Message From Maxine

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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"That's the truth about the extreme freedom, Satanism promotes. Its not free, everyone has to pay the price of it on themselves, others and greater society.

The Satanic freedom movement of the The Satanic Temple, call abortion their "Satanic ritual" and its part of their religion. They want to have child sacrifice as their religious ritual. They just promote as you note the WOKE agenda as their religion. They just don't give a shit about anyone but themselves."

Excellent way of putting it and TRUTH.
Is psychopathy the outcome of nature or nurture? I feel this twisted anti-life garbage that is being programmed into gullible people, lost people, the utter selfishness and lack of empathy; the pure psychotic narcissism of thinking it's your 'right' to sacrifice an innocent baby - the spiritual outcome of all this 'freedom' is meant to atrophy and destroy the heart chakra, the link that connects us to those highest frequencies and dimensions, our living link back to the 'power of creation, the absolute god, energy, consciousness and love as its pure and highest manifestation' (as you so eloquently put it).

There is a highly negative, anti-human, anti-life malevolence behind these programs and the goal is the destruction of humanity. This is why these programs/narratives/mind virus's are being pushed down our collective throat with this 'woke' garbage. It's a spiritual attack on humanity.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"online death threats, harassment, attempted doxxing, trying to pretend to be my friend to get personal information to give to Nick, constant accusations and attacks on my character. That is where I really started to note the amount of drug addicts, mentality disordered people, abusive losers, negative failures in general that make up Satanism."

My experience also Don. All of it.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Don Danko333
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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by Don Danko333 »

When the Jewish cult of the Frankist's took over Russia with their Marxism. All they did was murder each other and their entire families for power by the time it was over five million plus Jews where dead within the USSR along with the fifty plus million Gentile victims. Even Stalin the Jew leader was murdered by another Jew, Beria. Then Beria was murdered after by Khrushchev. The whole evil empire collapsed under the weight of its destructive and psychopathic cult. These Frankist believe they are god on earth and divine beings for being Jewish...
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:45 am Love IS the highest frequency. If one wants to reach those higher dimensions, while espousing rabid fanaticism and hatred, being anti-life, higher dimensional beings aren't going to give those people the time of day.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"About the hate, it was ridiculous how Nick just caused me to leave by deleting most of my articles for year and a half. Because he was mad because I defeated him in debates and sent me a rage message in private he was going to put me in moderation and delete anything of mine he wanted to teach me a lesson for upsetting his feelings with logic and facts. So I left after a year and a half of this abusive nonsense. Then he open declares me a evil jooooooz for simple doing what I told him I would do if he didn't stop being abusive. I simply left."

I have to say it's interesting how in your case you walked and in mine, I was put through a public witchburning. But in either case, in the end, it worked out for the best. So perhaps...the real high dimensional beings (gods) were with us (smiles).
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Don Danko333
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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by Don Danko333 »

I wanted to leave, I had gotten to a level of spiritual practice where I was already getting tired of the JoS in 2018 and was starting to notice the problems within it. I was finally able to get to the level I understood that 'satan' was some abusive demonic spirit using me. The last time this demon appeared back in 22 and dropped the mask that it was Belial it told me I was his property that 'he owned me'.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:17 pm "About the hate, it was ridiculous how Nick just caused me to leave by deleting most of my articles for year and a half. Because he was mad because I defeated him in debates and sent me a rage message in private he was going to put me in moderation and delete anything of mine he wanted to teach me a lesson for upsetting his feelings with logic and facts. So I left after a year and a half of this abusive nonsense. Then he open declares me a evil jooooooz for simple doing what I told him I would do if he didn't stop being abusive. I simply left."

I have to say it's interesting how in your case you walked and in mine, I was put through a public witchburning. But in either case, in the end, it worked out for the best. So perhaps...the real high dimensional beings (gods) were with us (smiles).
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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"I wanted to leave, I had gotten to a level of spiritual practice where I was already getting tired of the JoS in 2018 and was starting to notice the problems within it."

I also was beginning to notice the problems within it and my gut was telling me to leave. But in the end I got witchburned (laughs)

"I was finally able to get to the level I understood that 'satan' was some abusive demonic spirit using me. The last time this demon appeared back in 22 and dropped the mask that it was Belial it told me I was his property that 'he owned me'."

Oh. Really? It 'owned' you? Indeed. I presume you told him where to go.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Going back to this when you said:

“When the Jewish cult of the Frankist's took over Russia with their Marxism. All they did was murder each other and their entire families for power by the time it was over five million plus Jews where dead within the USSR along with the fifty plus million Gentile victims. Even Stalin the Jew leader was murdered by another Jew, Beria. Then Beria was murder after by Khrushchev. The whole evil empire collapsed under the weight of its destructive and psychopathic cult. These Frankist believe they are god on earth and divine beings for being Jewish...”

Yes, sabbatean frankists. I was thinking frankist earlier but I wanted to check my notes, couldn't remember the name off the top of my head.

Something more from my notes. see what you think:

The term jew(ish) was artificially created by the pharisees after their babylonian incarceration/incarnation and consciousness corruption. It was never a word from any of the tribes of Jacob (aka Israel) pre-babylon incarnation.

Sanhedrins were originally designates as 'torah law advocates' in judea. Noble representatives of their peer constituents but could only end up corrupted just as their fellow 'torah practitioners' did once they were captured and forced to succumb to the intense influence of both their babel and Assyrian 'captors' and Persian 'liberators' who adhered to the idolatry worship/self entitlement/god complex/and kabbalah type magi paradigms (eg zurvanist type Zoroastrians, maguseans, Chaldean astrologers).

That's one tidbit. Then there is this:

One of the books removed from the bible was regarding the borborites. The christians thought them disgusting as they were immoral and licentious. They had weird sex rituals. And if a woman became pregnant as the result of participating (willingly or unwillingly) in these, they would later extract the fetus and EAT it. Note: this is what happened at the mothers of darkness castle as described by a woman who managed to escape from this life - the borborites were perverts as well as cannibals. Isn't it 'coincidental' how, in this present day and age, the powers that be are pushing cannibalism. Trying to normalize it.

Immediately (also) brings to mind the people who were doing all this and more in Khazaria. the Tsar of Russia gave them an ultimatum, convert to either christianity, judaism or Islam...or die. Khazaria is where the current Ukraine is.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"The Satanic freedom movement of the The Satanic Temple, call abortion their "Satanic ritual" and its part of their religion. They want to have child sacrifice as their religious ritual. They just promote as you note the WOKE agenda as their religion. They just don't give a shit about anyone but themselves."

Something else I wanted to add:

It's not just that those kids (who have been mutilated under the guise of 'gender affirmation') can never have children of their's about the destruction of future generations. This is not affirming anything except death. Which is anti-life. Abortion isn't anything to do with a woman's 'rights''s about cutting a baby up into pieces while it's alive (with no painkillers for baby). I know that is distressing but it's the truth - The body parts and the adrenalized blood are saved and sold. It's a production and the baby is the harvested product. If that's not vile evil I don't know what is.

Interesting to note that when you put a 'D' ahead of 'evil' you get Devil. Devil worship.

Here's another one to think about; every time they engineer a war in any zone, a massive flood or the following destruction and chaos....human AND non human beings are going in under the cover of night and snatching up displaced adults and especially, children. To them, this is harvest time.

This war for humanity is spiritual, and its about our children. Who are literally the future and thus signify the survival of humanity. Who are literally targets.

I forgot to add that the most pure adrenochrome is taken from the youngest humans, children. What could be more pure than infants stolen from a mothers womb? This is the most pure adrenalized blood that is distilled down into adrenochrome and fetches the highest prices. These human hating negative entities are literally vampires.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko333
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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by Don Danko333 »

No he came through out of nowhere and hit me with a wave of his energy which is a psychic shock its an abusive tactic and yelled this at me. And made demands, I just walked out of the room and clamed down its a shock to the system. Then came back later and banished all the energy of this entity and it never came back. I had to banish this entity before. Belial wants people to think its a god its a lesser spirit.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:33 pm
"I was finally able to get to the level I understood that 'satan' was some abusive demonic spirit using me. The last time this demon appeared back in 22 and dropped the mask that it was Belial it told me I was his property that 'he owned me'."

Oh. Really? It 'owned' you? Indeed. I presume you told him where to go.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Don Danko333
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Re: Message From Maxine

Post by Don Danko333 »

The writings of Porphyry the mystic philosopher from the classical word mention what class of being Yahweh is. Yahweh is a Daemonic spirit, Porphyry states the Daemonic spirits like to fool people into thinking their gods and then get jealous control over them they employ deception. They demand constant sacrifices and their presence and cults create all kinds of problems. The Greeks considered Yahweh from what is mentioned to be a Kako Daemon a destructive spirit. Daemon's are in a category of spirit that is not a divinity. Yahweh brags he lies to people, his prophets state he lies to them, he demands jealous control over his followers and demands constant animal and human sacrifices. He wants control over the whole world in his jealous demonic rage. And so do his followers as they are spiritually connected to him.

The Jews did engage in a weird gnostic cultism that included incest, child sex and human blood drinking. The Romans banned these cults and punished them them in the ancient world. From what was stated about such surviving text the blood drinking was done for what is basically called adrenochrome today. And it involved a young male they would drain his blood and then drink it in the ritual.

The Frankist's Jews engage in the same rites as their forebears. The Jews in eastern Europe came from Germany early on they where forced out and driven into the regions of Poland and this became part of the Russian empire later. The Jews where kept in the pale settlement on orders of the Czar. Eastern European Jews speak Yiddish which is a Germanic dialect and have Germanized, Polishized surnames. The Khazar theory was created by a Marxist Jew who stated to his biographer later he made it up to confuse Gentiles.

The reality is the leaders of Judaism take orders and created their religion from working with this Daemonic being Yahweh. Their Torah sets up the demands, ideology and perimeters of this cult. It also creates the wheel of energy [which is what Torah means] of this cult in the astral, spiritual worlds to manifest itself into this one through. Judaism is a Demonic cult.

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:41 pm
Yes, sabbatean frankists. I was thinking frankist earlier but I wanted to check my notes, couldn't remember the name off the top of my head.

Something more from my notes. see what you think:

The term jew(ish) was artificially created by the pharisees after their babylonian incarceration/incarnation and consciousness corruption. It was never a word from any of the tribes of Jacob (aka Israel) pre-babylon incarnation.

Sanhedrins were originally designates as 'torah law advocates' in judea. Noble representatives of their peer constituents but could only end up corrupted just as their fellow 'torah practitioners' did once they were captured and forced to succumb to the intense influence of both their babel and Assyrian 'captors' and Persian 'liberators' who adhered to the idolatry worship/self entitlement/god complex/and kabbalah type magi paradigms (eg zurvanist type Zoroastrians, maguseans, Chaldean astrologers).

That's one tidbit. Then there is this:

One of the books removed from the bible was regarding the borborites. The christians thought them disgusting as they were immoral and licentious. They had weird sex rituals. And if a woman became pregnant as the result of participating (willingly or unwillingly) in these, they would later extract the fetus and EAT it. Note: this is what happened at the mothers of darkness castle as described by a woman who managed to escape from this life - the borborites were perverts as well as cannibals. Isn't it 'coincidental' how, in this present day and age, the powers that be are pushing cannibalism. Trying to normalize it.

Immediately (also) brings to mind the people who were doing all this and more in Khazaria. the Tsar of Russia gave them an ultimatum, convert to either christianity, judaism or Islam...or die. Khazaria is where the current Ukraine is.
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