Non Terrestrials/Multidimensionals

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Non Terrestrials/Multidimensionals

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Non Terrestrials

These are the beings some of you are used to calling 'the gods'. Wise beings. What that means to me is that they literally possess knowledge we don't have at this time. Daemons. It's a class of demons, I think. There are good ones (as in human friendly) and non human friendly (evil) ones.

The demons of yesterday are the non terrestrials of today. They are visitors from other places.
Other places in the galaxy, other dimensions, even other universes. They possess the ability to exist in multi dimensions simultaneously. They possess transdimensional technology. Meaning they utilize technology or even innate abilities (so non technological but innate and organic) to fold spacetime, travel, psi abilities etc. Their crafts run on zero point or other more advanced energy systems. There is for example, that video of the sun with a giant cube attached to it. I do feel this was kind of 'filling up' the tank. But even that is not a truly clean energy. I feel there's even better tech than that. There are many species of beings out there and also down here. Some (of whom I speak) possess higher levels of sophistication, subtlety, technology and awareness. They have their own minds, their own agendas. They're people. At the end of the day, they're people.

The light their technology (or even themselves) projects can be soft, other times it can be absolutely brilliant and you would think it ought to be blinding. I have seen this. I have experienced this. But it doesn't blind the eye. Which tells me it's on another level. It's a kind of astral light. A different frequency than our regular lights.
These beings and their technology present as spheres of light. I've personally seen them many, many times.

I even caught one on my cel phone camera last summer. Inside that light (smaller ones like, 7, 8 feet across) is an individual person.
I think they can also extend a piece of their awareness to perform a task across distance. And that might appear as a smaller one like the small one that I was facing when I almost was crushed under a car. I talked about that here:

Inside the big spheres of light are technology. Perhaps that glow of light around the big ones (I'm talking way bigger than even a passenger jet) is from the concentration of so many of these people, their combined auric fields. And I'm seeing the light astrally. Sometimes its hard to distinguish whats being seen with the physical eyes and with the one in the head (third eye).

My first conscious memory of interaction with these beings was when I was around 12 years old. All I know is what I've experienced firsthand. These spheres of light have appeared to me since I was a child. I detailed one such occurrence in another thread:

But I've also seen them as massive things in the sky. Hanging there, moving about. Stopping. Then starting up again. These are no helicopters. Not planes. They don't make any sound. As I said, I feel this is technology. But somehow sentient. At least, someone inside the technology is in telepathic contact and will react to thought.

Sometimes they show up just to make a point. For example, one fine summer evening I was sitting out on the rooftop patio with a guest, we were talking about these subjects. And I felt a pull, a presence coming from the west. I looked over and there hanging between two highrise kind of buildings, was what appeared to be a star. I thought: interesting. It feel like it's...aware of us. And then it began to move towards us. I pointed it out to my friend. He was like: WTF is that?!? When it got over our heads it pulsed with a brilliant light, many colors, then continued on into the east. Moving way too slow for a plane, not in any flight path they normally take around here and way too low. Oh, and completely soundless. Just proving my point, that there are these other groups of sentient beings.

There's many (at least there were, back till just a few years ago) species in this system. Again, I'm saying this from my own personal experiences. I've seen a LOT of craft in the sky over the last decades. I've seen them in the OBE lucid dreamwalking phases of my life when I was extremely active in this area, off and under the planets surface. There are (or were) MANY different types of craft/beings out there, in there, carrying many different species of intelligences. Non terrestrial craft, interdimensional craft. All kinds.

So some wonder are we alone, forsaken, in a cold and mechanistic void, an uncaring universe?

I really do think the answer is no. We are not alone. I know for a fact I've never been alone. Oh, there have been many low points in my life where I definitely FELT alone. But was I, really?

Each of us, our genetics came from somewhere. From someone.
We carry the genetics of many different starfaring races here on this planet. This is why we look so different, why we have different races of human here. Because we ARE different. This is not 'racist' to say. It's merely a fact. The enemy of humanity tries to tell us we're not, that we're all the same...all 'equal'. It's not true though. Don't let this lead you into the whole tribal thing. I'm not saying one is 'better' than another. Merely different.

If we knew we were different, well then, the natural thing would be to begin to question how this could be, where did we come from? Who are our ancestors? Which is a topic they'd (enemy of humanity) not like us to be on.

We've been isolated down here a long time. And what's one of the first things an abuser does to the victim? They isolate that person, make them think they're alone. That's done on purpose. It's kind of like a wolf pack will take down an individual buffalo. But they steer clear of the herd. When one is isolated, one is vulnerable. That's all. And fear is a lower form of frequency. Makes people easier to bind, to control. It's a proven fact it makes people stupider. Again, if the ones in control have got nefarious plans and agendas in their little minds, its to their advantage to keep us in the dark and feed us shit. Which they are now literally trying to do. Feeding us bugs! Or trying to. Leo zagami had an interesting observation about that. He said it was a kind of magic. To try to make us more like them, you are what you eat, being the maxim. Something like that, and he referenced bugs in pre history and their importance then. Theres an agenda behind it, is what I'm trying to say. That has nothing to do with 'saving' the planet and being 'green'. I think its more about feeding us garbage to lower us.

This is the thing. There are countless races or species out there. It boils down to two camps. One is service to others. This means having a heart, empathy. The ability to love, sharing information (information is power). Its the high frequency group.

The other camp are the service only to self, no empathy, no understanding or consideration, its all about what you can get out of others. it's about hate. It's power over (hoarding information), it's parasitism.

Both kinds interface with us down here. The negatives are predators, parasites, not human friendly.
The positive's are in a higher state of consciousness and interact in a way that exhibits this. They'll try to show you things; help you open your consciousness, awareness to other possibilities and dimensions, because we also are multi dimensional in our natural state.

We are also fractals of a greater power, the one that creates universes. It's all about expansion. Creation is expansion. Its fruitfulness, life. That which creates is not cold and mechanistic.

The enemy of humanity, the negative ones, are about scarcity, subtraction and death.

Like the nonsense about how there are too many people on this planet. It wouldn't be a problem if we could access better technology, be able to use the land. For example something like 78% of the land in Canada is 'crown' land. Meaning we can't live on it, utilize it or benefit in any way from it. Which is total BS. (hoarding a natural resource). They (enemy of humanity) are all about problem reaction solution. They create the problem, and they have their 'solution' all ready to impose on us when we react.

I feel ensouled humanity, we DO have guides. When I say ensouled humanity, I'm talking those of us who were born of a mother and father, who possess a soul. Not the programmable biological entities, or clones. The NPC's.

Who are these wise beings who have a personal interest? Well....I think it's somebody related to us. Like perhaps a member of our (extended) family. Who else would have the motivation to even care? Some being from another solar system not in any way related to us, why should they bother? Why would they want to? If they're advanced as in of the positive orientation, they might simply try to help, but not necessarily in a personal way.

I'm not including them in this. I'm talking about a guide. A guide, being personally interested, has a different motivation than a race trying out of empathy and kindness to help another race in another system. A guide (to me) is personal. Somebody in some manner related to you, with a personal connection.

I'm talking love or family connections. We are a fractal of a larger whole when it comes to our racial connections and even if we're kept ignorant about those ties and connections, they are not. So family as in our racial roots. Also family from this place (terrestrial sphere).

In this place, humanity has been suppressed. In so many ways. Medical care and nutrition are two of the worst ways. And of course energy and technology. The technology the other civilizations, the ones existing beneath our feet and the ones over our heads, enjoy technology that is likely at least a thousand years ahead of ours, or even ten thousand. We are kept out of it with a purpose of course. To keep the surface people down, isolated and in a low frequency state. Easier to victimize and parasitize if you plan on keeping the surface as a kind of free range supermarket of resources.

Its interesting to contemplate that big corporations call the humans working for them 'human resources'.

When you're in the presence of a positive non terrestrial, you'll be like a tuning fork. In their field you'll start to resonate to their emanations. It raises your frequency. When our frequency is raised, this has a beneficial effect for all of us here, even the planet itself.

And since we are naturally multidimensional, we have many lifetimes all happening simultaneously (even if we don't consciously know it). Its possible some of the guides we have here could actually be other aspects of our self.

So I would say in response to what can we believe in then? Who will help us? I would say believe in yourself. And know also, you have family out there, people who love you, who have a personal connection and reason to want to help.

It may feel like you're totally alone at times, but know you are not. We have connections we don't even know about yet.

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Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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