Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 7:10 am "You don't need to "be risen" that does sound so Christian [Christ is risen!], to be psychically open. A person can communicate by divination methods and work on their psychic centers daily without Kundalini practices. There are entire Yoga's in Hinduism such as Kriya which is based on opening the ajna chakra and becoming highly psychically advanced and spirituality evolved without doing Kundalini Yoga's."

One of my fave yoga instructors was a woman who did kriya. We'd do 40 minutes of Kriya and then she'd treat us to a savassanah where she played the gong for 30, 40 minutes, giving us a sound vibration bath as we laid there in savassanah. It felt incredible. If any of you reading ever get the chance to try it, I would highly recommend it. Its amazing. You literally feel the sound going through your body. Sometimes I'd be seeing the colors the sounds were making.

Halfway through every class I'd be seeing peoples auras and so on...this one time I was laying there with my eyes closed doing the sound bath and realized I could see the entire room. And noticed that the number of people in the room had doubled. Every single person had someone standing by the head of their mat. so after the class I approached her after everyone else had left and she was packing up her gong, and I said to her I noticed the number of people doubled by the time the gong bath started and she says: "oh, you could see them? I said Yes. She smiled and said yes that happens a lot, they come for the gong bath."
We were referring to the discarnate people (spirits) - this area of the city is heavily haunted.
Wow. I guess the area of the city is heavily haunted. I hope you didn't have negative experiences from that discarnate spirits.

Stay safe 😀
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"Hey, Zola.... Everyone but Nick is Jewish didn't you get the Even the people who did all the work."

Oh yeah...right! (laughing) :)
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"Wow. I guess the area of the city is heavily haunted. I hope you didn't have negative experiences from that discarnate spirits."

Stay safe 😀

Hauntings of all kinds, some just regular people who don't mean any harm but would like to be acknowledged, others things that are not human and never were I don't think. Of those some good, some negative. All across the spectrum. One guy I met in this area is having a terrible time right now with some kind of extremely negative entity. It comes in like one of those shadow beings. Shaped like a person but totally black and bringing an aura of fear and despair, terror. It comes and stands over his damn bed. It leaves actual burn marks on the floor. He showed me pictures of the burn marks and then became so frightened he refused to say anymore except to say he's woken every night by his dog straddling him barking her head off (trying to protect him). I offered to try to help him out but he was so scared he said no....he's afraid to involve anyone else in case it harms them...the poor guy is truly scared, I could see it in his eyes.

As for me, I don't have any issues. But I have protection. Over the years though wow, lots of stories I could tell of encounters etc.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

This is the Nickology of the JoS, everything is to be hidden, so how do you know if you have anything of value? 666 is simply the Kabalistic square of the sun. You can note in Vedic astrology the sun as a ruling power and influence. The sun square is inscribed with the symbols of the lunar mansions, Zodiac and nine planets within it. In a 36 square chart. The solar system of astrology.

666 has been argued over but the common understanding is its simple Chaldean numerology so its Vav, Vav, Vav as letter translated from the number this relates to the holy serpent of Kabbalah and how to use it. In Kabbalah this relates to Yod Hey Vav Hey. This is how the Yod Hey Vav Hey is used in Kabbalah in their codes. I studied Kabbalah and mystical Judaism for several years on orders from Maxine. Only I did, none of the others including Maxine could be bothered to anything. The Kabbalah tree shows the 666 as the sun sphere and the entire tree connects at this 666 sphere of the sun. The Tree is the soul.

Hey is a letter in Kabbalah to charge energy it gives power. So they place the Hey behind the other letters. Vav is used in the navel chakra a Hey Vav, the Yod is placed in the crown chakra as Hey Yod. I will give an example of translation the Y is a double letter in Kabbalah with the I. In the east IM the important mantra of the Rig Veda over AUM. Is placed in the crown chakra. Yod is 10 the number of Kether the CROWN [this is shown as physical crown] and connecting to god. This is what the crown chakra does it connect to the Kether....ether the Akashic field. The VAV is a solar letter=666. It connects the energy flow in the soul via the manipura chakra this is vital chakra which creates higher life force power. The Yod in the crown floods the spine with spiritual light from Kether the crown chakra and higher spiritual world. The pillar of light.

GoldenDragon wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 7:00 am
I totally understand this, it's pure BS that Nick ever had or has any psychic powers and experience. He is a con artist, an Internet guru who did nothing but slander you, HPSZolaLuckyStar, and many other valuable members of the community.

As for your claim that the JoS returns to the pre 2003 levels of existence, you are right.

I checked their forums in guest mode from time to time and I could see that they were still posting about how to open their third eye and how to improve their sexual lives or open their chakras. They, even to this day, don't know the reality behind the number 666.

Instead of Kaballah or anything spiritually, when a member asked what was the meaning of 666 or why is it considered number of perfection, NakedPluto answered with this:
NakedPluto wrote:These regard states of consciousness / soul are hidden codes. It is supposed not to be understood, but hidden
Pay attention that this is the "esteemed guardian" of the JoS who has one of the profile posts like this:

So, he clearly knows something, but doesn't want to share knowledge.

And his recent profile picture tells me even more that he has a lot of knowledge in regards to the powers of the Sun.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 7:24 am "Wow. I guess the area of the city is heavily haunted. I hope you didn't have negative experiences from that discarnate spirits."

Stay safe 😀

Hauntings of all kinds, some just regular people who don't mean any harm but would like to be acknowledged, others things that are not human and never were I don't think. Of those some good, some negative. All across the spectrum. One guy I met in this area is having a terrible time right now with some kind of extremely negative entity. It comes in like one of those shadow beings. Shaped like a person but totally black and bringing an aura of fear and despair, terror. It comes and stands over his damn bed. It leaves actual burn marks on the floor. He showed me pictures of the burn marks and then became so frightened he refused to say anymore except to say he's woken every night by his dog straddling him barking her head off (trying to protect him). I offered to try to help him out but he was so scared he said no....he's afraid to involve anyone else in case it harms them...the poor guy is truly scared, I could see it in his eyes.

As for me, I don't have any issues. But I have protection. Over the years though wow, lots of stories I could tell of encounters etc.
Glad to hear you don't have issues. May the Universe bless you 🙏.

As for the guy, dam... that's so bad to hear.

The opposite of darkness is light. If the guy would have meditated on pure white/ gold-white type of light energy in order to engulf his room, and then also bless the room to the spirit he is with, then he would not have problems anymore.

The dog I would interpret, acted like a physical version of a familiar spirit as she tried to protect the owner.

A thing I would like to add is that people often get deluded by the darkness is light inside out mental and spiritual trap they are unknowingly engaging with.

Darkness, regardless of its countless interpretations and depictions in Folklore and Mythology, has its (Dark) properties, the Feminine energetic aspects, the Yin energy, etc.

Light on the other hand is represented by the Yang energy, the Male aspects of energy and the + aspect of the energy.

What I want to say is that we should not negate the Feminine side of our thinking and souls, but that we should never mingle the aspects in an unhealthy way.

Even the Taoists who reached balance acknowledge the fact that the Female energetic aspects remns the female energetic aspect or the more "Dark" energetic aspect, while the Yang one is related to the Male energies, or the Light.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

well well golden dragon....that image naked pluto, 'esteemed guardian' you posted just now jogged my memory and I do believe he is this guy who came to give me shit. How dare you say anything about the sun!!!:

ah ha2.jpg
ah ha2.jpg (171.1 KiB) Viewed 417 times the time I was being accused of being 'paranoid' and 'crazy' that cobra and or his toadies were coming here to attack me....well well. Now I know who this one was. And i was RIGHT. LOL.

by the way...the piece of art he's using is a nice piece of art lol. But its a dead giveaway. same guy.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

You are right! This proves once more that the Cobra minions were on their road of attack.

And the case of NakedPluto, in my opinion, is one of intellect wasted in wrong direction.

Using occult powers and knowledge to stoop low into attacking people, it's literally showing that you are channeling your powers for the enemy side, the unjust aggression side, and also being a cult-drone
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"The Kabbalah tree shows the 666 as the sun sphere"

But wait! isn't that....jewish? He was very hot under the collar I was somehow denigrating the sun ( being facetious)!

Oh...but right...I forgot. everyone but nick is a jew. lol.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 7:54 am "The Kabbalah tree shows the 666 as the sun sphere"

But wait! isn't that....jewish? He was very hot under the collar I was somehow denigrating the sun ( being facetious)!

Oh...but right...I forgot. everyone but nick is a jew. lol.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

Nick claims Maxine is ascended now... So when is Maxine showing up and giving anyone the Magnum Opus? Maxine stated "Father Satan" wanted the Magnum Opus for free on the website numerous times in public over and over again for years. Now Nick is claiming Maxine is some astral spirit as this strange worship Maxine, ritual he demands people do is about feeding energy to an astral spirit. As Nick makes some mumbo jumbo stuttering claim on this about the ancients did this... Well they only did this for astral spirits. People who left the physical plane by dropping their physical body forever. It was done for reasons such as giving more energy to their astral spirit.

Now Maxine is supposed to be from Nick's claims in a Physical body, flying around Enki's, planet on a space ship. Not an astral spirit.... So why does Maxine need your worship and constant energy if she is just doing that?
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