Satan is Beelzebut

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Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Else »

Satan is Beelzebut a topic of most importance for the large public
Because we can trace back Beelzebut way before Judaism as Baal, an important ancient deity from which the Jewish god was stolen, inspired and later on, corrupted.

Satanism as a concept nowadays is often confused (and thus rejected by many) with reverse christianity due to Satan being the bad guy, the opposing force of Judaism - which he is anyway, regardless, tracing back Satan (before judaism) was imposible unless we equate him with Baal. As for them, Satan and Baal being distinct characters and moreover brothers, I don't think so personally I think He can manifest as Belial, as whoever he wants for the human mind to have an avatar or a point of reference

A good link for Don to investigate upon and draw correlations if he is up to do something proper in relation to our history and research

A big thank you for HC who cared to have a look on my previous attached links and give a thinking about. ... st-1091054

When I will be blessed with more time, I will write about my personal observations more and in more detail, in the hope that we can spread some light on these intricate as HC would call, subjects

Thank you Zola and Don for sharing your opinions openly and for allowing me to do so,
in my opinion, we should be more united in our efforts, us, spiritual seekers and truth seekers and remember why we did assemble together in the first place; now all with all are enemies - that's ridiculous in my view however, my gratitude and thanks to all for everything
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“Satan is Beelzebut a topic of most importance for the large public
Because we can trace back Beelzebut way before Judaism as Baal, an important ancient deity from which the Jewish god was stolen, inspired and later on, corrupted.

Satanism as a concept nowadays is often confused (and thus rejected by many) with reverse christianity due to Satan being the bad guy, the opposing force of Judaism - which he is anyway, regardless, tracing back Satan (before judaism) was imposible unless we equate him with Baal.”

Commercial/hollywood/biblical (created for mass consumption/mind control) satanism is a controlled opposition scenario. This is an MO that ought to be familiar to anyone who has done any digging into the enemy of humanity. Inversion and controlled opposition are hallmarks. So is problem, reaction solution. I have a lot more I could say to this but it actually touches on part of an upcoming article so I won't drop it here (still working on it :).

I'm still here, still researching, writing articles. Sorry I've not posted anything new for a little while but I really needed a break and second, I'm not interested to pump out stuff for the sake of trying to create content. I'll post my articles when they're complete and not before. I invite you to check back later for that.

“As for them, Satan and Baal being distinct characters and moreover brothers, I don't think so personally I think He can manifest as Belial, as whoever he wants for the human mind to have an avatar or a point of reference”

Extra dimensional entities can manifest as whatever they wish to resemble, even another person. That said, I am of the opinion humans possess an intrinsic instinct that helps us discern which beings are negative and which are positive. The fruit of the tree is going to tell you a lot about what kind of a tree it is.

“A good link for Don to investigate upon and draw correlations if he is up to do something proper in relation to our history and research”

Your tone sounds like a thinly veiled jab at Don. If he's up to doing something 'proper' in relation to 'our' history and research. You're projecting a supposition of who Don 'should' be working on and for and what he 'ought' to be doing. Don is a grown man who has spent decades researching. Please do not assume standing to dictate what is 'proper' to investigate and what is (the unsaid inference) not for him. It's a little passive aggressive.

“A big thank you for HC who cared to have a look on my previous attached links and give a thinking about. ... st-1091054
When I will be blessed with more time, I will write about my personal observations more and in more detail, in the hope that we can spread some light on these intricate as HC would call, subjects
Thank you Zola and Don for sharing your opinions openly and for allowing me to do so”

You are either obtuse or this is again, another thinly veiled stab. Don't mistake my being a nice person for being a doormat and a fool.

It's no secret part of the reason this place exists is because after your precious 'HP' publicly burned me for a witch in the town square on his forum for zero reason I wanted my voice back. Also, I want to provide others moving out of that CULT a safe space where they can decompress, vent and ultimately shift focus, heal and then move on with their lives. It's meant to be a positive place for healing and self growth. Not something negative. you are giving cobra/nick special thanks? In my house? Pushing the JoS dogma? And make no mistake, the JoS is a very negative place. Therefore, I see this as a deliberate slap in the face.

If you wish to continue to spread JoS propaganda and kiss nicks ass while doing it, this isn't the forum for you to do it on. The whole point of this place is NOT to be a JoS 2.0. I don't want that energy here. You want to do that stuff, do it on his forum. I suspect the real reason you're doing it here is because you're trolling for people. Basically placing a JoS ad, hoping to draw unsuspecting people over to that shithole, hence the convenient link provided. I'm not down with that and I don't appreciate you doing this. It's nothing more than a thinly veiled fishing expedition.

You're taking advantage of the fact I actually will give people a chance to share information as opposed to the 'HP' you are right here, right now, kissing ass to. You are being rather offensive.

And the cherry on top:

you condescendingly thank don and myself for sharing our 'opinions'.

An opinion is what one person feels. It's based on feelings, not forensic evidence or research based information. Like a man who feels he's actually a woman and therefore can get into a boxing ring with her and beat the shit out of her in front of an audience. And get away with it.

A hypothesis on the other hand is a possible answer to a question based on ones own observations, existing theories and information gathered from other sources, other researchers. Don and I do research. So to thank us for our 'opinions' actually insulting, dismissive and demeaning. Don't try to pull that here, please and thank you :)

“in my opinion, we should be more united in our efforts, us, spiritual seekers and truth seekers and remember why we did assemble together in the first place; now all with all are enemies - that's ridiculous in my view however, my gratitude and thanks to all for everything”

The JoS is a cult. The T4S has zero to do with it and we do not have similar goals. Nick wants to exploit people to put shekels in his pocket and to feed his monstrous ego with all the blind adulation of subservient followers. I'm interested in helping people. I don't want followers. I want peers.
The two are night and day. We will never unite.

Yes, we as individuals, are all spiritual seekers, truth seekers. And yes, we don't have to be enemies. I'm talking members of that place and people here. Assuming they wake up. Break the programming. I know people get caught up in cults because they have a wound, and its a point of entry. It's not their fault and most people are decent. So I don't hate people there. This is why else, I'm giving you a chance right now. Gratitude and thanks are good things.

I do not include nick in that equation. He is and will always be an enemy of humanity as he has proven by his actions, time and time again. A parasite, a catfisher. A wolf in sheep's clothing taking advantage of the innocent and the lost, of naive people, sucking all the energy and life out of them to benefit himself, while pretending to be a 'friend'....

all the better to eat you with my dear.jpg
all the better to eat you with my dear.jpg (265.95 KiB) Viewed 185 times

Members of the JoS need to wake up and realize they're getting played. Deprogram.

Good luck.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

Nick is claiming Maxine is a perfected being and yet he is going against her doctrine that Satan is ENKI of Sumeria and is the Annunaki extra terrestrial. Maxine stated Beelzebub is Enlil not ENKI. Nick is also demanding people have to pay lots of shekels to find the truth of this "new" information which calls Maxine totality fucking wrong on his paywall scheme. He spent a lot of time just pushing his shekel scheme on people.

Nick is now claiming that Satan is not ENKI of Sumeria and a physical being of the Annunaki extra terrestrials that Maxine stated but some nebulous cosmic being [Deity] that manifests as Lucifer and other monotheistic ideology that is comparable to the Holy Trinity of Christianity.

Lucifer is never mentioned in the bible but as a title of Jesus Christ in Latin in which Jesus Christ is called the Morning Star and once in the old testament in Hebrew a Babylonian king is mocked as such. Lucifer is the title of Jesus Christ in the bible and Latin hymns to Christ. Satan of the Bible is the angel who serves Yahweh as his enforcer who tests the faithful to sin against Yahweh to then punish them for Yahweh. Satan is the FBI agent of Yahweh's regime who works by FBI entrapment methods in basic terms.

Zeus in Greek religion was born of another god Coronus who had overthrow his own father Ouranos to become the ruler of the heavens, who Zeus overthrew Coronus in the Titian war to establish a new regime of Olympus. What Nick is trying to do is put Zeus into the role of the Monad of the Greek philosophers which some philosophers in ancient Greece did in their ideals but there was always a conflict between the Zeus of the more ancient Greeks and this philosophical mysticism of later ideals. The problem is Zeus is Dyaus [Deus-Zeus] Pitar of the Indo-European ancient religion who is an actual being like the Zeus described in the primordial Greek mythos.

"Dyauṣ stems from Proto-Indo-Iranian *dyā́wš, from the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) daylight-sky god *Dyēus, and is cognate with the Greek Διας – Zeus Patēr, Illyrian Dei-pátrous, and Latin Jupiter (from Old Latin Dies piter Djous patēr), stemming from the PIE Dyḗus ph₂tḗr ("Daylight-sky Father".

The ancient Greeks worshipped Zeus as physical deity not an abstract philosophical concept of the monad, which is the formless ether.

Nick is also claiming Maxine is wrong on everything now...

Else wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:46 pm Satan is Beelzebut a topic of most importance for the large public
Because we can trace back Beelzebut way before Judaism as Baal, an important ancient deity from which the Jewish god was stolen, inspired and later on, corrupted.

Satanism as a concept nowadays is often confused (and thus rejected by many) with reverse christianity due to Satan being the bad guy, the opposing force of Judaism - which he is anyway, regardless, tracing back Satan (before judaism) was imposible unless we equate him with Baal. As for them, Satan and Baal being distinct characters and moreover brothers, I don't think so personally I think He can manifest as Belial, as whoever he wants for the human mind to have an avatar or a point of reference

A good link for Don to investigate upon and draw correlations if he is up to do something proper in relation to our history and research

A big thank you for HC who cared to have a look on my previous attached links and give a thinking about. ... st-1091054

When I will be blessed with more time, I will write about my personal observations more and in more detail, in the hope that we can spread some light on these intricate as HC would call, subjects

Thank you Zola and Don for sharing your opinions openly and for allowing me to do so,
in my opinion, we should be more united in our efforts, us, spiritual seekers and truth seekers and remember why we did assemble together in the first place; now all with all are enemies - that's ridiculous in my view however, my gratitude and thanks to all for everything
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Joy of Satan....The Church of Satan.... Maxine was involved in Lavey's church for years and just took his ideology and improvised upon it with her own take. However Lavey's own daughter Zena, who was a high priest of the Church of Satan already stated in a public interview her father made the entire CoS up to scam people for money and fame.
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"The Joy of Satan....The Church of Satan.... Maxine was involved in Lavey's church for years and just took his ideology and improvised upon it with her own take. However Lavey's own daughter Zena, who was a high priest of the Church of Satan already stated in a public interview her father made the entire CoS up to scam people for money and fame."

And so the scamming people for money and fame legacy goes on....through maxine to the guy who happened to have the keys to the place when she passed away. And he's keeping it going. Scamming people for shekels and fame.

This is the guy else, who you think is awesome.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

Lavey liked to call people "the rubes" which is con artist speak for dumb fucks to be scammed. Maxine used to call most everyone in the groups "stupid's" and other insults all the time.

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:43 am "The Joy of Satan....The Church of Satan.... Maxine was involved in Lavey's church for years and just took his ideology and improvised upon it with her own take. However Lavey's own daughter Zena, who was a high priest of the Church of Satan already stated in a public interview her father made the entire CoS up to scam people for money and fame."

And so the scamming people for money and fame legacy goes on....through maxine to the guy who happened to have the keys to the place when she passed away. And he's keeping it going. Scamming people for shekels and fame.

This is the guy else, who you think is awesome.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

The problem is Maxine's Satanism does not match what Nick is promoting on even a philosophical level. Maxine stated Satanism is about the self, the egoism of the individual where this formless monadism Nick is promoting of the Greek philosophical system is based in Greek mystical philosophy as Henotheism in practice in which one annihilates the egoism the self, to merge with the One. This is closer to Christian mysticism then anything else.
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Don, you said Maxine stated Beelzebub is Enlil not ENKI.
I am looking at research right now that is saying (if I remember this off the top of my head) that beelzebub (Baal) is related to or another name for the same being known as Enki (rather than Enlil). And that Enlil is (again, going off the top of my head here) actually related to or the same being (different name same being) to Zeus.
You write Zeus is Dyaus [Deus-Zeus] Pitar of the Indo-European ancient religion, an actual being like the Zeus described in the primordial Greek mythos.

What I'm looking at states he's an actual being. I do find most interesting. I'm following that rabbit hole to see what I can dig up. I've not discovered the name Dyaus Pitar, I'll go through what I'm looking at again and cross reference that, very interesting stuff. So is this:

"Dyauṣ stems from Proto-Indo-Iranian *dyā́wš, from the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) daylight-sky god *Dyēus, and is cognate with the Greek Διας – Zeus Patēr, Illyrian Dei-pátrous, and Latin Jupiter (from Old Latin Dies piter Djous patēr), stemming from the PIE Dyḗus ph₂tḗr ("Daylight-sky Father".

Daylight sky god and sky father – sounds like Enlil.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“Henotheism in practice in which one annihilates the egoism the self, to merge with the One”.

I remember a man in our yoga group who was chatting to us one day. He was saying how he'd been working so hard to get rid of his ego. To really his being....know he was nothing....but ONE with all that is...that it was not good to identify with himself...
It sounded silly to me. Worse than silly. Delusional and harmful.

My understanding is we're individualized fractals of a power that creates universes by whatever name you call it; god, the gods, the universe, source, great father, sky daddy....whatever label. Those are finite labels to explain an intelligence that operates beyond time and space, is infinite, eternal and divine. A generative expanding creative intelligence/power that creates what we recognize as the physical universes but also the non local realms too. That transcends what we think of as 'gods'. To my mind gods are really living beings like ourselves (non-terrestrials) and/or extra dimensional's – that is, living in a higher or lower frequency dimension than this one. But in all cases, just other intelligences with more advanced knowledge and better technology.

We're part of this force of creation (first principle) and one in the sense we're connected by all being made of stardust. Having our being in the same elements. BUT.....our individualism, our self, what makes us US is unique, our own, something precious.

Not something to be subsumed into one lump of grey clay. It's the endless variety that makes life so interesting. Not being all ONE.

I was looking up what henotheism means and it's saying one recognizes many gods but chooses to identify with, to focus on only one that is usually considered the god of ones family or clan. Let me guess: he's preaching they're family, a clan of the 'elite'....and their god is Satan.

And so you must work for $atan, and give him shekels.

Sigh (rolls eyes).
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

The open secret on Kabbalah is its pythagorean/neo-Platonism mysticism run through a jewish religious filter.

To make it easy its based on the universe as the first or primordial principal is the manifestation of the Ather which is limitless light then this manifest into difference the dimensions of existence are given their own consciousness which manifest creation is based on the realm of Da'ath which is knowledge which is based on limitations because different forms or emanation have arisen from the one and have different souls. We live in Da'ath for this reason this is that and that is this.

This existed in the Bible as god is the word and the word is god. And then god starts to create everything from the word into this realm and the realms of being. The word is the Ather principal which is vibration, or the word in cosmological doctrines.

The Nachash in the garden of edin gives Adam and Eve who are the father and mother of man the fruit of Da'ath, knowledge then they realize they where naked and we need to make clothes and we need to know this and that. Before they where clueless. Nachash means to divine which means to find things out which is Da'ath. This also gives one self will which is free will to go against Yahweh or not. All humans come from Adam and Eve which means all humans have self will and knowledge which means they are different souls with self awareness of what they are and not. This is the nature of god within us as well. God had to separate himself the Ather as the AIn [limitless light] to create and create difference from himself.
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