Satan is Beelzebut

Don Danko333
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

The only person to have ascended in confirmed history, system is based on merging with the limitless light to become god. But still retained his own consciousness. His system is rare and mentioned no where else but glanced over in texts that are thousands of years old in history. He became an ether being like the Star Wars concept.

Don Danko333
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

To Hen [The One] is the transcendental god of Platonism the goal is to merge with this by ascetic practices that reduce the individual ego down to nothing to merge with the one. Here Henotheistic mysticism is relating to this philosophy. This became a source of Christian monasticism later.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:33 am “Henotheism in practice in which one annihilates the egoism the self, to merge with the One”.

I remember a man in our yoga group who was chatting to us one day. He was saying how he'd been working so hard to get rid of his ego. To really his being....know he was nothing....but ONE with all that is...that it was not good to identify with himself...
It sounded silly to me. Worse than silly. Delusional and harmful.

My understanding is we're individualized fractals of a power that creates universes by whatever name you call it; god, the gods, the universe, source, great father, sky daddy....whatever label. Those are finite labels to explain an intelligence that operates beyond time and space, is infinite, eternal and divine. A generative expanding creative intelligence/power that creates what we recognize as the physical universes but also the non local realms too. That transcends what we think of as 'gods'. To my mind gods are really living beings like ourselves (non-terrestrials) and/or extra dimensional's – that is, living in a higher or lower frequency dimension than this one. But in all cases, just other intelligences with more advanced knowledge and better technology.

We're part of this force of creation (first principle) and one in the sense we're connected by all being made of stardust. Having our being in the same elements. BUT.....our individualism, our self, what makes us US is unique, our own, something precious.

Not something to be subsumed into one lump of grey clay. It's the endless variety that makes life so interesting. Not being all ONE.

I was looking up what henotheism means and it's saying one recognizes many gods but chooses to identify with, to focus on only one that is usually considered the god of ones family or clan. Let me guess: he's preaching they're family, a clan of the 'elite'....and their god is Satan.

And so you must work for $atan, and give him shekels.

Sigh (rolls eyes).
Don Danko333
Posts: 599
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Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

This is the problem the JoS and other LHP groups are in. The ancient classical mystic's of the Hellenistic world stated this in their works. The Daimones are a class of spirits that are not divinities they are lower spirit. However they love to pose as Gods as divinities to gain energy and control off of humans they bring illness and calamities, destructive energies among men. This is what the Demons are Daimone is the ancient meaning and word of the modern Demon. Belial and Lucifer posed as divinities even pretending to be different divinities to gain control over my life. Belial was pretending to be ENKI of Sumeria for 15 years, and Maxine's fake Father Satan. All the Demons have their duped followers worshipping them and calling them divinities. This is what the ancient mysticism warned about. And the results are the same.
Don Danko333
Posts: 599
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:21 am

Re: Satan is Beelzebut

Post by Don Danko333 »

Something that is obvious Maxine was not spiritually evolved and had no access to psychic communication this is why she stole everything off other authors. Nick also has shown he has no spiritual abilities he has run the JOS since 2019 and he also has no intellectual ability he like Maxine just takes work off other people with Nick's case mainly JOS members and promotes this as his own. Its not a good ideal to take orders from Nick or any information as creditable. Maxine's death shows she had no Magnum Opus or advanced spiritual knowledge. Everyone is looking up to Nick to be a channel with Father Satan but he can't do anything.
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