Jesus was a Gentile

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Jesus was a Gentile

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

The sleeping prophet and the book of revelation

Edgar Cacey did a fascinating interpretation of the book of revelations. I'm no biblical scholar appears (according to cacey) that it actually contains a blueprint that's about basically rejoining yourself to the first principle/creator, or 'god'...whatever label you give it.....but it's the divinity you come from. So it's kind of like completing a circle.

Believe it or not, the bible actually does state (and so does Jesus) that the one true god is WITHIN. And that is truth.

I've also learned that in fact, there were something like 117 books in the bible that were removed. In other words, censored. That is...removed from our knowledge so we couldn't know, and by not having all the information, our options are limited. Meaning we're kept in the dark, only allowed to know or see what somebody (the enemy of humanity) wants us to see.

What is the hallmark of the enemy of humanity? Keeping humanity in ignorance and thus in spiritual bondage.

I spent some time revisiting an old TV series on haunt TV. It shows old TV haunted paranormal series I used to watch years, decades ago. And watching it now, in 2024 I thought how some of what they're saying is good and some is bad. That is, in error.

One of the story's was about a fellow who had stayed in a hotel (near where I lived once) who was attacked by a 'demon'. Now the thing is I've said before many times, there are negative oriented beings (non human extra dimensional's) and there are positive ones...and some fall in between. It's a spectrum.

And so I find it interesting how this popular TV show lumped pretty much any kind of paranormal into a negative category – and what does paranormal mean anyway? Something outside the normal range of reality – as we understand it. But our understanding is limited, isn't it? And I feel it's limited deliberately. It's unknown until it's known. Then it becomes normal.

It made for salacious watching I suppose – they really flung around the appellation of demon with a heavy hand. Anybody who was a hardcore bible thumper would certainly be triggered by this categorization, that label. But there are many names for this category of being; that is, non terrestrial, extra dimensional etc.

I do feel the bottom line is that by whatever name you call these beings, it boils down to positive or negative oriented. Like humans are. Some humans are absolutely horrible, some are so so and some are awesome. I feel extra dimensional, non terrestrial beings, much like any other sentient being fall into this spectrum. You can't whitewash an entire category of sentients as one thing, can you? It's like saying ALL Terrestrials are awful; negative and psychotic. Which isn't true. Or can you? I admit, it's hard to imagine a good reptilian or a grey....these are things I ponder about.

I still say it's good practice to judge an individual for their own deeds. Take in all the information you can discover then use your logic and discernment as best you can to reason your way to a conclusion. Instead of being triggered by labels and reacting. I don't purport to know everything. I'm doing all that plus using my own paranormal experiences to try to figure things out.

And I wondered:

What was the purpose of this fear they generate of unseen beings? Is it because it's a form of misdirection? Is it perhaps because there are actual physical beings already here that we ought to be more afraid of than non physical beings? And is it also possible that there are non physical beings who have our best interest at heart? Unlike the tales of 'demons'? And this fearing of the unseen is a bit of misdirection? I mean, sure it's true if you dabble in realms of the extra dimensional without having any idea you certainly can run afoul of things best left alone and get yourself into trouble....I've personally witnessed this in action. But, still. Is there something else that impacts us all in the physical here and now that we don't have any idea is a problem? And if you don't know there's a problem, how can you ever address it?

And then also...there is the question of something Don said that caught at me and that was: there is no Satan.

So...pondering all these questions....what came to me as I lay very near slumber, relaxed in bed one night...the thought came to me that even if Satan was something made up.....all the centuries of peoples attention, fear and energy have combined to create a Satan in the astral. A Tulpa, but one with immense power since the energy source is so great. We're talking generations of people here. The same for Jesus. And then I thought.....Satan. The name means The Adversary. The JoS taught the adversary was not of humanity but of the enemy of humanity. But...what if...this adversary was in fact....a very powerful negative extra dimensional or lower astral being? The opposite of Serapis? An actual enemy of humanity? They do love to invert everything. This is a highly complicated thing and like the dreamtime....there can be multiple interpretations....and all of them on different levels can be true, all at the same time.

And then it came to me...while I have been partly correct in saying the bible is a book of lies...I still believe it is full of interpolations....yet still....just there an actual real account – told in parable and in the language of symbols perhaps? The question is...was something that was real obfuscated, rewritten with interpolations and with lies by other words, is this something that was weaponized? The original purpose hijacked?

Here's a terrific example. The original constitution of the united states did not last long. When the American Republic was taken over and reinvented as the united states corporation, history was rewritten, changed. The US corporation has presented to people as the one and only true constitution. But that is a lie. The changes made were subtle.....but enough to pervert the original intention. Is that what happened here as well? And it resonates for me that indeed, this was the case. Same as the story of Jesus. And this was hard for me to assimilate, because I have maligned Jesus, and hated him. But what if I was wrong? What if he fought for the same things we fight for? For truth and to eliminate the parasite?

I have spend days and nights contemplating this and wondering, searching for answers....I want to know the TRUTH.

I've considered the enigma of....while the biblical jesus character was twisted around - meant to steal energy from people in the form of worshipping a thought form, It's also come to my attention and awareness that it may indeed be within the realm of possibility that in fact there was a man long ago able to advance himself and attain what we would consider godlike power, this being an inherent ability because he (like all of humanity) is a fractal of the god force, that first principal. And as such, he had a natural link to this power. And when I say his story maybe was twisted around....for example this murder of him. Maybe it was straight up murder and nothing more. Maybe they made up the whole bullshit thing he died for our 'sins'. The whole concept of we are 'sinners' nonsense but it served the purpose of the ones who took over his story and made it into a narrative that suited their purposes. Is that so far beyond the realm of possibility? These snakes infiltrate and take on our truths, then twist them for their own ends. This has to be considered and taken into account. They took something that was living and true and made it about death. Which is again, inverted. I have also heard that in hidden biblical texts, the real jesus escaped through a window and judas was crucified in his place.

Holding back crucial bits and redirecting the flow of the attention which is like a mighty river is an MO of the anti-human force. We are, after all, (when healthy) something like 87% water. Remember to consider that our attention is energy. It flows and it can be directed. This can be for a good way, or for the benefit of those who seek to take advantage of us.

So now let us circle back to Edgar Cayce's interpretation of the book of revelation. He saw this text as filled with metaphors of mental and spiritual matters. He taught it is more than a historic record (and again I remind us here a LOT of the original bible was censored so we don't have a complete picture) of our physical journey and connection to god (whatever you call it) and one another, but rather contains many allegories regarding metaphysical activities and influences.

And that, as such, it contains hidden (occulted) insights, lessons, teachings and even instructions concerning the origin, growth and the destiny of our non physical souls. That it is both a microcosmic view in which the story is very personal to each individual soul and a macrocosmic view in which all souls are involved as a soul group. Cayce saw beyond the symbolism of earthly physical matters.

For example, Casey taught that the biblical Adam did not only represent an individual soul but an entire soul group. (EC 900-227) And that our souls were among that group, a group called in the Book of Job the “Morning Stars.”

So...if we are all morning stars, it kind of gives this passage a new meaning:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

Maybe this was really about how a race of higher beings (us) were cast down to this third dimension from a place that was higher (a higher dimension) and this weakened us all as 'nations'. Maybe we didn't presume is taught that Lucifer as a singular being that was 'overproud' and 'thought he could be like a god'....when instead we are all fractals of the one true god, that first principle. We do not presume to be like 'the most high'....we are EXACTLY like the 'most high'! Do you see what I'm saying? Somebody thought we were too 'proud'...and they dragged us down. Enslaved us. Lucifer maybe isn't a singular, but a plural.

Where and how we are right now isn't our natural state. We know for example, we used to have 12 strands of DNA and it's been shown that these appear to have been deliberately cut. We only have two now.

We were interfered with. And I do feel that is truthful.

And this also makes total sense because we have a resonant frequency, and we produce LIGHT.
Ut Re Mi were the original notes...not Do Re Mi. Mi stands for Mira Gestorum in latin. It means miracle. It's 528 hrtz frequency. And it's the heart of everything.

This frequency isn't just music. Light travels similarly to sound which means that this frequency can be used to express a light wave length. And because color is simple light perceived at various wavelengths, this 528 frequency can be expressed as part of the electromagnetic color spectrum. This frequency is very close to the center of that spectrum. It can even be linked to other celestial bodies. This frequency has a connection to the sun. The sun emits 528 frequency. All the planets have frequencies. Saturn has this frequency as well. The earth has 432 frequency. Both these frequencies are master frequency's. 538 (6) is like the male, energetic, thrusting outward, doing, like a father. 432 (9) is like the female, soft, nurturing, receiving, loving, like a mother.

528 has been called the love frequency. It is a reference to the fact that during meditation, using music tuned to this frequency the body begins to develop a stronger sense of self love. And we could use a bit more of that. People are very hard on themselves and each other. This frequency drives negativity out of the body. It stimulates the heart chakra. This frequency is considered to be the most important one in the body. It's not a man made frequency. Its a frequency of the universe. It's in the humming of the bees, in the veins in the leaves, it's in our DNA. It's a divine frequency. So the miracle note of the universe is love.

You know how bible thumpers say god is love? The one true god – not the thing of the bible that is singular but we as in plural - IS love.

And then there's this:

“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, saying, where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who laid the cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?’” (Job 38:1-7)

This garden, this living earth, was created for us and it, as well as us....were dragged down into a lower dimension and taken over by something hostile to us. We are the morning stars who 'fell'.

We are living souls. You cannot unmake energy; all it does is transform. We as a soul group were alive long before this current incarnation and we'll be around long after it. And as it possible we make extremely fine batteries for something else to plug into and live off of? And if that is so, it means we are actually very powerful? But we just don't know it? Why? Because form cradle to grave for generations, we have been lied to?

According to Cayce, the Bible tells the story of our souls’ journey (individually and as a group) from our creation in the image of God, through the fall from grace and the loss of the Garden.

I definitely had a problem with all this 'biblical' stuff and pondered it for a long time. My knee jerk reaction to the bible and to Jesus was abhorrence. This whole guilt trip on the human psyche. Feel guilty. Feel bad. You're a 'sinner'. All that garbage. And I do think that's garbage. But maybe....that is some of the stuff somebody added in later on, after they murdered that man. And so they succeeded after in brainwashing the population into believing they're the problem. In reality....I've come to understand we're the opposite of that. We're the solution.

This 'fall' could be interpreted perhaps (if we're actually fallen and I do think its obvious we has only to look at the trash that happens constantly now to see we're being driven slowly crazy as well as degraded) as exactly that. That we used to be much higher (in terms of dimensions) than we are presently. And what happened? Well....we were infiltrated, taken over, turned into farm animals, our DNA cut down to two strands, and as a consequence of this, we lost control of our earth – the 'garden'.

And at some point perhaps it really was a garden.

The definition of a garden is a rich, well cultivated place full of fruits, herbs, flowers and vegetables, ornamented with plants and trees, an open air eating and drinking place. A living library. Full of DNA from all across the universe, all collected and stored here....and we were meant to look after that place.

This earth or 'Terra' is an incredibly lush, fertile, astonishingly beautiful planet. Even in it's present degraded state, it's stunning. Yes, it's been attacked and polluted. Not by humans, but by vast mega corporations and I am convinced these are the brainchild's of the invading other species who are the ones controlling those corporations. We don't have any say. They rape the planet (problem)....we are very upset by this and want to help the planet (reaction)....and then they come in with their 'solution'....the green movement. Which is in fact genocide and planetary devastation disguised as saving it.

When astronomers are studying far away planets, the signatures they look for in order to see if there is the possibility to sustain life for humans are carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen. These are the building blocks of LIFE. The green movement here that young minds have been brainwashed in are all about removing these from the planet! If we lose all carbon dioxide, the plants all die. The plants make the oxygen we breathe! This is a living system, we are living beings. It would appear someone is attempting to make it the opposite of that and again, there is this reverence for death.

Alright. So who might be doing this? Who is behind this? Well....I think we can assume whoever it is might not be human like us, right?

So to reiterate: the story of our souls’ journey as 'morning stars' (individually and as a group) from our creation in the image of God, through the fall from grace and the loss of the Garden, up through the struggles to regain that glory that was ours “before the world was.” (EC 1158-9 and John 17:5)

before the world we existed before this planet, this garden was created. Who created it? Meaning we come from elsewhere in the universe. That's what I get out of that. It can also mean we come from another dimension originally, entirely. And both these can be true.

As someone who has once believed what the JoS teaches, it's been hard to open the mind to even consider there could be anything in that book of lies that might actually be truthful. And so I get it that some of you reading this now might be disgusted and turned off reading this. Try to keep an open mind however. If you are a true seeker, and to me this means in the sense that you (like me) are seeking for TRUTH...then you have to keep that mind open, suspend disbelief and at least consider this information.

The Revelation, according to Cayce, is a very special part of the great biblical story and should be studied as a kind of roadmap for the final spiritualization of our bodies and minds to fully reach our intended purpose for existence: eternal companionship with our Creator.

Psalms: “I say, You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you.’” And even Jesus addressed this:
Jesus: “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’?

He said YOU (meaning humanity) are gods. He also said this:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

He that believes on me. I take that to mean he who looks to that example and believes that as another sun of god, if jesus can do it so can I. And so it is. WE can do all that and even greater things besides.

So. I'm pondering all this. I have had very interesting information coming to me via serendipity; having to do with the whole bible question and the jesus topic.

I never had scripture forced down my throat as a child, as so many people do. And of course, the JoS will tell you that jesus is a child raping pervert or a myth, a thing that never was born, lived or died, a lie. Or, they'll tell you he's a jew.

For myself I believed he was never born, never lived, never died and if that is so, then the thing they worship today and call jesus is in fact a tulpa, a thought form. It, along with the Satan concept would have become very powerful thought forms, due to the power of all the attention (energy) and worship afforded to them. So, even as Don has written in an earlier post that Satan isn't real...

Jesus isn't 'real', Satan isn't 'real'...I think it's entirely possible they both exist as thought forms.

But then I began to wonder....because I've discovered from other researchers that in fact, the bible we know today is full of interpolations and also lies by omission. There's something like 100 parts of it missing. Could it could be possible that....what was left was adulterated, appropriated by a dark evil group and THAT was used to ensnare people? Let's just open our minds and consider this.

Do you think, knowing infiltration, that is...taking something over from the inside out, since this is a very real MO by the enemy of humanity.....these non you think it might be possible that they took something that was meant for us, that was ours....and weaponized it against us?

And then as if in answer to my questions, I found this:

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my note: this isn't me making things up or being 'hateful'. This is written and admitted to...boasted about, really, by a Cohen who is a zionist jew. This is about genetic fact. Not hate. I'm not interested in hate, but I'm very interested in facts. I want to be very clear about that.

He says: “We are not even of the human race let alone (white) European. We are anunakim and Nephilim and our DNA is of the Gods.”

He also says: 'we cannot be defeated' – well that's interesting.....when was war on the humans declared? I don't remember seeing that anywhere? Most of humanity are brainwashed into thinking that any kind of racial dislike is 'hate' and we don't do that....but this guy feels the other way. That's 'hateful'....isn't it? So it's ok coming from one class of sentients...but not the other? it possible....that just maybe there actually was some guy who long ago lived and was able to awaken, utilize all his power? We only use something like 8% of our brains right now and we used to be 12 stranded, now have only two – with evidence these strands look deliberately cut. It's also a fact this DNA stranding is beginning to spontaneously regenerate in the latest generation of human children. Finding kids with three strands.

Is it possible that some man...seeing how we've been infiltrated and invaded, the usery and exploitation of his people...that is, the soul group he belongs to....being humanity....he tried to teach others who seemed interested, they went around trying to wake people up? And that he was murdered by the powerful for his pains? Does that fall within the realm of possibility?? And that...he wasn't a jew as is currently believed....but gentile?

And then, via serendipity as if in answer to these pondering's...this dropped into my lap:

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I thought this was actually pretty damned shocking when I saw this. After all, maxine always called jesus a jew on a stick. I thought he was jewish. Well.....turns out he ISN'T. He's GENTILE. What a shocker. But hey, the JoS also got it wrong calling myself and Don jews too. Join the club, Jesus! LOL. And in fairness, I feel this has to be considered. I know how much it hurt me to be labelled like that.

This information puts a different flavour or character on things. Am I suddenly a christian? NO. Absolutely NOT. has to keep in mind that the original papers...the books that were combined into one tome was appropriated, censored and interpolations were added into it. Thus, weaponizing it. Religion has killed a lot of humans over the millennia. That is a fact. All one needs do is look at the inquisition to know that whatever the original information was tampered with. Tainted. Just the fact they had to force it down peoples know it's probably not a good thing. Kind of like how they were so determined to 'save' us, they forced people to get injections. Like that.

“History is important. In order to know where we are going, we need to know where we have been. To control the past is to control the present. The Illuminati’s control over the entire learning process from cradle to grave gives them great ability to shape our frames of references. Jesus spoke about historical things. Paul reminded people of historical things. Josephus wrote a history of the nation of Israel.
Long ago in the dark unwritten pages of human history, powerful kings discovered how they could control other men by torture, magical practices, wars, politics, religion and interest taking (my note – he's referring to usery. Being a bankster. The very thing jesus was flipping tables over for in the temple).
These elite families designed strategies and tactics to perpetuate their occult practices. Layers upon layers of secrecy have hidden these families from the profane masses, but many an author has touched upon their existence. I began my research when I began to get first hand reports from very informed people that an elite group did rule the world. My research into Satan’s hierarchy went fast because of my skills as a researcher and because I knew from the beginning from my informants about the reality of what I was investigating.”

bloodlines of the Illuminati by fritz springmeier 1995

You will hear preachers tell us the bible says my king (talking about jesus) is king of the jews. This is the best kind of lie perhaps....take this one detail and invert it. So their superiority over the gentile is now divine scripture. It's a small detail. But it changes the entire thing now, doesn't it? It makes the story about him flipping tables of the moneylenders (banksters) in the temple seem a bit more believable now, hey? I used to wonder about that. Why on earth would a jew be concerned if gentiles are getting screwed over by fellow jews? Doesn't make sense, does it? I want to emphasize I'm not talking hatefully here. It says in their own talmud it is perfectly ok to fuck over anybody except your fellow jew. This is a provable fact, not me being hateful.

You'll hear preachers tell us the bible says Jesus is the king of Israel. The actual Israel btw, wasn't a physical place but a state of being.

now...we go back to the images this guy included in his smug post of ethnic superiority (which WAS 'hateful'):

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What's he talking about? He's showing how the bridge of the nose goes right to the brow. This is not like most people. I also have to wonder if they wore their hair the way they did to disguise the elongated skull. And then I found this:

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note: I've written before and mentioned how I believed the Egyptian royal families were infiltrated and I guessed the infiltration likely came about during the reign of Akhenaten. Note the nose and the brow merge just like the images this Cohen guy posted. Recall that, during Akhenaten's reign he abolished the worship of many gods and wanted everyone worshipping ONE instead. When he died his family was forced to flee as vengeful priests went after them and his images, his temples were pulled down. He'd caused the capitol to be moved (I forget from where). But after he was dead, they moved it back and ceased work on his new capitol city.

And then check this out:

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The being I believed to be Satan I learned (later in life) was Serapis. greener of the nile, giver of life. He showed the way to transform into the exalted human, the christed form. That's the one I believe in. The one who actually spoke with me, the one who's been there long before I knew his name, the one who came to comfort me when I was mourning the loss of a loved one, the one who inspired me. The one who's always been there. It turned into Truth for Serapis (for me).

Even now, while I can intellectually wrap my head around the idea that satan is just the other side of the biblical face and that this is a creation, not a real true being...boy, it's hard to accept, isn't it?

As a child I had no doubt Lucifer existed. I've always known also that there is what I would call 'God'. I'm not referring to Lucifer when I say that but rather, something, someone...benevolent and wise. Who is there if you but call on Him.

I used to believe Satan and Lucifer were the same being. I don't anymore.

Things change, grow more clear perhaps, as you progress in gaining experience and knowledge. I don't purport to know it all. I'm out there looking for truth too. It's a never ending journey. A fascinating one. One that has always interested me. I want to know. I want to know what is true. In this world of lies, I am seeking for that which is true. And that which I thought was true yesterday, may not be true tomorrow. You have to keep an open mind and not shy away from the truth, wherever it is to be found.

So, if demons are (as Don says) no more than nature's interesting that somebody has been programming people to hate them. Yet it kind of falls into place as we see the terrible destruction of the natural world done by the big corporations. These are responsible for probably up to 90% of all the clear cutting and environmental devastation, while they blame the average man who has absolutely no say in what these corporations do. And you have to ask: who controls these corporations?

Part of this environmental devastation wrought by the corporations is done because they genuinely don't give a rats ass, the other is because they KNOW its going to upset the average human. It fills them with depression and fear and despair. They cynically use it to give life to their lie regarding 'climate change'...hoping to instil enough fear that we'll voluntarily return to feudalism. (not going to happen).

Corporations are hand in glove with governments themselves. They're so sneaky about it. For example, on crown land the gov't will quietly go in and raze everything to the dirt, for square miles. But always out of sight of the roads where the common human might see what is being done. Because they know damn well the humans will react badly.

There is a disdain for nature inherent in this practice, a hatred and lack of regard for the living world, the living earth, that I personally find reprehensible. Along a way I used to walk all the time, there used to be a row of bushes. The little birds absolutely loved those bushes, had dirt baths under them. In the afternoons, the air was full of their song and pure joy as they enjoyed those bushes. The lot changed hands and for no good reason...the new owners cut the bushes all down. Now there is only silence where before there was so much life. I mourned the loss of them. It was a senseless and unnecessary destruction. It's a kind of power over with total disregard. This is not natural. This is not human. Not the way it is meant to be. We as humans are meant to work WITH nature, not against her.

Humans are programmed not to care. Programmed to be afraid of everything or to hate everything or simply have no regard or empathy for anything that is not human – and maybe not even for other humans. This is wrong. It is not adding to the world, but rather taking away from it. We are meant to expand, to grow, to add to creation. Not take away from it. The parasite takes away without giving. The enemy model is scarcity and reduction. That's what's behind all this bullshit about 'austerity'....when we live in a world that can support many billions more than we currently have on the planet. The earth itself is expanding and growing. We should be too.

Fearing, hating, trying to destroy anything living that is not 'us' in the earth, the life on her, other species of intelligence, such as demons - good ones I emphasize – and it must be added here for fairness sake that it's likely some of the demons we might consider 'evil' in human hating – again, if they are nature spirits – maybe they have some reason for hating and fearing US.

We have to look at things from a larger perspective, a more empathetic or empathic one. You get what you give. Our purpose as humans is to raise frequency, not assist the enemy of humanity by bringing it down, making existence smaller and smaller – till we are literally plowing the fields by hand again – dumbing everything down in a mire of unreasoning blind hatred and fear.

If they have their way, us as beings breathing out carbon dioxide will someday be labelled as a threat to the planet – and destroyed. When carbon dioxide is a basic building block of all life on the planet! So these programmers are anti nature and anti life. This is alien to humanity and I'm saying just maybe....this is literally true.

Yes, there are some entity's we need to fear. I'm not saying blindly love everything. But try to approach others with understanding and empathy. This includes the ones who share this earth with us – the animals, for instance, who are far more intelligent and feeling than we give them credit for, but also towards beings like nature spirits (demons), other sentient races and species.

Another episode of this TV series was talking about how nightmares can be portals into alternate dimensions. That's interesting. You are a multi dimensional being yourself, but you aren't aware of this. Our ignorance in some ways can kind of help shield us (unless they single you out) but in other ways leaves us vulnerable.

What I mean by this is something I noticed in all my time spent journeying outside the physical in the astral or non local body. In most of those places, I'm the ghost in the machine. The 'normies' don't see me. They have a kind of tunnel vision, hurrying about their lives, going to their jobs, etc. Most of them don't even know they aren't in the physical anymore. And these ones, perhaps because they are safely in the reservation, can be ignored. I used to think perhaps their ignorance gave them some measure of protection from being harassed and chased like I got but now I recognize it as simply being the fact that they are on the reservation. People like us are NOT.

People who ask questions, who strive to discover the truth...we are not average. And we are not on the reservation.

And so one such as myself back when I was at the height of that dream walking ability, I was chased and chased. I drew attention. I think it was the light of awareness. I wasn't sleepwalking. I wasn't the only one out there travelling. But we are in the minority for sure.

It's easier for these entities to make contact with you in the dream state, when you are already outside of your physical and thus in a state more akin to theirs – of being in a non local dimension. BUT, they can also follow you back into the physical plane. These can be positive oriented, or negative oriented. So it takes discernment to figure out what's what. Meaning, ask questions. Always, keep seeking for answers.

There are portals all over this earth. I think it's possible too, that powerful beings - wether positive or negative – can generate portals at will if they really want to in order to come through. I once lived in an apartment from hell (how I thought of it then). It had a portal in the bedroom. And all kinds of stuff was coming through including a negative entity.

I was listening to a medium describing this and she was saying how entering one can transport one to another dimension, perhaps one closer to them. When I realized the portal was there (in my place), I had been sticking my arms and legs in and out of it, watching the instant gooseflesh that arose and how the line between the two places was sharply delineated on my skin and marvelling at this...while something silently warned me not to step fully into it. It was a kind of gateway that could maybe close after I stepped through.

So. Jesus is actually gentile. The JoS got that wrong. What else did they get wrong? Think for yourself. Ask questions.

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Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko333
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by Don Danko333 »

Satan the being who shows up is the Demon Belial [Belial is also the Demonic name of Satan in Christian mythology] anything Satanism is his current, these are just Saturian spirits from a lower plane. You summon one you make a pact you wait till they keep their end and you keep yours. For the duration of the pact they place a energy mark in the auric body and they take energy off the person this way as well. They are vampiric entities, they are also malevolent and you want to banish their energy off you and out of your space its toxic.

Saturian spirits are easy to understand they just want to take energy off of humans. There is no point of working the Saturian current beyond lets make a deal. Pacting to one for life or just worshipping them is a waste of time and toxic. The reasons they have the names they do is this is how ancient sorcerers understood them as to what they do and the reason to summon them for. Some times they used cultural references. There is no Lilith in history but this demon is called Lilith because its a baneful and malevolent spirit and summoned for the purposes the mythology of Lilith is based on.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by Don Danko333 »

Jesus Christ is not a historical person neither are the apostles. In the Bible he was a Jewish Rabbinical teacher this is not in question.
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Spending time in a cult one becomes convinced that what you've been told is right. One is spending all their time hearing only from others who believe the same and so there's no hesitation, people swallow information presented without question, without thinking. But once outside that bubble new information, new points of view open up. Perspectives broaden.

In a sense the entire world has been put in a bubble mentally. We've all been programmed to think in certain ways by MSM, the movies, the educational system, the all kinds of influences. Meanwhile, our history has been quietly obscured.

They tell us jesus was jewish.

They told you Alexander the great died of malaria
They told you Napoleon died of cancer
They told you Hitler was an evil monster who killed himself
They told you they went to the moon
They told you arabs with boxcutters took over planes and flew them into the twin towers
They told you there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
They told you CV19 came from a wet market in china
They told you just two weeks to 'flatten the curve'
They told you jabs are 'safe and 100% effective'
They told you lockdowns and forced masking was 'for your health'
They told you there's no such thing as US bio weapons labs in Ukraine
They told you J6 was the 'worst attack' since 911
They told you Putin blew up nordstream 2
They told you Ukraine wasn't suffering major losses
They told you HAMAS attacked Israel
They told you Israel is just defending itself
They told you there is no genocide happening in Gaza
They told you there's no such thing as elite child trafficking rings
They told you adrenochrome wasn't a thing
They told you the Epstein client list is baseless conspiracy theory
They told you Epstein killed himself
They told you federal agencies don't target americans
They told you there is no such thing as a UniParty
They told you there is no such thing as the Deep State
They told you we need immigrants to build our economy and diversity is our strength
They told you there is no supply chain crisis
They told you the Dali incident was an 'accident'

Once we wake up to the fact we've been lied to....about everything.....the faster we find ourselves questioning everything they tell us...every narrative. And especially this one because it's so important. They're telling you Jesus was jewish....why wouldn't they lie? It makes sense why they would.

One of the reasons people were so attracted to the JoS was the idea of advancing ourselves spiritually, raise that kundalini, open that third eye, become like a god. A good goal. Well. What if long ago somebody managed to do it? And he demonstrating that power and was telling people's not such a big deal. Everything I'm doing, YOU CAN DO IT TOO. He was talking about personal sovereignty. No mediators. Having a personal connection to the divine.

That story of what that guy could do...would have made quite an impression in the mass consciousness at the time – they couldn't make him disappear completely. So what do you do? Get rid of him then make it YOUR story. And then change it up a bit and put words in the avatars mouth you created. Like this:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

That is the opposite message because now it makes everyone beholden to and subservient to something that is without. You can't do it for yourself, you have to go through a gatekeeper. I suppose it could be argued this was meant as an example. Go through me as in....see what I did and do it also. But the other interpretation and the one pushed is the literal. Which is go through this gatekeeper. Which is not the same message.

It's like that saying about catching fish for somebody makes them dependant on you. While teaching a person how to do it themselves is freeing them. People who value and desire personal sovereignty and freedom for all humanity are of the latter. Teach others so they can help themselves.

That no one comes to the father except through me sounds a lot more like get on your knees than hey you can do this for yourself. One stance is slavish and childlike while the other is sovereign and adult. Makes me think of maxine saying 'Father' Satan. It's a bow down kind of mentality. Think about it. Think about the implications.

If they can claim this person was one of them, they can also claim their superiority (not my words...but the Cohen posters words) as divine and therefore ordained. The one true way to 'god' is through one of them. That's what they're teaching.

Only it's not the one true god, is it? Not the power that creates universes and which we have a living link to via our DNA, but a petty, spiteful, vengeful and angry god who loves to punish and will throw us into a lake of fire if we don't believe in HIM. A usurper. Who say's we're BORN 'sinners'. And we need to 'repent'. Feel bad about being who and what we are. Which I feel is not to be the slaves of somebody or something else, but to be free, sovereign and powerful beings who, just like that which they are a fractal of, creates. Creation is the act of a true god. Not a false one. When a human being is born they come into this physical universe via the DNA. It's a living link to the non physical, divinity.

You commented:

“In the Bible he was a Jewish Rabbinical teacher this is not in question.”

And that's my point. The lie jesus is jewish is at this point enthroned as biblical canon. Beyond questioning. Not to be disagreed with because if you do you're blaspheming. Cognitive dissonance causes people to have an automatic knee jerk response:

“That's not true.”

It's difficult to take in new information or even consider alternative ideas. I get it. I had a hard time with this one. I was of the opinion for most of my life that the whole jesus thing was a fantasy and a lie. But new information, new insights, have been coming to me as I continue my journey seeking clarity and answers. And now I'm thinking maybe I was wrong about that. I didn't see as deeply. It's like Don, you spent years writing about what you thought at the time to be true....and then later when you began to see more deeply, you thought: maybe I was wrong. And you tried to correct the record. That's what I'm doing.

It's not about my ego, it's about truth. I'm interested in truth.

There are negative beings and positive ones, negative bloodlines and positive ones. The earth has been ruled by the chosen of 'god'.....non human Draco Reptilians who (coincidentally) match the description of what the bible calls demons. The texts that likely began as a kind of historical account were censored and the remainder weaponized. We aren't alone and never were. The roman catholic church has been an agent of evil, the desire to manipulate and control, teaching people to worship death. People have been lied to.

The bottom line is we are co-creators with a power that creates and gives life. We are about life and FOR life. And we are also about truth.

I'm saying to you all: just think about it.

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”

Mark Twain

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Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:04 am Satan the being who shows up is the Demon Belial [Belial is also the Demonic name of Satan in Christian mythology] anything Satanism is his current, these are just Saturian spirits from a lower plane. You summon one you make a pact you wait till they keep their end and you keep yours. For the duration of the pact they place a energy mark in the auric body and they take energy off the person this way as well. They are vampiric entities, they are also malevolent and you want to banish their energy off you and out of your space its toxic.

Saturian spirits are easy to understand they just want to take energy off of humans. There is no point of working the Saturian current beyond lets make a deal. Pacting to one for life or just worshipping them is a waste of time and toxic. The reasons they have the names they do is this is how ancient sorcerers understood them as to what they do and the reason to summon them for. Some times they used cultural references. There is no Lilith in history but this demon is called Lilith because its a baneful and malevolent spirit and summoned for the purposes the mythology of Lilith is based on.
I do not necessarily now from where did you get this information from? Are you member of Fraternitas Saturni or something, cause their ideology and terminology is resembling what you are saying in this post, that the Demons are Saturnians and that their is a lot of interesting aspects related to Saturn. Thing which I can't deny, though, as there are a lot of interesting aspects related to the planet Saturn.

Oh, and, based on my past connections with Demons, no, Satan is not Belial as well as Lucifer is not Satan or Lucifuge Rofocale. All the Demons have different names and are different and rule some aspects of the human life, of course, by sucking a lot of energy due to their vampiric nature, here I must agree with you.

Furthermore, what I wish to add is that deals, while the JoS preaches that they cannot be broken, they can be broken if the sorcerer has a lot of strong will in order to do such a thing. Your soul is not "eternally bound" to either Satan, Lucifer, Belial or whatever other Demon / Saturnian you chose to realize a deal with.
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:08 am Jesus Christ is not a historical person neither are the apostles. In the Bible he was a Jewish Rabbinical teacher this is not in question.
The Appostles were real and also used as a symbol for Astrological signs, Judas the Iscarriot being the sign of Scorpio. That painting was illustrating real people. The Emperor which persecuted Jesus is as well real, and that is Pontius Pilate.

Pontius Pilate (Latin: Pontius Pilatus; Greek: Πόντιος Πιλᾶτος, Pontios Pilatos) was the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea, serving under Emperor Tiberius from 26/27 to 36/37 AD. He is best known for being the official who presided over the trial of Jesus and ultimately ordered his crucifixion. Pilate's importance in Christianity is underscored by his prominent place in both the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. Because the gospels portray Pilate as reluctant to execute Jesus, the Ethiopian Church believes that Pilate became a Christian and venerates him as both a martyr and a saint, a belief which is historically shared by the Coptic Church, with a feast day on 19 or 25 June, respectively.

In Late antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Pilate became the focus of a large group of New Testament apocrypha expanding on his role in the gospels, the Pilate cycle. Attitudes split by region: in texts from the Eastern Roman Empire, Pilate was portrayed as a positive figure. He and his wife are portrayed as Christian converts and sometimes martyrs. In Western Christian texts, he was instead portrayed as a negative figure and villain, with traditions surrounding his death by suicide featuring prominently. Pilate was also the focus of numerous medieval legends, which invented a complete biography for him and portrayed him as villainous and cowardly. Many of these legends connected Pilate's place of birth or death to particular locations around Western Europe, such as claiming his body was buried in a particularly dangerous or cursed local area.

Pilate has frequently been a subject of artistic representation. Medieval art frequently portrays scenes of Pilate and Jesus, often in the scene where he washes his hands of guilt for Jesus's death. In the art of the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Pilate is often depicted as a Jew. He plays an important role in medieval passion plays, where he is often a more prominent character than Jesus. His characterization in these plays varies greatly, from weak-willed and coerced into crucifying Jesus to being an evil person who demands Jesus's crucifixion. Modern authors who feature Pilate prominently in their works include Anatole France, Mikhail Bulgakov, and Chingiz Aitmatov, with a majority of modern treatments of Pilate dating to after the Second World War. Pilate has also frequently been portrayed in film.
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by Don Danko333 »

All the gospels going back to the gnostic this character is Jewish and connected to the Jewish ideology. Christianity comes out of the Jewish gnosis schools of Alexandria. Its always been connected to Judaism. The Jewish gnostic school this came from stated they took Osiris and turned it into Jewish Jesus. That Christ does not exist and is a metaphor for there philosophical teachings.

Which means the character of Jesus is Jewish and not a historical person.
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by Don Danko333 »

From dealing with these asshole spirits for real. These spirits just want to do whatever to get on your energy and vampire it.
GoldenDragon wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:02 pm
I do not necessarily now from where did you get this information from?
Don Danko333
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by Don Danko333 »

When I contacted Melek Taus sphere of intelligence I was told he is a solar angel equal to the Olympian Apollo in power and he is a solar deity beyond Metatron and the other arch angels in power. I was told the Yezidi's are his people and follow his teachings and he is not a fallen angel. The energy of Melek Taus is powerful he is the most powerful solar being I have contacted the realm of. The serpent and peacock are solar symbols.

Something interesting when I contacted the angelic spheres of intelligence of Arch Angel Michael I was told he is a solar deity and was part of more ancient pantheons in the Near East. The angels are solar deities. Related to the spiritual realms of the solar intelligence.
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Re: Jesus was a Gentile

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:51 am From dealing with these asshole spirits for real. These spirits just want to do whatever to get on your energy and vampire it.
GoldenDragon wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:02 pm
I do not necessarily now from where did you get this information from?
It is indeed true that those spirits have a very destructive nature that just steals energy from you.
Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:00 am When I contacted Melek Taus sphere of intelligence I was told he is a solar angel equal to the Olympian Apollo in power and he is a solar deity beyond Metatron and the other arch angels in power. I was told the Yezidi's are his people and follow his teachings and he is not a fallen angel. The energy of Melek Taus is powerful he is the most powerful solar being I have contacted the realm of. The serpent and peacock are solar symbols.

Something interesting when I contacted the angelic spheres of intelligence of Arch Angel Michael I was told he is a solar deity and was part of more ancient pantheons in the Near East. The angels are solar deities. Related to the spiritual realms of the solar intelligence.
Melek Taus is indeed powerful. And I agree, he has a solar aura and is represented by the peacock (reminds me of the topic I posted about the Yezidis), though missed some information when I posted it, I think I should've written more....

And I also agree with the fact that Angels are also solar intelligence deities.
Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:46 am All the gospels going back to the gnostic this character is Jewish and connected to the Jewish ideology. Christianity comes out of the Jewish gnosis schools of Alexandria. Its always been connected to Judaism. The Jewish gnostic school this came from stated they took Osiris and turned it into Jewish Jesus. That Christ does not exist and is a metaphor for there philosophical teachings.

Which means the character of Jesus is Jewish and not a historical person.
Ok then. History tells it.
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