The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

The Greeks made a distiction between the Eu Daemons and Kako Daemons. The good Daemons and bad Daemons.

oooh. thats it! yes. thank you. I just mentally broke it down to 'bad' and 'good'
the resonance frequency they give off
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by EnergyExpertise »

Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:16 am Johann Weyer's 1563 De Praestigiis Daemonum is the origin work for what became later the Lesser Key of Solomon or Goetia. He was a student of the leading occultist in Europe and stated in his own works these demonology texts come from early exorcism texts of Catholic priests from the medieval period and they do. The priests started to modify the rituals to force the demons to appear to then compel them to do their bidding. The Goetic demons are from medieval Catholic texts and rituals. These are not Pagan gods but infernal, lower order entities that have to be banished and exorcised from people. If you think Apollo, Athena or Zeus would show up to torment people and then be bossed around by a pedo priest in a dress with Christian magic then well your stupid. The medieval documents are also still in existence of these strange rituals Weyer writes on. You can find them on utube being discussed by scholars.

The situation is the Satan of Christianity is the demonic king Belial some know this and some don't I found this out by experience its also true if you work with Lucifer sooner or later the other one Belial shows up. This happened to myself years ago. If you want Satan you will get this Goetic demon. The demon king Belial and Lucifer are the two Satan's the Christian church mention by name as Satan. Satan is nothing but a title for either or of them.

I found from detoxing the demonic energy from my energy body it came out as black goop. The demon worker, Kendall has mentioned on his utube this black goop energy is the demonic energy within ones own energy body from working with them. This kind of energy is destructive energy and causes nothing but problems people with this kind of aura color end up having bad results in life. Including fatal problems in their life. Cat lady Maxine died in her late 50's and was constantly complaining she spent most of her time sick.

To note I noticed some of the trolls need to praise the vampire demon, Lilith. This entity just wears its followers like a glove puppet energetically and feeds on their pranic body and uses them to behave in ways to draw energy off others into its vampire energy jacket it places on them. I watched what one of these people the utuber Anima Noira looked like after leaving her pact with this entity she was drained and energetically was similar to a husk of straw. She went back to this entity and now complains she is only 35 and has health issues. This is common from this toxic demon it can also make people around the wearer sick as its a plague demon. Its toxic energy. Maxine was close to this demon from her constant statements on it.

The utuber Brooke Hellsing who is a demon worker stated she has been doing daily power meditations for nearly a decade for an hour or more daily and if she takes a day or few off her psychic abilities close down. This is due to the heavy demonic energy she is bogged down with on her energy field and body. This is causing her energy body to close off and the flow of pranic energy start to lessen this is dangerous as it shows major blockages starting to manifest fast that can cause health problems. This is common on that current and I dealt with this myself you have to do hours a day every day to push through and work to clean this energy off as much as possible. These demons also place direct and purposeful bindings and blockages in key area's of your energy body.

The goal of demons is to lower your vibration and feed off you energetically and force you into their service which amounts to vampirism. This is why so many people on the LHP are negative entities in human form and end up in bad situations in life.

You have to burn this garbage energy off you with spiritual practices and cut all cords connecting you to the demons and the current of demon nonsense. Then find something positive in life.
I have personally thought of LHP as being very nocive.

Btw, glad that you returned Don. You really are a person of culture I can say :).

What have you been doing in the meantime before returning to the forums?
Don Danko333
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by Don Danko333 »

The one I experienced to be a mixture of both celestial and infernal was Lucifer. He is however sideways in many ways.
Owen wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:49 am
Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:40 am Its your right to defend the Demons. I already stated what I have noticed on this Brooke individual. That interview in her place the heavy demonic energy was everywhere and it got thicker towards the altar space. It feels like the air is full of heavy ash. You could make the argument the Demons just don't like me but I have noticed the same from so many people from years of my experience in the JoS and from studying the over all LHP world. Its a repeating pattern of behavior of these entities.
Owen wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:09 am

Yes, have nothing against you Don. You're right melinda is a fake. She always criticised me too, the bitch. Whereas, brooke was thoughtful and sweet. I do think the demon gusion is helping her. As the demons are nothing like the fake archonic "angels." Sorry, if I'm coming across as boastful. It's just my passion for the demons.
I know you have stated that. But, I'm just disagreeing she looks happy in her life. Some demons can have a dark energy, but also can be very pleasant. I've seen this before. Some demons have light and dark energy. Just like us!
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by Don Danko333 »

I noticed from this Primal Craft and the Garret fellow as well both work with the Christian Satan [Belial] and they both commit animal sacrifice to this demon the blood offering it apparently demands. The Greek writings on the ancient Priest class of Egypt mention they were vegetarian and like something similar to a swami order you would note in the east. Same with the Greek's their adepts were vegetarians. Despite what was written and stated also by Mark Smith the actual adepts of the Goddess Hecate in ancient Greece were all vegetarians. It seems vegetarianism was a condition of these mystic schools same in India.

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:55 am The Greeks made a distiction between the Eu Daemons and Kako Daemons. The good Daemons and bad Daemons.

oooh. thats it! yes. thank you. I just mentally broke it down to 'bad' and 'good'
the resonance frequency they give off
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by Don Danko333 »

In the ancient Hellenic world the class of adepts called the Wiccani were followers of Hecate, Diana and Bacchus. They went on pilgrimages to temples to receive training in the esoteric knowledge and ascension teachings. They went through Italy, Greece to Egypt and in some cases all the way to India. This is were the term Witch comes from Wiccani. These orders of such regions were as mentioned what would be consider RHP by the western LHP people. The Greeks mentioned some of these people would live in special hermit caves and just practice special spiritual practices and the locals would give them food. You still can see this in India.
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by Owen »

EnergyExpertise wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:57 am
Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:16 am Johann Weyer's 1563 De Praestigiis Daemonum is the origin work for what became later the Lesser Key of Solomon or Goetia. He was a student of the leading occultist in Europe and stated in his own works these demonology texts come from early exorcism texts of Catholic priests from the medieval period and they do. The priests started to modify the rituals to force the demons to appear to then compel them to do their bidding. The Goetic demons are from medieval Catholic texts and rituals. These are not Pagan gods but infernal, lower order entities that have to be banished and exorcised from people. If you think Apollo, Athena or Zeus would show up to torment people and then be bossed around by a pedo priest in a dress with Christian magic then well your stupid. The medieval documents are also still in existence of these strange rituals Weyer writes on. You can find them on utube being discussed by scholars.

The situation is the Satan of Christianity is the demonic king Belial some know this and some don't I found this out by experience its also true if you work with Lucifer sooner or later the other one Belial shows up. This happened to myself years ago. If you want Satan you will get this Goetic demon. The demon king Belial and Lucifer are the two Satan's the Christian church mention by name as Satan. Satan is nothing but a title for either or of them.

I found from detoxing the demonic energy from my energy body it came out as black goop. The demon worker, Kendall has mentioned on his utube this black goop energy is the demonic energy within ones own energy body from working with them. This kind of energy is destructive energy and causes nothing but problems people with this kind of aura color end up having bad results in life. Including fatal problems in their life. Cat lady Maxine died in her late 50's and was constantly complaining she spent most of her time sick.

To note I noticed some of the trolls need to praise the vampire demon, Lilith. This entity just wears its followers like a glove puppet energetically and feeds on their pranic body and uses them to behave in ways to draw energy off others into its vampire energy jacket it places on them. I watched what one of these people the utuber Anima Noira looked like after leaving her pact with this entity she was drained and energetically was similar to a husk of straw. She went back to this entity and now complains she is only 35 and has health issues. This is common from this toxic demon it can also make people around the wearer sick as its a plague demon. Its toxic energy. Maxine was close to this demon from her constant statements on it.

The utuber Brooke Hellsing who is a demon worker stated she has been doing daily power meditations for nearly a decade for an hour or more daily and if she takes a day or few off her psychic abilities close down. This is due to the heavy demonic energy she is bogged down with on her energy field and body. This is causing her energy body to close off and the flow of pranic energy start to lessen this is dangerous as it shows major blockages starting to manifest fast that can cause health problems. This is common on that current and I dealt with this myself you have to do hours a day every day to push through and work to clean this energy off as much as possible. These demons also place direct and purposeful bindings and blockages in key area's of your energy body.

The goal of demons is to lower your vibration and feed off you energetically and force you into their service which amounts to vampirism. This is why so many people on the LHP are negative entities in human form and end up in bad situations in life.

You have to burn this garbage energy off you with spiritual practices and cut all cords connecting you to the demons and the current of demon nonsense. Then find something positive in life.
I have personally thought of LHP as being very nocive.

Btw, glad that you returned Don. You really are a person of culture I can say :).

What have you been doing in the meantime before returning to the forums?
Hmm, no it's not. It can be liberating. That's my opinion though.
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by Owen »

"The one I experienced to be a mixture of both celestial and infernal was Lucifer. He is however sideways in many ways."

Some demons are like that. Light and dark. It's not necessarily bad. I've been to the dark realms in my astral experiences, I've seen demons with dark like cloaks but he never attacked me. Also one as a middle Easterner with yellow goat eyes. He wasn't necessarily negative.
Don Danko333
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by Don Danko333 »

I note Steward who is a demonic spirit worker stated on her utube the bizarre and sad fate of her own mentor she started with he died very young she also mentioned this as common within this reality. She has also had a awful life herself. Bad energy. I noted this myself while on this current. In the long run the results are always negative. I had 16 to close to 17 years to experience and observe this.
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by Owen »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:08 am oh, forgot to say I also have nothing against you Don, and I also respect you (and you owen). Good to see you :)
Same here Zola! :) some people here who come on have different point of views and experiences. I can't really judge, but I disagree with some of the point views, about how the demons are these nordic beings it reminds me off the norse mythology gods. But don't me wrong some demons can have different forms like shape-shifting into other appearances. I've experienced some demons that where dark, but not threatening. Like the hooded figure demon that I saw. I'm not even joking. I was also in a dark realm that totally looked like an abyss. And also seeing that middle Easterner demon who had yellow goat eyes.
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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Post by Blaze »

Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:16 am Johann Weyer's 1563 De Praestigiis Daemonum is the origin work for what became later the Lesser Key of Solomon or Goetia. He was a student of the leading occultist in Europe and stated in his own works these demonology texts come from early exorcism texts of Catholic priests from the medieval period and they do. The priests started to modify the rituals to force the demons to appear to then compel them to do their bidding. The Goetic demons are from medieval Catholic texts and rituals. These are not Pagan gods but infernal, lower order entities that have to be banished and exorcised from people. If you think Apollo, Athena or Zeus would show up to torment people and then be bossed around by a pedo priest in a dress with Christian magic then well your stupid. The medieval documents are also still in existence of these strange rituals Weyer writes on. You can find them on utube being discussed by scholars.

The situation is the Satan of Christianity is the demonic king Belial some know this and some don't I found this out by experience its also true if you work with Lucifer sooner or later the other one Belial shows up. This happened to myself years ago. If you want Satan you will get this Goetic demon. The demon king Belial and Lucifer are the two Satan's the Christian church mention by name as Satan. Satan is nothing but a title for either or of them.

I found from detoxing the demonic energy from my energy body it came out as black goop. The demon worker, Kendall has mentioned on his utube this black goop energy is the demonic energy within ones own energy body from working with them. This kind of energy is destructive energy and causes nothing but problems people with this kind of aura color end up having bad results in life. Including fatal problems in their life. Cat lady Maxine died in her late 50's and was constantly complaining she spent most of her time sick.

To note I noticed some of the trolls need to praise the vampire demon, Lilith. This entity just wears its followers like a glove puppet energetically and feeds on their pranic body and uses them to behave in ways to draw energy off others into its vampire energy jacket it places on them. I watched what one of these people the utuber Anima Noira looked like after leaving her pact with this entity she was drained and energetically was similar to a husk of straw. She went back to this entity and now complains she is only 35 and has health issues. This is common from this toxic demon it can also make people around the wearer sick as its a plague demon. Its toxic energy. Maxine was close to this demon from her constant statements on it.

The utuber Brooke Hellsing who is a demon worker stated she has been doing daily power meditations for nearly a decade for an hour or more daily and if she takes a day or few off her psychic abilities close down. This is due to the heavy demonic energy she is bogged down with on her energy field and body. This is causing her energy body to close off and the flow of pranic energy start to lessen this is dangerous as it shows major blockages starting to manifest fast that can cause health problems. This is common on that current and I dealt with this myself you have to do hours a day every day to push through and work to clean this energy off as much as possible. These demons also place direct and purposeful bindings and blockages in key area's of your energy body.

The goal of demons is to lower your vibration and feed off you energetically and force you into their service which amounts to vampirism. This is why so many people on the LHP are negative entities in human form and end up in bad situations in life.

You have to burn this garbage energy off you with spiritual practices and cut all cords connecting you to the demons and the current of demon nonsense. Then find something positive in life.

Don, this message is to you, as I don't know how else to contact you. I'm not here to make a message to other people. I came to the JOS back in 2002, I have been apart since the very beginning. There are still some of us around, though not usually on forums. I know others in person. So this has been my life for a long ass time.

I don't agree with you on the final RTR being bad and other stuff. But I can't believe I am saying this. But it's not just me, the others I know agree. You are right about the Demons. We have experienced this all the years we have been apart of it. We have watched countless others experience it. Where members would try to go to the Pagan Gods, and get away from the negativity. We all summed it up to "Programming". That worked for a while, but after 20 years it's not holding as well.

I don't want any ill will with the JOS or Truth4Satan or anyone. I didn't come here to fight or bash. I just can't believe this is the case. Many are watching you silently. At first we thought you lost your mind or were a rabbi. But we can't play pretend that this black stuff isn't a thing anymore. Even Salem Burke said he could tell a Satanist by their black Aura. I would rather talk privately then here, but many of us are In shock right now, this has been our whole life. And we all agree you are right on this particular issue.

The thing that is interesting is this traitorous to say? Worship the Pagan Gods? Worst case scenario you just are slightly deluded in your knowledge? It's strange how it was always fought. "You are a coward if you worship Enki". It's SATAN!! Ok.....but he's also Enki? I could see if we were saying go worship christ, Satan bad. But go worship the Gods who are the Demons? Isn't it strange how it keeps you from worshiping the old gods? 🤔

And I know the name Satan is technically positive, the Satanama mantra all that. I'm not saying I fully understand it. But there is some heavy curses and thoughtforms going on here with Satanism. And if the answer is worship the Old Gods and fully side step it....why would it not be done immediately. We are...feeling rather stupid we went this long without figuring this out. I dunno if that makes you the bearer of truth and Cobra a jew ect ect. But we have to agree with you on this point.
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