RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Don Danko
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RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by Don Danko »

Are the RTR's working? The Jewish Fed is more powerful then ever, the Jewish IMF runs the world still, the Jews still run the six global media corporations and Hollywood the major tech companies still run by Jews the Jewish ADL has finished off free speech on Youtube and Trump's regime passed laws banning the First Amendment for questioning Jews and created a political office of Anti-Semitism Czar for the Jewish power making it a political offence to question Jewish power. Trump and his crew are moving around new tech working to have the first amendment removed on social media platforms for the Jewish power. So much for Trump he was owned by the Jews probably because Trump's name is in Jewish Epstein's black book. The wall was never built the private funds from reports were also looted for the wall. The Marxists are on the rise and organizing local civil wars in the major cities. The Israeli proxy war machine is back into full swing in Syria it never left. And America is now in a state of economic collapse with 35% or more of American being food insecure with a pandemic that by the time its done is estimated it will kill over two million people. Europe is worse then ever and millions of people are locked down under quasi marital law.

America and the world is now also heading towards the final stages of the third world war between the American Empire and Russia and their allies. Van Rensburg's predictions for the third world war and the march towards it are coming true he also predicted the other two world wars and 430 major predictions that all came true.

So after almost a decade of RTR's were are the victories we were promised? Maxine told us the enemy would be finished by now with the Final RTR. Its the Gentiles that looked finished.

So for the people asking me about the RTR's just take a look around the world you live in. For people who want to argue with me about the runes. The runes are the only thing that ever brought real success they work. The entire National Socialist Party went from almost no vote to running the nation in a very short period of time. Because they were using rune magic. Its literally on their banner the runic talisman of the sun wheel.

Take a look at real occult history not pretend RTR claims. The runes have proven themselves were the RTR's have failed.

Spiritual War The Battle Of 1919 The Power Of The Runes

May the first, 1919 the Jew and Kabbalistic adept, Lenin gave a speech in Moscow declaring May day as a Communist holiday in honor of the success of the Bavarian Soviet Republic which had been established the pervious month in a revolution led by Jews from Russia and run by the murderous Jew, Max Levien who bragged he had murdered thousands of infants by enforced starvation in the Judeo-Communist terror he was imposing on the Bavarian population in which thousands of people were being robbed, raped, beaten and murdered on a daily basis by Communist troops lead by Russian Jewish commissars.

As Lenin was giving his speech gloating over the victory of his Jewish tribe against the German Bavarians and the Talmudic onslaught that was unleashed upon the Gentiles by his tribe. Little did he know at the same time descending upon Munich the capital of Bavaria and the seat of Communist power were long columns of tanks, armored cars and troops who upon their helmets had the Swastika and double Sigil runes as well as upon their uniforms and tanks. The troops of the Thule combat league and the Free Corps marched against the Communist forces and outnumbered by the Red Army they swept thought Munich in a few days totally destroying the Red Army and forcing Levien to run for his life back to Moscow after fully liberating Bavaria from Jewish Communism. Among the warriors of the Thule combat league was an officer in their ranks, Rudolf Hess.

Within the battle of 1919 the truth is revealed the key to victory and how the enemy has been using Kabbalah which is Jewish racial magic as their occult power to take over with Communism. Levien and his fellow Jews were Kabbalistic adepts and they ran their revolution out of the occult Judeo-Masonic lodges. The Communists in Bavaria chose the occult date of April 30th to perform special political executions upon due to the power of this date. As they were ritual human sacrifices.

The fact is human ritual murder is not theatrical if one studies how this is done its simple. They kill the victim then direct the energy to the target that is all at the most all they use is a small talisman to direct the energy which can be hidden away in the pocket or they can just direct the power with the mind if a high adept. Putting a bunch of people up against the wall and then shooting them the adept can then direct the energy of the victims to the target its that simple.

The Communist terror in Russia was run by the Cheka which was made up of close to 1,4000,000 Jews and lead by Jews. Later the Cheka became the NKVD the NKVD also ran the Gulags and ran Stalin's terror. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian historian who survived the Gulag wrote that 70% of the NKVD camp commandants were Jewish rabbi's. The Cheka was being run by rabbi's who were Kabbalistic adepts.

This brings this statement into light:

"The Yevreyskaya Tribuna a Russian Jewish newspaper reported in August 24th, 1922 that Lenin had asked the rabbis if they were satisfied with the particularly cruel executions."[1]

Why is Lenin consulting with Jewish rabbi's as to the methods of the Cheka executions?

The methods the Jewish Cheka used to murder the Gentiles with were Jewish ritualistic murders that that were following the stated methods in the Jewish Torah to murder Gentiles, this includes burning Gentiles alive, cutting Gentiles up with saws, axes and such tools and even forcing Gentiles to eat their own flesh as commanded in Isaiah, 49:26. The entire methods the Cheka used all are found within the Jewish Torah. And was being instructed to be carried out as such by the rabbi's leading their fellow Jews in the Cheka. This is due to the fact these methods connect into the vortex of occult energy of the Torah which is a Jewish grimoire and thus designed to give more power to the Jewish Kabbalistic rituals to manifest the Jewish Communist world government. Some of the victims of the Cheka even had Kabbalistic magical symbols burned into them before being tortured to death by the rabbi's in political uniforms in their Kabbalistic murder rituals in the Cheka's cellars. This is also why such insane methods of executing political prisoners were used it was designed to simply torture them to death to generate as much energy for the ritual to then send the power to the target. Its also known the Jews committed ritual murders of Gentile children in the Russian Empire for political power as the Jews admitted in the case of the Gentile child, Andrei Iushchinskii, the rabbi Mendel Beilis and other Jews arrested told the authorities upon questing the ritual murder of Andrei was done as a ritual to bring down the Czar and bring about the Communist revolution.

The Jews used the same methods in Bavaria as well. The mass executions lead by rabbi's in political uniforms as mass human sacrifices to raise and direct the psychic occult power to manifest their victory. This is why Communism has barley even been actually defeated because its a Jewish occult program. And the adversaries of such are helpless against the level of psychic occult power and knowledge the Jews are using. No matter how much physical advantage the adversaries of Communism have they always just seem to lose because they are spiritually defenceless. Even super powers as America have been defeated by Communist forces.

However in May of 1919 something changed the Communists were totally destroyed this is a rare event and the question is why?

The Jewish leaders in Munich were fanatically sending their special police out to hunt down the members of the Thule Society who were hiding out in Munich conducting major rituals in secret against the Communist regime. Seven of the members who were found were executed right away by the Jews. Why would the Jewish leadership be wasting resources on such an affair if this is all nonsense? Because its not as the Kabbalistic leadership of the Jewish regime knew this was dangerous to them.

The Thule combat league should have been destroyed in Munich they were out numbered and attacking fortified defensive positions manned by combat veterans of the first war who were Communist fanatics. Yet the Thule combat league had almost no casualties despite doing the most fighting and throwing themselves into battle against machine guns and bombs in a manner that won the respect of the population for the intense level of bravery they fought with. This defies all convention in its results.

The soldiers of Thule were spiritual adepts and initiates this is why they wore the Swastika upon their helmets and uniforms its a runic sigil of protection its a spiritually charged Aryan symbol of psychic protection. Its a symbol to protect them in battle against the racial magic of the Jews and they also wore the victory runes to give them protection and victory in battle against the Jewish Communists. The ancient Europeans adepts put runic sigils on their weapons, shields and armor for protection and victory in battle. These symbols generate psychic energy that merges with the individual energy field of those wearing them and enhance such for the purpose of the sigil. The Thule soldiers also would have performed rituals before going into battle. And given they were spiritually empowered from their practices this would have enhanced the power of their rituals and the psychic energy of their souls and the sigils they wore. And why they took almost no causalities as bullets that should have hit the target missed them by a mile and their enemies strong and experienced combat veterans fled before them in battle and psychically broke down. Rudolf Hess himself a spiritual adept only took minor wounds to personally charge a machine gun position and destroy it single handily as a one man army.

The rituals the Thule Society were doing connected with the para-military wing of the Thule Society and connected in general with the mass mind and worked to bring down the entire Communist regime. It was only an army of Pagan, Gentile spiritual adepts that brought down the racial magic of the Jews and their evil regime of terror.

Under The Sign Of The Scorpion, Juri Lina [1]
Walpurgis Night, Thomas Sheridan
Last edited by Don Danko on Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Don Danko
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by Don Danko »

Use this power date of Autumn for the runes. Don't waste your time anymore with the RTR's. The only success I ever witnessed in 15 years of the JoS was when we did the runes on a regular basis in our rituals.
Don Danko
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by Don Danko »

I wonder why the RTR's don't work.... Maxine told us the Final RTR would finish the enemy off totality by now. It didn't as mentioned. Why could this be...
Don Danko wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:44 pm The Jews reverse their own letters in their Hebrew letter chanting exercises going back centuries this is well known on Jewish websites:
https://www.myjewishlearning.com/articl ... l-journey/
In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” Those who adhere diligently to this technique, Abulafia declared, will eventually experience “a plenitude of saintly spirit … wisdom, under­standing, good counsel and knowledge…. The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them].”

The Jews reverse the Aleph to make another mantra Peleh they chant so chanting the Aleph letter backwards is chanting Hebrew mantra's to manifest the Jewish messiah:
https://www.chabad.org/library/article_ ... /Aleph.htm
"Finally, we have the third meaning of alef: peleh, “wondrous.” Peleh represents the esoteric or mystical level of Torah—Kab­balah and the teachings of Chassidic thought. Known as the “teachings of Mashiach,” these secrets of Torah comprise its greatest level."
In the Final RTR for Aleph:
Vibrate each the following 9 times each:
Now take your marker and blot the Hebrew letters out completely..
The Jews also reverse the Hebrew Shin to make Niss/Nissi the Hebrew mantra name of Jehova from Exodus 17:15 which is the weapon Moses uses to defeat the Egyptians with meaning this mantra is a psychic warfare mantra against Gentiles as mantra names of magical weapons are in the occult. So what does reversing the other Hebrew letters do if those two just do that.

Maxine and Hooded Blahbra's claims this is all nullified including the Hebrew letters that don't reverse in that ritual, if one just chants Hebrew mantras from the 22 letter back to one is also a lie the Jews already do the same going backwards as the normal part of chanting their own Torah:
https://www.vbs.org/worship/meet-our-cl ... -backwards
"For both the Shema and the Ten Commandments, if they are confusing or difficult for you, then take a page of out of the rabbinic book. Read them backwards. Then you will find the words of the Torah close to you. In your heart, in your mind, and in your soul."

"One such maxim says, "There is no beginning or end in the Torah." That is, you don't need to read the Torah strictly chronologically....I'd argue to use the maxim, "There is no beginning or end in the Torah" as key to open the door that is keeping you outside the beautiful palace of connection. I would suggest to read both the Shema and the Ten Commandments backwards. If you do so, you can see the God-Idea emerge in each of us. ."
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by Hayden »

The "proof" that is presented that the RTRs work is "more people are becoming jew wise/redpilled!". Which I'm not even sure if that statement is true. And if it is it's just because of the internet. But the reality is as you said the Jews actual grip on things have only increased and intensified. Actual organized resistance to them is arguably sparser than it has at any point since the end of WW2. All of the groups are either FBI honeypots or lolbiterian/"democrats are the real racists!" trumpers who would rather push their mother down a staircase than be called racist/anti-semetic. so best case scenario the RTR has done nothing other than waste the time of potentially valuable individuals.. and realistically you are also cursing your self and empowering the jewish thoughtform on top of that.

I don't believe WW3 how most people envision is ever going to happen. people have been fantasizing about it for 80 years. And it makes little sense for China or whoever to have War. the USA is inevitably going to implode and balkanize probably sooner than later. There is a lot of possibilities for where things could go from there as its going to be a resetting of the world so to speak. Will see see actual ethnostates emerge or will it just be weaker fragmented versions of the current US giving way for China to be the new world power and a preferred enforcer of the JWO Agenda? and what will happen to Europe without a US defending them.

With the RTR I wouldn't even be surprised if Cobra himself didn't bother with them after seeing you expose them. There was a time when I posted something on the forum which referenced something you said and in the post I referenced you, gave you credit. My post never made it through the moderation que and Cobra ended up basically taking the point and posting it and acting like it was hes idea. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if he only posts and promotes the RTR to give the group the illusion that they are actually doing something. And if he came out now and admitted the RTR was bad/abandoned it, then it would lower his credibility which is the most important thing to him. He is more interested in having lemmings have a jerk circle around him and parrot him with him as the Pope (and likely whatever shekels come from such) rather than actually doing whats best to help people and promote legitimate material.
Don Danko
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by Don Danko »

Its probably the internet which is why the World Jewish Congress has been going after it internationally for so long. Like how the Jewish ADL went after Youtube.

With WW3 Rensburg's prophecy was there would be a civil war some kind of internal conflict in Russia that from reading it America would then intervene within by backing one of the sides this would lead to a series of events that would pull what we would today call NATO forces into the conflict openly with the Russian military forces. Rensburg described the war ending with what we would refer to as nuclear weapons which didn't exist when he wrote the prophecy. He stated Russia and most of Europe wouldn't exist and America would win but be destroyed and never rise again as a world power. Rensburg stated the signs of the third world war would be Europe would be flooded with black and brown migrants, there would a plague in the U.K and America would go into economic collapse. All of this has happened or happening. Rensburg had 430 prophecies come true.

Look at what is happening with the Ukraine the news has stated Biden wants to go into the Crimea. Rensburg's prediction follows the blueprint of America's tactics. Destabilize a country into unrest then build up one of the sides to push it into a civil war then help that side with military aid. The proxy war between America and Russia is now on Russia's doorstep. I don't think China is going to last especially if America collapses most of the Chinese economy relies on America. I think there is going to be more conflict in the region of China over Taiwan.

I think the biggest victory that has occurred after WW2 was the collapse of Christianity along with the rise of the internet. Its draining out the Jewish egregore. This pandemic has forced a lot of churches to close for good. And people out of the churches. That is I believe the main reason the Republican party types have been reeeing out over shut downs their party is run by a cabal of billionaire religious leaders from the Christian world and Jewish agency. The CNP which is the main cabal of such got the Noadhide laws signed into law. Tell me Christians don't exist to be slaves to the Jews.

That is interesting what you stated about your experience. I wouldn't be surprised if most people are not doing the RTR's anyone I have been told this by some they stopped doing them awhile ago but just pretended to keep going to avoid punishment from the JoS community. I have yet to get any honest feed back the RTR's are actually positive for anyone who did them. I never got any blow back from the enemy when I did RTR's but I do get blow back from them with I use runes. I find Odal and Thor are powerful for this. Odal seems to wipe out their energy as well and Thor is protection by attack both are very powerful. Thor is used in Dutch folk magic in America its chanted while making protection sigils. Thor goes after the enemies of the White race to protect them by active attack magically.
Hayden wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:07 am The "proof" that is presented that the RTRs work is "more people are becoming jew wise/redpilled!". Which I'm not even sure if that statement is true. And if it is it's just because of the internet. But the reality is as you said the Jews actual grip on things have only increased and intensified. Actual organized resistance to them is arguably sparser than it has at any point since the end of WW2. All of the groups are either FBI honeypots or lolbiterian/"democrats are the real racists!" trumpers who would rather push their mother down a staircase than be called racist/anti-semetic. so best case scenario the RTR has done nothing other than waste the time of potentially valuable individuals.. and realistically you are also cursing your self and empowering the jewish thoughtform on top of that.

I don't believe WW3 how most people envision is ever going to happen. people have been fantasizing about it for 80 years. And it makes little sense for China or whoever to have War. the USA is inevitably going to implode and balkanize probably sooner than later. There is a lot of possibilities for where things could go from there as its going to be a resetting of the world so to speak. Will see see actual ethnostates emerge or will it just be weaker fragmented versions of the current US giving way for China to be the new world power and a preferred enforcer of the JWO Agenda? and what will happen to Europe without a US defending them.

With the RTR I wouldn't even be surprised if Cobra himself didn't bother with them after seeing you expose them. There was a time when I posted something on the forum which referenced something you said and in the post I referenced you, gave you credit. My post never made it through the moderation que and Cobra ended up basically taking the point and posting it and acting like it was hes idea. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if he only posts and promotes the RTR to give the group the illusion that they are actually doing something. And if he came out now and admitted the RTR was bad/abandoned it, then it would lower his credibility which is the most important thing to him. He is more interested in having lemmings have a jerk circle around him and parrot him with him as the Pope (and likely whatever shekels come from such) rather than actually doing whats best to help people and promote legitimate material.
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by Don Danko »

Odal would be the rune that would 'red pill' people to the Jewish problem and the situation our race is in. It works for this among other things.
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by Don Danko »

I did get a PM from a JoS member telling me that Cobra's RTR causes people to totality lose all connection to the Gods and became so toxic some members committed suicide because they believed they had been abandoned. The ones where a person chants the name of Yahweh in a different formula identical to how the Jews use this in Kabbala. This plugs a person directly into the Jewish egregore which is how it is used by the Rabbi's. Runes wouldn't do that and they also work.
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by Don Danko »

With Trump I remember after my first articles showing Trump is just an open Zionist puppet. The cat lady Maxine then tells up in private to take it easy on Trump and the Gods are working thought him and all this ridiculous nonsense she told us to only promote Trump. I believed her at the time. But in all reality Trump's victory has just made the Kosher right the party of Christian Zionism stronger then before and made a new party movement harder for people. The dogma of the Republican Party is worship of 1960's, Marxist radical political leaders such as MLK. Who's handler was the Jewish head of the American Communist Party and who wrote the totality nonsensical Dream speech. That Kabbalah string wearing losers like Tucker Cuckson quote like religious gospel on Fox jews. The Trump right like Fox jews, is just Jewish agenda dressed up as difference. The Conservative of the 1960's was a White Nationalist in America now the Conservative of today is a Marxist. Who bitches about neo-Marxism for getting in the way of 1960's Marxism. Its a joke and the Jews are laughing.

All of a sudden the JoS went from being a claimed Satanic organization to promoting the Christian rightwing and after that its become a church group. With people on there sounding like any Christian right-winger in any church. Even with its claimed NS politics' which it does not follow as that would be Socialism and bad for their Christian rightwing minds. A real National Socialist would not support Trump and his Jewish neocon [Jewish Marxism in Republican suits] movement. Cobra actually deleted my articles against the Christian rightwing Republicanism of America and Cobra's message for why he deleted my one article was literally "DON'T DISS TUCKER!!!!!' The puppet of fox jews who wears a Kabbalah bracelet on air. Promotes the propaganda image of Jewish run Marxist agents like MLK. And has a photo of himself with the former PM of Israel's son on his desk and his company is run by the Jewish Zionist Murdock and funded by the Rothschild's. But don't mention any of this cause its 'dissing' poor Tucker of Fox jews. Can anyone take Cobra boi seriously. He is a literal moron with no understanding of history or politics'.
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by AnonPoster »

Don Danko wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:50 am I did get a PM from a JoS member telling me that Cobra's RTR causes people to totality lose all connection to the Gods and became so toxic some members committed suicide because they believed they had been abandoned. The ones where a person chants the name of Yahweh in a different formula identical to how the Jews use this in Kabbala. This plugs a person directly into the Jewish egregore which is how it is used by the Rabbi's. Runes wouldn't do that and they also work.
As the Viel is destroyed fewer and fewer people will believe you and your rabbi who probably helped you make this sound convincing.
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Re: RTR Fail And The JoS What to Do?

Post by AnonPoster »

Don Danko wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 11:40 am With Trump I remember after my first articles showing Trump is just an open Zionist puppet. The cat lady Maxine then tells up in private to take it easy on Trump and the Gods are working thought him and all this ridiculous nonsense she told us to only promote Trump. I believed her at the time. But in all reality Trump's victory has just made the Kosher right the party of Christian Zionism stronger then before and made a new party movement harder for people. The dogma of the Republican Party is worship of 1960's, Marxist radical political leaders such as MLK. Who's handler was the Jewish head of the American Communist Party and who wrote the totality nonsensical Dream speech. That Kabbalah string wearing losers like Tucker Cuckson quote like religious gospel on Fox jews. The Trump right like Fox jews, is just Jewish agenda dressed up as difference. The Conservative of the 1960's was a White Nationalist in America now the Conservative of today is a Marxist. Who bitches about neo-Marxism for getting in the way of 1960's Marxism. Its a joke and the Jews are laughing.

All of a sudden the JoS went from being a claimed Satanic organization to promoting the Christian rightwing and after that its become a church group. With people on there sounding like any Christian right-winger in any church. Even with its claimed NS politics' which it does not follow as that would be Socialism and bad for their Christian rightwing minds. A real National Socialist would not support Trump and his Jewish neocon [Jewish Marxism in Republican suits] movement. Cobra actually deleted my articles against the Christian rightwing Republicanism of America and Cobra's message for why he deleted my one article was literally "DON'T DISS TUCKER!!!!!' The puppet of fox jews who wears a Kabbalah bracelet on air. Promotes the propaganda image of Jewish run Marxist agents like MLK. And has a photo of himself with the former PM of Israel's son on his desk and his company is run by the Jewish Zionist Murdock and funded by the Rothschild's. But don't mention any of this cause its 'dissing' poor Tucker of Fox jews. Can anyone take Cobra boi seriously. He is a literal moron with no understanding of history or politics'.
Interesting you never talked about the Shattering Jewish protection ritual.
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