For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

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For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by LockyMoth »

So, it recently came to my attention through Discord and mail notifications of a topic made by the now banned user eternal with the title "Understanding Discernment".

At first I thought that that topic would contain either spam or something informative if the odds were good but it turned out to be a very sick pornographic like collection of male medical problems.

For the one who sent this right after I posted in Celeste's topic about Satanism and that it doesn't have place for cowardness, I have a message for you, the troll who read my message in that topic:

You can simply fuck off already as regardless of the diatribe you are spamming here and showing the nature od disgusted pro Hebrew worshipping, RTR practicing idiots it is simple as that that you are not going to stop me from posting here and make a good contribution into the occult world. Red Dawn / Saxon you, who has proven to be the greatest Scorpiceres and backstabber ever has shown that you are on the side of the Jewish people, spreading pro RTR nonsense and degenerate like porn.

Everyone should understand that you have lost anything you could ever think of in terms of acceptability and I know, for some reason that trolls will come in to this topic but I will say it loud and clear:

The era of doppelganging, betrayal, slander about Satan and the Gods has come to an end. I am against the JoS and all of its sick tactics including degenerates like Saxon / Red Dawn, the biggest RTR worshippers and Cobra fanatics who act like the church bell hit their head. For those who escape the JoS I can only say EXTREME CONGRATULATIONS AND FELICITATIONS to them. Escape the JoS, the one who is ruled by Cobra this days as the misery behind Cobra's coming up for power is unimaginably dark and large. Those who escape, blessed they shall be by me and eventually I will work with all my time and being to help people to get rid of the cult mentality Cobra has instilled on them.

Red Dawn / Saxon, the era of Cobra who is only your boss mines not of anybody (except for those who are sadly still under his control), well, the era of Cobra is over and the reign of the Nordics and the other races Satan has created (Black and Asian). The reign shall continue of he Nordics in the New Era where Cobra the Jew / Zionists will be held accountable for their crimes.

This is not a threat, it us a statement. I will work 24/7 with my own energy and being to help all the people who want to escape from Cobra.

Blessed be all of us who eventually choose the path of Truth, the path of Satan and Mother Lilith @Celeste AikoGal and @Meteor.

And trust me, when all of a sudden you feel that something has thorn, in fact, a new Era was born.

Peace be in the Light of Serapis!
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Being a Satanist also means this. In life, satanists often got hated and got often judged for what they are. Let this be clear, this happens to non-satanists as well, but I mean that satanists are 99% of times being oppressed for their way of being by external forces. This means you are doing your work really well and Satan is with you. But when the Satanist awakens to dharma, things start getting lighty, you get more harmonius and people will see this light in you. They will notice your positive energy, because you are enhancing your aura and/or chakras. As you wrote in a sermon, having a healthy lifestyle makes the aura stronger. These people are empty, or better saying don't know that they can create everything themselves, but funnily they can easily create negative energies and inflict them on others. Having power is a double-edged sword and, power without knowledge which is power itself is lack of power. Keep going. No one mentally sane has to lose their sanity for someone insane. Stand for yourself always. They aare all bark no bite. Blessings for all the satanists here and every person that wants to keep their humanity alive.

Hail Satan/Lucifer!
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by LockyMoth »

@ternale I have read your message.

Please reply back to me as you have said cheers in an email sent to me but I don't know who you are.

Thanks and I know you will see this
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by LockyMoth »

@ternale I have replied to your email.

Please send an answer.
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by ternal3 »

LockyMoth wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:07 pm @ternale I have replied to your email.

Please send an answer.
i would love to but its impossible for me to not be banned and my account be deleted
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by LockyMoth »

ternal3 wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:30 pm
LockyMoth wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:07 pm @ternale I have replied to your email.

Please send an answer.
i would love to but its impossible for me to not be banned and my account be deleted

I sent you an answer on email on the address you have made, please check.
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"i would love to but its impossible for me to not be banned and my account be deleted"

Why are you having this conversation here when you can e-mail each other? Privately?

Because its not about conversation, its about making a public spectacle, trying to manipulate peoples perceptions. That includes manipulating locky.

Playing to the audience to try (yet again) to make people think zola 'censoring' you for no reason. All I asked of you was to be decent and stop attacking others here. YOU made this into feel sorry for me folks, cuz I wuz banned....I'm a pooor victim!

Stop playing the victim like a jew. This is a very common pattern. Come in here and whine how he got himself deleted. For nothing, of course. Because he's COMPLETELY innocent :) LOL.

Just the fact you've returned three times now as the same name is another pattern. You're flouting the forum rules, insisting to be here after you were banned. You are banned for VERY good reasons. And yes, when I see you, you will be removed. Now GO AWAY.
Cease and desist.

I do not want criminals here.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by ernalet »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:26 pmWhy are you having this conversation here when you can e-mail each other? Privately?
because if lockymoth made this thread in private i wouldnt be able to see it
lockymoth made this thread in public
so i reply in public


and you ask me a question and ban my account so i cant reply
and you try to be sarcastic "Stop playing the victim like a jew. This is a very common pattern. Come in here and whine how he got himself deleted. For nothing, of course. Because he's COMPLETELY innocent :) LOL."
lol bad one zolajew
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"because if lockymoth made this thread in private i wouldnt be able to see it
lockymoth made this thread in public
so i reply in public


How disingenuous of you. If you truly wanted to respond to his post any fool can easily see he's got his e-mail plastered on his signature. You can't miss it. Talk to him there. You aren't welcome here; and that's YOUR fault. Not mine. Again; you are playing the victim, crying 'censorship'. REEEEE REEEEE REEEEEE


Resorting to the usual, tired, boring and completely untrue invective of labeling me a jew when I'm NOT and I've proved it (where's YOUR DNA test?), confirms you're the criminal who's been harassing me personally (calling me a jew is personal) and attempting to sabotage this forum for a long time. Your ban was and still is completely justified. And also, I point out that you are forcing yourself in here yet again. You have no respect, no morals, nothing positive to bring. You're like a bad date that won't take no for an answer. All you've accomplished with this moronic reply is to give everyone confirmation of that fact.

good one.

Cease and desist.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by bigtalklittlepenis »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 11:23 pm "because if lockymoth made this thread in private i wouldnt be able to see it
lockymoth made this thread in public
so i reply in public


How disingenuous of you. If you truly wanted to respond to his post any fool can easily see he's got his e-mail plastered on his signature. You can't miss it. Talk to him there. You aren't welcome here; and that's YOUR fault. Not mine. Again; you are playing the victim, crying 'censorship'. REEEEE REEEEE REEEEEE
"So, it recently came to my attention through Discord and mail notifications of a topic made by the now banned user eternal with the title "Understanding Discernment"."
this refers to me
in public
not in private

you call me disingenuous

youre so clever

i never said censorship clever zolajew