Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:33 am Nick deleted several of my article threads in a row on the Covid 19 pandemic that Maxine wanted back in 2020. These articles had been up for months and had up to 25,000 and more views on important information. No explanation as to why. Professor Shekels [Nick] never provided any information or important, useful insight into anything on the subject. Or any subject for that matter.

GoldenDragon wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:47 am
Don Danko333 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 4:40 am If Nick wore a name tag it would read: 'Hello my name is THE GODS!'.

It would go something like, :hey, Nickz, here. The Gawds (natural sarcasm of Nick) toldeth me to put my name as The Gawds"
Don Danko333 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 4:57 am That virus was a level four lab containment virus but it was put into level two containment lab which made it inventible it would escape. The study of it by top American medical scientists that was given to the American Congress state this virus was genetically engineered to mutate 20 times faster then a normal covid virus which makes it a bio-weapon, intended or not. That means natural immunity is compromised. And the virus can mutate into more deadly forms faster then the population can adapt which means global pandemic. The American government sector shipped this project to China as this type of research has been banned in America since the presidency of Nixon.

It seems to me the global elites don't control the world as they wish you have to have something that is actually a threat to get the levers of government, law, media and the public moving into their direction. The lockdown papers of the (((Rockefeller group))) stated they would use a global pandemic to attempt to create a security state. The Jewish oligarch and bagman of the Jewish Rothschild's, Soros in 2015 stated the plan was total riots, city burning, civil war and uprising in America to then justify Martial Law in which the constitution is gone.

I remember the controlled media gas lighting the population into anyone stating this was a lab made virus is a crazzzzyyyyy person! Now its mainstream knowledge. The intelligence agencies in America where working with Twitter and other social media companies to censor any questions around the virus, the vax and the lockdowns.

It also turns out the major pharma company lied to the EU political officials about the vax which then forced vax social passports and the vax on the population of Europe. They wanted to make billions forcing the population to their product but given the connection of the establishment between the elites, government, deep state forces and global corporations. Maybe they agreed to this lie around a policy meeting somewhere it only takes a few bosses.

Damn, that is harsh to hear. Covid19 was and is already a blast, not in a good way of course. 10 times deadlier than Covid.

And, look at what the Cobra retard says about the Monkeypox:
Here is a picture for what I claim:
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

And, to prove that he is a retard even more, Nick left the crocobra2411 account.

Here is proof:
Crocobra, nick in his older form
Crocobra, nick in his older form
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"there is not much hope for JoS people as they are too stupid to wake up from the lies and the deception of the JoS and Nick especially"

I think what's going on there (at the JoS) is kind of a microcosm of whats going on globally. One could also state:

"The normies of planet earth are too stupid to wake up from the lies and deception of the entrenched global transnational criminal structure. "

On one level it could be said to be true. But on another....

I get it - on one level if people accept the lies, never ask questions - exactly what the MSM is designed for - spoon-feed the population their version of 'reality' and the population is conditioned to accept and not question - I remember a 'news' reporter actually literally saying people should not be looking to alternative sources for facts, telling people what's going on is THEIR job - still, if people just accept the manipulated version, is it fair to label them as stupid? Isn't that kind of blaming the victim? I was reading about cults and read (yes I love books and reading lol) people most likely to be fooled into cults are actually those who are most altruistic, who actually care. They want to help, want to do something....and get sucked in. Like scientology for example (or the JoS). Jonestown was a cult too. Or heavens gate. The church is another.

There are evil self serving people who make it their business to create these kind of pitcher plant traps for people. In order to suck energy, time, money, etc off them. Parasites and predators. This is the achilles heel of humanity.....but also what makes them so wonderful! Humans care, want to do the right thing, want to help. It's in their DNA. The predators don't have this in them. They don't have that heart. Its the heart, the ability to experience true empathy that allows us to access the highest frequencies they can't.

I think its more fair to say humans sucked in to these energy sinks or milking machines are ill informed.

And then we have to take into consideration the psychological thing that happens called cognitive dissonance, in which a person hearing facts that don't align with what they are convinced is 'true'....a mental kind of dissonance happens. Some people literally shut down and can't take in new information. It can actually put them into a fight or flight state.

Alphabet agencies know this, they've made a study of the psychology of humans and how to manipulate them (MK Ultra programs or Monarch programs for example). I remember listening to an interview with a KGB agent who said it's much easier to tell people lies than to afterwards, tell them the truth (and get them to understand it's the truth).

Extracting people from these mental emotional prisons takes a lot of deprogramming, time, patience. Give them real information in sips. Not via a firehose. Most will eventually awaken and snap out of it. Something like 11% however, will not.

In the case of the global structure of lies, people have been deceived as to the true nature of reality itself, who they are, what they are, their true potential, and the programming goes from cradle to grave (though at this time we're witnessing people waking up at last, beginning to ask questions which is very encouraging). And again, that programming was over generations.

The JoS people have maybe 15 years or less of programming so I do hold out hope for most of them to wake up and leave.

Part of the deprogramming is accomplished via inner work and self healing. Uncoupling is a process. People are individuals, they'll come out of it in their own time and in their own way....but I wouldn't call them stupid.

The enemy of humanity wants us to see everything in an us vrs them mentality, in order to keep the infighting going. I think it's important to not be quite so fast to whitewash an entire community as stupid but rather instead, try to understand, have empathy, help people, not judge them harshly. This doesn't apply to everyone of course, nick has demonstrated where he's at. The negative polarity of service to self only. Which is the same polarity of the ones he pretends to be 'fighting'.

I'm not saying be a doormat for the world. But people need to be given a chance. Given real information, time, understanding and empathy so they can break out of that cognitive dissonance.

I think they can, I think they will. Because like I said, most people who get caught up in this kind of thing do so out of altruism. Service to others or the positive polarity. Meaning I view most of the members over there as positive orientated, just ill informed. Maybe this makes me a pollyanna but....I hold faith in the inherent goodness and intelligence of humanity :)

greater than we know.jpg
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“It's not well known but every few years the CEO's of the global tech corporations in America host a large private meeting in California in which they sit down and meet about policy direction with the representatives of the CIA. Its the tech sector version of Bilderberger.”

Thank you Don, for this very important bit of information. I didn't know this but it totally fits.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

Nick is always lying as usual if his claim that I was some kind of joooo, and infiltrator was correct. Then why has he kept my articles around for years? Because he is lying and he knows it. What was HP Carlson? Or HPS Shannon, Nick drove them off as well. What about all the long term community members who did a lot of work they are gone as well, Nick drove them off, what where they?

GoldenDragon wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:16 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:33 am Nick deleted several of my article threads in a row on the Covid 19 pandemic that Maxine wanted back in 2020. These articles had been up for months and had up to 25,000 and more views on important information. No explanation as to why. Professor Shekels [Nick] never provided any information or important, useful insight into anything on the subject. Or any subject for that matter.

GoldenDragon wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:47 am


It would go something like, :hey, Nickz, here. The Gawds (natural sarcasm of Nick) toldeth me to put my name as The Gawds"

Damn, that is harsh to hear. Covid19 was and is already a blast, not in a good way of course. 10 times deadlier than Covid.

And, look at what the Cobra retard says about the Monkeypox:
Here is a picture for what I claim:
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

I must say, I agree with some of your points HPS!

The idea is that the people there, at least some of them, cause I recently saw some of them leaving the JoS and living their lives, with their pros and cons, and stating clearly that the JoS is a cult.

Though not much, but still a few who actually renounce.

I know and I agree that you love reading books. I remember that topic about Mastema, for example. It was very detailed and I thought I was reading a book when I first discovered it.

As for the church, yeah, it's a part of a cult. Like, look at the Megachurches in New York who have all sorts of African or non-African pastors who abuse The Gospel or the Bible and drain people of energy, money and even faith in Higher powers and also powers of their own.

One theory I might have, related to mind control is related to the Zodiac Man diagram that was used in medieval medicine. You see, Aries is the star sign associated with drive, passion and will (Mars qualities), and rules the Head as the body part. By impregnating delusions in the head of an individual, the fire / vital energy of that individual, instead of burning the said delusions, will often be channeled to energetically empower / feed that illusions.

That's my theory.

Thank you for sharing your opinion as well.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:06 pm "there is not much hope for JoS people as they are too stupid to wake up from the lies and the deception of the JoS and Nick especially"

I think what's going on there (at the JoS) is kind of a microcosm of whats going on globally. One could also state:

"The normies of planet earth are too stupid to wake up from the lies and deception of the entrenched global transnational criminal structure. "

On one level it could be said to be true. But on another....

I get it - on one level if people accept the lies, never ask questions - exactly what the MSM is designed for - spoon-feed the population their version of 'reality' and the population is conditioned to accept and not question - I remember a 'news' reporter actually literally saying people should not be looking to alternative sources for facts, telling people what's going on is THEIR job - still, if people just accept the manipulated version, is it fair to label them as stupid? Isn't that kind of blaming the victim? I was reading about cults and read (yes I love books and reading lol) people most likely to be fooled into cults are actually those who are most altruistic, who actually care. They want to help, want to do something....and get sucked in. Like scientology for example (or the JoS). Jonestown was a cult too. Or heavens gate. The church is another.

There are evil self serving people who make it their business to create these kind of pitcher plant traps for people. In order to suck energy, time, money, etc off them. Parasites and predators. This is the achilles heel of humanity.....but also what makes them so wonderful! Humans care, want to do the right thing, want to help. It's in their DNA. The predators don't have this in them. They don't have that heart. Its the heart, the ability to experience true empathy that allows us to access the highest frequencies they can't.

I think its more fair to say humans sucked in to these energy sinks or milking machines are ill informed.

And then we have to take into consideration the psychological thing that happens called cognitive dissonance, in which a person hearing facts that don't align with what they are convinced is 'true'....a mental kind of dissonance happens. Some people literally shut down and can't take in new information. It can actually put them into a fight or flight state.

Alphabet agencies know this, they've made a study of the psychology of humans and how to manipulate them (MK Ultra programs or Monarch programs for example). I remember listening to an interview with a KGB agent who said it's much easier to tell people lies than to afterwards, tell them the truth (and get them to understand it's the truth).

Extracting people from these mental emotional prisons takes a lot of deprogramming, time, patience. Give them real information in sips. Not via a firehose. Most will eventually awaken and snap out of it. Something like 11% however, will not.

In the case of the global structure of lies, people have been deceived as to the true nature of reality itself, who they are, what they are, their true potential, and the programming goes from cradle to grave (though at this time we're witnessing people waking up at last, beginning to ask questions which is very encouraging). And again, that programming was over generations.

The JoS people have maybe 15 years or less of programming so I do hold out hope for most of them to wake up and leave.

Part of the deprogramming is accomplished via inner work and self healing. Uncoupling is a process. People are individuals, they'll come out of it in their own time and in their own way....but I wouldn't call them stupid.

The enemy of humanity wants us to see everything in an us vrs them mentality, in order to keep the infighting going. I think it's important to not be quite so fast to whitewash an entire community as stupid but rather instead, try to understand, have empathy, help people, not judge them harshly. This doesn't apply to everyone of course, nick has demonstrated where he's at. The negative polarity of service to self only. Which is the same polarity of the ones he pretends to be 'fighting'.

I'm not saying be a doormat for the world. But people need to be given a chance. Given real information, time, understanding and empathy so they can break out of that cognitive dissonance.

I think they can, I think they will. Because like I said, most people who get caught up in this kind of thing do so out of altruism. Service to others or the positive polarity. Meaning I view most of the members over there as positive orientated, just ill informed. Maybe this makes me a pollyanna but....I hold faith in the inherent goodness and intelligence of humanity :)

greater than we know.jpg

“It's not well known but every few years the CEO's of the global tech corporations in America host a large private meeting in California in which they sit down and meet about policy direction with the representatives of the CIA. Its the tech sector version of Bilderberger.”

Thank you Don, for this very important bit of information. I didn't know this but it totally fits.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 7:38 am Nick is always lying as usual if his claim that I was some kind of joooo, and infiltrator was correct. Then why has he kept my articles around for years? Because he is lying and he knows it. What was HP Carlson? Or HPS Shannon, Nick drove them off as well. What about all the long term community members who did a lot of work they are gone as well, Nick drove them off, what where they?

GoldenDragon wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:16 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:33 am Nick deleted several of my article threads in a row on the Covid 19 pandemic that Maxine wanted back in 2020. These articles had been up for months and had up to 25,000 and more views on important information. No explanation as to why. Professor Shekels [Nick] never provided any information or important, useful insight into anything on the subject. Or any subject for that matter.

Here is a picture for what I claim:
Exactly, Don. He is lying per square meter honestly. HP Carlson was there. I must say it is kind of weird how Nick kept the hanmerofthegods666 account which is of Jake Carlson.

Look at this:
Jake Carlson account is kept there as "Active Member"
Jake Carlson account is kept there as "Active Member"
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

Interesting what he says about Serapis. Is it true?

I mean, here Serapis is stated as Satan yet I see Jake Carlson stating that he is Christos?

Who is who as I am confused now
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Jake? He's back at the JoS?

No, not possible. Jake walked away, he left before maxine died. He said he had no intention of ever returning to the JoS!
And, in fact, elaborated he was done with online anything, anywhere, anymore. So whoever wrote this, it definitely, unequivocally was NOT jake Carlson.

Looks like Jakes old account was taken over by nick, just to give himself a bit more 'authority'. To me, this reeks of desperation.

Calling me a 'deluded imbecile'. That's about par for the course.
He didn't read.....or he tried to read but couldn't understand what I was saying.....OR...he's twisting it deliberately.
Remember, reading is not his strong suit.

I'd have to see the entire paragraph gd, the whole comment from this account, not just a little bit. Just copy past it in quotes if you would, pls not another screenshot.

One of my past lives (I remember several), I was murdered for being a witch in the public town square, before the entire community, several of whom also took part, besides the principal accuser. Interesting how that kind of played out again at the JoS; being falsely accused and suffering the digital equivalent of the exact same thing, like some weird echo. I definitely wasn't a christian that life, I was never a christian in this one. I don't think I've ever been a christian.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

I will make sure to put it in quotes next time, much better. I agree.

As for the accounts, it is a chance that he added some accounts to the arsenal of his.

You see, Nick is having his software engineer ApolloAbove, and he basically did a backup of the old JoS posts. Backups of old posts and forums mean backup of all the accounts that were on the JoS prophpbb forums, which imply the fact that the Jake Carlson account is a shadow-copy of the account that Jake had. And since Jake is normally no longer active, you can clearly say that Cobra added it to his arsenal. Interesting that many people joined in 2002 when his crocobra account was active as well, right?

Don's account was marked with the "JoS Forum Contributions" tag and runs there as guest (meaning deactivated shadow copy after backup). It was to cover up who really was behind the account but funny enough they didn't care to remove the writings, because, reading isn't Nick's strong point.

As for your account, HPS, I couldn't find anything, like, except the equivalent of a witch burning online, anything else doesn't pop up there when saying HPS, or simply Zola. Sorry to tell you that.

Oh and Maxine, Maxine's account has normally not reached any activity from 2020, which we all know is reasonable as Maxine died in 2020 (RIP). And as I was spying on the JoS forums backups I saw that Maxine got that "trophies and tags" which are a recent invention of the JoS. In this case, there are two things that happened:

1. Either the forum algorithm (XenForo) that the JoS currently uses, detected the necessary amount of posts from Maxine's account when it was shadow-copied, and that is how Nick gave her the trophies and ranks.

2. It wasn't the algorithm and Nick, or ApolloAbove or whoever many other "Guardians" were working on this project, after having shadow-copied Maxine's account, they basically hacked into it and added the ranks, the title of Founder of Joy of Satan and the usual entitlements they add to everybody.

We all know that when the old forums went down, Maxine's account was one with no photography, it had Maxine's name in it and that was all. Now there is the shadow-copied account from the old forums for all of Maxine's articles. Funny right?

And to tell another fun fact here: the old prophpbb backup forum was planned more than twice and once, they successfully hosted it on some kind of archive website, but it got closed for "supposedly being way too costly" (in reality I knew why it was closed, and that was to re-do the shadow-copying of the accounts so that they could remove you and Don).

And another fun fact, normally, when a forum like prophpbb forum is dead, there is no normal possibility to do a backup of it, not even a shadow-copy. There are two possibilities here:

Either Cobra had the keys as he was past administrator / High Priest of the old forums, and also the archived databases (dude is obsessed with backups) or, he had the archived files of the database (again, Nick is obsessed with backups) and gave the files to ApolloAbove in order to crack their contents. And then, the rest is easy to determine how much the backups and accounts from backups could be tampered with.

He, Nick, tampered his own account as well, as normally, for the old forums of ancient-forums he had joined in 2017, not 2012. This is the straight-up lie that he put after he backed up the forums, shadow-copied a lot of old prophpbb forum data, and basically, people believe him to have joined the whole JoS project since 2012, not knowing that that is the date of the old forum account he had, not the 2017 one.

Sorry if I was too technical :oops: but I felt this was necessary to be told
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

And when I say that Nick is obsessed with backups, he really is. I remember I was on the ancient forums, long before he moved them to XenForo new forum algorithm, and Nick had a backup of like the whole ancient forums (at that time).

That backup weights nearly 64.00 GB, much to occupy a phone's whole storage space with it. How can a normal person be obsessed with backups?

Because he isn't a normal person, he really is a psychopath.
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