
Don Danko333
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Re: silverwolf

Post by Don Danko333 »

The problem with being Jewish is the identity of being Jewish. How is one half Jewish? Being Jewish is what is in the Talmud and Torah they are human gods and we are the slaves the Goyim put here to serve them in their world kingdom. If one identifies as Jewish then they identity with that. That is what being Jewish is based upon. Jews should shut up about anti-Semitism they create it always by how they identity and act based on that identity.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I remember one who admitted themselves that the whole anti-semetic thing is just a great mind trick, a way to shut people up. It doesn't actually mean anything really.
Like the 'conspiracy theory' thing is. Just a way to silence dissenters.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by Don Danko333 »

Something Gusion the demon informed me of. From what Gusion told me Demons are mercenary contractors. And only care about what is good for themselves in any deal. They are corporate psychopaths. They have no loyalties and are indifferent to humans. Worshipping them is bad news. Metatron told me the demons where attempting to manipulate me for their own gain only, Gusion confirmed this as well. The JOS is based on Demonidolatry. The Demons will use false beliefs they are gods they are anything other then what they are to manipulate people for their own gain. This is also abusive in how they perform this.

That is why people are left totality fucked over when they need their Guardian demon it was just nonsense of Maxine. There is no such thing.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 5:59 pm "Something to understand is with working with Demons is don't worship them Demonidolatry which is what the Demon worshipers call it. Just leads a person to be exploited by Demons. The Demons are psychopathic beings in human understanding. The people who think Demons care about them or are their allies or friends are in for a serious awaking. The Demons will stick a knife in their back for the right price."

That's interesting and good to have pointed out. I do remember a lot of people in the JoS would be extremely into Demonidolatry. To me, this means keeping the altars, doing major, on your knees worshipping, praying to...all that. Doing rituals, lighting candles, etc.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by Don Danko333 »

It is used like that its become a legal term in how its enforced with censorship. Anti-Semitism is anything the Jews don't like. But its based on the dislike of Jewish ideology and behaviors.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:03 pm I remember one who admitted themselves that the whole anti-semetic thing is just a great mind trick, a way to shut people up. It doesn't actually mean anything really.
Like the 'conspiracy theory' thing is. Just a way to silence dissenters.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"Something to understand is with working with Demons is don't worship them Demonidolatry which is what the Demon worshipers call it. Just leads a person to be exploited by Demons. The Demons are psychopathic beings in human understanding. The people who think Demons care about them or are their allies or friends are in for a serious awaking. The Demons will stick a knife in their back for the right price."

"That's interesting and good to have pointed out. I do remember a lot of people in the JoS would be extremely into Demonidolatry. To me, this means keeping the altars, doing major, on your knees worshipping, praying to...all that. Doing rituals, lighting candles, etc."

I had an altar for awhile but then I also had one for when I was into Santeria as well. And both times....I just ended up taking it all down. Didn't feel right. I didn't do rituals to them or anything like that. I never considered them in a light where I literally worshipped them....I thought of them as friends. I didn't go out of my way to seek contact, they spoke to me when they felt like it. I did talk to them, though it was without fanfare or ritual. Like I'd talk to anybody. Hmm. I did make a tarot deck though. I don't know if that was worship on my part. I just wanted to do something nice. Like you'd do for friends.

I have had a couple of guides in and out of my life since I can remember. They only show up when I really need them. The rest of the time I'm left to figure things out for myself which is how I like it. I didn't know their names back then, in my 20's, 30's etc.. At one time I did believe maybe I finally discovered those names (andras and sorath). Those two really resonated. I get the feeling to my unseen friends, whatever names I use are fine. They know who they are.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by GoldenDragon »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:27 pm "Something to understand is with working with Demons is don't worship them Demonidolatry which is what the Demon worshipers call it. Just leads a person to be exploited by Demons. The Demons are psychopathic beings in human understanding. The people who think Demons care about them or are their allies or friends are in for a serious awaking. The Demons will stick a knife in their back for the right price."

"That's interesting and good to have pointed out. I do remember a lot of people in the JoS would be extremely into Demonidolatry. To me, this means keeping the altars, doing major, on your knees worshipping, praying to...all that. Doing rituals, lighting candles, etc."

I had an altar for awhile but then I also had one for when I was into Santeria as well. And both times....I just ended up taking it all down. Didn't feel right. I didn't do rituals to them or anything like that. I never considered them in a light where I literally worshipped them....I thought of them as friends. I didn't go out of my way to seek contact, they spoke to me when they felt like it. I did talk to them, though it was without fanfare or ritual. Like I'd talk to anybody. Hmm. I did make a tarot deck though. I don't know if that was worship on my part. I just wanted to do something nice. Like you'd do for friends.

I have had a couple of guides in and out of my life since I can remember. They only show up when I really need them. The rest of the time I'm left to figure things out for myself which is how I like it. I didn't know their names back then, in my 20's, 30's etc.. At one time I did believe maybe I finally discovered those names (andras and sorath). Those two really resonated. I get the feeling to my unseen friends, whatever names I use are fine. They know who they are.
Didn't know that you had specific altars. Thanks for sharing this experience of yours.

Oh and also thanks for sharing answers on my questions. Much appreciated :)
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Ok. So, the question came up from the person who was removed asking: Don, if what you are now saying about satan and demons is true why did you spend years on the jos promoting satan and demons? (I excluded the expletives). He has been shown the door due to his abusive behaviours however, to be fair, I imagine other people might wonder this too so, I'm going to explain as I see it.

Silverwolf is very angry. He feels he was lied to all that time (at the JoS). Thats understandable. People generally don't like to be mislead.

But consider: There is sharing information out of a desire to help and a passion vrs someone who lies and deceives out of malice or because they are trying to gain something. Two very different things.

Knowledge and learning is an ongoing thing. As one who spends a lot of time every week doing research, reading books, listening to interviews/articles, etc.... I can tell you for fact it is very possible to believe something for years.....then discover what you thought you knew....was mistaken. If, on the other hand, all you know is what you were fed and never questioned, these thoughts don't arise.

Finding out you were mistaken is bad enough for a regular anonymous individual. However, if you're someone who spent years promoting something on what was once a very large platform, who had a large public profile and then learned something you promoted then was false....realizing people were likely hurt or disillusioned or for example a person experiencing a really bad patch in their life......and there is no 'guardian' demon there to help them. They can be very hurt by this, correct?

If you realize this (and it would have been don of course who realized; he was the scholar of the group)...if you have a would want to bring forth that new information. Which Don tried to do. However, his access to post was removed. So what should he have done then?

As many of us know, Don was the most respected of all the clergy; his posts naturally garnered the most views. He worked his ass off. I know because I also work my ass off to research. It's work, but it's also a passion. So I get that. When I began this platform I reached out to him, initially to inquire if he was doing ok, since the same things done to me had been done to him (the accusations and so on). I invited him if he liked, to come post here. He did and the trolls who were doing their best to ruin the atmosphere and drag the place down attacked him mercilessly. Eventually, he left. When I was finally able to begin moderation, begin the work of cleaning up the place I invited him to return. Which he did.

As far as I can see, Don returned to try to set things straight, share what he's learned since the JoS days. The only thing you can do if you realize you were wrong and it misled others is to try to correct things, yes? You do it because you have a conscience and you care. So, you try to spread the most update information (correct the record). You can't be angry with and fault somebody for trying to do the right thing.

Hindsight is always 20/20. It's easy to judge and say why did you promote this (expletive) for years?!? Because the guy is human, not omniscient. We can only do the best we can in any given time and situation, with what we know at that time. This is the thing about learning and constantly seeking for more knowledge; it can happen that what you thought was true at one time, spoke and wrote about (in essence, promoting it), can turn out later to be something you wish you had not, as you did not have all the information. What do you expect the guy to do? Pull out a sword and fall on it? We're human and we make mistakes. I know I've made plenty in my life! I'm not interested in judgement and condemnation; I'm interested in truth and life.

This is not a case of someone who lied deliberately, maliciously, to make a somebody else we all know. Don worked hard – I understand this very well as I also have been pushed to work my ass off - and I do believe he wrote articles out of love of sharing information, hoping to help others. As I do. A positive inspiration. Which is why he's sharing now. It's actually very decent of him. Why should he be condemned and balmed for trying to be decent? It's not easy and I think people ought to understand and respect this. So yes, if anyone comes in here with an axe to grind, I'm not going to allow abuse here. That is not right. It is not just.

Consider; you also have responsibility. You have free will. You chose to be there, to believe in everything without doing your own research, to blindly believe. And you got burned. Don't play victim after the fact then and attack somebody else trying to do the right thing. Be responsible, own your own part. And then alter things accordingly to make something good out of what was not good.

Like I said, the biggest thing I disagree with about the JoS is the rampant hatred that is promoted. the slavish worship. I remember very clearly I had made a post called talk to satan. I said just talk to him. Don't feel like you're less than, like you have to become risen in order to talk. You're fine how you are. Cobra came in and denounced what I was saying, telling people they had to work hard for satan, had to prove themselves, that they were worms in comparison to 'the gods', they ought to consider themselves fortunate if satan or the demons have anything to do with you at all! He really did say this and it revolted me and really pissed me off. What a shit thing to tell people. Terrible. The thing was, a lot of people had responded and thanked me saying it made them feel better about themselves. And then he squashed that good feeling. I know that's a fact; one of those people contacted her sister who was in the coven I was in at the time literally in tears asking: why did cobra do that? I had felt so good....and then he made me feel like garbage. That bothered me.

I know this better than many of you, in regards to just how vitriolic that hate is. I experienced the full brunt after being branded a jew, publicly humiliated, denigrated, attacked by his minions, endured the 20th century equivalent of a witch burning in the public town square. And then when the trolls were allowed to run rampant in the beginning of the T4S, I was attacked and denigrated for years on my own platform as well. I wanted a good community but for some time my hands were tied. I was also censored. But not anymore. The other thing about focussing on hate's a low vibration. Which does not help the situation. It generates loosh for the negative human hating entities. This is a spiritual war. You are either adding to the good and to life, or you are anti-life. I've wondered about that. There was a lot of negative energy generated in that group. Who was that really intended to help?

I care about people. I want a nice community. Malicious cobra minions made attempting to force me to give up and close the forum a pet project for years. Petty jealous haters who have not accomplished anything themselves trying to tear down the hard work of another. And I worked my ass off.

I have a very strong justice streak. To suffer injustice or witness it.....I'm not ok with that. I once saw a woman abusing a cat out on the street, confronted her over this. She told me to mind my business or she'd beat my ass. I invited her to try. The fight drew quite a large crowd and police. I told them I refuse to sit by and do nothing when I see something like this. They agreed with that sentiment.

I also do not appreciate liars. I'm talking people who know better, but maliciously lie about something or someone in order to do them harm, or because the doing of harm is of no concern to them. Either way this is wrong. Done to me. Done to Don also. I heard it's been done to at least 50 people from the JoS. It didn't hurt him as it had me. He's tougher in that way, I guess that's a guy thing. Being an empath and a woman, it bothered me more. But you know, I'm stronger now than yesterday.

When a certain member experienced this same abuse (at the JoS) and was run out on a rail, she tried to kill herself. Fortunately her partner came home in time to cut her down before it was too late. This is why I can't stand people who lie and manipulate for malice and personal profit. It can do terrible harm. It's not spiritual in any way, it's the opposite.

Cobra lies and you know it. He manipulates. Don is not doing that here, has nothing to gain out of telling you what he's since discovered, except maybe getting some peace knowing he did his best to correct the record and help wake people up. He was wrong back then in some respects, but not in a malicious way. There's a difference. It's about intention.

People make mistakes. All they can do is try to right the wrong, learn and move on. He's here sharing what he's learned because he cares. So please, stop hating on him, stop playing victim, take responsibility for your part....learn and move on.

That's why negative abusive words and actions will not be tolerated here. It has to do with raising the frequency. I take no pleasure in showing trespassers who ignore this requirement the door. But I will protect this place and the people in it. Not out of misuse of power. But to empower people who genuinely want to participate, in a positive way. Who want to add, not subtract. I hope silverwolf will find healing. Learn to love himself. I hope this for all who are suffering.

Never give up on yourself or on your spiritual journey. Don't abandon your hopes or your dreams. You're here for a reason. You task is to learn, grow, make this world a better place just by being in it! You matter more than you know. ADD to life, not detract. It begins with what's inside YOU. What frequency are you putting out?

So be kind. To yourself and to others. This includes animals and plants. It has to do also with being present, and thoughtful. It's really as simple as that, to begin.

And it's harder than you might think. Try it. Do a full week where, every time you have a hateful thought or the urge to judge, fight with or be a dick to someone.....consciously stop yourself and insert something else that is neutral or positive. Be kind. Hold that door for the elder. Say hello in that elevator, tell someone how terrific they look, how cute their dog is....positive interactions. Simple things but small things that could make a big difference for somebody. You never know. Provide a bright point in their day. Lighting little candles in the dark. When I first started doing this I was consciously having to check myself constantly! OMG. It gets easier with time. And it is a proven fact that practicing kindness produces positive endorphins and alleviates depression.
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Re: silverwolf

Post by GoldenDragon »

People should really try to be nicer to each other. That is how we can live in a safer and peaceful world. ✌️ ☮️
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Re: silverwolf

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I recently had a real life example of what I'm saying. I ran into an old woman in my elevator; she has been in the building for 20 plus years, and she was saying to me how happy she was, how good life is. Then, 2 weeks later, I see her being wheeled out from an ambulance. And I ask her: whats going on? And she says how she had a stroke....a big stroke. And just like that, her world has been turned upside down. She might be back in her home but how can she get along now? This is why I tell you; to be kind, take each day as a gift and use it to spread goodness and thankfulness, to be kind. Doing so is a spiritual practice. Start practicing this.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
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Re: silverwolf

Post by GoldenDragon »

It is really good indeed to practice this.

I hope that woman feels better! ✌️ ☮️
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