Praise to Lilith

Celeste AikoGal
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Praise to Lilith

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

She can look like a dark heavy energy, but she is a very caring mother towards those who need it. She comes into people's lives when they are in a risky situation on feel in crisis. She has a powerful way to heal people and, give so much love to those she visits. She suffered as well in the beginning and understands human struggles, she often visits others suddenly, without asking. She has complex aspects, but she, in contrary of what some lhp person can say, can be very caring and loving towards her people. She wants her people to stand for themselves right like her, since she is a symbol of freedom and liberation. If you're a Lilith's follower, study her so you can know and get in tune with all her aspects. Lilith for me incarnates freedom and the Force of Darkness, which brings healing and brings to Light. I really don't work with her, i thanked her sometimes for some things and i know so much hearing experiences how she is caring. When i thanked her, i felt a welcoming energy. As said before, she is a complex Deity but, people don't often talk how caring she can be. This post is also again a thank to her for I know what. She can bring healing to victims and help them self love and help with traumas so with a lot of shadow work, even if it can be not for newbies. I am happy there is a Deity like her, that suddenly appears to humans in their most risky moments or when they feel bad.

Hail Lilith, Queen of Darkness!
Don Danko333
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by Don Danko333 »

First your condemning Klipothic demons for being no good and dark Christianity now your praising one of the most dangerous and destructive of them as something positive...

That demon is a highly dangerous and toxic vampire.
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by Don Danko333 »

But then again its obvious Satan wants to destroy the JoS and since its the leader of Demons I would guess the Demons want it gone. But then again Demons can't be trusted just look around at the LHP and the never ending human trauma and wreckage on it. That's the Demonic current. Demons just lie and attempt to use and lose you. Suicide and drug abuse is what Demons bring people. They are not Pagan Gods.
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by Don Danko333 »

16 years of the LHP and working for the largest LHP organization online that the Christian spirit Satan sent me to. That's it, people go insane, they go to psych wards they kill themselves, become drug addicted. Their entire lives fall apart. Demons just manipulate people and ruin them for fun. Fucking Demon's what are you going to do.

Its like that kid that bought the Mogwai from the weird Chinese wizard dude. And look what happens, Mogwai means devil in Mandarin. Well here it was some weird KFC lady in Tulsa.
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by Meteor »

I have much to thank her for. Praise be to Mother Lilith.
I'll never forget the self-love she taught me. Sometimes, a change in perspective is all it takes to transform a personal hell into a paradise. Hang-ups be damned.
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Don Danko333 wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 8:01 am First your condemning Klipothic demons for being no good and dark Christianity now your praising one of the most dangerous and destructive of them as something positive...

That demon is a highly dangerous and toxic vampire.
She is not Qliphothic since she originates from pagan religions with Lily, Ardat-Lili, Lalita, Lamashtu, Lilitu names here there are so many resources and infos about her
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by Meteor »

Don Danko333 wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 8:11 am 16 years of the LHP and working for the largest LHP organization online that the Christian spirit Satan sent me to. That's it, people go insane, they go to psych wards they kill themselves, become drug addicted. Their entire lives fall apart. Demons just manipulate people and ruin them for fun. Fucking Demon's what are you going to do.

Its like that kid that bought the Mogwai from the weird Chinese wizard dude. And look what happens, Mogwai means devil in Mandarin. Well here it was some weird KFC lady in Tulsa.
Correlation ≠ Causation.

Consider for a moment. What kind of person decides to work with demons?
A Satanist, of course.
Then, what kind of person is a Satanist?

Demons needn't be blamed for the mistakes of their lost children. These people do what they do because they were broken by a cruel system. Demons merely teach them how to break it: they teach occult knowledge, which can transform people's hearts and minds. To use this for one's betterment, is ultimately up to the individual.

It's not always the parent's fault if a child does not grow up completely healthily. The demons I've known are loving and understanding despite that.
At least they have the decency to reach out to those who were abandoned by the RHP. The same cannot be said for many humans.
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

The Vesica Piscis and Duat

In ancient Egypt Duat was the name they gave to refer to the realm of the dead. It is the realm of Osiris (Serapis).

This 'underworld' is the labyrinth. It is this physical earth reality. We are incarnated here (in the labyrinth) and wander in (spiritual) darkness, searching for truth. When one reaches the center of the labyrinth (symbolizing reaching ones individual spiritual center), one encounters (consciously) ones own soul. So its a conscious union with the highest version of ones self (ones soul), while still in the physical.

I think this triggers all the dormant DNA and we completely awaken to full consciousness wherein we are able to completely connect to the First Principle (in which the blueprint of the soul resides – in non physical eternity), the power to create universes, power of a god. So it is about becoming a god in ones own right.

The ancient Egyptians referred to perfected consciousness as the equipped spirit. They taught the purpose of life was to attain this. A spirit who is thus equipped has the ability to navigate eternity, like a bird.

The original tibetan teachings (book of the dead) were also about achieving this kind of super consciousness; what they spent their lives on in their temples. It was dreamwork/meditation. They were striving for the same thing. Mastering perfect consciousness (ie: maintaining fully aware waking consciousness as one moves out of the physical) as prelude to the main event, which would be when one physically crosses over. Which is an extended out of body experience. This is what the Tibetan book of the dead details; what to expect, what to do, what not to do; its a map for navigation of this very different realm of reality.


Greco/Egyptian: Serapis/Asar Hapi:
God of water and fertility. Apis is the name of Osiris in its Egyptian form. Apis-Osiris:

"the great god, Khent, Amentet, the lord of life forever,"
(text from the18th Dynasty).

Quotation from Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma:

“Thee,' says Martianus Capella, in his hymn to the Sun, 'dwellers on the Nile adore as Serapis, and Memphis worships as Osiris: in the sacred rites of Persia thou art Mithras, in Phrygia, Atys, and Libya bows down to thee as Ammon, and Phœnician Byblos as Adonis; thus the whole world adores thee under different names.'”

Isis was considered his female counterpart or his wife. She is first mentioned in the Old Kingdom ( 2686 – 2181 BC). Divine feminine. Maternal powers, protection and nourishment, nurturing of the young. She helps to restore a persons soul to wholeness.

She is a creator goddess. She has a warlike aspect; imagine a storm at sea, the power of the primal elements unleashed. She possesses great magical power and the power of transformation. She is connected to rain, which the Egyptians called the nile in the sky.

Mesopotamian (7-5th millennium BC) female deity (the only names for Her I could find were Akkadian (2334–2154 BC): Liluis, Lilu). This goddess encompasses all the same qualities as Isis, and I do think they are likely the same being just different names in different times and regions. Mesopotamia was a region in southwestern Asia believed to be where the worlds earliest civilization originated. She shows up in cuneiform texts from Sumer, Assyria, Babylonia, Akkadian. Scholars believe she is referenced therein as a 'spirit'.

And how does an extra-dimensional being come here? In spirit. In their etherial form, able to materialize yes, but the natural form is more non physical, or higher dimensional. To us, non physical.

Mesopotamia comes from the greek, meaning 'between rivers'. Referring to the land between the tigris and the euphrates rivers. Its influence extended throughout what we now think of as the middle east, as far as Egypt and the mediterranean.

I find this interesting when one considers her consort, Osiris (Serapis), one of His titles is 'The One Who Greens the Two Banks'. There would have been two banks also, for a land between rivers.

Some scholars have claimed Liluis, Lilu is related to the hebrew name: Lilith. Turns out they aren't.

It's worth noting recent scholars dispute the relevance of the source of the idea that the Akkadian lilu has any connection to the jewish lilith. The idea they were the same first came about because of the Arslan Tash Amulets (500 BCE).

Akkadian (2334 years before christ) is a lot older than 500 BCE (before the common era).

These amulets - limestone plaques – were discovered in 1933. Some scholars accepted them as evidence of a pre-jewish source for the name Lilith. They felt these proved the name already existed in the seventh century BC. But Torczyner in 1947 identified that in fact this was not so and that Lilith (the name) has a jewish source. The Sumerian Gilgamesh fragment, also purported to prove an earlier lilith, has scant proof, if any. So Lilu and Lilith are NOT the same being.

And I think this is accurate because the negative, inverted appropriated version (lilith) does not have any connection to the older original deity, except She was the source they drew on to create their egrigore. I have said it before and I'll say it again; the beings behind this deception can't create and these egrigores have a lot of power when appropriated from something real as opposed to being created out of wholecloth.

Remember, one of the hallmarks of the deceivers is that they take what's ours, appropriate it and then invert it. So the female figure of fertility and abundance, of life became a demonic soul sucking life draining vampiric entity that is a thought form. However, it's been given so much energy, it's attained a kind of 'life' of its own in the astral, just like the biblical satan and jesus have.

I was not aware till recently that Lilith is actually jewish.

Now, before you get upset finding out that the name lilith is jewish, think on this:

Don recently wrote:

“Something that is well known among the high ranking occult community those who want to work with higher beings and spirits. If your a fucking total piece of shit like Nick or Lydia they will not give you the time of day. Higher realm beings are people too and don't waste their time on absolute fucking criminals and pieces of shit like those people. That also means Sitardass aka 'cumdump' the crackhead and Sly Shit eater the meth freak.”

This is true but I feel it also goes the other way too. People who are decent and trying to connect to the true goddess of fertility, life force, motherhood and magical power, I think even if they got the name wrong, because they are decent they end up connecting to the true being.

Everything is about energy and intention. Higher realm beings are going to 'hear' you if you are goodly and true, and respond. And if you are a POS....they won't, and because those peoples energy and intention is corrupt, they attract the egrigore. Which would explain why celeste and meteor had positive experiences.

(* note: I have thought long on this concept for years, if one is doing good works (mistakenly) in the name of an evil entity, does it accept these 'offerings'? And on the other hand, if one is doing evil (mistakenly) in the name of a good higher realm being, does it accept these? Or is it more likely that evil deeds (under whatever name) the evil entity takes as its due, and vice versa? And then there can be other mitigating factors too, of which we haven't knowledge of. I just want to be clear I'm not trying to imply that because don experienced negativity, that he is a bad person. Because I don't think he is. I think this is a complicated thing; it may be sometimes good entity's stand back and allow one to (metaphorically speaking) burn their hand on the stove; a child who has done so will never make that mistake again. A good parent knows bubble wrapping their child isn't going to help them in the long term; people have to learn for themselves. I'm not trying to say I know it all. I'm on a learning path too, looking for truth in this labyrinth. And if I discover information that changes what I thought I knew before, I'm willing to learn and revise my opinions and beliefs. What I thought I knew a few years ago, I have learned otherwise, today, for example. Its a constant thing, digging for little nuggets of gold (truth) and incorporating them into the puzzle, trying to form the big picture, trying to learn.)

The demon lilith is first mentioned in jewish mythology sources from around 500 BCE onwards. So what this is telling us is that the original goddess was indeed, appropriated.

They also used her to play the role of first wife to Adam. Why? It would provide this Adam with legitimacy, wouldn't it?

She failed to obey him.....and so was thrown out of the garden of eden, according to their bible. As such she (the original – but inverted) became the first she-demon. Sexually wanton, stealing babies in the darkness.

An inversion.

The female sex produces life, not steals it. It is a positive force, not some 'night hag'. How does one produce children? Through the act of intercourse between a male and a female. Sex. So sex itself was demonized. This is anti-life. Interesting then, isn't it, to consider that christianity required monks (in service to christ) and the nuns too, be celibate. And what did that produce? Well, people have sex drives. Nuns got raped, altar boys got raped. So it produced the violation of the female sex and also paedophilia as side effects of this anti-life stance. And what do we see today? The attempt to make male sex (father) and female sex (mother) dirty words. They want to get rid of husband and wife, and replace them with 'spouse' and 'partner' suit their 'religion' of inclusion, equality and sameness. When people are all individuals. NOT the same. So its an inversion. We also see rampant attempts to sexualize children and legalize paedophilia. So this anti life stance produces perversion and degeneracy, when the original god and goddess produced life and goodly things.

What I'm getting to here is that, just as Serapis was appropriated and inverted, so too was the original goddess of fertility, life force, motherhood and magical power.

Which is what the original deity is and represents.

Osiris (Serapis) is the god of fertility and life (greening), She (Isis, Lilu) is the female counterpart. It's necessary, in order for balance, that there be a female and a male (sex) energy. She is the feminine aspect of the power of creation; mother goddess of creation, life, the divine feminine, fertility, transformation and action. She is the spark that animates and activates. She opens/provides the path to a new life. What is more magical than a new life?

This holds true in the microcosm in the sense that each human holds both energies in different quantities and each expresses it individually, and also in the macrocosm, the production of new life (offspring). You need both sexes or energies (male and female) to complete the transformation.

The lily is one of this goddesses symbols. The greeks thought of the lily as a symbol of sexuality. The long pistol of the flower suggesting the phallus and the pollen symbolizing fertility.

The lily additionally represents freedom to be ourselves, as well as empowering others to be also.

Isis_Lilu_sm.jpg (172.83 KiB) Viewed 476 times

When I was creating portraits of the gods and goddesses She came to me and I asked Her for information in order to make a good picture. For the next three days I was getting information coming at me like mad. One thing She told me:

“The Vesica Piscis is one of my principal symbols”

The space where the god and goddess intersect forms the shape of the yoni (vagina) split by the winding waterway, that milky fluid (semen), from which new life emerges. Creation, the power of transformation (fire) and the eternally unfolding power of life itself are attributes of the great mother Goddess. The Vesica Piscis is the germinating seed that produces the flower of life, which has a history of thousands of years and easily predates virtually all major religions of the current era.

The flower of life is the oldest known symbol of Osiris (thank you Don for that).

The Duat was considered a divine portal from one state to another. The God of the Duat is Osiris, also known as Serapis, Adversary of The Labyrinth. The duat IS the labyrinth. The symbol of the duat is a star inside a circle. The star is the symbolic blueprint for man. One head, two arms, two legs, emerging from the portal (vagina) symbolized by the vesica piscis, into the physical (duat).

Leonardo da Vinci The Vitruvian Man.jpg
Leonardo da Vinci The Vitruvian Man.jpg (131.86 KiB) Viewed 476 times

She also communicated:

“I am the goddess of deathless renewal and transformation. Through me all life springs. I am the force of creation; the power that creates life. I am present in the dawns light, the warmth of the spring. I am the Goddess of the hidden circle. I come to you as rain breaks on the desert when every flower springs to life.”

This song makes me think of Her:

“The flower of life is a geometrical shape composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles arranged in a flower like pattern with six fold symmetry like a hexagon. The perfect form, proportion and harmony of the FOL has been known to philosophers, architects and artist around the world.”

from ... d-geometry

It is considered sacred geometry depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. It is the visual expression of the connections of life that run through all sentient beings and is also believed to contain the blueprints of all living things.

“The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest known examples of the Flower of Life. These are at least over 6,000 years old and may date back to as long ago as 10,500 B.C. or earlier. It appears that it had not been carved into the granite and instead may have been burned into the granite or somehow drawn on it with incredible precision.”


Temple of Osiris at Abydos.jpg
Temple of Osiris at Abydos.jpg (110.15 KiB) Viewed 476 times

Other examples can be found in Phoenician, Assyrian, Indian, Asian, Middle Eastern, and medieval art.

In olden traditions the supreme being was shown symbolically as a circle, having no beginning nor end, entire and complete unto itself, perfectly formed. The addition of a second sphere represents the expansion into duality (as Thoth has taught this is universal law – everything exists in duality). Unity expressed by the law of duality, equal yet opposite combined.

The enemy wants to obliterate duality, make everyone 'equal' and the same.

In this case the union (where the circles overlap) of the god and goddess form a child of that union (man), another complete being unto itself. The miracle of life. Where the two spheres overlap symbolizes the portal from which new life emerges, result of divine union. Yes, this can literally symbolize the birth of a new life (as in a baby) but this also symbolizes something deeper: The path to a NEW life (eternal life).

Inscribed on the walls of tombs in the valley of the kings in upper Egypt:

“Build on the ground a perfect copy of the hidden circle of the Duat. Know it and through that knowledge, you may hope for eternity.”
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by Invictus »

Having learned under Lilith for some years new I can say that from my experience Lilith has always been a very patient goddess, in the sense that she was always there for the long haul, and by that i mean she was there from the start and guided me throughout my journey and appeared at key points in my life to direct me to certain places where needed to be while teaching me important lessons anytime she came into my life from the begin to the final climax the same as Satan.

She thought me a lot about the dark side of the soul the Yin Feminine energy and how to work with it to accomplish my goals and desires and have always been very caring and protective of me which often reminds me of the rune Bjarkan.

But i have also seen what happens to people who practice all sorts of corrupted practices and who worshiped her as hebrew deity and worked with others who're like that.
Rather amusingly enough there were some of them who believed they could hide from such a goddess.

Those people are considered utter trash by Lilith from what i've seen and they always meet disaster.
Last edited by Invictus on Fri May 05, 2023 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Praise to Lilith

Post by Invictus »

Don Danko333 wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:24 pm Satan in his infernal form appears with heavy black and red energy. Those who have summoned and worked with Moloch the other ruler of the Klipothic realm state he appears with black energy and rules Saturn. All the Klipothic demons are Saturnian and their sigils and energies show this. Lilith's sigil is the symbol of Saturn with the black moon, Azazel's symbol is also of Saturn. Moloch was worshipped as Saturn. Satan is an old Phoenician name for Saturn. Samael is given the planet of Saturn with some Mar's energies. The LHP is Saturn and Martian in western occultism. Saturn is considered a totality malefic planet and Mars a highly malefic planet.
Yes Lilith's sigil is the astrological symbol for Saturn.

Well i'm posting this here to add to HP.Zola's historical synopsis of Liltih.

Saturn if often 'misunderstood', This planet plays a very important role in everyone's life because it's alchemically tied to our root chakra.
The root chakra is responsible for a lot of things some of which are survival and grounding to reality.
It's where the serpent of Satan resides, at the bottom of deep dark watery abyss aka the Root chakra.
It is the source of 'Raw' energy prior to being alchemically transformed by the Sacral chakra into usable energy stored in our Solar chakra.

Like Hp.Zola mentioned 1 of her symbols is Vesica Piscis, the latter part of the name being derived from the zodiac sign Pisces - Mutable Water.
But it's more than just that, Lilith has always felt like a maternal figure to me from her nurturing, protective and caring nature, which is symbolic of the zodiac sign Cancer - Cardinal water, Natural ruler of the 4th house which rules the family and one's mother.
Her sigil as previously stated is the symbol of Saturn, which is the planet that represents Death.
This is symbolic of the zodiac sign Scorpio - Fixed Water.
Scorpio is the sign of Death and Rebirth, aka transformation.

She is also a goddess that is known for Sexual freedom and Liberation, which again ties into the root chakra and Saturn, Sex/Six(Saturn's number).
This is also seen in the flower of life gematrical pattern from the above synopsis which has 6 petals, 6 is also seen in the cube, which has 6 sides and can be perfectly packed spatially with no space left over.
The cube has always been related to Saturn as it ties into the material aspect of life.

Another thing people often over look when it comes to the planet Saturn, is justice.
Lilith is also god that dispenses justice.

Where as heaven is known as a place up above hell is known as a place down below where the guilty are punished, Heaven and Hell are allegories for the crown chakra and root chakra.
The afterlife has always been an ancient pagan concept, especially in ancient Egypt where the dead were judged by Ma'at.
The Greeks have Tartarus the deepest darkest place in the underworld where the worse criminals go ruled by the god Hades, the Norse have the underworld Hel which is ruled by the goddess Hel and the Mesopotamians have the underworld called Kor, ruled by the goddess Eriskegal.

It's a place where the dead go and are punished for their crimes, the rulers of those places always had a 'infernal/abyssal' nature to them, just as Lilith.
infernal/abyssal relating to the root.

To add to my previous post, like i said there were a lot of those jewish/hebrew occultists that slander Lilith in some very disgusting ways, foolishly believing that they're above consequences, but like i also said, Lilith is a very patient goddess and they always meet their inescapable fate that delivers justice.
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