Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Don Danko333
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

Demons feed on the pranic body so this is not surprising these demons are energy vampires. This is class of entity the Daemon that in ancient Egypt was given to the infernal realm and Set who is the Egyptian god Saturn and the underworld something close to Pluto, ruled over. They are infernal's or Saturian's the archetype of the vampire is the Saturian archetype. Its no mistake all the people into demonism are obsessed with vampirism and write books on this and mention these entities give them instructions on vampirism. Because they are energy vampires this is why some of them want blood sacrifices of animals they feed on the pranic energy in the blood offering.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"they actually purposely hid the heart chakra and moved the location to hide this as the heart chakra is of the high importance."

Interesting indeed to contemplate that in light of how the hearts electromagnetic energy field is calculated to be around 5000 times greater than the brain with an electrical component 60 times greater....so its power isn't just uhm....symbolic and esoteric.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

I told this to Maxine its from the book by D.M Murdock I was studying to write my Origins of Christianity in Alexandria article in a conversation. She told me to keep this quiet and this is why Nick went into full tantrum mode and accused me of spreading Christianity by pointing out what is in mainstream scholar books.

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:46 am “Its known from the letter of the Roman Emperor Hadrian on his statements of his visit to Alexandria that the followers of Osiris were as he mentions called the 'Christini' and the bishops of Osiris where called the bishops of Christos. Christini is where Christian comes from. Iesus Kristos is the ancient name of Dionysus the I become a J in latter on languages. as well the IHS or IES of the Catholic church the Christ monogram is from actually Dionysus. The story of Jesus on the donkey and palm Sunday are also taken from the Dionysian religion.”

That's interesting; I saw another letter where (if memory serves me it was a pope) writing how they should build their churches over the temples (that they were destroying). And of course the church destroyed the Serapeum of Alexandria dedicated to Serapis. So while I know people here might have a knee jerk response to what you're saying, in regards the bishops of Osiris were called the Bishops of Christos.....this is something that predates the church (246-222 BC). They appropriated attributes and powers and then inverted them and weaponized them against the people.

This...how did you express it in another post...this christini....is the 'risen' aspect of the power of Serapis/Osiris and the adversary of the labyrinth is the 'dark' aspect. These were expressed symbolically as initiates were required to travel a literal dark labyrinth and when they gained the inner sanctum after facing many challenges, they found themselves in a large, well lit airy space facing a gorgeous massive statue depicting the risen man in light and splendour (serapis/osiris).
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

Braden wrote in one of his books they mapped the magnetic fields of the body the largest and most powerful is the magnetic field of the heart its the whole bodies field. It has secondary field the second largest of the body that interconnects into the magnetic field of the brain.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:54 am "they actually purposely hid the heart chakra and moved the location to hide this as the heart chakra is of the high importance."

Interesting indeed to contemplate that in light of how the hearts electromagnetic energy field is calculated to be around 5000 times greater than the brain with an electrical component 60 times greater....so its power isn't just uhm....symbolic and esoteric.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"Demons feed on the pranic body so this is not surprising these demons are energy vampires. This is class of entity the Daemon that in ancient Egypt was given to the infernal realm and Set who is the Egyptian god Saturn and the underworld something close to Pluto, ruled over. They are infernal's or Saturian's the archetype of the vampire is the Saturian archetype. Its no mistake all the people into demonism are obsessed with vampirism and write books on this and mention these entities give them instructions on vampirism. Because they are energy vampires this is why some of them want blood sacrifices of animals they feed on the pranic energy in the blood offering."

The church inverted the meaning of a wise being (like osiris/serapis living examples of what one could personally attain), beings with personal sovereignty over themselves and power. Which was what we were meant to rise to be. And inverted the meaning, and it was weaponized against humans.

The church created the adversary of man. ( 'satan' of the bible,) also the christ of the bible (when the original meaning was something else).
The church teamed up with the bad lower fourth dimensional entities - we see them depicted as gargoyles on churches. Demons (Daemon means wise being) are individuals. Some bad, others not. As the greeks said, we know what they are by their frequency. This is my understanding.

I agree the bad ones are energy vampires. definitely. And the ones who link into this energy become like them. vampires, energy vampires.
And, as its turning out, its not just a form of psychic looshing, but a literal blood drinking thing (adrenochrome).
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"I told this to Maxine its from the book by D.M Murdock I was studying to write my Origins of Christianity in Alexandria article in a conversation. She told me to keep this quiet and this is why Nick went into full tantrum mode and accused me of spreading Christianity by pointing out what is in mainstream scholar books."

Oooohhh.....yes. The kneejerk reaction is to go: Christianity! and reject because of this programming. And its the same when you think of the christians who go: Satanism! and reject. Its programming and controlled opposition.
but that's one thing the enemy of humanity is so good at, isn't it? programming people with garbage. Garbage in, garbage out. like a programmable 'animal'. as that harari guy (WEF) called us. he said:

hacking humanity.jpg
hacking humanity.jpg (152.17 KiB) Viewed 386 times

the original ancient wisdom teachings were all about us being free beings, not these monsters slaves.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Just wanted to touch on the rosy cross people briefly. They kept themselves from being infiltrated (I'm working on an article about this) and when they saw the masons being infiltrated they broke all contact.
They'd discovered a way to prolong life and this group survives to this day, working in the background to help keep the flame (of truth) alive. Their wisdom was from Thoth, Hermeticism. I do believe this is the same thing as the Osirian tradition. it's Egyptian and Hellenic information, as you say.
Just wanted to throw that out there as its interesting I think.

oh, and then theres this:

“There is no doubt that much of the material recorded in the first five books of the Old Testament is derived from the initiatory rituals of the Egyptian Mysteries. The priests of Isis were deeply versed in occult lore, and the Israelites during their captivity in Egypt learned from them many things concerning the significance of Divinity and the manner of worshiping It.”
Manly P Hall

I said this:
"This...how did you express it in another post...this christini....is the 'risen' aspect of the power of Serapis/Osiris and the adversary of the labyrinth is the 'dark' aspect. These were expressed symbolically as initiates were required to travel a literal dark labyrinth and when they gained the inner sanctum after facing many challenges, they found themselves in a large, well lit airy space facing a gorgeous massive statue depicting the risen man in light and splendour (serapis/osiris)."

But I forgot to add an important particular detail and it just came to me......
That particular statue, located as described above, in the labyrinth? I forgot to add the labyrinth was under the Serapeum of Alexandria. The statue was of heroic size (larger than life) and it was (or appeared to be) carved out of an emerald. So...a green man.

Also worth noting that green is the color of the heart chakra.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I was just going over your initial post again Don as its very information dense and I wanted to think on it....

It made me think of something that at the time it happened felt extremely significant. This was a long time ago and it was one of my near death encounters. I have experienced around...8 or so near death encounters. I forget how many. A LOT.

When this one happened I was very young, maybe 23 or so. It was a very hot day. I was out for a ride on my bike wearing daisy dukes, bikini top, and sneakers. Crossing from the curb to the island to hit the button to change the light so I could cross the main road. A man in a station wagon was about to make a right turn, focussing intently on the traffic coming over his left shoulder. As I passed in front of his vehicle, he hit the gas, failing to check the crosswalk before doing so and as this happened, everything kicked into extreme slow motion:

He struck me on my bike, knocked me flat over to the pavement. The fall felt like it was taking forever and I was frozen, watching the windshield going up, and up, and up....the car looming larger....larger...larger....till it overwhelmed me and I was suddenly under it, all the while as he was still looking over his left shoulder. His passenger (thank goodness she was there) slowly....slowly....raising her hands to her lips, eyes going wider....wider...opening her mouth to scream....a look of total horror on her face and then I was in the dark, under his car. He hit the brakes. The car stopped. The right side of my face pressed to the road, I was facing the left front tire. Another foot and he'd have crushed my head.

So now...that state of no time still upon me and I was, as I say, in the dark, under this vehicle....looking into the tire treads so close the tire was almost touching my nose. And there, caught in between two of the treads, hanging there right before my eyes was this luminous pure white stone that seemed to glow. Everything else was darkness, and this was the only thing that was light.

It was a perfect shape, so beautiful. It hung there in front of me like a full moon. And in that space of time it felt like a forbidding; like someone had thrown up a hand and halted the car, inches from crushing me.

I've never forgotten it. It was such a moment, in a frozen space between life and death, of no-time.

And then the man backed the car off me, I was able to get up (my legs shaking so bad I could hardly stand) and move off to the side, to the grassy curb, where I collapsed, unable to stand anymore. And the driver fled the scene, leaving me laying there on the grass.

But I was so glad to be alive, I barely noticed his departure. All I could see in my minds eye was that luminous white stone, hanging before my third eye, still hanging there, still with me. I can't explain how powerful that was. It felt unearthly. And it took awhile before I was able to stop shaking, get up and go home.

The other interesting thing was that I sustained zero injury; nothing broken, not even a bit of road rash. I was completely unharmed. Not even bruised, and not sore anywhere. Like nothing had happened.

The white stone of manna, manna being the lost word, mantra for the third eye, and this pure white stone was literally suspended before my third eye, like a moon in the sky. And it did in that moment, make me think of the moon. And it felt like a body, an embrace and a shield. It was so pure and white it seemed in that moment to contain real power, a spirit, it seemed to glow. It felt like a forbidding hand had been thrown up to halt the car, inches from crushing me.

And you're saying the mana rune means the moon, third eye ruled by the moon. so interesting. Because in that moment it did feel like a spirit intervened, stopped the inescapable death and the stone was symbol of the spirit.

And here I find it's symbol of Serapis/Osiris.

That is just.....wow.

I'm going to definitely try vibrating this mantra. Really glad you shared this information. Thank you.

This is how it looked:

the stone.jpg
the stone.jpg (137.68 KiB) Viewed 357 times
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“I note the demonic energy always attempt to block the heart chakra and this causes all kinds of problems including weakening the astral, pranic bodies and damping the clairvoyant abilities. It fucks a person over.”

VERY interesting in light of the fact of 'sudden death' now thanks to the killer jab-berwock, which is causing myocarditis...literally attacking the function of the heart. All kinds of young healthy people falling over dead and its the heart. Can that be coincidental? Doubt it. It's killing them physically....but it's also a spiritual attack.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Basilikum »

Don, can you please dedicate a post on how to connect to the true Pagan Gods? Thanks
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