It's a trap... They have shadow governments working for them. They stick implants on many people this is what we have to be aware as time goes on. We must work hard to stop the terrorism.
They work in hospitals secretly as hospitals are soul destroyers. They have attacked me a lot but I fought back with them, they mind sweep innocent people. Ever since I have knew this many people are trying to set me up for sabotage but in mysterious ways...
Targeted individuals are also corrupted by the greys but they work through people who are secret agents but also innocent people. We have the power to fight using frequencies also strengthening the ego but also having humbleness is great like I've said this before. I have had them calling me a slag when I put archon protection frequencies on, i know that sounds weird but it's true! They morph people's faces into something that these tyrants desire (the greys). I've had it happen to me they also put people in manic states!
Hopefully, this helps you guys!