Siatris wrote:I was referring to Magestein. He wants to censor me and everyone else so we never question him again.
I think Zola is a jew and Magestein is a jewish communist at the heart. but you Mamba value free speech and u're at least a luciferian minded person.
Siatris here is the voice of reason.
I am actually proud of you for questioning everything, this is a very satanic thing to do. I have no problem with you questioning the T4S clergy or any of its members.
However, have you tried using this same line of questioning on HP HoodedCobra? Now there is a man that goes to great lengths to hide his identity, don't get me wrong I am not implying that he is Jewish. I am just saying that it doesn't make sense for me how you can have such complete faith in someone who you probably don't even see everyday in real life. Aside from this Nick is just a human being like everyone else so it's not impossible to think that he could get things wrong or lie about things.
Let me ask you this, who are you going to believe:
2.HoodedCobra's word
If you say option 2 then you are better off being a Christian or Muslim and Satanism isn't well suited for you. Choosing to believe the claims of a complete stranger on the internet above science is blind faith. If a man whom you have never met came out of Wallmart one day and blindfolded you and then instructed you to walk across a busy highway... would you do it? You may ask the man "how do I know that the cars won't hit me and kill me" and he will reply: "Don't worry! Believe and have faith!".
The DNA test cost HPS ZolaLuckyStar $300 but if you still don't believe it is legit or that we are faking it somehow, then we are willing to take the test in front of you. Really we have nothing to hide.