

Post by Velcro »

Before engaging so many people (maybe thousands, in a group ritual against an entire other group/race of people), - You have to first prove that it works against 1 individual from the group.

10000 Jos members (MORE OR LESS?) against 1 jew will prove
before doing
10000 Jos members against x million jews.

IS it enough simplified for your simple mind?

So, do this simple exercise

choose one member of the tribe, a famous one, - so we will see the international news spreading with his misfortune when it will hit him.

take the same exact RTR. modify the affirmation instead of jews, PUT x name of the person, with (his picture attached).

and then let's see what happens.

excuses like the reptilians will eat me, they will eat you if you threaten an entire race WAY WORSE than 1 single member of the race.

This will PROVE Jos rituals as effective, REAL, working, popularity will rise, etc etc. ONLY BENEFITS FOR THE ORGANISATION AND ITS CREDIBILITY!
The DANGERS you try to bring up are only excuses, the dangers are supposedly still present, so cut the shit. DO IT OR NOT.

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Post by Snakeway »

I support the Idea, my bet is those rituals are made for personal goals and it has nothing to do with the world or the Jews. This would be a good way to prove what they are and what they are not


Post by Velcro »

Snakeway wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:56 pm I support the Idea, my bet is those rituals are made for personal goals and it has nothing to do with the world or the Jews. This would be a good way to prove what they are and what they are not
I suspect the very same. Cobra asked members to say at the end of the rituals some time ago 'SEAL THE DEAL'. What's that deal I wonder?

He might even abuse demons in some way or another, LIKE MOST JEWS. I really don't know. Honestly I don't know for sure what he is trying to do but all those excuses they come up with, are good enough to see that are other MOTIVES behind, rather than what they claim it is.
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Post by Snakeway »

Velcro wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:08 pm I suspect the very same. Cobra asked members to say at the end of the rituals some time ago 'SEAL THE DEAL'. What's that deal I wonder?
I missed this one, I remember Maxine saying she would ''add a member into her work this summer'' in the yahoo groups, then soon after in the summer she came up with the F RTR, the way I see it this was a clear indication that the ritual was made as a work against another member
Velcro wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:08 pm He might even abuse demons in some way or another, LIKE MOST JEWS. I really don't know. Honestly I don't know for sure what he is trying to do but all those excuses they come up with, are good enough to see that are other MOTIVES behind, rather than what they claim it is.
Demons would never let themselves be abused. I agree they are hiding something


Post by Velcro »

Snakeway wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:17 pm
Velcro wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:08 pm I suspect the very same. Cobra asked members to say at the end of the rituals some time ago 'SEAL THE DEAL'. What's that deal I wonder?
I missed this one, I remember Maxine saying she would ''add a member into her work this summer'' in the yahoo groups, then soon after in the summer she came up with the F RTR, the way I see it this was a clear indication that the ritual was made as a work against another member
Velcro wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:08 pm He might even abuse demons in some way or another, LIKE MOST JEWS. I really don't know. Honestly I don't know for sure what he is trying to do but all those excuses they come up with, are good enough to see that are other MOTIVES behind, rather than what they claim it is.
Demons would never let themselves be abused. I agree they are hiding something
Yes, you are right regarding demons. Thank you, and in general, for having a brain Snakeway.
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Post by Snakeway »

Thanks for the compliment
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Post by Thanksgiving »

I think Maxine was just led astray by coming across information about saying things backwards in the occult and then having the goetia entites she worked with giving her whispers to start chanting hebrew. the rabbis themselves are taught how to use reversal and do so.

at this point a big part of it is just a LARP so that everyone can play out this fantasy of how the group is a bunch of elite warriors fighting for mankind. :lol: except without having to actually achieve or do anything, risk anything, or be accountable for whether the ritual actually did anything or not since there is no measurable barometer for success. the world gets shittier, more rights are taken away and the jews consolidate more power? "Good, all according to the RTRs more people are waking up!!!!!!" :lol: you can basically BS or credit anything with this method.

I would also be curious as to how many are actually doing the RTR. I bet even a lot of the active people don't do them consistantly, only they don't say so because they either get censored or dont feel like getting piled on by the mob and having people follow them around holding an eternal grudge against them for such. As someone that actually did them consistently they are not pleasant or enjoyable to do in the slighest. And it wasn't because of laziness. I never had the same high, positive feeling I would get from basically every other exercise I'd do. every time I did the RTR I could basically feel the dirt of the hebrew energy on me and felt the urgent need to drench myself via a cold shower.
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Post by AnonPoster »

Velcro wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:43 pm Before engaging so many people (maybe thousands, in a group ritual against an entire other group/race of people), - You have to first prove that it works against 1 individual from the group.

10000 Jos members (MORE OR LESS?) against 1 jew will prove
before doing
10000 Jos members against x million jews.

IS it enough simplified for your simple mind?

So, do this simple exercise

choose one member of the tribe, a famous one, - so we will see the international news spreading with his misfortune when it will hit him.

take the same exact RTR. modify the affirmation instead of jews, PUT x name of the person, with (his picture attached).

and then let's see what happens.

excuses like the reptilians will eat me, they will eat you if you threaten an entire race WAY WORSE than 1 single member of the race.

This will PROVE Jos rituals as effective, REAL, working, popularity will rise, etc etc. ONLY BENEFITS FOR THE ORGANISATION AND ITS CREDIBILITY!
The DANGERS you try to bring up are only excuses, the dangers are supposedly still present, so cut the shit. DO IT OR NOT.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Don't you understand that Cobra will never agree to this? He will not even post your post on the forum if you post it there, and if he does, he will write a million sermons apologizing why it cannot be done. Cobra is a liar, it's obvious to me.
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Post by AnonPoster »

In fact, I did some research and this is what I found out: there are 2 letters from the Hebrew alphabet in RTR - HEY AND HE. In the RTR ritual, these letters are NOT reversed! They are pronounced the same way they are pronounced - HEY, HE! I.e. this is another lie of the Ministry. It turns out that this ritual really does something bad, not what we are told it does...
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Post by Velcro »

AnonPoster wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 11:10 pm In fact, I did some research and this is what I found out: there are 2 letters from the Hebrew alphabet in RTR - HEY AND HE. In the RTR ritual, these letters are NOT reversed! They are pronounced the same way they are pronounced - HEY, HE! I.e. this is another lie of the Ministry. It turns out that this ritual really does something bad, not what we are told it does...

I am open to every possibility and has always been the most open minded person on earth.
since we can't explain our higher planes, magic and Gods in a scientific way, we can at least TEST our hypothesis we so much try to convince others to engage in.

I am personally fed up with so many opinions. people see things so differently, they interpret differently, they see Gods differently, etc....AT LEAST WE COULD (JOS IN THIS CASE) test rituals. in this case RTRs

There are many people who never saw Gods but because they had good luck or a change of events they associate it with Gods, and that's it. they forget other aspects like their natal chart/transits, etc. THE SAME GOES IN REVERSE. People having hardship blaming the Gods.
Others blame demons which they perceive angels/greys whatever forgetting to ask themselves where were the pagan Gods (which I PERSONALLY SEE THEM DEMONS) for this matter/ and the other way around.
it's a no ending circle THAT WE NEED TO BREAK in order to make some sense in the aspect of CAUSE and EFFECT.

I would say for the sake of truth to stop going in circles and clear some things out.

At this point in time people which I most respected once Hooded Cobra, Don Danko or White Mage - they do not bring anything TRULY USEFUL on the table for the people. Just more CONFUSION. The mere fact that they are supposedly against jews theoretically, doesn't prove anything. It doesn't help white people to unite/preserve themselves and their line. This Hitler mindset also a dangerous tricky trap (in my opinion, I might be all wrong) because is helping jews with their persecution favourite antisemitism game, to stay UNITED moreover to conduct other atrocities against us.

BUT ESSENTIALLY, No real serious meditations to evolve and develop shidis (faster, more tangible reliable ones). No serious answers to meaningful questions (most people are so damn confused at least to say and they give it all up as a result). no fucking nothing.

I am truly fed up and honestly disappointed.

This why I SUGGESTED to simplify everything, take things one by one, and make some sense out of it while testing it, hence this above idea.
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