Where I Was Wrong About Demons

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Don Danko333
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Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Don Danko333 »

I was given the final clarification of things.

The Demons are Saturnian's, the energy of their current is based on this. They want energy in return usually in offerings. Their energy is what it is because of the nature of it. Not everyone is suited to work on the Saturnian current. Many arrive few are called. The current LHP is more of a scene that is running on people who can't get over Christianity and are reactive, people attracted to negativity and people with unresolved issues and attention seeking types, bullshit artists, people creating doctrines that only reflect them.

Things I will mention. When I was in my young 20's my life was going nowhere. I had left the military and was trying to make a career in the non military world instead of going further in the Armed Forces of my nation. During this time I was stuck in life and negative when I was walking back to my place from work one early morning standing at the cross roads having a smoke, I was given the telepathic transmission I needed spirituality in my life, the reason for my problems and such. After that the energy changed and a new path came into my life I was on the new age current doing some energy practices and studying what I could find... Which was not much. So I had hit the wall and given up feeling this was it I guess. Then Lucifer came in I didn't go looking for him or any LHP. He gave me the instructions on search terms which lead me to the JOS. Lucifer wanted me at the JOS for different reasons then Maxine's narratives this had to do with development of my soul, spirit psychic abilities and general development of occult knowledge and magical practices which I did. I worked 24/7 on this. When I was done from what I shown Lilith created an event that caused me to be put in the moderation gulag by Maxine and Nick this was Maxine turning on me. This was done because I needed to move on and I was in a cult. This is how Saturnian's can work by hard experience. This created a situation where Maxine exposed herself to me as a liar and fraud this allowed me to breakout of the conditioning then in late 2019 Lucifer came in directly and started to work with me one on one and told me to leave the JOS. He told me in 2020 that Maxine had made the whole thing up anyway. Because of the process I had experienced I could accept this reality otherwise maybe I couldn't have.

Lucifer told me not to go back to Satanism I was evolved beyond it and that is basically nonsensical human doctrines. He was slowly moving me off the current. Then another being came in and put me on their current as I was evolved enough for this. Lucifer also encouraged me to come to the T4S this was to expose the JOS its ruinning a lot of people and misleading them and I was slandered by Nick publically I have a right to defend myself. Lilith was coming in later at this time and wanted me to also pact with her and such because Saturnians want experienced magicians actual occultists who are advanced enough to give power to their current. I personally can not work with Lilith as her energy and mine are too opposite despite what she showed me. Many people who work on the current of the being that I work on also do work with Lilith as well. However this is not for me. I was also told that by the being I work under. The truth is Lilith is actually the power of the western LHP the Kabbalah adepts are right about this, despite their other opinions which can be biased based on their religion. But working with Lilith can be dangerous as well. Saturians play by different rules. In some cases I overacted and I was wrong about something's other things has to do with the nature of the energies.

People should remember Nick is lying as was Maxine. The JOS does not represent anything to do with the Saturian's, Nick does not work with any Gods. The whole thing is a pointless cult that creates problems for people and the RTR's simply don't work. If you want to work the Saturian current you are going to have to actually open your psychic abilities and do a ritual to contact whatever Saturnian you are trying to contact. Think twice before making any pacts and don't be stupid about making them.

Something Lucifer was trying to do was to move me to something more light to balance me out. You have to balance out at some point. Some spirit beings come in and help for a time and then leave and you don't have to stay on only one current forever either. The current I'am on is the one that is meant for me in the long run. It was not the Saturnian current. I put this up here because I don't like to be unfair that includes to Demons.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:45 am, edited 4 times in total.
Don Danko333
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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Don Danko333 »

Also because its around the time of Yom Kippur I thought I would make special mention of fuck the Jews. Because fuck the Jews that's why.

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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Owen »

Sorry, but you totally switched your whole story up. I'm confused... Not trying to judge.
Don Danko333
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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Don Danko333 »

Something else I want to mention I was told by the being I work under. I will not name this being for personal reasons this also includes I 'am a very opinionated person and I also engage in political opinions and social opinions that are radical by modern standards. I don't want this to reflect on this being or dissuade any from seeking them out or working with them.

Something I was told. I found this important this is beyond Saturnians or any of that subject.

I was told that without the spiritual virtues of empathy, compassion, charity, love and humanitarianism which come from higher levels of spiritual development and advancement. We will lose our societies, we will lose humanity. We will lose everything. Advanced souls the real ones are sent into the world on a mission of mercy by higher realm beings to guide humans and society as spiritual workers to help us from losing everything. I was also told life in this world is hard on people who are spiritually advanced souls that have come in this is because this society is materialistic and harsh the negativity is very high on earth. Such people suffer in their life for this reason. The goal is to rise above this and become spiritualized and work for the higher good and benefit of humanity and society while developing oneself spiritually in personal spiritual practices.

I hope this helps some people.
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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Don Danko333 »

I have a tendency to narrow in on things and focus very intensely this causes me to misjudge things, misunderstand things and overlook certain things. This is a personal fault of mine. I was given the bigger picture as I asked due to something bothering me which is when I don't have all the pieces of the bigger whole.
Owen wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:56 am Sorry, but you totally switched your whole story up. I'm confused... Not trying to judge.
Don Danko333
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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Don Danko333 »

I will repost this for people from experience this allows a person to psychically advance quickly and powerfully.

Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

For along while in books on western occultism including Free Masonry and thus the Rose cross they speak of the 'lost word' which is the key to ascension in western occult practices and school. Prominent occultist such as Pike have written on this as well. Here it will be discussed what it is, how to use it and why. Big secrets are simple when understood.

In the western occult school of Free Mason's much of which did come from Egypt and the Egyptian-Hellenic occult school. On the Third Degree when the initiate is raised by the master the word is whispered into the initiate's ear. Of 'what is it?' This is code as the occultist's mention for the actual word a riddle for the initiate to have to find in their occult journey to rebuild the lost temple. Which as Masonic books mention is ascension dealing with the energy bodies.

This survives in Christianity in the gospels stolen and written over from the Osirian tradition of Egypt. The white stone of Manna of revelation which is the body of Christ in John 6:51:
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

Here is the surviving description of this and its use if one is aware of occult language. Kristos [Christ] is the ancient name of Osiris and Dionysus. Here we have to sweep away the judaization and corruption of this and understand it as an occult anthropologist would. This is the previous remnant of important Egyptian and Hellenic information. The instructions of how to use this text would be given upon initiation into the spiritual school of Dionysus and Osiris. Here the instructions will be given for those who wish self initiation. It seems even most Mason's don't understand this. This has been lost upon lost even in the current western occult traditions.

What is it? Is the term that in the ancient Egyptian and associated languages means Manna. So here Manna is the lost word. Why is this and how to use it otherwise its meaningless information. In the ancient occult texts of the Siddha's they call the third eye the Jewel that is the major importance to ascension and the actual mantra for the third eye in the rarer occult texts of the Siddha' tradition is MA. However this is extended in the formula to Man and Manna in the east. Jewel is always translated to Jewel from Sanskrit which jewel is Mani. The Siddha's wrote in a type of encoded but somewhat obvious if you understand it twilight language. So we note from east and west the common understanding of this science the ancient Egyptian-Hellenic tradition was also in ancient India there are Buddhist and Hindu temples with the marks of the Dionysian builders the esoteric society of Greece of which Osiris is the Egyptian version. This the secret to the Mana rune which means moon and mind the ruling chakra of the mind is the third eye and this chakra is ruled by the moon. Mind is called in Mana in the ancient Sanskrit Indo-European language.

The mouth of god in the eastern occult texts. Is the third eye chakra it grants Siddhi powers when opened [advanced psychic powers] however the mantra to accomplish this is given as Mana. Note this chakra is at the Chandra point in Hindu occultism the moon god. Mana means moon as well the third eye is ruled by the moon. The third eye is the point at the atlas major the center of the skull and the brow point they all interconnect as one energy system. This connects downwards to the base chakra and everything in between the entire energy body. This activates the entire energy body from the third eye this is given as the major method in the Egyptian and Hindu occult systems. Note in the book of revelations which is from the Egyptian tradition its mentioned that this word is written on the thigh of Christ however in the Greek this word is Meru. It means this word of power activates the entire spinal column the Meru column the thigh is symbolic for the spine in western occult traditions and the term Mero or Merovingian's is from the more ancient tradition which also went east with the Meru mount which is shown as the spinal column in the east.

The Egyptian tradition states the brow chakra is to be activated and it releases the Chrism or Christos the dew of heaven this causes the BA and KA to become united into the Ankh or light body. Mana is the word [mantra] to activate this point. It has to be vibrated into the third eye system from the brow chakra through to the altas major to work properly. Otherwise it is of no real power or value. From here it activates the energy pathways that is how the energy system's connect. This process is always done from the third eye in the Kriya tradition in India.

The M is vibrated as MMMMMM with the mouth closed the A as Ahhhhhh and the N as high nasal NNNNN sound. This is vox magicae the magical speech not mundane spoken here.

Don Danko
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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Thank you so much Don, for sharing what you were told, this realization. It is something I feel very strongly and I totally resonate with this message. It's true. We have to have a heart. Cold logic and knowing things isn't enough; Hate will not serve; we have to have a heart. And having a heart means to have empathy and understanding. We cannot connect to the higher energies without it. Without a heart we lose what it means to be human. And it is our humanity that is going to save us, and what makes us special beings.

And there are higher energy beings, the goodly beings. They are here, I know for a fact they are; I've had their guidance all my life. I'm not basing what I'm saying on things found on the internet but out of personal experience. I KNOW this. We connect to and work with these goodly beings because our goals are the same, we are the same in the sense they might be more advanced but we are connected to them via the heart. And the mission is to help humanity save itself from the yoke of slavery and oppression, by helping them to awaken, help them to cast off the programming and lies, the oppression of the spirit. The people of this planet have been trapped and beaten like a donkey till there is not much left; and yet that heart, that divinity always rises and we see it demonstrated all the time; when one person plunges into a river to save another, when we put all our effort into helping save an animal, because we recognize they have as much right to live as we do, when we choose to do what is right against all odds.

Everything you do MATTERS. You have a choice; and the choice is to choose what is right and to work for that goodness, for the good of all goodly beings.

The enemy of humanity wants more than anything to separate us from our humanity; and that human quality has to do with the heart. It is through the heart that we connect back to our souls and hence, to the power that is the one that we are a fractal of; the power that creates universes, the First Principle. We are fractals of this power and this is our goal: to help others to awaken, to understand this so they too, may become free and sovereign. This isn't new age BS. This is a spiritual truth. Love, compassion, charity and empathy are divine. WE are divine. And because we are divine, we must help those who are shrouded in darkness, to free them.

I completely resonate with this, that we are here to work for the higher good because yes, this earth plane is so negative....but we rise above that when we work on ourselves, develop ourselves. We raise our energy, and in turn, it raises the energy of those around us. And that is the mission, the goal. We are here to assist in this time. I believe in this with all my heart, and I will share that what you said here made me cry because its so true and I want to thank you for sharing.

Thank you.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Owen »

Sorry Don. But I'm still of not convinced by Lucifer saying you should turn away from satanism. I'm beginning to think it was a imposter. You know I've connected to Lucifers energy through those enn chantings and he never told me to get away from satanism. I agree with how you say the demons are saturnians. Makes sense as Saturn is the planet of ambition and responsibility. As the demons themselves are very hard working. Azazel was one who is associated with the planet Saturn. That's what it sort of reminded of that Azazel is connected to the planet Saturn. It can be seen as a 'cold planet.' But I really see it a planet as learning and hard work and being responsible.

Also, Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. I'm both Capricorn rising and sun. So, yeah I agree there. My life has been all about being responsible for some people. However being materialistic is not so bad.

I'm not familiar with the JoS look and I don't mean to judge based on what your experience was in the JoS and with the demons. But everyone is on a learning process and some people have different experiences. I honestly don't think lilith would do something like put you in gulag. Most demons are above that. The demons who are around me seem to be non judgemental and honest. So, I'm just confused on why Lilith is looked upon as an 'evil woman.' She can be very caring and seems to help people who have been portrayed as 'evil' and misunderstood.
Don Danko333
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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Don Danko333 »

That is what Lucifer told me. I worked with him face to face he would come in directly and communicate with me one on one. Lucifer's energy is different I could work with him. He wanted me to move on to something advanced and that benefitted me. Lucifer is not Jesus Christ. My path working was finished. Satanism is basically a reactive movement against Christianity and created by individual people with their opinion's. Working with Demons is different its an occult path working that requires spiritual discipline.

Saturnian's work by experience that is also hard experience that includes as well sink or swim methods. With Saturn you will learn but that is also by hard knocks and karmic its considered not a positive planet by most astrologers. You get what you get. Most people are not meant for the Saturnian current some are.

Owen wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:42 am Sorry Don. But I'm still of not convinced by Lucifer saying you should turn away from satanism. I'm beginning to think it was a imposter. You know I've connected to Lucifers energy through those enn chantings and he never told me to get away from satanism. I agree with how you say the demons are saturnians. Makes sense as Saturn is the planet of ambition and responsibility. As the demons themselves are very hard working. Azazel was one who is associated with the planet Saturn. That's what it sort of reminded of that Azazel is connected to the planet Saturn. It can be seen as a 'cold planet.' But I really see it a planet as learning and hard work and being responsible.

Also, Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. I'm both Capricorn rising and sun. So, yeah I agree there. My life has been all about being responsible for some people. However being materialistic is not so bad.

I'm not familiar with the JoS look and I don't mean to judge based on what your experience was in the JoS and with the demons. But everyone is on a learning process and some people have different experiences. I honestly don't think lilith would do something like put you in gulag. Most demons are above that. The demons who are around me seem to be non judgemental and honest. So, I'm just confused on why Lilith is looked upon as an 'evil woman.' She can be very caring and seems to help people who have been portrayed as 'evil' and misunderstood.
Don Danko333
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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Post by Don Danko333 »

Something I will also mention I was wrong about Brooke Hellsing she was correct she would still have anxiety issues without being on that current. She is an example of someone who has the Saturnian current working for her. But again that Demon showed up on its own and got into contact with her. She mentioned hundreds of people showed up to her facebook demon group but only around a dozen where worth anything for an occult path under her Demon.
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