The Wisdom of Thoth

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The Wisdom of Thoth

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Hermes or Thoth, teaches

“"O people of the earth, men born and made of the elements, but with the spirit of the Divine Man within you, rise from your sleep of ignorance!”

When we are arisen in the flesh, we are of the lower worlds of 'darkness'. The idea of darkness in the biblical sense is a place of punishment for sinners. But this is an inversion.

The 'darkness' is a spiritual dark. It is the labyrinth. The great majority of incarnated souls down here in this (physical) dimension literally live their lives as sleepwalkers; this is something I observed first hand as a dream yogin. I worked for over a decade, applying myself in a very dedicated manner night after night, striving to remember my dreams and as my recall grew, I eventually spontaneously and naturally one evening in the midst of a 'dream' awakened.

Becoming lucid, I was in sheer wonderment because while I could recognize I was not 'in Kansas anymore' that is, in the 'normal' waking world, it was obvious that this dimension, though a wholly separate place from the waking world we all know and exist in, nevertheless possesses its own external reality; that is, is not 'imagination' or flight of fancy. It is real and substantial, as 'real' as the waking world is real.

The realization was such a shock it immediately thrust me into wakefulness again, booted me right back out of that place. I found myself back in my bed. And so, having attained for a moment that condition of wakefulness the mission changed for me. For years before this I had striven to recall my dreams, but now, the goal was to attain awareness, lucidity, that wakefulness. Having achieved it, to hold onto it and then consciously explore these other dimensions. And so this became the focus.

Till I'd reached the point where I could maintain that wakefulness as my spirit, that animating force left the physical body frozen its healing trance for the night (which we call sleeping), and go out and about, investigating and exploring.

One thing I discovered and at the time I didn't that there are cities and realms of places full of people who are just as they are (more or less) in the waking world. Sleepwalkers. They were unable to perceive, it was like they were sleepwalking their daily routine, they believed themselves to be in the waking world. And so they went about their daily 'lives', rushing to get to work, for example, all just as it is in the waking world. And it was like I was the ghost in this machine.

Oh yes, there were the dreamwalkers who were more akin to me in the sense they were ensouled beings like me, could perceive me, were as I was, that is, ensouled and in the physical but travelling consciously.

There was an area where we gathered as students to listen to the masters speak and to learn. I spent many years attending classes with others like myself there, as a student.

The other people who inhabited these realms – I discovered these consisted of the souls of both those still incarnate but also the souls of the dead. And this multitude (for the most part) are sleeping. But, it is the time now of awakening. People are waking up.

The milky way is the seed ground of souls; from it they drop into the rings, to the milky way they return from the wheels of saturn.

This physical universe, the milky way of which we are a part is a physical and organic universe; it sprang from the first principle, the zero point energy field, that which exists in eternity and does not incarnate as we do for it is immovable and immobile. It permeates the universe, all that is physical springs from this god power which is in itself an intelligence. It is not an intelligence such as we possess; it is something greater. The universe was first thought into being, conceived inside this great infinite mind, and it became a 'word'...that is, it moved down into the astral realms, where it began to take on form, and then further down still, till it materialized into the generated universe of things, of the material, and became a 'word'. That is, an utterance.

Something that comes forth into the material and physical realms and is given a 'voice'. In order to have a voice one must have a physical body. The tongue, the teeth, the lips, the physical vessel to create an utterance.

It descends from a realm apart, a realm of fixed stars, that is, from the first essence, that primal source field of all potentiality in the act of becoming, expressed as an intelligence and also as the celestial spheres. The sun, moons and stars, planets, that travel in their fixed courses. These are pure expressions. And yes they also possess a form of consciousness, progenitor of the physical realm. Where it is still a united consciousness like a great crystal. And as light (animating life force) is passed through a crystal, as it descends it is broken into 'rings' of different vibrations (color). the pure spirit of divine essence descends through these 'rings', or chakras, into the physical.

In order to utter a sound, you need a physical mouth, tongue, lips, etc. A physical body. Breath. To be able to breathe. At that place, the word (creation) exists. You manifest things (create) in the physical.

Someone in the 18th century went to tibet and observed monks using great horns in a certain pattern to levitate a massive block of stone. This is an 'utterance'...a voice, a 'word'. And it held the power to transmute and move matter. And so it is with us. Names have power. Vibrations have power. We are in a universe that is all energy and vibration. Tesla said in order to understand the universe to think in terms of energy and vibration. This is what we are.

The seven rings is perhaps, an allegory for the seven 'rings' of 'power'...the seven chakras and the life force or kundalini that ascends these to unite consciously with the divinity within. We possess a natural birthright blood link. We are ensouled beings, connected via the heart. Wisdom connected to the heart allows us empathy to be able to discern true from false, right from wrong. It shows us what is true and goodly (godly), and what is not.

The darkness below that Thoth refers to is the being ensouled in the physical, in this earthly sphere. Down here in the flesh we exist in spiritual darkness. Our charge is to find our connection, that light, to learn the keys to the mysteries and then to pass them on so that others may also be uplifted and then uplift others in their turn. This is what Satan/Serapis is meaning when he says the purpose of existence is to advance the soul and make the universe a better place.

I realize many have a problem with the fact that the being we know as Satan was originally Serapis. Satan is a name, a title, a label that means Adversary. This is one of Serapis's functions; He is the Adversary of the Labyrinth. When I was writing my story and I cast him in the role of the villain, He had no problem coming to me and telling me you will not cast me in that role; nuke that and I'll give you real things to write about. He knows I've been thinking of Him, talking to Him and calling Him Satan, yet has not come to me to say don't call me that. Yet He had no problem coming to me to tell me don't you write that about me. Satan is another name for Adversary. And Serapis IS the Adversary. Of the Labyrinth.

I remember well a lecture regarding labels I attended given by a Daemon, one of the masters who said:

“Until humanity loses the labels, they will never be free.”

A name is a label. It's not the essence, the frequency. Essence or frequency is true and cannot be altered, no matter what name you call it. It's a true thing. The magnetic field of a being does not lie.

And this is the heart of it; a magnetic field is true. No matter what name we give it. It is what it is. If it is inherently goodly, then it simply IS. By whatever name. They aren't as interested in labels as we are, but in what is TRUE. By whatever name you give it. Goodly beings will not answer or help those who are not of their resonance.

Make the universe a better place by living and breathing what is goodly and true. It's the gift we're expected to pay forward. This doesn't take anything away from us; rather, it purifies us and strengthens our personal magnetic field. When one of us advances and transcends, it has a ripple effect. Others are also uplifted, humanity itself is advanced. That's the reason we're here. To make the universe a better place.

And so anybody telling you to worship yourself, but ONLY yourself, who thinks its perfectly fine and justifiable to disregard the soul and blood right in other humans, who thinks its perfectly fine to abuse and use others for all they have and are, is nothing more than a pimp and a parasite. They have forfeited their souls. They aren't Satanist's, because Satan abhors parasites. These, whether they began as an ensouled being or no, have forfeited their soul and are headed for the outer darkness; the final death. They're not of the goodly and true way.

They aren't about truth. They're the opposite. They've become a pale reflection of the enemy of humanity. They looked too long into the abyss and became that which they profess to hate. They aren't Satanists, they're pretenders. The real true being whom we know as Satan (Serapis) is about life. Not death. About creation, not parasitism.

What we are witnessing right now is a war on consciousness, because the first principle begins as thought. Non physical that then manifests into physical reality. Whoever controls our thoughts controls US. We create the universe, the world they want, etc.

You are a sleeping giant. Arise from your sleep of ignorance.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: The Wisdom of Thoth

Post by LockyMoth »

It is true that we as humans are "sleeping giants". Waking up from ignorance always fills up the hole of unknowleadgability that we are having because of the mainstream Xian / Enemy propagandism.

For ages, Toth has been the Giver and River of Knowledge to Humanity. A perfect example for this statements are the tablets of Thoth, the Emerald Tablets to be more specific.

The tablets have fallen in the region not far from the establishment of the Yezidi Satan worshipers in Irak.

Images below:



Also, besides your findings about darkness and its unfortunate but expected inversion by the Enemy of Humanity, I want to add that "Darkness is Light turned inside out".

The "Darkness is Light turned inside out" statement bears a very allegorical sense, in which the "Light" representing knowledge and evolution and the East, enters our minds and bodies through Darkness which is associated with the occult and the North.

So, we are learning and obtaining knowledge, the real one through the occult. Both Darkness and Light in this allegorical meaning are living in a balanced ecosystem.

You can't reach light while staying in Darkness and without entering a bit of Darkness you can't have the real Light.

Another important note is that the North is both where the Star of Satan / Serapis resides and also where mind workings, everything related to occult knowledge should be realized for very strong and important results.


Harriet Tubman, an Alfro American activist used the North to free the slaves that wanted to escape from the abusive slave owners in South America.

Just another example of how the North and "Darkness" don't mean bad things like Xianity and the Enemy of Humanity says it means. Instead, it means the path of eliberation, manifestation, acknowledgement, evolution and of significant transformation.

Ave Toth, Ave Satanas / Serapis
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