The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Don Danko

Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by Don Danko »

No you just use word for word Hamansbitch lingo. Well whatever you want to be now... I guess you have some self clarity after all to realize you made a total ass hat of yourself as Hamansbitch.

Would it surprise you if I don't care about who you are on the JoS. What cult? This place is for people who want to hang out and post. Hooded Blahbra worship is not required here. Yeah your a bad ass ninja or something whatever, no need to be so uptight.
JoyOfSatan666 wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 5:38 am

I am not Hamansbitch I know not who that is. I am my own Unique person. If you knew who I was on JOS you might shit your pants though. One of the people your well aware of and even quoted a lot when you were on there. Hell you even talked about me in a sermon before but saying negative things on here in a sermon one time yes I am aware of all you say and I will dismantle your cult. But since I said "racist" things on here I can't say right now.

One thing is for sure. I am the last person people mess with usually their lives fall apart when they do.

When something needs to be done I do it.
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Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by BorninHell88 »

RagingCloud4050 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 11:51 pm Never said he was good or bad just said what he said. Aka they were always their. Doing what they were doing you just couldn't feel or see them. Do you really need protection against things that have always been their doing what their doing.

Aka your still alive. Your not dead.They were always their doing what they doing yet you advanced anyway to this point. What threat are they if you could advance this far while under attack. Sure they look scary but they were always their and your still here.
/sigh... :hand: I'm still alive, because I'm an EXPLOIT... Exploits aren't useful dead. This is the reason why they CREATED humanity. If they didn't want to exploit humanity, we would not be here. Period.

You: They were always there, even when you couldn't see them.

Me: Dude, trust me... I know. You're preaching to quire. : ) Seriously. I've known that the first days I set foot on this path ((which is more than ten years ago)).

You: Do you really need protection against things that have always been their doing what their doing

Me: Yeah, you do... Because as I said before. You're **their** exploit, and if you start removing your chains and leaving their Jewtrix, then they're going to kill you ((unless you get really, really lucky)), but hey... Believe what you want. Your life, not mine.

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Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by BorninHell88 »

JoyOfSatan666 wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 4:03 am
I am not Hamansbitch I know not who that is. I am my own Unique person. If you knew who I was on JOS you might shit your pants though. One of the people your well aware of and even quoted a lot when you were on there. Hell you even talked about me in a sermon before but saying negative things on here in a sermon one time yes I am aware of all you say and I will dismantle your cult. But since I said "racist" things on here I can't say right now.
That's no surprise... Everyone knows the JoS secretly hates black people. Might as well just come out and say your name... What's the worst that would happen? :lol: HoodedCobra likely says the word "nigger" more than a dozen times everyday ((behind closed doors of course, since he's a coward)). And don't get me wrong, I'm not sticking up for Slothstein either... I hate both of these people equally.


Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by sunrise »

BorninHell88 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:52 pm
sunrise wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:51 pm
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:45 pm

Zero evidence...? There's definitely evidence to suggest Don is likely a Jew himself ((more so than the other way around)). If it's not obvious to you, than I don't know what to say...? You can believe what you want though... If you're legit, than I can't condemn ya for that.

You: As for the Gods, Demons I had only positive experiences with them.

Me: How do you know that they were actually demons, and not alien impostors pretending to be such...? I don't see any reason ((at all)) to believe that they weren't... I would love to get your insight into this though...? I just can't figure out how you would come to that conclusion. :think:

You: You can't expect somebody to trust you if you don't give them trust, People will always sense and react in the same suspicions manner.

Me: I don't tell anyone to fully trust me... I never advise full trust in this dog eat dog universe, because when it comes down to it ((when shit hits the fan and your very SOUL is on the line)) than you can never depend upon anyone, besides yourself. That's life... But there's people out there that I have a lot LESS trust for than others, and then there's some where you should zero trust for. Don has not given me any real reason to trust him at all... Like I said, 1. He has not proven that his gods are real, and 2. he won't acknowledge the possibility that they're not... But instead just asserts it as if it's 100% fact, but where's the proof...? Where's the strong evidence at...? If he can provide me with some, then I'll definitely consider him to be a friend, but he hasn't done that for anyone... It seems.

You: I still have a lot to discover and understand about the astral world and I am ready to change entirely my opinion at any moment and start all over...if is something I learned in my occult experiences is this thing: you can't be sure about anything,

Me: So you admit to the possibility that there is no good gods guiding humanity...? And that they're all impostors? And if not, then what **reason** do you have to believe other wise, and is it backed up by evidence...? And if so, then can you demonstrate it to me?

You: I am very pragmatic and for me going into this occult world was extremely odd almost unbelievable at first, but it fascinates me. You need to do the same, meditate and meditate and meditate. What other way can we follow?

Me: I use to have a some-what of an open third eye, but then again I am Native American ((Sioux)), so I've always been connected to the metaphysical ((more so than your average non-Native person))... Open enough to where I was seeing the spirits ((on the astral)), and even hearing them ((but they never said anything worth knowing, because they didn't want to)). I saw the Grey aliens with my own eyes... Physically ((but yet they were on the astral... But some would/and could probably say that the astral and the material world 'are one', and when one begins to open their third eye than these two places "become one", but I'm not too sure about that)). I've seen the Nordic aliens too... I've seen the little people ((Dwarves, like the ancient Egyptian God Bes)). Pixies... Burnt looking humans dressed in black uniforms of some sort ((vampiric entities))... Deformed and monstrous looking humans. And all sorts of different entities... Some that looked so weird I can't even really explain them ((like tiny little elephant men, in some cases... About the size of my palm)). I've seen PLENTY of shit on the astral, but I've also seen very many horrid things ((like giant insects, about the size of 3 to 4 fully grown men)). If you ever want to have a discord convo, than I can tell you of the things I've seen on the astral... I think you would find my stories very interesting ((if you're a legit gentile)).

For about 2 weeks I had a some-what open third eye... I was sleeping in front of motels and hotels for most of those days, as I was too scared to sleep alone, because of what I was witnessing and going through at that time in my life. Orbs floating around me all the time, everywhere... Lighting up like stars... Coming in the colors of red, blue, and gold... Some grey. I believe these are souls of entities, and when I would focus on these orbs ((at the time)) I was always able to make out a GHOST ((an astral body)) that were attached to them. After these two weeks were over, I wasn't meditating during the two weeks, so my third eye fully shut down ((once again)). Extreme stress ((and a "fair" amount of fear)) is what kept me from being so dedicated, as I once was right before I opened my third eye to the degree that I did. And it took me about 6 solid months of meditating for a few hours a day, to where I did open my third eye... The power meditations that the JoS offers work, along with their third eye meditation. I was also using other third eye opening techniques I found on YouTube, but when I looked for these techniques recently ((about some months ago)) I couldn't find them. Seems YouTube ((JewTube)) been cleaning house.

The only problem with the meditations is that one doesn't get any proper guidance... The meditations are offered by the system, likely as a way to EARN/"urn" our trust, but the real reason is unknown to me.

You: I recently had an encounter with Barbatos and I must tell you I am the least delusional person in the world, He did something major for me. You need to regain your trust in the Gods and not give up just because Jos was fucking with us.

Me: And how do you know that this entity was Barbatos, and not an impostor...? And what did he do that was "major" for you...?

I will catch up with you later/ to properly reply. It's getting late for me so I will.leave you for now.

Anyhow, thank you and as always, was a pleasure talking to you. Good night
I really hope you do... And I'll hold you to that. : ) Because I'm really curious to know your thoughts and why you think the way you do... Take care, and sleep well!

Zero evidence...? There's definitely evidence to suggest Don is likely a Jew himself ((more so than the other way around)). If it's not obvious to you, than I don't know what to say...? You can believe what you want though... If you're legit, than I can't condemn ya for that.

What evidence you would be to call him a jew. I am not saying he is but that I hope that he isn't. However, since life proved to me anything is possible, I am asking you what makes you so sure that he is?

You: As for the Gods, Demons I had only positive experiences with them.

Me: How do you know that they were actually demons, and not alien impostors pretending to be such...? I don't see any reason ((at all)) to believe that they weren't... I would love to get your insight into this though...? I just can't figure out how you would come to that conclusion.

Aliens that interacted with me, call them however were nice and lead me to good things concerning my own existence. If they were imposters they would have lead me astray.
However, even a so-called good entity can pretend to be good and then fuck you up, right?

I mean, we speak about advanced beings who can basically do anything with us since we are far beyond them in terms of everything. So, I don't know...

You: You can't expect somebody to trust you if you don't give them trust, People will always sense and react in the same suspicions manner.

Me: I don't tell anyone to fully trust me... I never advise full trust in this dog eat dog universe, because when it comes down to it ((when shit hits the fan and your very SOUL is on the line)) than you can never depend upon anyone, besides yourself. That's life... But there's people out there that I have a lot LESS trust for than others, and then there's some where you should zero trust for. Don has not given me any real reason to trust him at all... Like I said, 1. He has not proven that his gods are real, and 2. he won't acknowledge the possibility that they're not... But instead just asserts it as if it's 100% fact, but where's the proof...? Where's the strong evidence at...? If he can provide me with some, then I'll definitely consider him to be a friend, but he hasn't done that for anyone... It seems.

He can't prove this to anyone and as far as I am concern you need to prove it to yourself.

You: I still have a lot to discover and understand about the astral world and I am ready to change entirely my opinion at any moment and start all over...if is something I learned in my occult experiences is this thing: you can't be sure about anything,

Me: So you admit to the possibility that there is no good gods guiding humanity...? And that they're all impostors? And if not, then what **reason** do you have to believe other wise, and is it backed up by evidence...? And if so, then can you demonstrate it to me?

I admit even the possibility that they can live in a parallel dimension or be a subject of their own subconscious mind hence everybody has unique interactions with them.

I took everything into consideration and I do to this day, for which reason I am trying my best to do a lot of reading and meditate.

At the same time, as I said, recently Barbatos came into my mind, (apparently, the demons know every corner of your mind and after introducing himself with this name, deleted a place I created in my mind who was a toxic thing I empowered for too long. Let's say I was imagining something not healthy for myself,

You: I am very pragmatic and for me going into this occult world was extremely odd almost unbelievable at first, but it fascinates me. You need to do the same, meditate and meditate and meditate. What other way can we follow?

Me: I use to have a some-what of an open third eye, but then again I am Native American ((Sioux)), so I've always been connected to the metaphysical ((more so than your average non-Native person))... Open enough to where I was seeing the spirits ((on the astral)), and even hearing them ((but they never said anything worth knowing, because they didn't want to)). I saw the Grey aliens with my own eyes... Physically ((but yet they were on the astral... But some would/and could probably say that the astral and the material world 'are one', and when one begins to open their third eye than these two places "become one", but I'm not too sure about that)). I've seen the Nordic aliens too... I've seen the little people ((Dwarves, like the ancient Egyptian God Bes)). Pixies... Burnt looking humans dressed in black uniforms of some sort ((vampiric entities))... Deformed and monstrous looking humans. And all sorts of different entities... Some that looked so weird I can't even really explain them ((like tiny little elephant men, in some cases... About the size of my palm)). I've seen PLENTY of shit on the astral, but I've also seen very many horrid things ((like giant insects, about the size of 3 to 4 fully grown men)). If you ever want to have a discord convo, than I can tell you of the things I've seen on the astral... I think you would find my stories very interesting ((if you're a legit gentile)).

I find all of this extremely interesting and I hope you keep a journal with all those interesting things you saw and experimented. Sure, we can have a discord convo soon as well.

For about 2 weeks I had a some-what open third eye... I was sleeping in front of motels and hotels for most of those days, as I was too scared to sleep alone, because of what I was witnessing and going through at that time in my life. Orbs floating around me all the time, everywhere... Lighting up like stars... Coming in the colors of red, blue, and gold... Some grey. I believe these are souls of entities, and when I would focus on these orbs ((at the time)) I was always able to make out a GHOST ((an astral body)) that were attached to them. After these two weeks were over, I wasn't meditating during the two weeks, so my third eye fully shut down ((once again)). Extreme stress ((and a "fair" amount of fear)) is what kept me from being so dedicated, as I once was right before I opened my third eye to the degree that I did. And it took me about 6 solid months of meditating for a few hours a day, to where I did open my third eye... The power meditations that the JoS offers work, along with their third eye meditation. I was also using other third eye opening techniques I found on YouTube, but when I looked for these techniques recently ((about some months ago)) I couldn't find them. Seems YouTube ((JewTube)) been cleaning house.

For my 3rd eye, Dagaz worked pretty fine but I never saw what you are saying and I would love to experiment things to this degree...

In my case mostly flashes and sensing their presence (while in my astral temple, although I sensed in the house a few times as well strange things),

When I was constant with the astral hearing meditations I was able to perceive voices as well but not for long as I wasn't consistent and maybe this is a reason...

The only problem with the meditations is that one doesn't get any proper guidance... The meditations are offered by the system, likely as a way to EARN/"urn" our trust, but the real reason is unknown to me.

I don't know either, sometimes I see this life as a stupid joke as well, but hey, let's enjoy it while we'll still here and try to make some sense out of it. I don't know.

Most of my close friend is telling me that I am taking life too seriously and that's my major problem. I don't know, I am trying to find some balance here.

You: I recently had an encounter with Barbatos and I must tell you I am the least delusional person in the world, He did something major for me. You need to regain your trust in the Gods and not give up just because Jos was fucking with us.

Me: And how do you know that this entity was Barbatos and not an impostor...? And what did he do that was "major" for you...?

Barbatos came by his own will, so without me asking or something while I was in my mind, imagining something I do since I was 12 or something. He introduced himself, ask me what is all this about, but he was answering while asking, encourages me to drop it and since he left, I don't have access to that place in my mind anymore. Whenever I am trying to 'enter' there, is like impossible which I tried... and I tried because it was like an automatism already, hard to control it, impossible. Almost compulsive. But for a reason or another, it disappeared for good ever since. This why I am sure this was for real. Something that I couldn't make it up. Moreover, after researching about him, I found a correlation to my experience who enforced my conclusion. If you want exact details since it's private, I will pm you.

Now, offtopic, I don't think Maxine spoke with the real Demons either, she might have created some 'mental thoughts' or I don't know.
To give you a simple example I found that Horus is the same as FLAUROS. Sigils are derived and almost identical. Even the name resembles.
I have a topic with this if you look it up.
But for a reason or another, if you look on the jos she mixed up everything, descriptions and etc. It's a total mess and will take time to make sense out of that madness.

Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by sunrise »

sunrise wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 1:58 pm
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:52 pm
sunrise wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:51 pm

I will catch up with you later/ to properly reply. It's getting late for me so I will.leave you for now.

Anyhow, thank you and as always, was a pleasure talking to you. Good night
I really hope you do... And I'll hold you to that. : ) Because I'm really curious to know your thoughts and why you think the way you do... Take care, and sleep well!

Zero evidence...? There's definitely evidence to suggest Don is likely a Jew himself ((more so than the other way around)). If it's not obvious to you, than I don't know what to say...? You can believe what you want though... If you're legit, than I can't condemn ya for that.

What evidence you would be to call him a jew. I am not saying he is but that I hope that he isn't. However, since life proved to me anything is possible, I am asking you what makes you so sure that he is?

You: As for the Gods, Demons I had only positive experiences with them.

Me: How do you know that they were actually demons, and not alien impostors pretending to be such...? I don't see any reason ((at all)) to believe that they weren't... I would love to get your insight into this though...? I just can't figure out how you would come to that conclusion.

Aliens that interacted with me, call them however were nice and lead me to good things concerning my own existence. If they were imposters they would have lead me astray.
However, even a so-called good entity can pretend to be good and then fuck you up, right?

I mean, we speak about advanced beings who can basically do anything with us since we are far beyond them in terms of everything. So, I don't know...

You: You can't expect somebody to trust you if you don't give them trust, People will always sense and react in the same suspicions manner.

Me: I don't tell anyone to fully trust me... I never advise full trust in this dog eat dog universe, because when it comes down to it ((when shit hits the fan and your very SOUL is on the line)) than you can never depend upon anyone, besides yourself. That's life... But there's people out there that I have a lot LESS trust for than others, and then there's some where you should zero trust for. Don has not given me any real reason to trust him at all... Like I said, 1. He has not proven that his gods are real, and 2. he won't acknowledge the possibility that they're not... But instead just asserts it as if it's 100% fact, but where's the proof...? Where's the strong evidence at...? If he can provide me with some, then I'll definitely consider him to be a friend, but he hasn't done that for anyone... It seems.

He can't prove this to anyone and as far as I am concern you need to prove it to yourself.

You: I still have a lot to discover and understand about the astral world and I am ready to change entirely my opinion at any moment and start all over...if is something I learned in my occult experiences is this thing: you can't be sure about anything,

Me: So you admit to the possibility that there is no good gods guiding humanity...? And that they're all impostors? And if not, then what **reason** do you have to believe other wise, and is it backed up by evidence...? And if so, then can you demonstrate it to me?

I admit even the possibility that they can live in a parallel dimension or be a subject of their own subconscious mind hence everybody has unique interactions with them.

I took everything into consideration and I do to this day, for which reason I am trying my best to do a lot of reading and meditate.

At the same time, as I said, recently Barbatos came into my mind, (apparently, the demons know every corner of your mind and after introducing himself with this name, deleted a place I created in my mind who was a toxic thing I empowered for too long. Let's say I was imagining something not healthy for myself,

You: I am very pragmatic and for me going into this occult world was extremely odd almost unbelievable at first, but it fascinates me. You need to do the same, meditate and meditate and meditate. What other way can we follow?

Me: I use to have a some-what of an open third eye, but then again I am Native American ((Sioux)), so I've always been connected to the metaphysical ((more so than your average non-Native person))... Open enough to where I was seeing the spirits ((on the astral)), and even hearing them ((but they never said anything worth knowing, because they didn't want to)). I saw the Grey aliens with my own eyes... Physically ((but yet they were on the astral... But some would/and could probably say that the astral and the material world 'are one', and when one begins to open their third eye than these two places "become one", but I'm not too sure about that)). I've seen the Nordic aliens too... I've seen the little people ((Dwarves, like the ancient Egyptian God Bes)). Pixies... Burnt looking humans dressed in black uniforms of some sort ((vampiric entities))... Deformed and monstrous looking humans. And all sorts of different entities... Some that looked so weird I can't even really explain them ((like tiny little elephant men, in some cases... About the size of my palm)). I've seen PLENTY of shit on the astral, but I've also seen very many horrid things ((like giant insects, about the size of 3 to 4 fully grown men)). If you ever want to have a discord convo, than I can tell you of the things I've seen on the astral... I think you would find my stories very interesting ((if you're a legit gentile)).

I find all of this extremely interesting and I hope you keep a journal with all those interesting things you saw and experimented. Sure, we can have a discord convo soon as well.

For about 2 weeks I had a some-what open third eye... I was sleeping in front of motels and hotels for most of those days, as I was too scared to sleep alone, because of what I was witnessing and going through at that time in my life. Orbs floating around me all the time, everywhere... Lighting up like stars... Coming in the colors of red, blue, and gold... Some grey. I believe these are souls of entities, and when I would focus on these orbs ((at the time)) I was always able to make out a GHOST ((an astral body)) that were attached to them. After these two weeks were over, I wasn't meditating during the two weeks, so my third eye fully shut down ((once again)). Extreme stress ((and a "fair" amount of fear)) is what kept me from being so dedicated, as I once was right before I opened my third eye to the degree that I did. And it took me about 6 solid months of meditating for a few hours a day, to where I did open my third eye... The power meditations that the JoS offers work, along with their third eye meditation. I was also using other third eye opening techniques I found on YouTube, but when I looked for these techniques recently ((about some months ago)) I couldn't find them. Seems YouTube ((JewTube)) been cleaning house.

For my 3rd eye, Dagaz worked pretty fine but I never saw what you are saying and I would love to experiment things to this degree...

In my case mostly flashes and sensing their presence (while in my astral temple, although I sensed in the house a few times as well strange things),

When I was constant with the astral hearing meditations I was able to perceive voices as well but not for long as I wasn't consistent and maybe this is a reason...

The only problem with the meditations is that one doesn't get any proper guidance... The meditations are offered by the system, likely as a way to EARN/"urn" our trust, but the real reason is unknown to me.

I don't know either, sometimes I see this life as a stupid joke as well, but hey, let's enjoy it while we'll still here and try to make some sense out of it. I don't know.

Most of my close friend is telling me that I am taking life too seriously and that's my major problem. I don't know, I am trying to find some balance here.

You: I recently had an encounter with Barbatos and I must tell you I am the least delusional person in the world, He did something major for me. You need to regain your trust in the Gods and not give up just because Jos was fucking with us.

Me: And how do you know that this entity was Barbatos and not an impostor...? And what did he do that was "major" for you...?

Barbatos came by his own will, so without me asking or something while I was in my mind, imagining something I do since I was 12 or something. He introduced himself, ask me what is all this about, but he was answering while asking, encourages me to drop it and since he left, I don't have access to that place in my mind anymore. Whenever I am trying to 'enter' there, is like impossible which I tried... and I tried because it was like an automatism already, hard to control it, impossible. Almost compulsive. But for a reason or another, it disappeared for good ever since. This why I am sure this was for real. Something that I couldn't make it up. Moreover, after researching about him, I found a correlation to my experience who enforced my conclusion. If you want exact details since it's private, I will pm you.

Now, offtopic, I don't think Maxine spoke with the real Demons either, she might have created some 'mental thoughts' or I don't know.
To give you a simple example I found that Horus is the same as FLAUROS. Sigils are derived and almost identical. Even the name resembles.
I have a topic with this if you look it up.
But for a reason or another, if you look on the jos she mixed up everything, descriptions and etc. It's a total mess and will take time to make sense out of that madness.
Sorry BorninHell for so much typo, I hope I make some sense.
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Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by Snakeway »

BorninHell88 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:45 pm

For about 2 weeks I had a some-what of an open third eye... I was sleeping in front of motels and hotels for most of those days, as I was too scared to sleep alone, because of what I was witnessing and going through at that time in my life. Orbs floating around me all the time, everywhere... Lighting up like stars... Coming in the colors of red, blue, and gold... Some grey. I believe these are souls of entities, and when I would focus on these orbs ((at the time)) I was always able to make out a GHOST ((an astral body)) that were attached to them. After these two weeks were over, I wasn't meditating during the two weeks, so my third eye fully shut down ((once again)). Extreme stress ((and a "fair" amount of fear)) is what kept me from being so dedicated, as I once was right before I opened my third eye to the degree that I did... And it took me about 6 solid months of meditating for a few hours a day, to where I did open my third eye... The power meditations that the JoS offers work, along with their third eye meditation. I was also using other third eye opening techniques I found on YouTube, but when I looked for these techniques recently ((about some months ago)) I couldn't find them. Seems YouTube (((JewTube))) been cleaning house.

This is similar to my first days seeing the astral, I was terrorized and could not wait for the sunrise so I could go outside. But then you get used to it and lose the fear.
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Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by Snakeway »

Don Danko wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:57 pm What Sunrise mentioned about Hooded Blahbra, bogus and fake astrology business being a grift to steal peoples Shekels, that is all I ever hear from people on the subject of Satanic Jesus's astrology hustle him fucking cheating aka Jewing people out of their money.

The guy is a Jew in behavior, mind and spirit. Maybe race.
How much money can it gives him, how much does it costs a chart reading?
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Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by BorninHell88 »

Snakeway wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 4:11 pm
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:45 pm

For about 2 weeks I had a some-what of an open third eye... I was sleeping in front of motels and hotels for most of those days, as I was too scared to sleep alone, because of what I was witnessing and going through at that time in my life. Orbs floating around me all the time, everywhere... Lighting up like stars... Coming in the colors of red, blue, and gold... Some grey. I believe these are souls of entities, and when I would focus on these orbs ((at the time)) I was always able to make out a GHOST ((an astral body)) that were attached to them. After these two weeks were over, I wasn't meditating during the two weeks, so my third eye fully shut down ((once again)). Extreme stress ((and a "fair" amount of fear)) is what kept me from being so dedicated, as I once was right before I opened my third eye to the degree that I did... And it took me about 6 solid months of meditating for a few hours a day, to where I did open my third eye... The power meditations that the JoS offers work, along with their third eye meditation. I was also using other third eye opening techniques I found on YouTube, but when I looked for these techniques recently ((about some months ago)) I couldn't find them. Seems YouTube (((JewTube))) been cleaning house.

This is similar to my first days seeing the astral, I was terrorized and could not wait for the sunrise so I could go outside. But then you get used to it and lose the fear.
Yeah... I sense some bullshit there, lol.
Last edited by BorninHell88 on Sun May 02, 2021 5:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by BorninHell88 »

sunrise wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 2:07 pm
sunrise wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 1:58 pm
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 7:52 pm

I really hope you do... And I'll hold you to that. : ) Because I'm really curious to know your thoughts and why you think the way you do... Take care, and sleep well!

Zero evidence...? There's definitely evidence to suggest Don is likely a Jew himself ((more so than the other way around)). If it's not obvious to you, than I don't know what to say...? You can believe what you want though... If you're legit, than I can't condemn ya for that.

What evidence you would be to call him a jew. I am not saying he is but that I hope that he isn't. However, since life proved to me anything is possible, I am asking you what makes you so sure that he is?

You: As for the Gods, Demons I had only positive experiences with them.

Me: How do you know that they were actually demons, and not alien impostors pretending to be such...? I don't see any reason ((at all)) to believe that they weren't... I would love to get your insight into this though...? I just can't figure out how you would come to that conclusion.

Aliens that interacted with me, call them however were nice and lead me to good things concerning my own existence. If they were imposters they would have lead me astray.
However, even a so-called good entity can pretend to be good and then fuck you up, right?

I mean, we speak about advanced beings who can basically do anything with us since we are far beyond them in terms of everything. So, I don't know...

You: You can't expect somebody to trust you if you don't give them trust, People will always sense and react in the same suspicions manner.

Me: I don't tell anyone to fully trust me... I never advise full trust in this dog eat dog universe, because when it comes down to it ((when shit hits the fan and your very SOUL is on the line)) than you can never depend upon anyone, besides yourself. That's life... But there's people out there that I have a lot LESS trust for than others, and then there's some where you should zero trust for. Don has not given me any real reason to trust him at all... Like I said, 1. He has not proven that his gods are real, and 2. he won't acknowledge the possibility that they're not... But instead just asserts it as if it's 100% fact, but where's the proof...? Where's the strong evidence at...? If he can provide me with some, then I'll definitely consider him to be a friend, but he hasn't done that for anyone... It seems.

He can't prove this to anyone and as far as I am concern you need to prove it to yourself.

You: I still have a lot to discover and understand about the astral world and I am ready to change entirely my opinion at any moment and start all over...if is something I learned in my occult experiences is this thing: you can't be sure about anything,

Me: So you admit to the possibility that there is no good gods guiding humanity...? And that they're all impostors? And if not, then what **reason** do you have to believe other wise, and is it backed up by evidence...? And if so, then can you demonstrate it to me?

I admit even the possibility that they can live in a parallel dimension or be a subject of their own subconscious mind hence everybody has unique interactions with them.

I took everything into consideration and I do to this day, for which reason I am trying my best to do a lot of reading and meditate.

At the same time, as I said, recently Barbatos came into my mind, (apparently, the demons know every corner of your mind and after introducing himself with this name, deleted a place I created in my mind who was a toxic thing I empowered for too long. Let's say I was imagining something not healthy for myself,

You: I am very pragmatic and for me going into this occult world was extremely odd almost unbelievable at first, but it fascinates me. You need to do the same, meditate and meditate and meditate. What other way can we follow?

Me: I use to have a some-what of an open third eye, but then again I am Native American ((Sioux)), so I've always been connected to the metaphysical ((more so than your average non-Native person))... Open enough to where I was seeing the spirits ((on the astral)), and even hearing them ((but they never said anything worth knowing, because they didn't want to)). I saw the Grey aliens with my own eyes... Physically ((but yet they were on the astral... But some would/and could probably say that the astral and the material world 'are one', and when one begins to open their third eye than these two places "become one", but I'm not too sure about that)). I've seen the Nordic aliens too... I've seen the little people ((Dwarves, like the ancient Egyptian God Bes)). Pixies... Burnt looking humans dressed in black uniforms of some sort ((vampiric entities))... Deformed and monstrous looking humans. And all sorts of different entities... Some that looked so weird I can't even really explain them ((like tiny little elephant men, in some cases... About the size of my palm)). I've seen PLENTY of shit on the astral, but I've also seen very many horrid things ((like giant insects, about the size of 3 to 4 fully grown men)). If you ever want to have a discord convo, than I can tell you of the things I've seen on the astral... I think you would find my stories very interesting ((if you're a legit gentile)).

I find all of this extremely interesting and I hope you keep a journal with all those interesting things you saw and experimented. Sure, we can have a discord convo soon as well.

For about 2 weeks I had a some-what open third eye... I was sleeping in front of motels and hotels for most of those days, as I was too scared to sleep alone, because of what I was witnessing and going through at that time in my life. Orbs floating around me all the time, everywhere... Lighting up like stars... Coming in the colors of red, blue, and gold... Some grey. I believe these are souls of entities, and when I would focus on these orbs ((at the time)) I was always able to make out a GHOST ((an astral body)) that were attached to them. After these two weeks were over, I wasn't meditating during the two weeks, so my third eye fully shut down ((once again)). Extreme stress ((and a "fair" amount of fear)) is what kept me from being so dedicated, as I once was right before I opened my third eye to the degree that I did. And it took me about 6 solid months of meditating for a few hours a day, to where I did open my third eye... The power meditations that the JoS offers work, along with their third eye meditation. I was also using other third eye opening techniques I found on YouTube, but when I looked for these techniques recently ((about some months ago)) I couldn't find them. Seems YouTube ((JewTube)) been cleaning house.

For my 3rd eye, Dagaz worked pretty fine but I never saw what you are saying and I would love to experiment things to this degree...

In my case mostly flashes and sensing their presence (while in my astral temple, although I sensed in the house a few times as well strange things),

When I was constant with the astral hearing meditations I was able to perceive voices as well but not for long as I wasn't consistent and maybe this is a reason...

The only problem with the meditations is that one doesn't get any proper guidance... The meditations are offered by the system, likely as a way to EARN/"urn" our trust, but the real reason is unknown to me.

I don't know either, sometimes I see this life as a stupid joke as well, but hey, let's enjoy it while we'll still here and try to make some sense out of it. I don't know.

Most of my close friend is telling me that I am taking life too seriously and that's my major problem. I don't know, I am trying to find some balance here.

You: I recently had an encounter with Barbatos and I must tell you I am the least delusional person in the world, He did something major for me. You need to regain your trust in the Gods and not give up just because Jos was fucking with us.

Me: And how do you know that this entity was Barbatos and not an impostor...? And what did he do that was "major" for you...?

Barbatos came by his own will, so without me asking or something while I was in my mind, imagining something I do since I was 12 or something. He introduced himself, ask me what is all this about, but he was answering while asking, encourages me to drop it and since he left, I don't have access to that place in my mind anymore. Whenever I am trying to 'enter' there, is like impossible which I tried... and I tried because it was like an automatism already, hard to control it, impossible. Almost compulsive. But for a reason or another, it disappeared for good ever since. This why I am sure this was for real. Something that I couldn't make it up. Moreover, after researching about him, I found a correlation to my experience who enforced my conclusion. If you want exact details since it's private, I will pm you.

Now, offtopic, I don't think Maxine spoke with the real Demons either, she might have created some 'mental thoughts' or I don't know.
To give you a simple example I found that Horus is the same as FLAUROS. Sigils are derived and almost identical. Even the name resembles.
I have a topic with this if you look it up.
But for a reason or another, if you look on the jos she mixed up everything, descriptions and etc. It's a total mess and will take time to make sense out of that madness.
Sorry BorninHell for so much typo, I hope I make some sense.
No, you're fine... : ) But would you mind having a discussion with me on Discord...? I do have a lot to say, important stuff. I'll message you my Discord addy in private if that's cool?

Don Danko

Re: The One Question Hooded Cobra Does Not Want Answered

Post by Don Danko »

The instructions for sex with demons is step by step how to make a standard Tulpa, thought and connect with it in kabbalah magic. I note people who got too deep into that in the JoS started having a lot of problems in their life like hauntings from the thought forms they created had run wild on them.
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