us we are all 'equal'. Its just not true. Except perhaps, that those of us who possess a soul originate from the first principle.

It gives meaning to striving to improve oneself, a yardstick, someone, something to look up to, an example to emulate. If we're all 'equal' there is no more use to strive, is there? The thrill of the challenge is gone. Nothing left against which one can struggle and test themselves, no reason or incentive to grow to become the best versions of ourselves we can be (gods). This is the true nature for example, of the olympian games and sport. Not the inversion we see today, where men who could not compete against other men put on clown faces and pretend to be women in order to scoop the gold medals in women's sports.

Serapis, while they've tried to make Him fallen via this elaborate inversion of all He stood for and is, has never fallen. And is still there for us. This is the being I know as Satan.

The original being has nothing to do with christianity and is all about TRUTH. People who worship the satan of the bible are worshipping the enemy jesus/satan egregore, giving it their personal power. No wonder they're having negative fallout.

For example, advocating (like certain 'satanic' sects do) the ability to murder ones children as a human 'right' is absolutely against nature. The female instinct to 'mother' their children (defend and protect) is legendary. Think of a momma bear. There is a reason the enemy is making 'mother' (and father) dirty words now.

Anti offspring is anti nature and anti life, therefore against what is goodly and true, or what I have called primordial satanism. And when I say satanism, I'm thinking in terms of the journey through the labyrinth, in search of TRUTH, a spiritual transformation which can be symbolized, for example, in the transformation of a caterpillar to butterfly. It is about finding ones true self and LIVING it. The enemy of humanity wants to destroy all truth, corrupt, pollute and invert it.

They made adversary a dirty word but think:

Think of a person born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Given everything, forgiven everything, provided with everything, all with zero effort or striving on their part. And what does this produce?

An immature, self centred fool, a childlike human, one who has never known adversity.

It is through adversity, through struggle, deprivation, pain and overcoming our shortcomings, through striving to prevail, by which we find out what we're made of. Adversity and the triumph over it awaken the spirit, stir the soul. The human who does not go through this process never matures. They're a caterpillar who had their cocoon cut off for them. They're crippled, never able to transform into the form they were always meant to become. A butterfly never able to fly. Crippled.
This is the function of the bible, of the monotheistic religions; to cripple us spiritually. We're NOT just physical beings; we're spiritual beings; multidimensional, we exist on many levels of reality simultaneously, able to perceive these other dimensions via the third eye.

The ash Wednesday ritual is a symbolic blinding of that third eye. They also put fluoride in our water, to calcify and blind it. This is not coincidence, but part of the trap and their plan for us.

Serapis's function in His symbolic minotaur aspect was to place difficulties in our path in order to help us to grow strong, to become adults. The jesus version of Him is the opposite. And so too, is the 'dark Lord' of the bible, who will give a person power, but through bending the knee, worshipping Him. And this is borrowed power. Meaning in the end, it can be removed as easily as it was bestowed and is therefore false. Ie: not TRUE.

There is a description of a statue to Serapis, in the Seraphium, this particular one (of several) is described as being made of a single emerald (makes me think immediately of the emerald tablets of Thoth and of the green man) but at any rate, this piece of art was 13 feet tall and resided in a labyrinth.

Meaning of the Labyrinth:
Labyrinths were symbolic of the lower world through which our souls wander seeking for Truth, but the way is twisty and confusing. It takes learned skills to be able to navigate this confusing place. In this labyrinth the lower form of the soul, the 'animal' man (meaning man in physical form) dwells. We (the eternal soul) descend from the First Principle (the eternal intelligence) and become material. The 'animal' form merely means the temple of that soul incarnate in the physical. It is not a slur. The enemy inverted this meaning and turned us all into 'cattle', beasts in human form.

And of course, when we consider the labyrinth, we consider also the dweller in the labyrinth, the minotaur. The minotaur is symbolic of the perfected soul (human in form - man) enmeshed in the physical symbolized with the bulls head. The bull headed man (minotaur) is the Tryer or Adversary (Serapis) who tests the souls of men seeking union with the gods (First Principle).

Serapis was a much respected ancient Greco-Egyptian God. The farmer ETs and their hybrid slaves appropriated one of His names (adversary), qualities, functions, attributes, weaponized them against us. That is to say, when they invented the monotheistic religions, they stole what already existed and inverted it. Why? Because it's far, far more powerful to take something strong in our hearts and minds and poison it, weaponize it, adapt it to their purposes and then use that against us. The monotheistic religions were created as a soul and mind poison, a trap designed to conceal the TRUTH, among other functions.

The original Serapis, in His 'dark' form as of the adversary in the labyrinth gave us something to try ourselves against, in order to force us to fight, to stretch our muscles and become strong.

The christianized reflection, jesus, is the polar opposite (inverted), a weakling teaching people to love their enemies.

They used Serapis to also create the christian Satan. I would add here that the christian satan is the entity the JoS is worshipping, and why there is so much negative fallout for members there. Occult scholars know the biblical jesus and satan are in fact one. Like a janus head, they have two faces: one dark and the other light. None of this is original. It was all appropriated from a pagan god who is the opposite: a beneficial helper to humanity, a wise being, a DAEMON.
The biblical satan and jesus came from something real, but inverted and twisted. This is one of the hallmarks of the enemy. They take truth and twist it. The biblical Satan and Jesus are created thoughtforms people are tricked into worshipping; they are not the real thing but inverted reflections.

The real thing is that WE are meant to become the gods. We were tricked into handing our power away to their thoughtforms. And through this controlled opposition, through giving our worship to these entities, we've been feeding the enemy thoughtforms, till they have now taken on a life of their own in the astral. But it is not a real being, not one of us, an ensouled entity who was born. It was never born, never lived, never died. It is a twisted, inverted pale reflection, facsimile of the real being. But it is a lie and a snare. It's not TRUTH.

The true being, Serapis, has nothing to do with this, is NOT christian and exists as Himself, apart from this bible fiction.

He was then, is now and shall have no end, meaning, He is a being (like us), ensouled (my wisdom is not separate from my heart) a physical manifestation of the First Principle (eternity – no end), Teacher and One Who Points the Way. He is a creator and a destroyer. Old ways are torn down to make something new and better. In the symbolic minotaur form He gives us the adversary, meaning adversity against which we test ourselves.

In the inner temple (remember, our physical bodies are the temple), symbolically described by a journey through the dark of the underworld (the labyrinth) we reach centre, whereupon Serapis transforms (like a butterfly) into a being of pure beauty and light; one who then dispenses (has access to) information, truth and wisdom. A Daemon. A wise being. I have said before Daemon is a title, a function.

We are the infant form of this; the terrestrial Daemons. The enemy inverted this as well, creating 'demons', evil beings out to steal our souls, the most evil of all of them being the biblical satan...'father of lies' fact Serapis assists us in finding our true selves (reconnection with our soul), as we wander this labyrinth (lower world – middle earth – this physical plane), searching for TRUTH.

This is why the church teaches people they're literally BORN 'sinners'....we, our DNA, carries a link. A link the enemy of humanity does not possess. Also the 'sin' is rebelling against their control, desiring to be free and sovereign. They want to 'save' us...from ourselves!

But there is a kernel of truth in this lie. We are BORN as an infant aspect of the greater whole (First Principle), and THEY are the ones who are WITHOUT.

Apis was Osiris incarnate in the sacred bull. Apis was the sacred 'bull' of Egypt. It's speculated they used this deity to symbolize the soul of the world (anima mundi). 'Anima' – animal. The material body of nature is also called Apis. Material - physical incarnation. We're born and have all the functions an animal possesses; the ability to love, to feel pain and fear, depression, joy....the need to eat, etc. The minotaur – a man (human) with a bull (animal) head. Symbolizing the soul enmeshed with the physical. Which exits or escapes the physical body at the moment of death.

This soul was also designated Serapis. Which would make sense, as we are all from the same First Principle. We are the little acorns compared to the oak which is Serapis, but we are related in this aspect. The human body is the ultimate temple for our souls – it possesses all the microcosm of the macrocosm.

As above, so below. We are connected.

Modern egyptologists will say Aphis is merely a name given to a dead animal but this really is a denigration of the wisdom they possessed back then and I feel, an obfuscation.

Serapis is a name for the SUN because His image so often is depicted with a halo of light around His head. And like I was writing about, sun symbology was appropriated and inverted against us.

Other meanings include the sacred bull, the soul of osiris, sacred serpent.

Lion faced light power:

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Wisdom of the serpent, power of a lion combined with the sun, the moon and the stars. In other words, all that we perceive to be this physical universe and the intelligence, the power that created it.

Serapis's qualities, attributes, appropriated.

One does not become an advanced person just by asking. There are tests, trials. Tests of ones morality, tests of strength – of the mind and heart. Of ones courage. Ones who pass through the labyrinth emerge from 'darkness' (ignorance) into 'light' (knowingness – knowledge). They emerge into the innermost chambers (symbolizing the true connection is found WITHIN), where they encounter Serapis. Which is also another name for our SOUL.

He was a living example of an elevated soul of wisdom connected to a heart of understanding. It takes empathy to be able to have true understanding, the ability to put oneself into the shoes of another, and thereby know them. As souls enmeshed in the physical, who seek this elevation we all become like Serapis.

The bull power is appropriated:
Papal 'bulls'
directives published as law by the vatican.

Financial districts of the world symbolized by a bull. This powerful symbol appropriated to symbolize our financial economic enslavement into their Babylonian money magic system, debt slavery.

Lion (of the tribe of judah):
The lion power of Serapis (gentile god) appropriated.

The Good Shepard:
Appropriated. The minotaur functioned via guiding people to an awakening within through testing themselves and struggling. Inverted into we are sheep in want of a master. No struggle jesus will do all the thinking and the leading for us.

The bright morning star:
Appropriated. Serapis helped point the way, like the star of the morning. To the TRUE way (not their way which is spiritual slavery) which is discovering and owning our sovereignty and reconnecting to our souls consciously - that god within - which is the REAL truth (not the bible truth) and TRUE life (not spiritual death).

Individual sovereignty:
Appropriated and inverted into divine 'right' to rule over us (be a 'sovereign') bestowed upon an elite group of hybrids by their 'god'.

Who is behind the seat of this negative spiritual influence? I say they come from without. Literally, from another dimension or universe. They are not us. But they think they own us.

Our spirituality was hijacked; our history obfuscated. Just as they demolished Serapis's temples and image.

The Pharoh Ptolemy had a dream in which Serapis came to him and asked him to move his statue from Sinope and bring it to Alexandria. Agents of the Pharoh were sent to Sinope. They stole the statue and brought it to Alexandria. The cover story was the statue came to life and boarded the ship prepared for Him all by Himself.

It was installed at the Seraphium in Athens, where it remained for several hundreds of years. Eventually what happened was the christians burned and looted Serapis's temple. And worse still, they 'resurrected' him as the biblical jesus and satan.

Theodosis (christian) in AD 385 issued his edict (De Idolo Serapidis Diruendo) and sent armed soldiers to the Seraphium to destroy His likeness. It's said that at first the men were afraid to try to hurt the statue, eventually overcoming their fear. But when one of the men took his axe to it, it (the mans axe) shattered into bits and sparks flew from it. I'm guessing demolishing this thing must have been difficult. But eventually they managed the job, and then, just to complete their blasphemy, sacked the entire Seraphium and burned the library, which was said to be magnificent. Just as Caesar in 48 BC did to the library of Alexandria.

In both cases, I would wager they removed everything valuable first, THEN burned the rest as a cover for the theft. And that this valuable treasure trove of history and knowledge is preserved to this day in the vaults of the Vatican.

Clement of Alexandria describes a statue of Serapis made of gold, silver, lead, tin, sapphires, hematites, topazes and emeralds. These ingredients were ground down and mixed with coloring matter left over from the funeral of Osiris and Apis - reference to the ritual of the drowning of the Apis (symbolic bull of Osiris) that they did every 25 years – the result was an indigo colored statue. That deep electric blue is one of this being I know as Satan's energetic colors. His energy signature is a deep blue.

Several ancient authors have affirmed that Serapis was a name for the sun because his image so often had a halo of light around the head.

Birth into the physical world is death in the fuller sense of the word, according to ancient scholars. The true birth is the spiritual soul of man rising out of the fleshly nature. The soul is dead that slumbers.
Water is a symbol of this transitory illusionary physical manifestation.

The perfect soul stands on the bank of the river styx, passing from life into death, the non physical into the physical. It sees its reflection in the moving waters, imperfect and changeable, and mistakes this for itself.

This is not the true essence. It is a reflection of the true reality only. The reality we come from is a place outside of time, in eternity, from the first principle, that massive all pervading force field, the zero point energy field, the source field, the power that fathers universes and all we understand to be of the physical ensouled biological universe, that exists in physical reality.

This reflection, nevertheless, is a captivating image for the soul. It may, like narcissus, fall in love with this thing it sees, embrace it as if it were the real thing, and therby lose itself and 'die' a spiritual death, being swept away in the dream of the flesh, forgetting who and what it truly is, which is a part of that immutable eternal force of creation. We contain the essence within of this force, which functions as a lifeline back to it, like a spaceman has a line to ground control. It speaks to us in our dreams, via intuition, through synchronicities, coincidences, in visions and sudden senses of knowingness that is beyond the usual way of knowing things.

In this physical world where the spiritual is disdained, where commercialism and getting a buck and being a star, being flawless, being an idol is adored and pursued as if it had any meaning or purpose at all, is illusion, illusion we fall in love with. But it has no reality or substance.

And we are on a spiritual quest for truth, substance.

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Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko333
Posts: 599
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:21 am

Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by Don Danko333 »

The situation is your going to have address this being by Serapis or Osiris the Satan title connects to the Klipothic demon who rules Thaumiel the twin of god, god being Christ-yahweh. I already went through this in the JoS with the Enki stuff. People would try and contact Enki as Satan and you just get the Judeo-Christian Klipothic demon god. In time Enki just disappeared and it was all Satan all the time. Because of that the energy everyone was connecting into was Satan and that's what they get. The fucking devil itself. I don't believe in the reptilian stuff that is Icke's add in onto Sitchin's misinfo. But It does not matter you get the Satan that everyone knows as Satan the biblical devil egregore.

I would suggest removing the symbol of the T4S which is just the logo of Mamba's grifting hustle which ties into the infernal current of Judeo-Christianity. And why not replace it with the flower of life that is the oldest known symbol of Osiris.

Anyway thank you for the article.
Don Danko333
Posts: 599
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:21 am

Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by Don Danko333 »

This might be over a lot of peoples heads and usually as its esoteric and requires a certain level of spiritual awareness and teaching. In the gospels Satan represents the darkness within the soul of the individual and the negativity and limitations of the human condition that includes the grave. Christ represents the principal of the inner light that removes the inner darkness and manifests the internal spiritual light that allows one to ascend past the human condition and escape the limitations, suffering and death of the human condition. This is mystical teaching personified into a drama with characters representing the principals. People learn better that way.

This is done by an inner practice the mystical schools of the Greeks and Egyptians taught. This was translated into Christianity by the Essenes and other Hellenized Jewish groups in Alexandria. But is now lost in its meaning and turned into a cosmic drama of real players that have taken on a life of their own. But the energy fields are still manifesting into the positive and negative polarities due to thousands of years of association.
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Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Egyptian mystical texts mention the activation of the place more popularly known as the Ajna chakra creates the energy they called Chrism [Christ] this energy or inner light creates an internal transformation of which the Ba, Ka and some texts mention Khat are untied into the Ankh or Aku body which is called the reborn Osiris. The Osiris column is the spinal pillar. The Egyptians stated the fire up the spine is used to open the eye of Osiris which then releases the Chrism. The Egyptians and Greeks called the sushumna nadi the holy reed. The letters of the Roman Emperor Hadrian state the followers of Serapis [Osiris] were called the Christini [Christians] and the leadership was called the Bishop's of Christos [Osiris]. Christian in the pagan world is the follower of Osiris. Who was called Karast, Kristos, Krist, Christ.

The Hellenized Jews of Alexandria stated they took their Jewish Jesus from Osiris and rewrote the initiation drama's into a Hellenized Jewish context for their own ethnic mystery tradition in Alexandria this later became the source of Catholicism.
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Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by Don Danko333 »

Did you hear that its the sound of Nick who reads and trolls these forums throwing his 'My Little Pony' collection against the wall in a mindless rage. As he pounds his wimpy fist on his computer table that is clopped the fuck out totality and demanding his minion brony the crackhead named 'cumdump' troll this forum now high as fuck on crack or not.
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Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“The Hellenized Jews of Alexandria stated they took their Jewish Jesus from Osiris and rewrote the initiation drama's into a Hellenized Jewish context for their own ethnic mystery tradition in Alexandria this later became the source of Catholicism.”

Thanks for this confirmation Don, I did not find this myself yet.

"Did you hear that its the sound of Nick who reads and trolls these forums throwing his 'My Little Pony' collection against the wall in a mindless rage. As he pounds his wimpy fist on his computer table that is clopped the fuck out totality and demanding his minion brony the crackhead named 'cumdump' troll this forum now high as fuck on crack or not."

Yes indeed, just had one here posting spam. 7 spams in 5 minutes. Somebody doesn't like us being free to talk here.

“The Egyptians stated the fire up the spine is used to open the eye of Osiris which then releases the Chrism.”

I wanted to comment that back when I was around 14 years old, I had a 'paranormal' experience that triggered that fire up the spine. And it literally does feel like a blowtorch when it shoots out the top of the head (crown).
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by LockyMoth »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:07 pm “The Hellenized Jews of Alexandria stated they took their Jewish Jesus from Osiris and rewrote the initiation drama's into a Hellenized Jewish context for their own ethnic mystery tradition in Alexandria this later became the source of Catholicism.”

Thanks for this confirmation Don, I did not find this myself yet.

"Did you hear that its the sound of Nick who reads and trolls these forums throwing his 'My Little Pony' collection against the wall in a mindless rage. As he pounds his wimpy fist on his computer table that is clopped the fuck out totality and demanding his minion brony the crackhead named 'cumdump' troll this forum now high as fuck on crack or not."

Yes indeed, just had one here posting spam. 7 spams in 5 minutes. Somebody doesn't like us being free to talk here.

“The Egyptians stated the fire up the spine is used to open the eye of Osiris which then releases the Chrism.”

I wanted to comment that back when I was around 14 years old, I had a 'paranormal' experience that triggered that fire up the spine. And it literally does feel like a blowtorch when it shoots out the top of the head (crown).
Ya Nick and his spammers are coming up and showing their real face as they are not Satanic, they are mindless idiots and psychopaths working for Nick and his vicious agenda.

Related to the experience, I guess you had ascended your Kundalini somehow :)

Or, was it a contact with a Daemon?
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Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I'll describe it in full later but essentially I was being attacked by (something), got very angry at this thing trying to do this to me. Suddenly my feet felt like hot coals...and then the fire shot up my spine and out the top of my head like a blowtorch. I'd been frozen in fear and this freed me (able to move again). It is incredibly hot, like a blowtorch. Oh and sorry, I was actually around 24 years old, not 14. I was thinking of yet another paranormal incident that happened when I was 14. The two are related but different times and experiences. My bad.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by LockyMoth »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:24 pm I'll describe it in full later but essentially I was being attacked by (something), got very angry at this thing trying to do this to me. Suddenly my feet felt like hot coals...and then the fire shot up my spine and out the top of my head like a blowtorch. I'd been frozen in fear and this freed me (able to move again). It is incredibly hot, like a blowtorch. Oh and sorry, I was actually around 24 years old, not 14. I was thinking of yet another paranormal incident that happened when I was 14. The two are related but different times and experiences. My bad.
Ouch, I thought it was a positive experience. Waiting for it to be described in full detail.

Also, no problem, sometimes, things slip from my mind two and I mistype something :D.
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Re: Serapis/Satan

Post by Don Danko333 »

That information was in the book' Sons of God' by D.M. Murdock. Which was the major source book I used to write the articles on exposing the origins of Christianity. This was the first wave before the Catholic Church and why they are finding these older Christian gospels around Egypt.

The ancient Egyptian's practiced Kriya Yoga. I have seen this mentioned by Rosicrucian people they were sent to Egypt to learn the Cobra breath from the Sufi's who came from ancient Mendes in Egypt and Alexandria they created the Templar's. The actual Cobra breath is Kriya and this technique was used by the high level free Masons and Rosicrucian's. Its also used in India. The other technique that is from ancient Egypt was the Thoth meditation that Maxine stole from the book 'ancient teachings' by Douglas de Long and by stolen word for word stolen. That was taken from an older Rosicrucian mantra book from the early part of the 20th century. A lot of Maxine's early mantra techniques on opening the chakra's are from Douglas de Long's book including the concept of opening the charka's themselves. I have seen in ancient Greek magical texts they did use THOTH as a magical chant. Its the vox magica name for the Theta letter. The Egyptians put a lot of importance on the Theta letter.
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