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Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Someone who is no stranger to this site has returned peppering the forum, most of it directed at Don, attacking him. I am making my response a topic to be clear since he spammed so many threads at would be confusing otherwise.

Silver wolf writes (the one comment addressed to me):

“Yeah, and the non-white gentile races aren't allowed to have any pride either.”

Not true. They have Chinese celebrations of Chinese culture, black pride...there are festivals for latinos...etc. But you cannot have a white pride event without people losing their minds.

“Non-white gentiles aren't even allowed to live beyond the third world.”

Are you kidding me? Non white gentiles are rapidly becoming a majority in what were traditionally white countries. Many non white gentiles live exceedingly wealthy first world lifestyles. Think black athletes for example.

“We're also psychically coerced and brainwashed into believing that white people are ultimately better than us, and better looking too ((even though beauty is in the eye of the beholder)). In fact, black pill studies goes to show that most Asians actually hold European beauty standards over the standards of their own RACE... in more than a few Asian countries it's actually part of the culture to where one should pride themselves in dying their hair blonde, putting in blue eye contacts, and even BLEACHING their fucking skin. This is self-hate here.”

Perhaps. People want what they want however. It's not for us to judge.

“and this is a level of self-hate that I do not see white people going through...”

White people are guilted constantly over being 'white', taught to hate their race and themselves. It's institutionally enforced in education, and that is a fact. I don't see CRT targeting any other color. The anti-white narrative is over the top and on a level that no other color is getting.

“And then people like you have the nerve to talk about whites not being allowed to have "any real pride in themselves", but yet POC people are...? That's total bullshit dude...”

“people like me'?? What is that supposed to mean, pray tell? I'm caucasian pure blood gentile and proud of it. You have a problem with 'people like me'? This is negative, derogatory talk and vibe. There is an us vrs them mentality being projected based on color. I'm one of 'those' people...while you identify as non white.

Your avatar is a subconscious testimony to a kind of self hatred. Portraying yourself as a monster. Why can't you pick a nice image to represent yourself? A silver wolf is a beautiful creature, yet your image is of a monster. Is this how you see yourself? Why would you deliberately choose to pick an ugly image to represent your self?

“And this is coming from someone who's racially mixed. I have a white mother, and my father is a POC (person of color).”

Why can't you just identify the father as black, asian etc? Why the SJW terminology?

“White people may not be allowed to have their own communities, and I will acknowledge that, but at least white people are allowed to have more culture.”

Well that's very big of you to acknowledge whitey isn't allowed to have their own communities. Do you feel as a mixed race person, that you don't have culture?

“At least they're allowed to live in conditions that aren't beyond horrible ((like in third world countries)),”

Allowed to live in conditions that aren't beyond horrible? Tell that one to white south africans. The white culture created what are now known as first world cultures. This feels like a blame whitey mentality coming through. That's CRT programming. The negative force ruling on this planet has been very clever in always keeping different colors fighting one another, hating and blaming one another. Keeps them not realizing the true problem. Which is that all are manipulated like puppets by a force that is non human, human hating and highly negative.

You may not be aware of it silver wolf.......but your vibe is highly negative.

“but even if they aren't allowed to have any sense of community then what does that matter anyways when the entire world is literally THIRD EYE BLIND? Cut off from occult power and knowledge...?”

Realizing there is a problem is a good first step. Now start working on yourself, do what you can to address this in yourself. Practicing spirituality, de-toxifiying your body, looking after yourself. I am quite aware this is a challenge, one I also struggle with daily. But it's not a reason to despair or to give up on life or humanity, your own or anyone else's. They want you to do that. Don't do that.

“Humanity in itself is so cut off ((SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING)) to the point to where having any sense of community wouldn't matter anyways, because for all you know you could be living on a planet filled with organic robotoids and reptilian hosts.”

As a matter of fact, I've been hearing that very thing lately. That many of the humans we see around us are not human, but are robotoids, NPCs, reptilian vrill hosts. That could be true. I do wonder if all the advertising many years ago now for 23 and me and ancestry etc....all the hype to get your DNA tested....if it wasn't because one; they were gathering DNA but also...were they wondering how many real humans are left out there? I've heard actual humans are a minority at this time. I don't know if thats true. I've certainly heard this and have my own suspicions.

I can see how it could be a dangerous way to think however....since it could be used as an excuse to justify any psychotic act, dismiss it as they 'weren't even human anyway'. That's a slippery slope.

It doesn't matter what they are or are not. What matters first is what is in YOU. What matters is what's in your own heart.

In a world of evil influences and powers, it's more important than ever to hang onto what makes us human. That is the heart. Empathy. Community. Love. The golden rule. Living each day in a service to others mode, not in a narcissistic service only to self mode. I'm not talking about be a doormat. That's not what service to others means. It means to ADD to the world in a positive way, not detract from it in a negative way. Life is abundance. it multiplies, is constantly growing. it's LIFE. To detract from the world is to be anti-life. The enemy of humanity is anti-life. Literally, as they worship death.

Everything you do, every act, what you matters. A lot more than people realize. The human haters want us to become like them. Negative, hating and psychotic. Which is not the normal state of a human being. We are divine.

The forces of evil (human haters) trying to dominate the planet have no heart, no empathy, no love in them. Which is not like us.
Our empathy, ability to empathize with another's pain, ability to put ourselves in the shoes of another, treat them as we would want to be treated, is service to others. It's about respect for life. It's a form of love that is love of self yes, but is also projected out to other living beings. This includes flora and fauna. It is the highest frequency. This is what one must strive for. Empathy, the heart, is our link to the higher density's/dimensions and to the divine. The human species is a divine species.

I don't (personally) give a shit about color. I care about what sort of person somebody is. It's the same as an artist. I don't care who or what you are, if you're black, white, pink, purple....I care about what kind of WORK you produce. Is it quality? Or is it not? And that's all I care about.

“My point is; As long as one remains THIRD EYE BLIND then humanity remains divided even among their own.”

Certainly. But change always starts from within ones own self. You cannot control how others think and feel; nor should you want to, really. You master self control. Our reality is based on our thoughts, belief patterns. This is why MSM and education, 'entertainment' all about mind control. Directing what people think. Because they know this. Which is why all the 'news' you see is for the most part NEGATIVE. it's to push fear. Why? Because fear is the lowest frequency. it's proven that it makes people stupid and easier to control.

“It's from the astral realm that humanity is controlled from... not the material world.”

That's right. The negative human hating beings have been controlling from the lower fourth density. They direct their proxy's, who DO live in this material world with us.

“And as long as humanity is cut off from the psychic mind/ or the astral realm ((being third eye blind)) then you're not going to ever have a real sense of community even if you are all living in a community that only accepts your own race.”

There is an intimation in what you say that the only 'real' community is when there are only others of the same race. Community as the species of human actually hasn't got to do with color. If you operate from the golden rule color doesn't matter. Just wait till the (positive) non terrestrial races make themselves known! That's going to make the community even bigger! You can have a community made up of many different groups.

This doesn't negate freedom of association. There are lots of different birds, for example. They are all birds, but they tend to congregate with the ones most similar to themselves. Humans are the same. We tend to want to hang with our own kind of human. This is a natural, normal thing to do. It's not 'hateful'. There is no 'hate' in it. And while birds will hang with the ones they most relate to, they are sharing the pond with other groups, peaceably. That's a community. We have the right to be free, to make our own decisions and choices of who we choose to associate with. It should be the choice of the individual. Not something imposed from the top down, which is tyrannical.

I disagree that we have to be fully open in the third eye to have any sort of 'community'. You cannot wait for some magical event to happen somewhere in a nebulous future time when all will be perfect. We have today, we have right now. That is the only time there is. We start by doing what we can with what we have been given, the gifts we brought with us into this material plane and we do the best we can at this time, in this moment. Heaven and hell are what we make it. Choose the positive, choose to operate from your heart.

"It goes A LOT DEEPER than what you realize, ZolaLuckyStar."

I understand more than you think, and have been exploring rabbit holes for decades now. Don't take me for a fool.

"Oh, yeah... And I created an account on this website a few weeks ago... And it got banned out of nowhere. Not sure why either...? I thought Truth4Satan forums weren't about censoring people? Why are you guys pulling the same shit the JoS does in censoring people?"

Don't try to lay on me the 'censoring' bullshit sob story narrative the trolls did for several years unless you want to be kicked instantly. That's a tired canard and I won't tolerate it. I don't owe anybody a place or a voice in my house. You're a guest here. I expect civility.

You came in with an obvious personal dislike and axe to grind centered on Don. That's not going to fly. That's the number one issue silverfox. Calling him 'slothstein' is denigrating him, calling him a CIA asset etc...asking him a question and snottily saying: answer IF you can...your attitude is poor. You appear to have an agenda. Not ok.

Don may not agree with everything I say and vice versa, but he is keeping it civil, and so am I. He knows a lot, has devoted decades to his research, his work, his own personal spiritual path. And if you are doing so also, then you would know that what you thought was true one day may change, as more information comes in. Learning and growing is not a stagnant thing, like a dogma is. Dogma is what it is and never changes. It's 'real' 'true''s this way or no way..That is dogma. Only a fool would call someone a 'traitor' for learning and growing beyond a dogma.

Spirituality is a search for higher and higher truth, higher dimensions of being. it is something you live every day. It is alive. Spirituality is not dogma. Religion is dogma. Religion is not alive. it is a dead thing. A collection of dogmas and fear. it was created to control the mass consciousness.

Don is in process, he's learning all the time and advancing in his spirituality. He deserves dignity and respect. I'm not seeing you giving him that. No. I'm seeing barely concealed contempt. I don't appreciate that attitude. That's number one. You are crossing a line.

Number two: 'free speech' does not give you the right to come in here and act like a dick towards others. If you are trying to be 'nice'....I suggest you try harder. The barely concealed contempt and hatred is obvious. I think I'm also feeling some contempt directed at myself, as well. 'people like you'...indeed. Not ok.

Number three: you may personally hate one race or another, but don't do it on my platform. Moderate your tone and language.

Lastly, If you peruse the rules you'll see I request people to write to me, tell me a bit about themselves, why they want to be here. You have not done so. Please, do so now. tell us, why you think you should be here? What is it you hope to accomplish? You don't like Don, you don't like myself, so why are you here? Do you want to learn, share, discuss? If you're here to merely cast pejoratives, a dick....add a negative influence...your behaviour so far....this place isn't going to work for you. This is not JoS 2.0

I want people who have a positive vibe. That's not you at this time.

Maybe you need to take a time out, go work on yourself for a while before you return.

I am giving you one chance right here and now. Think before you respond. Go away and work on yourself for a while.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by GoldenDragon »

Hello, HPS! Even though this topic is not addressed to me, I would like to publish this reply of mine's more like a short interview.

I investigated your topic about the Silverwolf person, and, I must say, you really managed to make me smile as to see that you don't have a problem with skin color or anything like this and that you, as part of T4S Ministries accept people from all kinds of faiths.

I want to ask some questions though:

1. What is your stance of accepting a Universalist like me which is having his beliefs based on Christo Paganism, Abrahamic pantheon, doesn't agree with Demon working but doesn't enforce this on people who are practicing Demon work, and is in contact with Gods from various pantheons?

2. Is this forum welcoming for Jewish people or even people who are half Jewish. It may be stupid from me to ask this, I know, since you stated that you don't have hate towards any race or any color. But, I was just asking, would this forum be welcoming for Jewish people, besides people of the main three races (Aryan, Black, Asian).

3. Do you hold the stance same as the JoS when defining reptilians, ie Jewish God YHWH or the Jewish people?

4. You yourself, HPS, having been associated in the past with the JoS, do you agree with their stance or not? Like, what do you agree and disagree about the JoS? It would be an interesting thing to see :) .

5. Is it OK if someone, in the future, would share Angelic / Hebrew magic practice, of course in a non-discriminatory manner?

6. And also final question, what is your spiritual stance on Hell, Heaven, Purgatory and all such manners, or on the fact that the Demons are Demons and not Gods of the Pantheons, the classification of Demons as Gods being from John Milton's Paradise Lost book.

I will wait for your answer and I am glad that I had the occasion to share my opinions and questions on this forum once again
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I posted this silverwolf thread. And rather than respond to it, silverwolf posts in another thread this:

“Yep, I know that too... Because I've had voice conversations with Romanians, so I do know what they sound like... So, there for; I wouldn't be surprised if he is Romanian, but if he is... then everyone saying that he's Greek are either ignorant in saying that, or they're lying. I asked this question to ZolaLuckyStar before, because she tried saying that he was Greek a few years back... And I asked her if she had any *ACTUAL* evidence that would collaborate this claim ((besides her word and the word of a few others/ That could be Jewish or reptilian/ alien hosts of some sort)), and she just ignored me...”

I don't remember you asking me this. As far as I knew, Cobra was a greek. That information was gained via our working together with maxine. But I'm not interested in debating what he is. This is a distraction.

More importantly, you were answered and asked to respond on the thread silverwolf...and you ignored it and posted this instead. Which shows again, contempt.

How many more chances should I give you, silverwolf?

As for your questions golden dragon, I'll get back to you on that. My concern here right now is this negative person.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Golden dragon had some questions:

"I want to ask some questions though:

1. What is your stance of accepting a Universalist like me which is having his beliefs based on Christo Paganism, Abrahamic pantheon, doesn't agree with Demon working but doesn't enforce this on people who are practicing Demon work, and is in contact with Gods from various pantheons?"

Whatever works for you. Whatever resonates. How can I judge? We are all on our individual paths. We are all seeking answers, in a search for higher truth. And that is a noble quest, the hero's journey. Your journey is going to be different from mine. Suspending judgement and being able to ask questions and debate in a civil manner is a good thing. We all have tiny nuggets of gold (truth). I think the key is to sift through whatever others bring to the table and work with what resonates. Your path is not mine nor mine yours, and it's ok.

"2. Is this forum welcoming for Jewish people or even people who are half Jewish. It may be stupid from me to ask this, I know, since you stated that you don't have hate towards any race or any color. But, I was just asking, would this forum be welcoming for Jewish people, besides people of the main three races (Aryan, Black, Asian)."

The reality is that there are many criminals trying to subjugate the world who do happen to be jewish. Like the rothschilds. This is an unavoidable fact. So, it's hard not to be doubtful of the intentions of the khazarians. I would be very doubtful. This site is really for gentiles.

"3. Do you hold the stance same as the JoS when defining reptilians, ie Jewish God YHWH or the Jewish people?"

I think Don actually shed some light on that:

“Metatron told me this. Yeshua Ben Joseph is who is arriving. Metatron told me Yeshua did exist he lived and worked in Alexandria within the spiritual school of the Jewish community. I was told by Metatron that Yeshua worked with the Egyptian ascension tradition the Egyptian Kabbalah tradition. Metatron told me that Yeshua is an ascended master of high spiritual level. Metatron told me when I asked that Yeshua transcended the limitations of the Jewish religion and its teachings on the Gentiles he works with Gentile people as well. Yeshua does not consider Gentiles to be Goyim but humanity. Metatron told me when I asked there is nothing left of Yeshua's teachings written down one will have to work with Yeshua one on one.

Metatron told me Yahweh is a lower deity of the solar realm only and the ancient Jews decided to make him into a monotheistic god.”

YHWH is a lower deity. So no, you don't want to follow it. You have the final authority. You are the captain of your ship. You decide.

"4. You yourself, HPS, having been associated in the past with the JoS, do you agree with their stance or not? Like, what do you agree and disagree about the JoS? It would be an interesting thing to see."

I disagree with the rabid hatred. This does not benefit anybody.

"5. Is it OK if someone, in the future, would share Angelic / Hebrew magic practice, of course in a non-discriminatory manner?"

There is only positive influences and negative. The labels fuck people up. It's a distraction. I was told long ago by a highly advanced being that humanity will never be free until they lose the labels. It's like what Don said:

“The Demon Gusion told me when I contacted him that Satan does not exist and is an invention of Christianity. There is no conflict between angels and demons. Angels are celestial solar beings and Demons are lesser material spirits.”

He told you the truth. It squares exactly with what my own research has uncovered.

"6. And also final question, what is your spiritual stance on Hell, Heaven, Purgatory and all such manners, or on the fact that the Demons are Demons and not Gods of the Pantheons, the classification of Demons as Gods being from John Milton's Paradise Lost book."

We create what we put our attention on. This has been shown in quantum physics. If you believe all that bible stuff, hell, heaven, purgatory, it is created in the astral. Does that make it true? I remember maxine saying how she encountered christians in coffins in the astral and they were waiting for 'judgement day to rise up'. We are the creators. If you believe something is true, then it is. But is it the final truth? The ultimate truth? Remember...what you believe is true becomes true. But IS it true? Is it really? I don't think so. We are fractals of the force that creates universes. We are a divine species. We create. And this is the ability being hijacked. By a negative, human hating force.

"I will wait for your answer and I am glad that I had the occasion to share my opinions and questions on this forum once again"

Thank you for being here and for being open to considering other sources of information, for seeking for truth. This is a spiritual path and you are on it. Good for you. I wish only the best for you.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: silverwolf

Post by SilverWolf »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:50 pm Someone who is no stranger to this site has returned peppering the forum, most of it directed at Don, attacking him. I am making my response a topic to be clear since he spammed so many threads at would be confusing otherwise.

Silver wolf writes (the one comment addressed to me):

“Yeah, and the non-white gentile races aren't allowed to have any pride either.”

Not true. They have Chinese celebrations of Chinese culture, black pride...there are festivals for latinos...etc. But you cannot have a white pride event without people losing their minds.

“Non-white gentiles aren't even allowed to live beyond the third world.”

Are you kidding me? Non white gentiles are rapidly becoming a majority in what were traditionally white countries. Many non white gentiles live exceedingly wealthy first world lifestyles. Think black athletes for example.

“We're also psychically coerced and brainwashed into believing that white people are ultimately better than us, and better looking too ((even though beauty is in the eye of the beholder)). In fact, black pill studies goes to show that most Asians actually hold European beauty standards over the standards of their own RACE... in more than a few Asian countries it's actually part of the culture to where one should pride themselves in dying their hair blonde, putting in blue eye contacts, and even BLEACHING their fucking skin. This is self-hate here.”

Perhaps. People want what they want however. It's not for us to judge.

“and this is a level of self-hate that I do not see white people going through...”

White people are guilted constantly over being 'white', taught to hate their race and themselves. It's institutionally enforced in education, and that is a fact. I don't see CRT targeting any other color. The anti-white narrative is over the top and on a level that no other color is getting.

“And then people like you have the nerve to talk about whites not being allowed to have "any real pride in themselves", but yet POC people are...? That's total bullshit dude...”

“people like me'?? What is that supposed to mean, pray tell? I'm caucasian pure blood gentile and proud of it. You have a problem with 'people like me'? This is negative, derogatory talk and vibe. There is an us vrs them mentality being projected based on color. I'm one of 'those' people...while you identify as non white.

Your avatar is a subconscious testimony to a kind of self hatred. Portraying yourself as a monster. Why can't you pick a nice image to represent yourself? A silver wolf is a beautiful creature, yet your image is of a monster. Is this how you see yourself? Why would you deliberately choose to pick an ugly image to represent your self?

“And this is coming from someone who's racially mixed. I have a white mother, and my father is a POC (person of color).”

Why can't you just identify the father as black, asian etc? Why the SJW terminology?

“White people may not be allowed to have their own communities, and I will acknowledge that, but at least white people are allowed to have more culture.”

Well that's very big of you to acknowledge whitey isn't allowed to have their own communities. Do you feel as a mixed race person, that you don't have culture?

“At least they're allowed to live in conditions that aren't beyond horrible ((like in third world countries)),”

Allowed to live in conditions that aren't beyond horrible? Tell that one to white south africans. The white culture created what are now known as first world cultures. This feels like a blame whitey mentality coming through. That's CRT programming. The negative force ruling on this planet has been very clever in always keeping different colors fighting one another, hating and blaming one another. Keeps them not realizing the true problem. Which is that all are manipulated like puppets by a force that is non human, human hating and highly negative.

You may not be aware of it silver wolf.......but your vibe is highly negative.

“but even if they aren't allowed to have any sense of community then what does that matter anyways when the entire world is literally THIRD EYE BLIND? Cut off from occult power and knowledge...?”

Realizing there is a problem is a good first step. Now start working on yourself, do what you can to address this in yourself. Practicing spirituality, de-toxifiying your body, looking after yourself. I am quite aware this is a challenge, one I also struggle with daily. But it's not a reason to despair or to give up on life or humanity, your own or anyone else's. They want you to do that. Don't do that.

“Humanity in itself is so cut off ((SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING)) to the point to where having any sense of community wouldn't matter anyways, because for all you know you could be living on a planet filled with organic robotoids and reptilian hosts.”

As a matter of fact, I've been hearing that very thing lately. That many of the humans we see around us are not human, but are robotoids, NPCs, reptilian vrill hosts. That could be true. I do wonder if all the advertising many years ago now for 23 and me and ancestry etc....all the hype to get your DNA tested....if it wasn't because one; they were gathering DNA but also...were they wondering how many real humans are left out there? I've heard actual humans are a minority at this time. I don't know if thats true. I've certainly heard this and have my own suspicions.

I can see how it could be a dangerous way to think however....since it could be used as an excuse to justify any psychotic act, dismiss it as they 'weren't even human anyway'. That's a slippery slope.

It doesn't matter what they are or are not. What matters first is what is in YOU. What matters is what's in your own heart.

In a world of evil influences and powers, it's more important than ever to hang onto what makes us human. That is the heart. Empathy. Community. Love. The golden rule. Living each day in a service to others mode, not in a narcissistic service only to self mode. I'm not talking about be a doormat. That's not what service to others means. It means to ADD to the world in a positive way, not detract from it in a negative way. Life is abundance. it multiplies, is constantly growing. it's LIFE. To detract from the world is to be anti-life. The enemy of humanity is anti-life. Literally, as they worship death.

Everything you do, every act, what you matters. A lot more than people realize. The human haters want us to become like them. Negative, hating and psychotic. Which is not the normal state of a human being. We are divine.

The forces of evil (human haters) trying to dominate the planet have no heart, no empathy, no love in them. Which is not like us.
Our empathy, ability to empathize with another's pain, ability to put ourselves in the shoes of another, treat them as we would want to be treated, is service to others. It's about respect for life. It's a form of love that is love of self yes, but is also projected out to other living beings. This includes flora and fauna. It is the highest frequency. This is what one must strive for. Empathy, the heart, is our link to the higher density's/dimensions and to the divine. The human species is a divine species.

I don't (personally) give a shit about color. I care about what sort of person somebody is. It's the same as an artist. I don't care who or what you are, if you're black, white, pink, purple....I care about what kind of WORK you produce. Is it quality? Or is it not? And that's all I care about.

“My point is; As long as one remains THIRD EYE BLIND then humanity remains divided even among their own.”

Certainly. But change always starts from within ones own self. You cannot control how others think and feel; nor should you want to, really. You master self control. Our reality is based on our thoughts, belief patterns. This is why MSM and education, 'entertainment' all about mind control. Directing what people think. Because they know this. Which is why all the 'news' you see is for the most part NEGATIVE. it's to push fear. Why? Because fear is the lowest frequency. it's proven that it makes people stupid and easier to control.

“It's from the astral realm that humanity is controlled from... not the material world.”

That's right. The negative human hating beings have been controlling from the lower fourth density. They direct their proxy's, who DO live in this material world with us.

“And as long as humanity is cut off from the psychic mind/ or the astral realm ((being third eye blind)) then you're not going to ever have a real sense of community even if you are all living in a community that only accepts your own race.”

There is an intimation in what you say that the only 'real' community is when there are only others of the same race. Community as the species of human actually hasn't got to do with color. If you operate from the golden rule color doesn't matter. Just wait till the (positive) non terrestrial races make themselves known! That's going to make the community even bigger! You can have a community made up of many different groups.

This doesn't negate freedom of association. There are lots of different birds, for example. They are all birds, but they tend to congregate with the ones most similar to themselves. Humans are the same. We tend to want to hang with our own kind of human. This is a natural, normal thing to do. It's not 'hateful'. There is no 'hate' in it. And while birds will hang with the ones they most relate to, they are sharing the pond with other groups, peaceably. That's a community. We have the right to be free, to make our own decisions and choices of who we choose to associate with. It should be the choice of the individual. Not something imposed from the top down, which is tyrannical.

I disagree that we have to be fully open in the third eye to have any sort of 'community'. You cannot wait for some magical event to happen somewhere in a nebulous future time when all will be perfect. We have today, we have right now. That is the only time there is. We start by doing what we can with what we have been given, the gifts we brought with us into this material plane and we do the best we can at this time, in this moment. Heaven and hell are what we make it. Choose the positive, choose to operate from your heart.

"It goes A LOT DEEPER than what you realize, ZolaLuckyStar."

I understand more than you think, and have been exploring rabbit holes for decades now. Don't take me for a fool.

"Oh, yeah... And I created an account on this website a few weeks ago... And it got banned out of nowhere. Not sure why either...? I thought Truth4Satan forums weren't about censoring people? Why are you guys pulling the same shit the JoS does in censoring people?"

Don't try to lay on me the 'censoring' bullshit sob story narrative the trolls did for several years unless you want to be kicked instantly. That's a tired canard and I won't tolerate it. I don't owe anybody a place or a voice in my house. You're a guest here. I expect civility.

You came in with an obvious personal dislike and axe to grind centered on Don. That's not going to fly. That's the number one issue silverfox. Calling him 'slothstein' is denigrating him, calling him a CIA asset etc...asking him a question and snottily saying: answer IF you can...your attitude is poor. You appear to have an agenda. Not ok.

Don may not agree with everything I say and vice versa, but he is keeping it civil, and so am I. He knows a lot, has devoted decades to his research, his work, his own personal spiritual path. And if you are doing so also, then you would know that what you thought was true one day may change, as more information comes in. Learning and growing is not a stagnant thing, like a dogma is. Dogma is what it is and never changes. It's 'real' 'true''s this way or no way..That is dogma. Only a fool would call someone a 'traitor' for learning and growing beyond a dogma.

Spirituality is a search for higher and higher truth, higher dimensions of being. it is something you live every day. It is alive. Spirituality is not dogma. Religion is dogma. Religion is not alive. it is a dead thing. A collection of dogmas and fear. it was created to control the mass consciousness.

Don is in process, he's learning all the time and advancing in his spirituality. He deserves dignity and respect. I'm not seeing you giving him that. No. I'm seeing barely concealed contempt. I don't appreciate that attitude. That's number one. You are crossing a line.

Number two: 'free speech' does not give you the right to come in here and act like a dick towards others. If you are trying to be 'nice'....I suggest you try harder. The barely concealed contempt and hatred is obvious. I think I'm also feeling some contempt directed at myself, as well. 'people like you'...indeed. Not ok.

Number three: you may personally hate one race or another, but don't do it on my platform. Moderate your tone and language.

Lastly, If you peruse the rules you'll see I request people to write to me, tell me a bit about themselves, why they want to be here. You have not done so. Please, do so now. tell us, why you think you should be here? What is it you hope to accomplish? You don't like Don, you don't like myself, so why are you here? Do you want to learn, share, discuss? If you're here to merely cast pejoratives, a dick....add a negative influence...your behaviour so far....this place isn't going to work for you. This is not JoS 2.0

I want people who have a positive vibe. That's not you at this time.

Maybe you need to take a time out, go work on yourself for a while before you return.

I am giving you one chance right here and now. Think before you respond. Go away and work on yourself for a while.
You: Not true. They have Chinese celebrations of Chinese culture, black pride...there are festivals for latinos...etc. But you cannot have a white pride event without people losing their minds.

Me: Do you understand what kind of world you live in...? We're all subjected to the SHADOW SHOW on the cave wall. We're all in a literal matrix of some sort, and we will continue to be within this matrix/ "THE CAVE" for as long as humanity remains third eye blind... while being cut off from occult power and knowledge. If you were an actual High Priestess then you would have a level in REAL spiritual understanding... And then you would understand what I say as truth, but you're a white woman ((no offense))... And white woman tend to be very ignorant (and they're also some of the most naive people on the planet) when it comes to knowing anything of any actual spiritual SUBSTANCE. White women have the strongest ties to the BLACK SUN. Black sun represents the astral sun/ or the WORM HOLE. Worm hole / "WOMB" hole. Women bring life into this world, but it's the man that creates the seed. It's men that are the ultimate CREATORS... not women. It's the YANG principal/ or yang energy that represents the masculine. It's the YIN that represents the FEMININE. Black/ or YIN does not create... black is not even a color, but is the ESSENCE of where all color comes from. Women are not meant to be SPIRITUAL leaders, but men are... And my father's blood line/ Native Americans ((specifically that of the Lakota)) understand this as truth. For Native Americans... women are the ones that own the property. Take care of the family. They're the ones that make the decisions in regard family life, but in Lakota culture it's men that are the witches. It's men that engage in ceremony and magick. Not women. So, I don't expect women to really understand anything in regard to actual spirituality...

But anyways... since we're third eye blind, and humanity has never been under the rule of humanity. We've always been SUBJECTED to the shadow show on the cave wall, and since that's the case then how would you know that Chinese culture is actually Chinese...? Maybe that in itself is an imitation...? An illusion of some sort...? Maybe what you think of as "real Chinese culture" is actually "Chinese" Reptilian-host culture; taking on the IMPRINT or the ILLUSION of being a real human culture...? Do you understand where I'm coming from here...? All civilizations are founded by the 'Gods' themselves ((alien beings that created humanity as a psychic EXPLOIT, and nothing more than that)). Humanity has never truly known ANY *REAL* form of culture of our own, and I will stand by that belief until someone with a higher level of understanding than I have demonstrates to me that I'm wrong, but I am someone who is spiritually aware... And a lot more so than your average human 'slave'/ or prisoner, so someone like you cannot lie to me, but you can lie to others whether you know this yourself or not... And that's why I'm here. :) To put you on blast about that...

You: Are you kidding me? Non white gentiles are rapidly becoming a majority in what were traditionally white countries. Many non white gentiles live exceedingly wealthy first world lifestyles. Think black athletes for example.

Me: No, I am not kidding you and white countries are in EUROPE... white people should not be in Americas, South Africa, or Australia... Or in any parts of Asia for that matter. You guys need to stay in Europe, and I do agree... that whites are becoming a minority in Europe as well, and I do believe that is wrong. If it was up to me... I would kick every immigrant out of Europe and make them go back to their own countries, but at the same time... I can't entirely fault them, because aliens ((that's what truly rules our planet by the way; Multidimensional E.T. energy vampires that work through human HOSTS)) make their countries shit, so these people don't have much choice, but to immigrate to European countries, because Europeans are not targeted in this way/ or on some the same level... But never the less; I do believe that it's WRONG for them to be in Europe. I don't think they should, so I stand in agreeance with you there.

As far as money goes though... there's more rich white people on the planet then there is POC. That's just the truth... And money doesn't buy happiness either. :) Black and white people; And I mean no offense in saying this, but you people are both some of the most MATERIALISTIC people on the planet that really only thinks in terms of this type of shit, although I think black people show potential in change, but for white people...? I don't know about people like you... white people tend to act very JEWISH in their own right, so even if the white race were to ever become free from within the confines of the cave, would you guys be able to live a righteous life...? Would your souls ((that are based upon the BLACK SUN)) allow you to...? Or no...? I wonder about this quite often.

You: Perhaps. People want what they want however. It's not for us to judge.

Me: Not "perhaps", because that **IS** the case... And how should white people like yourself react to this...? You should tell these people to be PROUD of who they ARE. Tell them that they should be proud in their own race, and stop trying to be white. :) That's what people like *YOU* should say to *THEM*, but instead... you say some bullshit like, "They should be what they want. It's not for us to judge."? Spoken like a true white woman. If I saw some white person trying to LARP as a fucking Native American... you know what I would say to them, and what I NORMALLY say to people like that in the state of South Dakota, which is the state that I live in...? I tell them white people are an amazing race, and white people have their own amazing traits... And they should be proud of who they are as a PERSON, and not try to larp as someone else, but I've never seen white people show the same courtesy for those non-whites who try to be white. In fact... you people ENABLE their behavior. You don't try to correct them in anyway... And I think that's a scum bag move that people should be called out on that. It should be obvious that one who hates their own culture well enough to where they would literally want to larp as being a part of a culture that's not their own is something that can be tied directly to this system/ or the matrix... negative programming. It's not natural for someone to want to be part of another culture that's not their own. And I don't believe you even see this kind of behavior in the animal world... unless it's domesticated animals...? Domesticated animals go through a host of problems themselves due to being domesticated.

You: White people are guilted constantly over being 'white', taught to hate their race and themselves. It's institutionally enforced in education, and that is a fact. I don't see CRT targeting any other color. The anti-white narrative is over the top and on a level that no other color is getting.

Me: Again, you're not seeing this from a "BEYOND THE CAVE" perspective here. Occult power and knowledge is kept out of the hands of ALL human races on the planet... And I can argue that occult power is kept out of the hands of non-white people more-so than it is for white people, due to our direct connection to SPIRIT... to the LIGHT. Melanin in itself acts as a SPIRITUAL RECEPTOR for light-energy, and this is the reason why our souls are based upon the WHITE SUN, and not the BLACK ((like it is for white people)). Dark skin... dark colors tie to dark matter, and dark matter is represented by the black sun. There's 3 bodies that make up the WHOLE of the human being. 1. The Physical 2. The Astral/ or SPIRIT, and 3. The soul itself. Each body is represented by the light DIFFERENTLY for each race. White people have the strongest connection to the light on the MATERIAL/ PHYSICAL plane of existence ((which is also ruled by the YIN)), but their connection to the light doesn't exist on a core level. Their souls aren't based upon it... But the black sun, which acts as a spiritual receptor in itself to where they have the strongest connection to light energy on the physical plane ((hence their fair skin tones... blonde hair, and blue eyes)). Anyone who is actually PSYCHIC... And is able to pick up on the power of SOULS, will know what I say as truth, because they would be able to see it too... And I have. :) I can thank my Native American blood for that one... Native people are some of the wisest souls on the planet, and our ties to the occult world... And to spirituality is still going strong, but I don't believe it will last another couple hundred years or so, because in time ((due to the negative programming that we're subjected to by the system)) Native people will likely be just as dumb as another minority that walks on the face of this Earth... unfortunately.

But anyways... you're not looking at any of this from a "beyond the cave" perspective. White people are taught to feel guilt... sure, I'll give ya that... And I don't disagree, but it's POC that are actually TAUGHT to believe that they're inferior. That they can't have the same level of culture as white people can. The same 'some-what' functioning societies either. The system RAMS this crap into the heads of all POC, so you can't say to me that white people have it worse, because they really don't... And I'm sorry that you can't become enlightened enough to realize this fact yourself, but if you can... then I apologize, but if you aren't... then you should probably step down from calling yourself a "High Priestess", because I don't believe that you should be one, because you seem to lack a GREAT DEAL of foresight, lest of course you're some reptilian host yourself...? :) Are you a reptilian...? lol You wouldn't be honest even if you were though... they never expose themselves, but I do believe they will once the Golden Age of Saturn comes... won't be a good time for any human being living during that age. Slavery is coming back for gentiles then... And I truly believe that.

You: “people like me'?? What is that supposed to mean, pray tell? I'm caucasian pure blood gentile and proud of it. You have a problem with 'people like me'? This is negative, derogatory talk and vibe. There is an us vrs them mentality being projected based on color. I'm one of 'those' people...while you identify as non white.

Me: I do not hate white people, but I do believe that white people are not as spiritual as the non-white races are, and there for I believe that white people are only a problem... And I hate to say that, because my mother is white. I was raised among white people in a white family here within the state of South Dakota. I grew up knowing the FARM life... And I love my mother's family to DEATH, but I realize that none of these people are spiritually aware... And none of them have the same level of foresight as me, or as any other Native American that gets involved with their own form of spirituality... that still have connections to it; What ever connection remains that the Reptilians didn't disconnect them from through their white pawns when they led them into the Americas and kept the Natives from fighting back on a spiritual level. Native American chiefs/ and medicine men were TARGETED for the sole reason of having occult power, and being able to see and sport shapeshifters/ and skinwalkers ((the same types that control our planet)).

But the question remains... do *YOU* have a problem with *ME*? Because it sure as hell seems like it... And I can probably say this for every white person I come across. lol

You: Your avatar is a subconscious testimony to a kind of self hatred. Portraying yourself as a monster. Why can't you pick a nice image to represent yourself? A silver wolf is a beautiful creature, yet your image is of a monster. Is this how you see yourself? Why would you deliberately choose to pick an ugly image to represent your self?

Me: No offense... But are you slow...? Wolves are natural predators... they're not supposed to come off "cute and cuddly", lol.

And my avatar picture is BEAUTIFUL by the way. :) It represents my higher-self... wolves might be predators, but they follow a form of honor... which is alien to those who control our planet. The worm in that picture represents the astral attachment on me; That keeps me from expressing my true self... And liberating the non-white races as a whole on this planet from our alien jailers... And from the false belief that your race is superior to ours.

You: Well that's very big of you to acknowledge whitey isn't allowed to have their own communities. Do you feel as a mixed race person, that you don't have culture?

Me: I believe that I've already explained this in my above statements. :) And no... I'm not some woke liberal. I hate liberals, especially the white ones, because the white ones are just as racist as those on the far right, but WORSE. At least with people on the far right... you got an idea of what you're dealing with, but those on the left...? Very sneaky those ones are. The woke agenda in itself is not only a means to demonize white people, but mainly; DEMORALIZE the non-white races into making us ''beLIEve'' that we're inferior to whites... And that we can't have functioning societies of our own, which is complete and utter bullshit, but people would realize this fact... if they were privileged to occult power and knowledge... And were allowed to walk out of the cave/ I.E. Plato's Cave... And would you believe me if I told you that the Lakota were aware of the cave concept before even ever learning about Plato and the Greeks...? :) Check out the quote down below, by Black Elk.

You: Allowed to live in conditions that aren't beyond horrible? Tell that one to white south africans. The white culture created what are now known as first world cultures.

Me: 1. White people don't belong in South Africa, and 2. They did not create first world cultures... they *may* have had *SOME* ROLE in the creation of first world cultures, but REAL CULTURE is something that humanity does not know, regardless of what race you are a part of. Life does not truly begin for the human being until they walk out of the cave. :) What you see as white culture is part of the shadow show, that... or is... And this can be said for all races... just not whites. If we are allowed to experience any level of culture within this matrix, then it's very small... And if whites are allowed to have that over those who aren't white, then it's a privilege that they did not earn on their own, but were given by our alien creators/ the ones who control this planet and keep humanity from knowing Samadhi.

You: This feels like a blame whitey mentality coming through. That's CRT programming.

Me: No... I don't really blame white people for any of my woes. At least not ultimate blame... that is reserved for the aliens that run and control this planet. :) That keep humanity as a whole disconnected from occult power and knowledge, and if we had that... were allowed to realize our own Godhead and utilize it then there would be none of this CRT crap... And there would be a real balance among the gentile races, because I'm one who stands by the belief that we're all capable of greatness... that the Godhead's potential is LIMITLESS ((it wouldn't be the Godhead otherwise if that weren't the case)), and there for the potential of all humans who do have the Godhead ((regardless of race)) is the same, but is expressed differently through race. You understand...? I'm not trying to call people like you inferior, so don't get it twisted... not like how people like you do to me, anyways. LOL!

You: The negative force ruling on this planet has been very clever in always keeping different colors fighting one another, hating and blaming one another.

Me: Yep, they sure have... And them getting white people to falsely believe that they're better than everyone else ((to where they patronize the entire world)) is one way they do it... the fact that the white soul is based upon the BLACK SUN is where the divide happens at, but that wouldn't be the case if we weren't in Plato's Cave to where we would know the REAL LIGHT/ patriarchy or a balanced society. Black people have the strongest connection to the light/ YANG energy on a core-level. Their souls are based upon the white sun, but blacks have no real connection to the feminine in the process... female intelligence which is represented by the black sun. This is why black people seem to be very dumb-minded, and also do horribly on conventional IQ tests that likely don't even account for one's overall IQ. When humanity was created by the 'Gods' ((these nefarious aliens that Satanists suck-up to)) they SPLIT our souls in two... we were CUT OFF from the SPIRIT/ the MASCULINE aspect of the soul... what humanity is prone to is only the female side. We live under a female system. A black sun matrix. :) Plato's Cave represents the DARKNESS of ignorance/ Darkness is YIN energy. What everyone falsely believes as the patriarchy is actually that of the artificial light that casts the shadow show on the cave's wall. Yawheh's light... Or maybe even LUCYfer's...? LUCYfer represents the TRANS-man. What the powers that be want to do with all men... in the long run. Kill the man's spirit, and make him into a woman... an abomination, but yes... the 'Gods'/ our alien creators cut humanity off from the MASCULINE/ spirit (yang aspect of the soul). This is spoken about in the ancient Greek creation myth and also in the Mayan creation myth; The story of humanity being made out of two forms of CORN. Yellow corn and white. Yellow = female, white = male. White contains all colors in the spectrum... creation. Light = information. Another word for "Corn" is "Maize", and the phonetic word for "Maize" is "MAZE"/ labrynth... And we were created within the labyrinth/ Hotel California ((the song sung by the Eagles symbolizes the labyrinth)). Chronos ("Corn") the god of time and death/ Saturn. Humanity is ruled by the false concept of time, due to us being THIRD EYE BLIND/ cut off from the SPIRIT.

POC (people of color) have a direct tie to the LIGHT... our culture/ and creative potential resides on a SPIRITUAL LEVEL, where as that potential for white people is expressed on a PHYSICAL level/ materialistic... which is the reason why whites have contributed the most when it comes to technology... But as long as humanity remains cut off from spirit, the non-white races will never be able to express their true potential... And we'll always be pushed off as inferior in the process... And that's just the way life is. Best I can do is create awareness... in letting people know the truth.

You: You may not be aware of it silver wolf.......but your vibe is highly negative.

Me: If that is the case, then you're very likely picking up on my astral attachment... the chains that bind me to this matrix. :) But my real vibe is something other worldly... And positive... And you're obviously not aware of that. I don't even believe that the Nordic hybrids ((that work on the astral realm)) are aware of who I truly am... ;) But if they are, then I think it would be safe to say that they work against humanity... specifically against that of the non-white races.

You: That's right. The negative human hating beings have been controlling from the lower fourth density. They direct their proxy's, who DO live in this material world with us.

Me: You do realize that the 4th dimension isn't suppose to be negative for humans, right...? The third eye allows one to perceive the 4th dimension... as far as I'm concerned. 4th dimensions gives one a HIGHER perspective, but when you're prone to the 3rd dimension/ or "3rd density" you're then prone to the manipulation of astral beings that operate from the 4th, and I do believe that the astral itself could be the 4th dimension...? Those who control our planet are masters of time and space... they're able to travel back and forth through it. One reason why I really have no hope for our species. :) We're probably already all damned as we speak, but just don't know it...

But yeah... I think Clive Barker's "Hellraiser" is based on the concept... of what would happen if one ascended beyond the third into the fourth ((as the cube itself symbolizes/ or represents the third dimension)). One opening "the box" is one ascending beyond the 3rd, but the problem here is; Those that do probably do so without de-programming themselves from any false teachings... So, they experience a very negative version of the fourth dimension, but it's not suppose to be that way.

You: As a matter of fact, I've been hearing that very thing lately. That many of the humans we see around us are not human, but are robotoids, NPCs, reptilian vrill hosts. That could be true.

Me: It is true... And I'm sure Don himself realizes that fact, but he's just not saying anything about it. :) Never does... these JoS clergy and ex-clergy, because they are the hosts/ or reptilians themselves ((very likely)). lol

You: There is an intimation in what you say that the only 'real' community is when there are only others of the same race. Community as the species of human actually hasn't got to do with color. If you operate from the golden rule color doesn't matter.

Me: I know that community doesn't really have anything to do with race, if at all... But it seems you took me out of context there...? No matter. My point is; One can experience a real community of their own until they leave the matrix. :) And as far as I'm concerned... only certain people/ or races are allowed to realize that they are in a literal matrix. I do, but I don't think whites and blacks have the necessary foresight in understanding that as neither of these races have a strong enough connection to the MIDDLE BODY like Asians and American Indians do.

You: Just wait till the (positive) non terrestrial races make themselves known! That's going to make the community even bigger! You can have a community made up of many different groups.

Me: You speak of the Golden Age of Saturn... the age of rest for the Jews. That will not be a positive time for people like me, and people like me may not even exist in that age. As far as I'm concerned... we're under the perfect Zodiac sign now... Pisces. The Mayan calendar marked the beginning of the age of Pisces, not Aquarius. If you're going by Western astrology then you're going by an incorrect form, because it's not backed up by astronomy... And actual astronomers are constantly flaming Tropical/ or Western astrology for this fact. If you want a more accurate form of astrology then I recommend Vedic... Because Vedic (Sidereal) stays true to the constellations. I was born on September 3rd, 1988... according to Tropical astrology and therefor I'm a Virgo, but this isn't true at all... in reality, the constellation that my sun was under at the time of my birth was LEO. Western astrology is wayyyyy off, by like a couple thousand years I believe...? But yes... the Mayan calendar marked the beginning of the age of Pisces. Pisces is the TENTH age within the Zodiac. Ten is the sun's number. 10 and 1... 1 = the sun at it's lowest point, 10 = the sun at it's highest. In the Chinese Zodiac 10 is represented by the chicken or the rooster... the only animal that can ascend beyond this matrix, and become a PHOENIX... if they fail in that mission, then the rooster/ male cock ((representing YANG energy)) becomes a chicken. 1 in the Chinese Zodiac is represented by the rat... And they say that the rat and the chicken are arch enemies, because the chicken knows the rat's game. :) Know's that life itself is a rat's race ((or at least life within the confines of this cave)). My point is; We're in the best age right now... Pisces. This is the TRUE golden age of humanity... And the only age that humanity can truly free themselves; specifically that of the non-white races. Your Nordic 'gods'/ "dogs" are the ones that help keep humanity STUCK as exploits... And this is one reason why I hate them too. :) They work for the shephard... to keep humanity from realizing that we're all 'wolves' at heart, and not sheep. We're forced to act like something that we're not... a bunch of sheep/ cattle... goyim.

You: I can see how it could be a dangerous way to think however....since it could be used as an excuse to justify any psychotic act, dismiss it as they 'weren't even human anyway'. That's a slippery slope.

Me: If you realized the fact that you're in a matrix or within the confines of the cave then you would realize that wouldn't matter anyways. :) But you don't realize that... unfortunately, which is the reason to why I do believe you are a fool. I'm sorry to say... But hey, most of the world doesn't seem to realize that fact either, so... join the club... And we're all fools to some extent, one can never know everything, because knowledge in itself is infinite.

You: I understand more than you think, and have been exploring rabbit holes for decades now. Don't take me for a fool.

Me: I don't think so. :) Unless you're an Agent Smith-personality, then you probably do. lol

You: his doesn't negate freedom of association. There are lots of different birds, for example. They are all birds, but they tend to congregate with the ones most similar to themselves. Humans are the same. We tend to want to hang with our own kind of human. This is a natural, normal thing to do. It's not 'hateful'. There is no 'hate' in it. And while birds will hang with the ones they most relate to, they are sharing the pond with other groups, peaceably. That's a community.

Me: Although I agree with the bird-stuff... But unfortunately, it doesn't work that way for humans while being trapped within the confines of the cave. There's a real racial DIVIDE there that can only be fixed through humanity realizing and utilizing the Godhead ((Samadhi... I think they would call it...?)) to where we can truly spread our wings. Until then... this divide will always exist.

They say the Indian race are PRESERVERS of occult knowledge, but the Native Americans are the KNOWERS. Indian = AN*END... an end to a cycle, or potentially to this matrix and those who control it. They are the ones with the DOT, but we are the ones with the FEATHERS... we are the closest race to actual freedom. I'm giving you hints here... I'm giving BREAD CRUMBS. :) You going to take it, or na...? Food is food... And beggars can't be choosers in clown world. In the carnival, one can't be picky. Gotta take what you can get.

You: Don't try to lay on me the 'censoring' bullshit sob story narrative the trolls did for several years unless you want to be kicked instantly. That's a tired canard and I won't tolerate it. I don't owe anybody a place or a voice in my house. You're a guest here. I expect civility.

Me: Well, you guys were definitely a lot more lenient a few years ago. :) But I see now that has changed...? I take that it's because Don is here spreading his "spiritual" propaganda...? I guess the Masons need some platform to have their mouthpiece on. LOL!

You: You came in with an obvious personal dislike and axe to grind centered on Don. That's not going to fly. That's the number one issue silverfox. Calling him 'slothstein' is denigrating him, calling him a CIA asset etc...asking him a question and snottily saying: answer IF you can...your attitude is poor. You appear to have an agenda. Not ok.

Me: I admit... I was in the wrong for directly name-calling, but I'm not in the wrong for throwing hardball questions at him... nor am I in the wrong for SPECULATING that he could be a CIA asset... or tie to the Freemasons in some way. He could also be Jewish too, but guess what...? I might be Jewish as well... maybe I'm the shapeshifter? The reptilian...? I won't deny the possibilities, but I also won't make the claim that I'm not... not without acknowledging that I could be full of shit. You know what that is called...? BEING AN ADVOCATE FOR FREE THOUGHT. :) I don't promote the idea that people should just BLINDLY take my word for shit, and I wish Don would show that same courtesy, but he does not... And that is a Jewish trait in itself... And that shouldn't fly either, but you allow it to...? Which makes you suspicious in your own right. lol

I promote free thought. I can tell one that I'm not the enemy... that I'm not Jewish, but I'm also not willing to show face either ((like Don... or HoodedCobra)), but as long as I don't and I'm not willing to... then I will always acknowledge/ or entertain to the idea that I could be. That's what a real truther **WOULD** DO, but do we get this same courtesy from Don...? Or from HoodedCobra? No... not all, lol. But we should.

Sources: ... -humankind <----- Humanity being made out of Corn
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

This isn't a conversation; it's an attack. Attempting to goad me into useless back and forth in order to drain my energy and time. Like a parasite would do. Acting like an energy vampire.

Back in the day there was zero moderation. Trolls were allowed free run. The forum devolved into a shithole because of this stupidity. Now we have moderation. This positive change has nothing to do with Don.

You're casting aspersions and innuendos. Your circular logic is fallacious. Example: You state asians think they're inferior to whites, thus they try to look more pale skinned, seeing as how they feel less than and inferior. Actually, this is not the case. Not at all. In fact, many asian people feel they are far superior to whites. Racism goes all ways. You yourself are quite racist.

Also, considering this in a historical context, nobles didn't work the fields. They weren't exposed to the sun like the peasants. 'White' skin was thus a symbol of higher social standing, beauty and sophistication. This is actually why they try so hard to lighten their skin. It's a cultural thing. It's considered more desirable as a look. To be fair skinned. It's not for us to judge. I said 'possibly'....earlier because I didn't feel like wasting my time explaining.

You aren't asking 'hardball' questions. You're harassing. You said it yourself. You're here to put us on 'blast'. You aren't advocating for free thought. You aren't righteous. You're acting the part of a coy dog, nipping at peoples heels.

You think I know nothing. But it's you who appears to know very little. Acting highly negative and hateful. Nobody genuinely spiritual would waste their time attacking people like this.

I gave you a fair answer. I gave you three chances. You did not have appreciation, just repeating the same old allegations, aspersions and innuendos, seasoned with a (few) bits of sense and a lot of race baiting. That's unfortunate. Some of what you say I actually agreed with. However, since it came wrapped in a lot of personal attacks, I won't waste time discussing further.

You're so focussed on being angry, hateful and jealous of other people's accomplishments (trying to tear down Don and myself for example) you've rendered yourself unable to think straight. I was dead on target regarding the hatred and contempt I sensed pouring off you in waves. You're not here for anything positive but rather, to sour the atmosphere. It's all about hating, for you. This is not the mark of one who is spiritually advanced.

By your lights, we might as well give up, not practice spirituality, not try to advance, not work to better ourselves and thus the universe. They got us in a cave and that's all she wrote. That's a reality I want no part of, do not accept. Where you place your attention and energy you manifest. I don't believe we are all doomed and it's hopeless. If you were as aware as you claim, you'd know that by harbouring that, you're helping the human haters.

You hate whitey. That's obvious. I notice all you identity with is your father. In other words, it seems you hate yourself, since you're mixed and part white. Which is why you chose to use the image of a monster as an avatar. And that's the real issue, I think. You hate yourself. You would benefit by practicing kindness. It's the simplest first step one can take to advance spiritually and raise their frequency. I feel sorry for you. I hope you will become a better, kinder person, given time.

I have respect for native spiritual traditions. One of my spiritual mentors was a shaman. It's funny though....he didn't have the same problems you seem to with women practicing spirituality. He was terrific, so helpful and kind.

He once shared with me mixed people (in the native world) are looked down on. Some of the pure blooded (not all) don't appreciate 'mixed' (mongrel they call it – I don't) people learning spiritual practices, becoming a shaman. Meaning you, being mixed, would by those lights be disqualified to learn or follow their spiritual path. Should you accept their judgement? Should I accept yours?

You're banging a drum, thinking you're leading, thinking you're righteous's just a lot of noise. Think what you want, say what you want. You aren't welcome anymore to do so here.

Go, create your own forum, write your spiritual understandings there. Stop wasting time here. I won't mind. In fact, I wish you all the best. Truly, I do.

Take care. Bye for now.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Don Danko333
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Re: silverwolf

Post by Don Danko333 »

Sliverwolf is the former poster know as 'Borninhell88' A.K.A 'The Bitch Fairy' from the old T4S.

This individual has admitted to being a meth abuser for most of his adult life and is mentally unsane from the effects of this. He stated he believes his mother is a shape shifting reptilian, Aliens have him in 4D hand cuffs and aliens have messed with his social media somehow from outer space? He also stated he is a bitch, hence the name 'bitch fairy'.

He hates White people because he is racially mixed with Native American and being a life long meth user he naturally has a toxic attitude on everything. He will always give the same long lists of meaningless complaints, accusations and nonsense. He is also of lower mental ability from years of meth.

The Bitch Fairy is always the same.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I think that's incredibly sad. I'm sorry to hear that.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: silverwolf

Post by Don Danko333 »

Something to understand is with working with Demons is don't worship them Demonidolatry which is what the Demon worshipers call it. Just leads a person to be exploited by Demons. The Demons are psychopathic beings in human understanding. The people who think Demons care about them or are their allies or friends are in for a serious awaking. The Demons will stick a knife in their back for the right price.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"Something to understand is with working with Demons is don't worship them Demonidolatry which is what the Demon worshipers call it. Just leads a person to be exploited by Demons. The Demons are psychopathic beings in human understanding. The people who think Demons care about them or are their allies or friends are in for a serious awaking. The Demons will stick a knife in their back for the right price."

That's interesting and good to have pointed out. I do remember a lot of people in the JoS would be extremely into Demonidolatry. To me, this means keeping the altars, doing major, on your knees worshipping, praying to...all that. Doing rituals, lighting candles, etc.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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