Situation Update Signs of The Times

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Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Madeline Albright at Iraq 'town hall' at Ohio state university broadcast on CNN. This thing, this creature was United States Secretary of State from 1997 – 2001. This is the evil creature who replied when asked if the death of half a million Iraqi children due to the US sanctions (more children than died in Hiroshima) was 'worth it'. And she said YES. But of course this is their creed:

“By any means necessary.”

The death of millions means nothing to these things. I call them creatures because they're not human. I'm glad this one has finally done the world the favor of leaving the planet.

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In this CNN town hall - back in the day when MSM was king and alternative news sources didn't exist – when they had a stranglehold on news - the creature was asked the following:

“what do you have to say about dictators in countries like Indonesia who we sell weapons to yet they are slaughtering people in East Timor? What do you have to say about Israel, who is slaughtering Palestinians? Who impose martial law? What do you have to say about that? Those are our 'allies'. Why do we sell weapons to these countries? Why do we support them? Why do we bomb Iraq when it's similar problems?”

Albright: “ The uhhh....there are various examples of things that are not right in this world, and the united states is trying...."

-catcalls from audience-

“I uhh....really am surprised, that people feel that it is necessary to defend the rights of Saddam Hussein....when what we ought to be thinking about is how to make sure....that he does not use weapons of mass destruction.”

She dodged all the questions....while at the same time planting the globalist talking point into the heads of the audience...which at that time was 'weapons of mass destruction' which, as it turned out...was a LIE. In fact, Saddam wanted to break free of their control. This is a pattern and now people are wising up to the con. This was Operation Mockingbird. Weaponized media that has little to nothing to do with actual news or the truth.

These parasites have had control of the communication channels and media for FAR too long. The question was a good one...but don't believe that it wasn't vetted first. In fact, it would not surprise me to learn that ALL the so called 'spontaneous' audience questions coming from the students and public on that broadcast were not in fact, CIA agents or at least vetted questioners. Ask a few tough questions which are then sidestepped neatly and instead press the talking points. They allowed some tougher questions for optics. This is what television programming really means. It's programming people.

We're doing a real 'town hall'...allowing people to ask 'hard' questions. So it looks good. And if you're too young to really remember, the mood of the people back then was anger. People were extremely upset about 911, the wanton destruction and loss of life – planned of course – and this is how EVIL these people are.

By any means necessary. They'll do anything, sacrifice anybody....including get what they want. They must be removed from power, all goods and wealth confiscated. I wouldn't feel comfortable even allowing them to work as a dog catcher. Put them to work in a wendys or something. But no....wouldn't trust em to serve what passes for food from those places...uhm...let them scrub toilets.

Why start with this? Well....I stumbled across that 'town hall' recently. And I remember back in the day when this was happening. I watched it live on CNN. And we the people took what they had to say seriously!

We listened to their crap on controlled MSM every night at 6:00 PM and believed what they were telling us. They had people so was unbelievable really. Looking back on it now, the manipulation is so glaringly obvious, when back then most of us couldn't see it. And I think this is interesting because I've literally been watching over the last 20 years people waking up with a vengeance. The internet helped a great deal for sure, connecting us all around the world in real time, allowing us to 'fact check' their lies in real time and this is an invaluable tool.

So...whats going on right now in the world?

One very interesting development we're seeing is a lot of sort of red flags popping up indicating something is coming. Something very big.

We're seeing a lot of insider selling off happening. Jeff Bezos sold off 8.5 billion (amazon), Zuckerberg 428 million (Facebook/meta), Gates 8 million (Microsoft) and now no longer holds majority share, Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan) $150 million (he's chairman of JP Morgan Bank). This was all in the same week. Now the Walton Family sells $4.5 billion of Walmart stock.

What do these creatures know we don't? What's coming they know and we don't? What's going on here? about Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. Retribution and justice is coming, perhaps?

Also consider March 11 2024 the federal reserve emergency (covid) funding for banks will be gone. Discontinued. I think it's possible when this happens it's going to trigger a collapse. Meaning banks won't have capitol anymore and will fold. To the possible tune of 200 in america and over 1400 worldwide. If the world is going gold backed perhaps this catastrophic event for the people can be averted. I'm speculating. I hope so. I don't want people to suffer losing everything.

At the same time Basil Three is hitting full stride. Meaning banks will have to have at least a minimum of 20% reserve requirement in house where right now its zero. Where will they get the money? Banks will go under and we would see bank runs.

The stock market may just be about to collapse and as the saying goes....the rats are fleeing the sinking ship.

Add to this credit card interest rates are the highest they've been in the history of credit cards coupled with debt being the same (all time high) while at the same time people are defaulting on their loans for their houses, cars, etc in greater and greater numbers. Well of course they would be. How many people were forced into bankruptcy from 2020 to 2022 due to the plandemics draconian lockdowns?

All this while prices for everything are going through the roof. Why should that be? Because they did more printing of money right before or when they announced the convid in 2020 than in decades before.

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At the same time other countries are dumping their US Treasury Bonds. That is a VERY big deal.

Goods are coming into the ports, they won't accept american dollars for them anymore. The rest of the world is going gold backed. This is shaping up to be a hell of a storm. All this and Jerome Powell (chairman of the fed) was on 60 minutes saying things like debt is a 'distant concern.' Really. Is that why you have to raise the debt ceiling constantly?

It's been 16 years since the mortgage bond and financial crisis (Lehman crisis 2008), or GFC (global financial crisis). That time we the taxpayers bailed out the banks who were 'too big to fail'. Well...we're going to see something like that times 10...don't think they're going to be bailed out this time.

We have rising prices, insolvent banks, problems with the supply chain while the regime is constantly trying to embroil us in their endless wars. At the same time the border is wide open and our money is being bled off into supporting illegal invaders. Debt in the US is something like 10 billion a week.

It's mathematically not do-able to pay off the debt (though I hear it's been paid off, don't know if that's true). And while the dollar responds not to debt but to interest rates, inflation is out of control.

We're seeing the end of central banking. The end of the BIS.

Speaking of banking, the world trade center 911 was a massive bank heist. There was 100 billion in gold, 110 billion in bearer bonds, in diamonds, silver and more under there. The world trade center had the largest private bank in the world under it. How come that wasn't in the news?

Donald Rumsfeld (US Secretary of Defence) did admit that 2.3 trillion dollars disappeared from the pentagon budget right after 911 (another heist). Though later it turned out to be more like 20 trillion (I suspect it was even more) but this is strange since the 'official' budget was allegedly 700 billion. This vanished cash went to develop something. Likely the secret space force. They have anti gravity and free energy. We the people paid for this. Yet we aren't getting to enjoy the benefits. That has to change and soon.

They also used 911 to install a communist fascist manifesto called the 'patriot act' and while all the death, chaos and destruction was unleashed on an unwitting populace as Israeli's danced and took photos on the surface, transnationals were stealing this wealth via the underground tunnel systems. The tunnels under chabad lubavitch wern't built due to the convid.

The woman who spoke about the 'dustification' of the twin towers with technology we do not know about, judy wood, a physics professor at virginia tech....her mother and one of her main doctoral students in physics were murdered (reprisal for her talking), her bank accounts tampered with and she was labelled a 'terrorist'.

Kind of reminiscent of what happened to the truckers in Canada. They were labelled 'Nazi's and terrorists' and their accounts frozen.

Speaking of actual terrorists, In the Ukraine back in 2014 there was a color revolution organized by HRC, Victoria Newland and the mossad. This installed a fascist govt over a failed state that allowed trafficking of children, human organs, white women, narcotics, bioweapons development and money laundering. It was 'wonderland' and HRC was 'Alice'.

Ukraine was a central hub of trafficking and criminal activity on planet earth. Two of the groups working together are these zionists...and the nazis. Who actually won WWII. They moved a significant number of their people, the best and brightest to their Neuschwabenland in Antartica. They made deals with the reptilians in return for technology and are literally out there in space. They're known as the Dark Fleet. People weren't just being trafficked here on earth but off planet.

Also, allegedly some global corporations had forced labor in bases on different places in the solar system; specifically on the Moon and Mars. If you think that's farfetched, consider on Earth they have factories where they had what was essentially a captive work force who lived at the plants and all the windows had suicide nets, then ask yourself if there was a breakaway civilization, by the same people who want slavery on earth....that they had manufacturing and mining on it really farfetched to imagine they used slave labor? We have been lied to so much.

Why would Obama make a law pardoning any and all corporations operating in space for human rights abuses up till 2022. 2015 was right around when whistleblowers were saying corporations were in fact, doing just that. Using slave labor. How easy would it be to kidnap people, and when they wake up on Mars tell them you work for us now...there is nowhere to run, no one to appeal to.

The Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act was eventually incorporated into a larger bill, “H.R.2262 – U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act” as Title IV. Passed by the House of Representatives on November 17, by the U.S. Senate on November 10, signed into law by Obama November 25 2015. ... ntil-2022/

Why would he make such a law? As far as we knew back in the time it was made there WERE no such things out in space.

In 1997 there was a 'mysterious' plume noticed on Mars. It was allegedly the site of one of these forced labor facilities, where the workers rose up and tried to free themselves; in order to quell this, the site was nuked. And that's what the plume actually was. It was called the mars atrocity. That's what was alleged by whistleblowers. And then in 2015 Obama came out with this law. Of course this cannot be proven. makes one wonder.

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But anyhow....back to now. Russia was aware of crimes against humanity going on on their border and decided to act because this criminal activity, besides being in and of itself a crime....was constantly encroaching on their border, threatening their sovereignty. And when they went in discovered some of the bio weapons the CIA were developing in labs there were targeting the Russian genome specifically. That's factual and confirmed, not 'conspiracy theory'.

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Not to mention 'Ukraine' is actually historically Russian and a great deal of the residents there consider themselves to be Russian. And they asked for help. Zelensky is just another puppet. There is a hierarchy over the puppets, some of whom are hybrids. Here are some more puppets:

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The top of the pyramid – above the puppets – we find the non humans. Non Terrestrial or even Extra Dimensional....but not us. Not human.

This hidden power has worked for generations to steal the wealth of the entire planet. The CBDC they want desperately to impose is an existential threat representing the ultimate theft of everything we have and are and we must resist it's implementation.

My question is that since the 'debt' foisted upon us is based on fraud and lies, how can you enforce somthing that is criminal? Why don't we all just give these people the middle finger? Stop paying their bills. Go back to the gold standard and remove their central banking systems. The BIS, all of it.

With the money laundering wrecked in ukraine, credit swisse will fail. And it is. The swiss are the dirtiest bankers in the world. Not surprising since this is one of the places where the globalists have a concentrated central headquarters.

Judy Wood at the Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012 explains that on the morning of September 11, 2001 her research, analysis and evidence leads her to believe directed energy weapons were used to destroy WTC 1, 2 and 7. This lecture is packed with information. If you haven't seen it I suggest you watch this. I do think it's fair to say that this shadow group has access to technology that is way in advance of what we know on the surface.

All the phenomenon shown at the WTC on 911 corresponds to identical characteristics of the work of Nikola TESLA (1:30 in).

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Tesla was able to transmit both radio waves and electric power between continents, without the need for wires. The plan was to build similar towers in major cities around the world that would generate free energy directly from the Ether without having to burn the coal or any other resources (a la tartaria). This would allow information to be transferred from point to point. This is the technology we haven't seen before but has been in use against the people of the planet since at least 911. Check out this toasted bus.

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During 911 an igloo cooler and other plastic items were not destroyed, paper was not burned and were 'toasted'. We saw the identical phenomenon and footprint in the attacks on Maui, Paradise California, Chile, Costa Rica plus many other places like in BC Canada in the town of Lytton and the Australian 'wildfires'. They've been using this technology to clear people off the land, to depopulate while they continue to call this 'naturally occurring wildfires due to global warming'

Well....there was no 'naturally occurring wildfire' in New York that day. Counting on the normies ignorance and cognitive dissonance to keep them from seriously looking at evidence, to even admitting to the possibility that they are being decieved and manipulated.

Power that can be used for good to help humanity and was what Tesla desired greatly. His work and memory have been turned into a mockery, a travesty as the forces of evil have turned it to evil works. Free energy can transform our world for good. Right now it's weaponized. But this can change, as these people get removed from positions of power.

Iron from 911 twin towers was 'jellified'.

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Remember how quickly they disposed of all the iron, shipping it to China? Some people who were more aware were not happy about this. I remember some wiser and more aware people protested the powers that be ought not to be in such a rush to dispose of what could be valuable evidence, but they didn't listen. The iron was loaded on boats and sent to China as fast as it could be dragged off. Well....perhaps that was exactly why. Disposal of evidence.

On 9/11: The planes were digitally inserted into the videos. The buildings – all three, were rigged to blow. The Pentagon was hit by a missile. …Donald J. Trump on Telegram Sun. 25 Feb. 2024

What happened to Teslas work after he died alone and penniless in a hotel? The feds swooped in and confiscated his work under the guise of 'national security'.

It's worth noting Rockefeller developed high level intelligence contacts and was part of the OSS, forerunner to the CIA. He had insider knowledge of top secret operations. Tesla died January 7 1943. By 1948 Rockefeller was chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Institution. This position brought him into contact with a Dr Detlev Wulf Bronk. He was a bio physicist specializing in the human nervous system. He was also part of MJ12. This super secret group was in charge of UFO retrieval and reverse engineering, etc. This man was also leader of the team that autopsied 'extraterrestrial biological entities' like the ones recovered in Roswell NM in 1947.

Reverse engineering and retrieval of biologicals was finally admitted to during congressional hearings in July 2023.

“If we had found a UFO I think the Department of Defense would tell us, because they’d probably want to request more money,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) said disingenuously.

What I'm getting at is big money who worked to infiltrate and control everything (unelected bureaucrats)

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were privy to these secrets and this technology...and here it is being used on an unsuspecting population beginning overtly with 911. Is this a coincidence? Or evidence of the undercurrents of a ghastly river of corruption and venal power grabbing at all cost? One of their mottos is by any means necessary....whatever it takes...the end justifies the means. Thousands died on 911, thousands more from the damage due to the fallout of the collapsed towers, and still more in the long war that came of it. It's a travesty and a crime against humanity.

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werner von braun said the last card they would play would be the alien invasion card...

Now....we all assume what he's referring to is project bluebeam and fake aliens but....what if it's the alien invasion of western countries happening right now? Just a thought.

And on that note let's pivot to the Eagle Pass situation and Operation Lone Star.

Texas is building a 300 man site for military personell (the TMD which is an independant military. They cannot federalize it so biden threatening a red herring. It's distraction) to make border patrol more substantial and permanent. Adding 300 beds more every 30 days (so we're talking about a small army)

shelby park (eagle pass) – after Texas took it over from the feds went from 3000 – 5000 invaders a day to less than 1% of that.

While this may boost morale a bit, truckers were heading to the border to show support for the eagle pass initiative, along with farmers vowing to fight because these invaders are traipsing across their land, ruining crops, stealing livestock, raiding farmhouses, raping women....and they aren't going to take it anymore. And these people get to carry. I think it brings into focus why obama was trying so hard to do gun grabs back during his time in office (which he failed to do).

The men are patrolling their fields and farms, armed to the teeth and ready. So that's a potential powderkeg.

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Something like 25 other states have sent support or announced they support Texas....

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But now consider: the reality is that if you go not far to one side or the other from eagle pass, there is no fence. I heard that from a person who lives down there.

But also there is an entire system of tunnels under america, mexico and canada. They can bring the invaders in by the thousands past the border underground and out of sight. Also, as monkeyworkx has been showing, there are flights of illegals coming in directly from europe and the middle east – LOTS of them. The united states federal government are flying the invaders in. And they are co-ordinating this operation with NGOs. If you have a chance listen to Lora Logan call them out. It's very well worded and succinct. This is the woman who survived being mass raped by 200 Egyptians.

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The bigger picture is unless they really are blowing up the underground tunnels and engaging the enemy under there...this would appear to be a bit of a show. Look over here (not over there).

I see podcasters stating how Eagle Pass is ground zero for the resistance. Perhaps on the surface. But the true war has been and continues to be underground and that is all across the united states. This is the reality that people have such a hard time grasping; the earth is riddled like a honeycomb; there is an absolutely vast tunnel system thousands of years old all over (under) the earth. Some of this has been added to with deep underground military bases (military industrial complex). Alien...literal non human biological entities have areas that are theirs, so do the positives. It's a wonderland. Just like under Europe.

It's nice to see a coalition of states refuting/resisting the fascist regime who pulled off a coup back in 911. I have some suspicion of governor greg abbot. He's allegedly acted in the past as a deep state, NGO three letter globalist puppet. Can a leopard change its spots?

And so I have to think ok....they've been deliberately denigrating the northern countries. Demoralizing the natives, pushing this invasion and if you say WTF?!? They label one a 'racist'. When of course its an invasion and it's only now, in 2024 that there is a wide spread recognition of the danger and a determination to DO something about it.

The enemy tried to break up america with civil war back in Lincoln's day. But it held together. And now it seems history is repeating.

Remember...a bundle together is much harder to break than if they are separate. And they want to break up America. I think it's kind of obvious with how they've tried so hard to generate division by race, gender, class....via the woke and green bullshit agendas...everything they can think of. In fact, a group of these globalists got together to discuss and plan this 62 years ago!

So lets go back in time.

In 1966 there was a meeting of 15 elites who were all members of the CFR, Skull and Bones, Bilderberger and Trilateralists. These globalists knew Kennedy was going to end the cold war and they got together in Iron Mountain to study the 'hypothetical problems of peace'. They met around once a month at a lot of locations, but the majority happened at Iron Mountain which was a huge underground corporate globalist early version of a DUMB, essentially. It is known that in this location were housed redundant corporate offices of Rockefeller controlled Standard Oil, Morgan Bank, Hanover Trust and Dutch Shell Oil headed by a bilderberger founder Prince Bernhard. The details of this meeting was leaked and published in 1967.

While they kept the minutes and details secret (usually) its important to note the bill for all this was picked up by the american taxpayer. The controlled press attempted to brush it off as a joke or satire (naturally).

These creatures see war as something to be desired. They consider it a tool of social organization, a principal organizing force (that they controlled). They were concerned that they, the ruling class might lose their ability (if the cold war was ended) to rationalize a desired war leading to a destabilization of the military industrial complex (that they also control). Back in the day in the 19th century young men who might have posed a problem for these people were given the choice to go to jail or...enlist in the army. They called this the 'selective service system'.

Some of what they discussed (but not all):

“a possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies (an awakened public) of 'society' (their version of 'society') is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political process, of slavery. The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world at peace.”

pg 115 rule by secrecy

In 2024, today, there are more slaves on planet earth than there ever were in history....and the majority of them are CHILDREN. ... he-border/

The following is from an interview with Alex Collier. Back then I think probably, many considered it nonsense and it was not taken seriously but....when you realize there actually is and has been a presence all along here that is non human directing policy in the world (at least, they have been till recently)....taking into account world events....a picture begins to emerge. Warning: this might be too awful to read so if you are easily triggered skip this quote:

“And in the 94 video I shared with you that..we were food. That they were consuming humanity. And that they prefer children because they weren't spoiled...or they weren't poisoned and...uhm....their bodies were very vibrant because they were young. They would take these kids underground....and they would torture them (he's visibly disturbed and upset relating this). They would absolutely freak them out, scare them to death, and they would scare them over long periods of time to the point where they would not allow them to sleep. And if they had passed out, they would wake them up. And they would continue to torture....they would bring them moments of death where their hearts were just going to explode and stop and it would be at that particular point that they would consume them. And they would start with their liver and their organs from here down.
This consumption of humanity has gone back thousands of years, but it was never done in front of humanity, it was always done in secret. Because we had to be unsuspecting in order for them to farm us. And that's basically what they were doing. Many of the reptilian races, especially those underground that were farming us.”

So while horrors were going on down below and out of sight, on the surface their proxies were busy on their behalf. Like for instance, these developed the present day prison system where people work for next to nothing and products produced are sold by corporations they control. That is slave labor.

The controllers offered easy credit to 'free' citizens (not in jail), miring people in wage and debt where they have no option but to keep non fulfilling, low wage, stupid, useless jobs just to keep bills paid. That is slave labor. I think most of us can definitely relate to that one. I know in my life I've done my share of jobs I absolutely hated out of necessity. Barely enough to survive. Nothing for any 'vacations'.

And what is a 'vacation' anyways? It's a two week taste of freedom, of how we should be living ALL THE TIME. What we have here on this planet (for the majority of us). Is not living. I hope to see that system come down in my lifetime and humanity freed to live long and prosper (as spock would say).

Some of the ideas proposed at that secret Iron Mountain meeting in 67 to keep the public in line, distracted and in slavery:

“A comprehensive social welfare program”

Think of illegal aliens flooding the country handed cash and housing for free so they can replace us and vote for them.

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Note they use an image where its got lots of children in it front and center when the reality is the majority of the 'immigrants' are military age fighting men. Subtle mind manipulation for normies.

The thing is, some people truly do require assistance and should be able to access it. But the conundrum lies in if everyone is on a universal basic income I think it might eliminate the drive to achieve and to innovate. I don't know, maybe not. But I wonder about that.

“A giant, open ended space research program aimed at unreachable projects (missions to jupiter and mars)”

This was a very effective and very evil idea that profited these creatures handsomely. When you think how much money NASA has been given over how many decades, they got hundreds of billions of the peoples tax dollars and this was funnelled into the DUMBS. And to pay for the sound movie stage and the actors where they film the 'space station' scenes. NASA isn't there to discover anything or if they do, share it with the people who actually pay for it. It's a giant money laundering scheme as well as a gatekeeper to prevent real information from reaching the public.

“Massive global environmental pollution”

This is a very big one still in operation today in the guise of the green scam. The corporations they own and control created decades of massive environmental degradation. I remember wondering in the 80's why is this happening?! Now I know I was correct in intuiting it was on purpose in order to get the normies all worked up to combat this and save the planet – meanwhile the ones doing the polluting also control the organizations allegedly fighting it (like greenpeace)! They create environmental funds for people to donate to (more money laundering). The british royals were right in there with their 'environmental initiatives'. This is the controlled opposition scenario used to devastating effect because so many well intentioned good hearted people get caught up in this.

Not to mention using advanced tesla death ray technology to create 'natural wildfires' then claim it's caused by 'global warming', telling people they need to stop using energy and it's their fault the planet is being ruined. Absolutely diabolical.

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We see the results of this brainwashing and programming of the general public with useful young idiots throwing soup on masterpieces of fine art, glueing themselves to the road, etc. Playing right into their hands. It was all leading towards total global control (again...slavery) with crippling 'environmental protection measures' – taxes, fines and fees...etc. Like the carbon tax scam. The social credit system. Recycling is largely a scam as well. They have people conditioned to separate their trash. Then it's shipped to china and burned. Why do they do this? Because it's about training people to OBEY. They don't give a rats ass about you or the environment.

At the COP 28 (UN climate summit) biden signed dec 13 2023...a slavery document that states the signatories must lead their country away from using any and all fossil fuels! Which is absolutely ridiculous, since we have (at present) no viable alternatives.

This sweeping mandate was never debated openly, normal people given a right to vote on coal, natural gas, diesel, gasoline, bio mass usage, etc. Implementing this, imposing it on people is tyranny. This is an attempt to install feudalism 2.0

Consider this: according to the laws governing agenda 2030 land development, any land deemed toxic, the govt can seize it, kick the people out and put them in 15 min cities. This is all on the EPA website. Now we understand why so many toxic train derailments and production plants and manufacturing facilities have been 'mysteriously' going up in flames and explosions.

Thats how they want it. It's deliberate. However.....part of resisting this is finally recognizing it for what it is. And....if the true tesla free energy is unleashed....the enemy of humanity has it and have been using it in their DUMBS and off-planet for decades if not hundreds of years........there would be no need for those obsolete energies anyways!

My question is: could things go another way instead? I do feel there are two sides fighting for this planet. One wants real freedom and sovereignty for us, for humanity to actually have a chance to go forward without this many tentacled monster on our backs. The enemy of humanity wants to maintain the stranglehold they've had on us for millennia. I'm saying perhaps this can finally backfire on them as we awaken from their illusionary dream....and say NO.

I'm not trying to be doom and gloom here. I'm pointing this out as it's really coming into focus in 2024. People are (finally) waking up and connecting the dots. And there IS a fight out there happening between the forces of evil and those of good. It actually IS a spiritual war, we never knew it till now (some of us, anyways. The normies).

And we go again. Another potential civil war developing with the kinetic open surface flash point being texas....maybe. I've listened to many other analysts talk about how civil war is...inevitable.

Sun. 25 Feb. Missouri Governor to deploy troops to the Southern Border: ... rn-border/

The transnational globalist plan is divide the US into 10 districts or regions, to be implemented by FEMA in the event of martial law. This prospect is alarmingly reminiscent of the dystopian scenario depicted in The Hunger Games. Problem: Border Invasion. Reaction: Civil War. Solution: FEMA camps.

Hows this for sneaky? They built giant wal marts all across the country. Then closed a lot of them and began converting them into what was going to be prison camps for the people. The dept of homeland security and obama (for FEMA) ordered 500 smart guillotines costing 17 million dollars each from China.

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After obama left office homeland security kept the project alive using slush funds. These killing machines were distributed to FEMA zone 6, encompassing texas, new mexico, louisiana, oklahoma, belgrade and arkansis...all red states. Their main focus was texas. If there's going to be really determined resistance they know its going to be in texas. I find this interesting because yes indeed, it appears texas is the lone star state that is going to make a stand for freedom and national soveriginity.

And of course obama also ordered coffins. This stash of thousands is right outside atlanta georgia, where the center for disease control is located. Courtesy of haliburton. This was in the works back in 2007. I think they wanted all those coffins for mass graves because the plandemic was coming and they were getting ready. The plandemic was brought in in 2020. The year before they had a big get together to war game how they'd direct and handle the public during this manufactured crisis.

If/when things go kinetic in Texas, will they use this to bring in the UN to enforce 'peace'?

It seems logical these planners of insanity, of chaos and destruction, flooding countries with illegal aliens....

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they have to know at some point there's going to be a breaking point where the invasion can no longer be denied, when citizens say no more and things go kinetic. Which is where it seems to be heading. I feel this is likely what they actually want, a showdown. And if I'm not mistaken, the US has been in a perpetual state of martial law ever since 911. I think the plan was to divide the US up into zones. Like this:

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I wonder if the ones fighting behind the scenes to remove these inhuman creatures from power also want a civil war.

As things reach a boiling point, is it possible that for the last few years there's a world alliance quietly taking out the weaponized assets the globalists planned to use to put down the citizens when the pot reached boiling – UN troops, FEMA, the underground tunnel systems and a federal gov't with a military full of illegal aliens – all planned to come down on regular people like a ton of bricks when things go kinetic.

But now....if these things the globalists have been depending on to overwhelm the common folk are quietly being hamstrung behind the scenes....this evil they've been planning and orchestrating could very well backfire spectacularly in their faces.

So one side hopes the original plan succeeds...and their fascist regime can come out into the open completely. While the other hopes to hang them on their own petard. Which way is this going to go?

Addendum: I was about to publish this on the forum when it came to my attention that a massive wildfire has sprung up in the Texas panhandle. It's already suspected of being arson, as many ignition points sprung up simultaneously, reminiscent of the fires that sprang up in Ontario after the big rebellion against the jab mandates. And here Texas was pushing back against the globalist agenda and suddenly....they have this massive wildfire springing up. I'm wondering if they were all ignited simultaneously by DEW's in retaliation. I just find it hard to believe it's 'coincidence'.

Like I said, we're seeing two different forces fighting and they are using technology we don't know about.

The BIS (bank of international settlements – the world bank – heart of the enemies financial stranglehold), that which created money out of nothing and used it to suck all the wealth out of the world...I've heard the gold has been taken away from the BIS. I know it was taken away from the Vatican. Something is going to happen. We're going gold backed. Part of them being removed from power over the planet will have to entail a public and private write off of all debt and redistribution of assets.

The private banking system of fiat currency, the families who own the fortune 500 companies, the 1%, their parasitical power and control is being dismantled. We know they won't hand anything over peacefully. A lot of these will have to be dragged from their homes and offices. If it's true this has in fact been happening over the last couple of years, it might explain why elites are selling off their shares, properties and going into hiding in hidden underground bunkers. But honestly, as their crimes against humanity are being exposed, when the people finally realize just how badly they have been used and abused....I doubt there will be a hole deep enough anywhere on planet earth that will be deep enough to hide in.

The vatican bank was used for bribing elected leaders. They give them an account with an obscene amount of money in it and say enjoy...welcome to the club. Then they're informed if you disobey what we tell you we'll kill everything and everybody you love and then you. The control of this has been and is in the process of being removed from the rothschilds and the others. Most of the rest of the world by 2022 has been refusing to accept their fake money (fiat dollars), except the five eyes still. Using the world bank and other institutions, they bribed govt leaders with huge amounts of money. Most recently, via investments in jab, mask, PCR etc companies. Justin Trudeau was outed for example having huge amounts of stock in a jab company. He made a certain amount for every person jabbed.

As a side note, maybe you've been seeing purple traffic lights going up around your town. I've seen a few. Did you know that the jabbed fluoresce under them?

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See how the face has an orange tint, even the eyes glow slightly. This has been done without knowledge or consent. Talk about a mark of the beast! I'm not a bible banger but I do find it interesting how it says that people will have a mark on the forehead of the beast and without this mark, will not be able to buy or sell goods or be able to participate in society. I think this is literally what this was for. They wanted to impose a world jab and without it you couldn't participate in society. In some cities they had barriers up and people had to wave a jab card at it before it would let them in to shop for groceries. Absolute tyranny. But this has failed. However....these poor buggers are still glowing now.

They (rothscilds etc) leveraged control of the western and five eyes medical system's to launder 1 trillion into the world economy. And of course it was a huge land grab too, since their funny money banks took peoples property after they were forced to close their businesses and lose their jobs due to the lockdowns and couldn't pay their rent/taxes.

I recently heard these funny money dollars are (2023/2024) being seized worldwide and destroyed. So that money/land/power grab is backfiring on them. Recall the vatican was emptied of all its hoarded treasure and that it took 650 military cargo planes to haul the gold alone out. That was in 2022 I think. Janet Halper Hayes confirmed the veracity of this information on live TV in the UK.

For more than 50 years or so, these oligarchs have killed millions of people and attacked 35 or more countries using money they created out of nothing. And the world has finally woken up to this. The pyramidal money magic always has to crash at some time. Usually they create a massive chaos and war event to keep everybody distracted. This time the general public is becoming aware of these manipulations. The lies aren't washing.

The last crash in 1929 we were taken by surprise and we really trusted the government. But now in 2024? Hell no. The criminals are headed for the dust bin of history. But it's the in between time, the twilight of one system as the new one is set to dawn. And the birth process is painful, dirty and messy. The criminals are not going to go away quietly into that good night. A cornered animal is at its most dangerous. They have tried so many times now to start a WWIII.

When the USSR fell and the oligarchs were removed, the standard of living went up by 50% for russians. When the illusion falls in north america we could see our standard go up too like this. As an example, if you recall, tucker carlson found that 100 dollars in russia gets the same as what it costs us 400 to buy in north america. I can verify over the last couple years the food prices where I am have absolutely skyrocketed. Something that cost maybe 11 dollars is now 25. This is why.

As a financial analyst explained, if the stock market was to dissolve tomorrow, will the physical things vanish? No. In 1971 the US went off the gold standard. The whole thing since is a huge illusion and its in a process of being collapsed. This parasitical system is failing and they know it. Hence all the CEOs etc in the thousands 'resigning'. So they're throwing all the fear they can out there; of pole shifts, aliens, solar pulses, wars, and the gods know what. But they can't lie, cheat, murder and steal their way out of this. When you hear MSM pushing fear porn might want to consider turning it off and go be in nature for a while. I gave my TV away a decade ago at least.

Edgar Cacey gave a prediction long ago:

“Through Russia comes the hope of the world, not in respect to what is sometimes termed communism or Bolshevism, no. But freedom. That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized yet out of Russia comes again, the hope of the world.”

Russia has been the bogeyman for decades.....maybe for a reason. But things have changed. A lot of people have been removed and replaced. This is what we're witnessing. That interview with putin was important. Russia supported America during the revolutionary war. They told texas if you need us, we'll be there for you. The Putin you saw in that interview isn't the Putin that was a protegee of the WEF. There is much going on behind the scenes. Remember they want us to fight one another. They want us to feel angry, afraid, small and lost, unimportant. When the opposite is the case.

It seems we're headed towards an event that's going to effect all the multiverse. Funny...we've been taught that we are little nobodies on a teeny insignificant planet in a backwater of the milky way....and it's actually just another LIE. I've heard what is allegedly coming is a very rare or even unprecedented occurence. And that this is why our little earth and solar system is the focus of a lot of interest and why so many (non terrestrials) want to get in here to watch this all go down. Lucky us, we have ringside seats. I say this partly in sarcasm. I sometimes wonder if when I was asked if I wanted to come here...if I was loaded or something when I said yes. LOL. But anyway....I've also heard this has to do with all the multi verses/realities re-merging. If that's so, civilizations that disappeared just might be back.

One more quote from another alex collier interview:

“I've been hearing things about the solar flare that will appear to us as a huge flash. It was mentioned that when this occurred, that our third strand of DNA may be activated. Also, that we will then remember or begin to remember, everything about ourselves that we can't remember currently and that those who are asleep will awaken. It was suggested this will occur when we're on the brink of WWIII. Can you speak about this at all?”

“I heard all those things as well, in fact I've stated some of those things myself. Uhh...I don't believe we're going to be on the brink of WWIII and...if it even is hyped as that, it's all show. It's all a movie. Literally. It's all show. It's all propaganda. It's all staged.

Try to wake up as many people as can be awoken...I personally believe everybody that's awake now is...who's...who's going to be awake. Uhm...I think that there's a percentage of the population that literally have the IQ of a dinner plate and they're just not gonna wake up. So. That's on them. It's also the decisions that they're making. But yeah. That's my understanding as well. It could happen before...people could wake up before....could be that they will be a significant percentage that will wake up because of that event...we just have to see.

If you're holding the winning hand, you never show your cards...till you are absolutely ready to play them. And that's what we're in. We're in this game of chess...between two opposing contrasts.

The good thing to remember is, all the broken pieces find their way home, that's number one...and number two when the game of chess is over, the king, the queen and the pawn all go back in the same box.

So. It's gonna be ok, guys...we're just gonna have to play it out....and it's weird. The whole fucking thing is weird (laughs)! And it's gonna get MORE weird! Ok? But we have to play this out. Otherwise it would be over with. But we obviously have to play this out. So that the experience that we've gained from this, and the knowledge gained, we can pass on to future generations. What we do today is really about protecting future generations of our race, of this race. Which we call Terrans – Humanity.

This genetic royalty.

That's what we're doing here, ok? And obviously we're meant to do this, obviously this is important, otherwise the universe would have moved on! Right? It would have moved on! In it's infinite wisdom. But clearly, this is something we have to play out. And that's what we're doing. That's what we're doing.”

I certainly hope the best for us (humanity). I think humanity deserves to be free. We are not the problem; we are the solution. We can do wonders once we are free of the parasites.

We'll transition to a new 'gold' age with gold backed currency these slavers can't control. One of the main heads of the octopus of control has always been money magic/control. And its about to implode.

Keep visualizing success, don't focus on adding to the misery in the world, do what you can to help others as well as yourself, add to the joy in the world. Keep dreaming. Take joy in the little things; like a sunny day, nature, your family, friends, your pets...enjoy your life; don't let them stop you by making you feel so depressed (watching their MSM) that you want to give up. Turn the boob tube off, go connect with the real world, focus on healing yourself, take joy in what you can; little things as well as big things have importance; they matter. So do YOU.
Do what you can to keep the light alive.

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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by GoldenDragon »

All this slave programs and the madness that resides between some individuals clearly shows that some alien forces have a lot of hatred towards us.

And, I must say it is pretty crazy... calcinattion of metals, it is absolutely crazy how they try to use technology in their own vile ways of operating.

I agree with the fact that Ukraine has been a hub for practicing a lot of human trafficking, and even all trafficking of sorts, that is why after all the NWO cries out in despair, as Ukrainian mobsters can't exploit the zone anymore.

It is sure interesting. Right now, I see that in America, the current Presidency doesn't agree with sending money to Ukraine anymore (financial help). What is your opinion on this?

Oh and also, very interesting how in the middle of the current crisis, there comes the Trump vs Biden charade again.
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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by GoldenDragon »

And, on a spiritual perspective, speak of the Devil... cobra launched the FRTRs and the Reverse Blood Sacrifice rituals again. Pretty interesting timing.

What a "coincidence" :naughty:
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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Sorry to make you wait so long GD for a response however...answering properly turned into an entirely new essay. Information was falling into my lap requiring to be written about. Sometimes it's so much I have to take several days to sit and write. I'm not a speed writer. I have to hunt and peck.

But that's great GD, you bring up some interesting points and a question. The point you brought up you called calcinattion of metals.

Meaning the building itself appeared to be in a state of decomposition (1:42 in the presentation).

A point I meant to cover but the article was getting so long...I ended up not. In judy woods lecture she brought up something extremely interesting I've not heard anywhere else:

A bank was apparently hit by a bit of the debris from the twin towers disintegration. It appeared to create a long sort of 'tear' in the facade of the building. Judy comments she suspects the tear actually wasn't from the blow of the chunk of debris hanging in it but in fact could be something a glancing kind of blow from the hidden technology that dustified the towers.

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This bank spent a lot of time and money to fix the damage but then after...they ended up taking the building apart. Floor by floor down to ground level they took it apart, took them 10 years.

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As you saw (and thanks for actually watching judys presentation), some of the main support girders located inside the building and therefore presumably shielded from damage....looked as though they had been under the ocean for a decade or more...rusting. She speculated this might have been the real reason they took this building apart...because it was continuing to....dustify, rot....disintegrate (really creeps me out because...if this was what was happening...some kind of disruption and dissolution at a cellular or atomic level...if this was ongoing during the incident...I would think logically this was happening to the humans caught in there as well. A horrible thought). And no wonder if they were burning up alive from the inside out as they were dissolving, that they jumped. It's too horrible to contemplate.

Note it's not just one central beam but a line of them. Following the line where (whatever it was) struck the building, I suspect.

As a side note, I recently heard a theory about why building 7 was 'pulled'. Silverstein was caught saying 'pull it'. Besides 7 holding all the IRS documents, reciepts etc they (likely) wanted disappeared, the person postulating this stated since the building was 47 stories tall compared to the 110 or so of the twin had an unobstructed angle to the towers. Is it possible they had some kind of weapon on the roof beaming unknown weapon at the towers, helping to bring them down and then building 7 was 'pulled' so as to hide evidence of it? Perhaps.

I'll never forget where I was, what I was doing when we heard what was happening, turned on our TV's and watched it live. I remember the helicopter giving us those closeups of those doomed people hanging out the windows...and how horrible that was to imagine what they were experiencing. The sheer terror. And then to look back realizing this was a planned unspeakably cruel.

Anybody who questioned the official narrative since that time was silenced with cries of 'conspiracy theory'! Mocked heavily, called crazy...guilt tripped about how those people are DEAD. How dare you?!?? Leave it alone! and; It's unpatriotic to question! If you made videos questioning the official 'explanation' they got pulled down, accounts got suspended.

That video I linked, of judy woods talk...came out years ago and was pulled. Somebody downloaded it and re-uploaded a copy. But the original was taken down. People were shamed into silence.

Yes...people died that day. Horribly. Tragically and unnecessarily. Something that did get talked about during and right after and then never mentioned again.....that it was raining bodies that day in the inner courtyard.

They called them jumpers. A lot of the videos I remember from then have since been quietly removed from the internet. People died that day....remember them. Time for asking hard questions. It's been almost a quarter century. And only now it seems are people really questioning and digging. I'm glad they are but it's amazing all the same it's taken so long.

“It's sure interesting. Right now, I see that in America, the current Presidency doesn't agree with sending money to Ukraine anymore (financial help). What is your opinion on this?”

I have a reasoned answer to this question but again, It's a big answer and requires a well thought out response. Basically I have to write another essay. I have had answers dropping into my lap. I think the gods...whatever it is that coincidentally gives us answers.... it takes a bit of time to respond. I'm working on that. And the answer is VERY interesting. Startling, even. I'll write that out soon. Working on transcribing that.
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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

As for this:

"And, on a spiritual perspective, speak of the Devil... cobra launched the FRTRs and the Reverse Blood Sacrifice rituals again. Pretty interesting timing.

What a "coincidence" :naughty:"

Seeker exposed how after Don said the RTR's were actually effective, Nick got people doing them again. And now this. They obviously are watching.
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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by GoldenDragon »

Thank you for providing me with the answer.

Don't worry, also, take your time, especially when it comes to writing some important information like this.

Like you have said, they have tried to hide a lot of what they have done among history.

I think the destruction of banks has the role of course, to destabilize the economy of a country. Not uncommon for the vile / negative beings.
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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by GoldenDragon »

And yes, they are obviously watching this forum. It can't be possible that after Don said the RTRs are effective, Nick got people to do them and now the Reverse Blood Ritual FRTR cobra launched.
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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by Don Danko333 »

There really is only one RTR the Final RTR, reversing the Torah is the whole book not just a few verses. The Final RTR does this.
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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by Don Danko333 »

The American State dept and CIA assisted and made a deal with the Ukrainian nationals with the coup in 14. They want the Ukrainian nation to move west into the EU and NATO. This takes the Ukraine out of the eastern bloc and weakens them. From released documents of the State dept they also wanted to start a low intensity war in the Ukraine to draw in Russia and collapse their state and military.

Ukraine will remain an ethno state despite what certain people have planned. Russia can not win the current war and their economy is now at 16 percent inflation the embargo's are starting to work the attacks on Russia gas and oil have cost Russia 11 percent of its economy within Russia. The Russian state will survive but they are not winning the war.
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Re: Situation Update Signs of The Times

Post by Don Danko333 »

Iran firing three hundred missiles and drones into Israel is something that is a game changing event. Iran sent in a layered attack to get by Iron Dome with the advanced guided missiles they used and they achieved their targets within Israel. The war is going against Israel.

I mentioned the natal astrology of Israel the proper astrology with the stars. Shows Israel was going to be hit with a major war starting last Oct. And they would take major losses in a difficult war for their nation. The Kabbalah states the Jews are protected by the Torah from the negative effects of astrological situations. There magical current the Torah creates has drastically been destroyed but this Final RTR needs to be done regularly. The Jews chant the Torah yearly.
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