Demons are GOOD

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Demons are GOOD

Post by Koko »

Demons are Good. Depending on how far you want to progress in life, they will support your efforts. Demons did a great deal of gestures for me in exchange for absolutely nothing other than their good will.
I had the privilege of seeing *some of them, an honour I will never forget and cherish and remember always. Through Satan they helped me and Satan Himself NEVER abandoned me in my times of need.

Recently Belphegor asked me to give up on all vices and weaknesses and to never be weak again in exchange for/to grant me a favour. Such love and parental care I can't compare with nothing. He asked me repeatedly TO PROMISE that I will keep my word and I DID with great effort despite all the pain and agony, I did. Days after to my great surprise, coincidentely, COBRA wrote a sermon about *the promises we make to the Gods...this restored my trust in him. We satanists are also connected.

Demons are good to us, they are our parents and friends, they want nothing but the best for us...To evolve, to meditate, to empower ourselves. Satanism is indeed NOT for everyone. I repeat, satanism is not for anyone. You need to proceed in undergoing serious pain and changes and long life transformations. Satanism is for the elites of the earth

Hail Satan Lucifer and his Demons Hail Belphegor
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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

The jos teaches ALL demons are good. That's not the case. And telling people they all are carries an inherent danger.

Long before I ever found the JoS, I was personally mentored for several years by a Santeria HP. He explained to me how there are good....AND bad demons. With him, I worked with demons. And it is true. Some good.....some NOT.

Don pointed out: The Greeks made a distinction between the Eu Daemons and Kako Daemons. The good Daemons and bad Daemons.
He also has posted:

"I have noticed for close to 17 years this includes being a High Priest in the largest Satanic community in online history. That most people go to shit on this current. This includes committing suicide, dying young, becoming physically unhealthily and developing mental health issues, drug addiction and other problems."

This isn't coming from a newbie. But someone with experience. I have also noticed people going to shit on that current. Losing everything, their home, job, friends, losing their minds. A lot of damage. And so I know the truth of what I speak. And of what Don is saying. He's telling the truth. He should know.

And therein lies the danger in this post. Encouraging newbies to go ahead and start trying to summon entities when they have zero experience and no discernment, no discretion, is reckless and dangerous. When they know nothing and no one to help dangerous. If you have had good experiences, I'm happy for you but don't naively promote cobra and the JoS dogma here.

Demons (the positive ones) can be our friends and guides but I do question this parental role you are assigning to them. A parent child relationship is one wherein one holds all the power and the other has none (the child).

True goodly beings want us to grow and evolve to be ADULTS.

Not perpetual children.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by Koko »

The x number of years as experience in any field does not impress me and should not impress anyone or be used as an argument to x issue.

What is good and what is bad?

Don's character is distrustful. I am not here to judge or claim the absolute truth about people from the Internet. However, he doesn't even trust himself. I am not even sure the one presented here as Don is the real Don, please, be kind and confirm for the members as he refused answering emails. Don intention is not growing closer to the GODS or defining the so called real pagan Gods of the *gentiles, rather he is here for defaming and betraying people he used to work with. Don refuses to acknowledge his own teachings who made so much sense he is now confused in his own statements while mentoring people into abyss. Superiority and self entitlement while providing zero value.

Demons are all good. Demons of Satan. We are also demons, mini demons. We, like them, are good or bad dependingNow there are mistakes on Jos as it's the work of human beings prone to mistakes. what is good for the Jews is bad for the gentiles and the other way around. Don forgot many things, even bringing a bad name to NS values or having nothing to do with satanism. RaceHas everything to do with satanism.

Why such a dignified and ancient God as Belphegor would be pictured on a toilet seat and advised by the jews rabbis to be invoked as such? A dispicable source is mocking this demon like many other demons of the pagans to sow distrust and distance. It's easy to see and observe things if one is being TOTALLY HONEST AND ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THINGS.

Thanks for the reply Zola.
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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by Owen »

I agree with what you’re saying. Yes, the demons are just like us in a way. I was basically saying that earlier. However, I don’t judge Don. But he probably doesn’t like me talking about some spiritual things he seems to disagree sometimes with me and that’s okay. But I have nothing against him.
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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by Koko »

Owen wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 2:02 am I agree with what you’re saying. Yes, the demons are just like us in a way. I was basically saying that earlier. However, I don’t judge Don. But he probably doesn’t like me talking about some spiritual things he seems to disagree sometimes with me and that’s okay. But I have nothing against him.
Yes, they are exactly like us because they are advanced human beings, and we are their descendents it is so easy to see this after interacting more with them.the fact that we are their descendants because they have zero to gain, they help because they care as we belong to them.

Don I suspect he a rebellious type who knows time will tell

wishing everyone the absolute best
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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“I am not here to judge or claim the absolute truth about people from the Internet.”

Oh yes you are. You said it yourself:

“The x number of years as experience in any field does not impress me.”

That is judging and you're talking out of your ass if you honestly think many years of experience doesn't mean anything. In any craft, there are people who have dedicated years and mastered a craft, and there are newbies. Apprentices. To say such a thing as that, that time and experience means nothing is simply foolish talk. You are being foolish.

"I am not even sure the one presented here as Don is the real Don"

I know for a fact he is the real Don. And no, I'm not going to post screenshots of private correspondences to 'prove' it. Also the fact is nobody talks like Don but Don. It's obviously the real person. So what you're doing is casting doubt and aspersions. I have to question the motive behind you coming in here to do that at this time.

"Demons are all good. Demons of Satan. We are also demons, mini demons. We, like them, are good or bad depending"

Yes. good OR bad. They are not all good. That is simply not true. The good beings, the good demons I have written just now about. In which I also answer what you are saying about how we are related to them. here:


Go there and read what I said.

“Don forgot many things, even bringing a bad name to NS values or having nothing to do with satanism. RaceHas everything to do with satanism.”

Don didn't 'forget' anything. He progressed to where what he thought was true he gained new information and clarity and is trying to pass that knowledge on, in order to help people. Unlike cobra, he actually cares about people. And I would add that this is the mark of one who is really advancing. What one once thought was true changes as one takes in more information. it's not a static thing. Dogma is static.

“RaceHas everything to do with satanism.”

This concept of race has everything to do with satanism is another JoS dogma. So is this we are the elite thing.

“Don I suspect he a rebellious type” 

really. Well, satan was also a rebel. Right?
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by Don Danko333 »

Kookoo no one is stopping you from bowing down and giving Nick your money, worshipping destructive demons and being silly. But why are you posting as Blaze on another thread stating the total opposite to everyone of what your stating here. And all within a single day.
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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by Owen »

Being rebellious is a satanic trait. Haha
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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by Blaze »

Oh this is what Don meant by me being kookoo haha. Apparently I'm everyone on the forum.

I didn't know there was two kinds of Daemons. I found this.

(Note: I have removed the link because it could very well contain malware. HPSzola)

I guess sure enough there is.

Really interesting. It's hard to admit being in the wrong for so long. Ofcourse they will all say, you must be a jew or traitor. Too bad there isn't open communication between both places, but then again who is left. With just Cobra, it doesn't even seem like there is a JOS.
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Re: Demons are GOOD

Post by Koko »

Anyway, I wanted to express my opinion based on first hand experiences in regards to the Satan's demons and my journey as a satanist for the past 7-8 years not that it's time so relevant but just saying
This is the best decision I ever took. This is the chance of my life to evolve into a better version of myself as a person. I value every day and I fight to reach my missions, patiently snd diligently.

I thank you for the opportunity to share and write here my inner thoughts but this will be the last time for me once again I am most grateful thank you so much.

Demons are good but like humans they could be 'bad' with some and good with others. For as long as you lack fundamental ETHICAL PRINCIPLES, don't expect demons to treat you otherwise. This is so important, look into the mirror with all due honestly before judging the Demons or saying that they are 'bad'...! And if they are so bad WHY ARE YOU STILL BREATHING NOW? You are still here typing! Do you think they lack power now? The power to smash you if they will?

A most important theme for everybody Ask yourself are you a good person and what does this emply
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