Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Don Danko333
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

That's Nick's game he abuses people psychologically to make them feel worthless so they then do whatever he wants in an attempt to be 'good enough for the gods' which is really just Nick's ego. This is how he plans to take as much money as he can and work off of people to make more money from them.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

Right you are Don.

I am happy to see that some people are figuring out things... like, check these images:
Waking up from illusions 2
Waking up from illusions 2
Screenshot_20240810_010138_Chrome.jpg (522.47 KiB) Viewed 406 times
Waking up from illusions 1
Waking up from illusions 1
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“Funny no God or Demon I contacted ever told me I can't talk to them without Nick's permission.”

Me either, Don. The beings I contact speak directly to me or via Synchronicities, or other forms of communication, like when I'm lucid (and sometimes not) in dreams.

Knowing this, I wrote an article on the JoS called Talk to Satan. It was meant to encourage and uplift, empower people in the sense that you don't need anybody's 'permission' to talk to a god or a demon. You don't need a mediator and it seems people forget that. I saw a lot of nonsense:

“I don't feel worthy to talk to the gods....maybe after I'm risen....I don't feel like I'm good enough or deserving enough....”

This is cultivated in peoples brains with constant harangues how we must worship Father $atan, we aren't deserving of his attention, we have to work hard to earn an audience.... It was a subconscious cumulative effect of a lot of these kinds of messages that seeped into these kids brains. I could see this happening and didn't like it. It's what we saw that reddit poster describing and yes, I went to read the whole post, thanks GD. JoS have (or had) a lot of young people in their ranks. That whole teens for Satan thing...I stayed away from it. I think I answered one person once but then thought; hell no. I'll stick to the adult section.

I wrote Talk to Satan...people did feel good....many responded this made them feel lots better – up to that point (you know who) had not deigned to reply to my post – but as peoples positive responses began to mount, he came roaring in to shoot down everything I said while at the same time reinforce his own messaging which is you have to work hard for $atan (which also means donate) and if you can get him to listen to you at all (or any of the other gods) ought to get on your knees in gratitude because compared to them, you're all worms.

Calling people worms made me angry. Also at the time a bit confused. I thought: what's wrong with this guy? We're NOT 'worms' compared to anything or anybody! I don't accept that.

Many beings may be more 'advanced' in terms of conscious ability to utilize their powers of the mind and soul...heck, the enemy beings (negative extra dimensionals and non terrestrials) have a lot of power in those ways. More than most of us do right now. But that doesn't give them a heart. Wisdom without the heart is useless because without the heart (empathy) you can't reach the highest frequencies.

Humanity does have a heart and as much as we see mans inhumanity to man, what is not as commented on in the MSM are all the times of how kind we are and how good humans can be to one another and to the animals who share this planet with us.

We as human beings hardly remember what or who we really are and I think the fact of the matter is we are just as or possibly even more powerful (potentially) than these negative beings.

Due to the dumbing down and brainwashing over generations, the program of divorcing us from our true selves, unrelenting trauma based mind control on the population, having the concept of you are not enough and need to get on your knees, taught materialism while the spiritual is completely discounted (live fast die young - bullshit); we, the human species have been beaten down.

Yes, but never conquered! Even in the worst of times, I feel that the enemy of humanity never had more than 80% control of this place. I feel that is because we have an inherent nobility and goodness of spirit. That is our true self.

Like this incredible woman who faced darkness and pure evil yet emerged with nobility and the desire to use what she knows to help others, to be a voice for those who have no voice. I feel when she was struggling to open that door, something/someone opened it for her. And also coincidentally, there was a policeman right there? A policeman who wasn't corrupted who fought to help her? What were the odds of that? I think she had some help. Like that older policeman said: She was the one who survived. Her story is powerful, she has a true nobility of spirit.

Nobility of spirit....I think we – humans – are like a giant beach ball and they (the haters of humanity) spend their time keeping that ball submerged under the water (keeping us in the dark and spiritually ignorant metaphorically speaking). They do this in so many ways; one is definitely the negative messaging. But keeping that ball submerged takes effort. If their grip slips, the ball shoots for the surface immediately.

We might have been held down all our lives but our inherent nature is to rise up and go for the surface, for that light, and LIFE. That is who and what we ARE. We're fractals of the power that creates life. That creates universes.

And also if we are related to these other beings (or not)....if they are benevolent, they would view us as children, perhaps. Never as 'worms'.

That is a very evil thing to be telling impressionable young people and to me, most of the others there at the JoS were very young. The oldest ones (except one) I met were late 20's at best. That's very young. I admit I'd been hoping to meet other mature folks there. Others with a lifetimes experience in the occult. I myself was mature and had spent years, decades pursuing the spiritual, being mentored by a shaman, two Santeria HP's and others including beings like Serapis and my own guides or guardians. I spent a decade going to classes many times a week in the astral attending lectures given by advanced beings. It's true I don't consciously remember a lot of what we learned (there was a classroom full of people like me), but I don't doubt the information is in there somewhere and when the time is right it'll surface when I need it to. We are all, after all, multidimensional beings.

A woman who was part of the same coven I was told me her sister talked to her in tears about how my message had made her feel so empowered and then cobra shit all over it. WHY? She asked, crying. Well....I think now we know why.

It's unfortunate. cobra doesn't want strong, independent powerful people; he wants followers, loyalists, mind slaves who do as he says and give him money. It is a shameful thing to do to people. I think if you know things, the knowledge should be used to help, not harm. I saw many people harmed there. Including myself. That said though, in my own case, I feel I also learned some valuable things too.

As an addendum, I note many people on that thread I went to look at, I saw people telling the person they ought to read the satanic bible and that theistic satanism isn't the 'real' satanism. But there it is again. Read the 'bible'. Hail Satan. In other words, give your power away to someone else. Which, to me, misses the point. It's a kind of dead end and in the end, just like christianity. Is there some kind of creator? I do believe so. Are there positive beings who act as guides or guardians for us? I do feel this is so. What I object to is the messages of get on your knees and handing your personal sovereign power away. I don't think this is our true nature; we're meant to be standing as equals. Even the man they call jesus - a jewish character invented for goy to worship – but perhaps, just perhaps, the lie was based on a truth. I think they took writings about things that happened, edited them and made it into what they call the 'holy' bible....a mish mash of lies by omission and obfuscation, half truths but also some real nuggets of truth (gold) still in there. They censored the shit out of that history, but something still got through. Somebody was very advanced. And that somebody was gentile. That was the dude who said: what I can do you can do, and MORE. That's what someone who is very advanced but also positive orientated would say. Because that's the truth.

It's also unfortunate that the outcome of that persons experience was that she ended up not believing in anything. Striving for spirituality replaced by atheism. It could take decades to recover from that and start striving and seeking for the deeper answers again. So that JoS experience retarded somebody's spiritual growth. Not good.

The enemy of humanity wants us to be worms. But a truly advanced being would say: everything I can do, you have the potential to do too. They would extend a hand to help lift you up. Not squash you down. And that's the difference.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko333
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

I checked that thread after you posted this. I had to laugh at the claims no Jews can buy their way in! Because the Gods and the Clergy will prevent this! I was a High Priest of the JoS for around a decade and worked daily for the place. And gasp! The whole time apparently I [Nick says] was JEWISH... So why didn't the Gods or anyone stop me the whole TIME? I simply figured out the place was a scam and I was being deceived by this asshole demonic spirit Belial and Maxine was a liar, because I caught her lying to me. Then I investigated her claims and found they where fictional such as the 'Spear of Destiny' book she used for her claims of Hitler being a Satanist and the entire Black Sun website. She did steal her power meditations out of other books I found that out by reading the books myself.

Maxine passed away in May of 2020. Her death record is online and has been posted from the America government archive list on this forum and even on the JoS by a member wanting answers. She had no Magnum Opus, her claims of Father Satan where false she simply was manipulating people for control over them. She just used me to do all the work for the place and only gave me long lists of work assignments that never ended. Because she was a lazy, lying piece of shit and didn't want to do work herself. She lived by stealing off other people their work, time, money and faith.

GoldenDragon wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 10:02 pm Right you are Don.

I am happy to see that some people are figuring out things... like, check these images:
Don Danko333
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

I spent my own personal money on the research materials for years of constant research for the JoS projects and assignments, Maxine ordered me to do. I never asked anyone for any money and didn't want any. I paid my own way. Because I believed in the JoS. I made all my work free to the public as Maxine wanted. What has Nick done? He always has his hand out demanding other peoples money, work and time. Stealing off other members to live off them.
Don Danko333
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

You don't need to "be risen" that does sound so Christian [Christ is risen!], to be psychically open. A person can communicate by divination methods and work on their psychic centers daily without Kundalini practices. There are entire Yoga's in Hinduism such as Kriya which is based on opening the ajna chakra and becoming highly psychically advanced and spirituality evolved without doing Kundalini Yoga's.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:52 am “Funny no God or Demon I contacted ever told me I can't talk to them without Nick's permission.”

Me either, Don. The beings I contact speak directly to me or via Synchronicities, or other forms of communication, like when I'm lucid (and sometimes not) in dreams.

Knowing this, I wrote an article on the JoS called Talk to Satan. It was meant to encourage and uplift, empower people in the sense that you don't need anybody's 'permission' to talk to a god or a demon. You don't need a mediator and it seems people forget that. I saw a lot of nonsense:

“I don't feel worthy to talk to the gods....maybe after I'm risen....I don't feel like I'm good enough or deserving enough....”

This is cultivated in peoples brains with constant harangues how we must worship Father $atan, we aren't deserving of his attention, we have to work hard to earn an audience.... It was a subconscious cumulative effect of a lot of these kinds of messages that seeped into these kids brains. I could see this happening and didn't like it. It's what we saw that reddit poster describing and yes, I went to read the whole post, thanks GD. JoS have (or had) a lot of young people in their ranks. That whole teens for Satan thing...I stayed away from it. I think I answered one person once but then thought; hell no. I'll stick to the adult section.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"I spent my own personal money on the research materials for years of constant research for the JoS projects and assignments, Maxine ordered me to do. I never asked anyone for any money and didn't want any. I paid my own way. Because I believed in the JoS. I made all my work free to the public as Maxine wanted. What has Nick done? He always has his hand out demanding other peoples money, work and time. Stealing off other members to live off them."

I spent around 30 + hours a week for a year doing work for her because of the same. I believed too, for a time.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko333
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

Hey, Zola.... Everyone but Nick is Jewish didn't you get the Even the people who did all the work.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 6:58 am "I spent my own personal money on the research materials for years of constant research for the JoS projects and assignments, Maxine ordered me to do. I never asked anyone for any money and didn't want any. I paid my own way. Because I believed in the JoS. I made all my work free to the public as Maxine wanted. What has Nick done? He always has his hand out demanding other peoples money, work and time. Stealing off other members to live off them."

I spent around 30 + hours a week for a year doing work for her because of the same. I believed too, for a time.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 6:40 am I checked that thread after you posted this. I had to laugh at the claims no Jews can buy their way in! Because the Gods and the Clergy will prevent this! I was a High Priest of the JoS for around a decade and worked daily for the place. And gasp! The whole time apparently I [Nick says] was JEWISH... So why didn't the Gods or anyone stop me the whole TIME? I simply figured out the place was a scam and I was being deceived by this asshole demonic spirit Belial and Maxine was a liar, because I caught her lying to me. Then I investigated her claims and found they where fictional such as the 'Spear of Destiny' book she used for her claims of Hitler being a Satanist and the entire Black Sun website. She did steal her power meditations out of other books I found that out by reading the books myself.

Maxine passed away in May of 2020. Her death record is online and has been posted from the America government archive list on this forum and even on the JoS by a member wanting answers. She had no Magnum Opus, her claims of Father Satan where false she simply was manipulating people for control over them. She just used me to do all the work for the place and only gave me long lists of work assignments that never ended. Because she was a lazy, lying piece of shit and didn't want to do work herself. She lived by stealing off other people their work, time, money and faith.

GoldenDragon wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 10:02 pm Right you are Don.

I am happy to see that some people are figuring out things... like, check these images:
I totally understand this, it's pure BS that Nick ever had or has any psychic powers and experience. He is a con artist, an Internet guru who did nothing but slander you, HPSZolaLuckyStar, and many other valuable members of the community.

As for your claim that the JoS returns to the pre 2003 levels of existence, you are right.

I checked their forums in guest mode from time to time and I could see that they were still posting about how to open their third eye and how to improve their sexual lives or open their chakras. They, even to this day, don't know the reality behind the number 666.

Instead of Kaballah or anything spiritually, when a member asked what was the meaning of 666 or why is it considered number of perfection, NakedPluto answered with this:
NakedPluto wrote:These regard states of consciousness / soul are hidden codes. It is supposed not to be understood, but hidden
Pay attention that this is the "esteemed guardian" of the JoS who has one of the profile posts like this:

So, he clearly knows something, but doesn't want to share knowledge.

And his recent profile picture tells me even more that he has a lot of knowledge in regards to the powers of the Sun.
NakedPluto's recent profile picture
NakedPluto's recent profile picture
Screenshot_20240810_095903_Chrome.jpg (477.34 KiB) Viewed 345 times
Supposedly got it from Azazel
Supposedly got it from Azazel
Screenshot_20240810_095715_Chrome.jpg (500.88 KiB) Viewed 345 times
Knows that 666 number is of Solar number
Knows that 666 number is of Solar number
Screenshot_20240810_095703_Chrome.jpg (941.79 KiB) Viewed 345 times
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"You don't need to "be risen" that does sound so Christian [Christ is risen!], to be psychically open. A person can communicate by divination methods and work on their psychic centers daily without Kundalini practices. There are entire Yoga's in Hinduism such as Kriya which is based on opening the ajna chakra and becoming highly psychically advanced and spirituality evolved without doing Kundalini Yoga's."

One of my fave yoga instructors was a woman who did kriya. We'd do 40 minutes of Kriya and then she'd treat us to a savassanah where she played the gong for 30, 40 minutes, giving us a sound vibration bath as we laid there in savassanah. It felt incredible. If any of you reading ever get the chance to try it, I would highly recommend it. Its amazing. You literally feel the sound going through your body. Sometimes I'd be seeing the colors the sounds were making.

Halfway through every class I'd be seeing peoples auras and so on...this one time I was laying there with my eyes closed doing the sound bath and realized I could see the entire room. And noticed that the number of people in the room had doubled. Every single person had someone standing by the head of their mat. so after the class I approached her after everyone else had left and she was packing up her gong, and I said to her I noticed the number of people doubled by the time the gong bath started and she says: "oh, you could see them? I said Yes. She smiled and said yes that happens a lot, they come for the gong bath."
We were referring to the discarnate people (spirits) - this area of the city is heavily haunted.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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