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Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 10:41 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"Yeah I bet Owen is not going to be able to stop all the spam and porno and obscene material that will be posted here by hundreds of people daily soon.
This group is toast.
I pay a bunch of people to do this and they will. So this is a warning to take down this forum.
Or face extinction as enemies of Satan.
Your choice."

Don't think Owen is alone. He's not. And are you cognizant that you are making a death threat? And that you provide a good demonstration of exactly my point that fanaticism is deadly and why people should avoid your forum like anathema? And yes, you have also confirmed where you come from. Also, hundreds of people? I don't think so. This harassment has always been the work of a few mind blown slaves. No more. Stick your threats where the sun doesn't shine.

I wrote: I don't know why you are so focussed on the T4S 'failing'. Why should it fail? And why do you care? If it's so bad, why are you even here? You seem to take some kind of weird pleasure in hoping other people fail. And I don't understand that. Wouldn't a better use of your energy be to try to make a positive difference? Why don't you try to contribute something to the community that is positive, rather than a negative?

Red dawn replies: Let me think about that...


Ya, not gonna happen

And therein lies the problem. You are a small, petty, worthless excuse for a human being. One who rejoices to see others fail, who doesn't believe in himself, who has a big chip on his shoulder about everything. It's sad, really.

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:03 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
Regarding being enemies of Satan:

Satan stands for truth, justice and freedom of mind, body, soul and of speech.
These are values the T4S stands for also. How exactly, does this make us 'enemies of Satan'?

You are making threats, paying people to harass us, attempting to dictate to me that I should shut down my forum and therefore acting like some tinpot tyrant.
Tyranny is something Satan opposes.

Do you honestly think Satan supports what you are doing?

I don't think so.

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:26 am
by RedDawn
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:03 pm Regarding being enemies of Satan:

Satan stands for truth, justice and freedom of mind, body, soul and of speech.
These are values the T4S stands for also. How exactly, does this make us 'enemies of Satan'?

You are making threats, paying people to harass us, attempting to dictate to me that I should shut down my forum and therefore acting like some tinpot tyrant.
Tyranny is something Satan opposes.

Do you honestly think Satan supports what you are doing?

I don't think so.
Nobody cares about all of that pity victim shit.

You haven't been here for months, only baldy and the trolls spoke here. Owen isn't qualified in anyway to be recognized as a high priest of any occult practice, badly and you aren't either but Owen is a guy off the street without experience or knowledge. It's disgraceful really, it would have been better to give retard donnie the position. It isn't fair to Owen really, even if he's happy to receive false gratification. There is no recovery for this damage, you can blame others all you want, but it was inevitable.

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:21 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
I get the feeling no matter what I say you'll spout 'victim' and 'pity shit' all the day long.

It's all you are. A parrot of cobras. This is exactly how he talks. He employs the straw man fallacy, which I see you doing. If he can't refute the original points, he distorts or exaggerates some part of it, then attacks that. He dismisses and denigrates and when all else fails, resorts to insults like 'baldy' and 'victim' etc. Seems all you have to offer is a big mouth and a bad attitude.

I wasn't here? How would you know? You presume to think you know what I do in my own place when you don't. I've been here from the start. Do you think I'm obligated to answer to you?

You have no idea of my qualifications. Who died and made you the arbitrator of what others can and cannot do, believe or have experienced in life as to make them 'qualified'? Who made you judge and jury? You don't know me. You don't know anything about me.

Why are you so angry? Why so invested? What's it to you? Why do you care? What's the motivation behind you butting in with your negative nonsense? You come off as waaaay too invested, emotionally. Why is that?

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:22 am
by AnonPoster
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:21 am I get the feeling no matter what I say you'll spout 'victim' and 'pity shit' all the day long.

It's all you are. A parrot of cobras. This is exactly how he talks. He employs the straw man fallacy, which I see you doing. If he can't refute the original points, he distorts or exaggerates some part of it, then attacks that. He dismisses and denigrates and when all else fails, resorts to insults like 'baldy' and 'victim' etc. Seems all you have to offer is a big mouth and a bad attitude.

I wasn't here? How would you know? You presume to think you know what I do in my own place when you don't. I've been here from the start. Do you think I'm obligated to answer to you?

You have no idea of my qualifications. Who died and made you the arbitrator of what others can and cannot do, believe or have experienced in life as to make them 'qualified'? Who made you judge and jury? You don't know me. You don't know anything about me.

Why are you so angry? Why so invested? What's it to you? Why do you care? What's the motivation behind you butting in with your negative nonsense? You come off as waaaay too invested, emotionally. Why is that?
Lol good questions Zola.

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:43 am
by AnonPoster
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:21 am I get the feeling no matter what I say you'll spout 'victim' and 'pity shit' all the day long.

It's all you are. A parrot of cobras. This is exactly how he talks. He employs the straw man fallacy, which I see you doing. If he can't refute the original points, he distorts or exaggerates some part of it, then attacks that. He dismisses and denigrates and when all else fails, resorts to insults like 'baldy' and 'victim' etc. Seems all you have to offer is a big mouth and a bad attitude.

I wasn't here? How would you know? You presume to think you know what I do in my own place when you don't. I've been here from the start. Do you think I'm obligated to answer to you?

You have no idea of my qualifications. Who died and made you the arbitrator of what others can and cannot do, believe or have experienced in life as to make them 'qualified'? Who made you judge and jury? You don't know me. You don't know anything about me.

Why are you so angry? Why so invested? What's it to you? Why do you care? What's the motivation behind you butting in with your negative nonsense? You come off as waaaay too invested, emotionally. Why is that?
So it's irrefutable proof that morons coming from JoS to constantly to try and stir shit here is apparently brainwashed by jos or they just having nothing better to do in their spare time and suck in real life. It's usually these who suffer from some disappointment in real life and spend a lot of time trying to bring down people they haven't met. I call this spiritual abuse or some type of abuse. But I'm not going to scream victim because I have better things to do than deal with morons online.

But I want to make a suggestion, we need an additional Anon account that specifies those who wish to participate in intelligent debates without resorting to name calling and other types of harassment and ridiculous behavior that's being used by the current Anonposter account as some sort agreement from the Anonposter to the admins on here. If the intention is to learn and have real conversations or topic discussion then there should be another account for anyone to use to specify a difference between them and original Anon account. The only way to get access is the person who is sick and tired of the bullshit to message an admin and talk with them, the admin should have a series of tough questions and good discernment. Because people are getting tired and leaving T4S because of the filthy individuals is being allowed and nothing is being done.

You should really learn how to use Freedom of Speech for spiritual evolution and if you will continue to keep this format as it is maybe you should give some advice and tips to those not familiar with it and learn to defend themselves.

Freedom of Speech can be traced back originating from Vibration/Sound and everything is shaped by sound. The first Speech is what created the cosmos. And was FREE if you can steer the "freedom of speech" as in according to Logos or Word that would be awesome thing to teach here and give T4S a history in ancient paths. Kind of like giving it a mythos. People want rituals and "dogma" to fulfill an emotional need. I say give it.

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:00 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
These are interesting suggestions, thank you.
I want to continue to promote free speech. Differing views provide healthy debate. There is nothing more likely to lead to extremism than when you cultivate an echo chamber, so we don't want that.

However, I question: does 'free speech' provide carte blanche to indulge 'freely' in name calling, threats, hounding, bullying, defamation of character, slander, hatred, criminal harassment of people and other forms of infantile behaviour?

Bad people are taking advantage. It's been the wild west out here. I'm aware. But I wanted to give people a chance.

I would like to make this space better for people without infringing too much. Find some balance. I'm tired of these malignant losers running rampant in here. I gave it a fair shake.

Should I get rid of the anon account, people sign up under their own handles and thus be accountable for what they say that way? Should the anon account be closed? Having to cross examine people – who could very easily lie – to get into a new anon account and then make the same problems...not sure that is sustainable. Doesn't it make more sense for people to have their own accounts?

Does the community have any other ideas to share on what they would want to see moving forward? Lets debate on this :)

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:32 pm
by AnonPoster
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:00 pm These are interesting suggestions, thank you.
I want to continue to promote free speech. Differing views provide healthy debate. There is nothing more likely to lead to extremism than when you cultivate an echo chamber, so we don't want that.

However, I question: does 'free speech' provide carte blanche to indulge 'freely' in name calling, threats, hounding, bullying, defamation of character, slander, hatred, criminal harassment of people and other forms of infantile behaviour?

Bad people are taking advantage. It's been the wild west out here. I'm aware. But I wanted to give people a chance.

I would like to make this space better for people without infringing too much. Find some balance. I'm tired of these malignant losers running rampant in here. I gave it a fair shake.

Should I get rid of the anon account, people sign up under their own handles and thus be accountable for what they say that way? Should the anon account be closed? Having to cross examine people – who could very easily lie – to get into a new anon account and then make the same problems...not sure that is sustainable. Doesn't it make more sense for people to have their own accounts?

Does the community have any other ideas to share on what they would want to see moving forward? Lets debate on this :)

I think the idea and the concept of this place is absolutely brilliant. I personally like the annon as well. It's more honest then having a hundred accounts and personas like so many jos members.

The only major problem could be the spam which can lead you to legal issues therefore, you might consider YOURSELF to take some legal actions against cobra.

At the moment, if the spam continues, maybe the moderation could be a temporarily good thing.

I will step on it and might come with some better ideas soon...

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:07 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
Another option: I could keep the anon account open but know that if you're indulging 'freely' in name calling, threats, hounding, bullying, defamation of character, slander, hatred, criminal harassment of people and other forms of infantile behaviour, the post will be nuked?
because this BS has got to stop.

Re: How long until t4s falls apart?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:18 pm
by AnonPoster
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:07 pm Another option: I could keep the anon account open but know that if you're indulging 'freely' in name calling, threats, hounding, bullying, defamation of character, slander, hatred, criminal harassment of people and other forms of infantile behaviour, the post will be nuked?
because this BS has got to stop.
If you think this could help, go ahead and delete it however I think they will try more methods to SABOTAGE you, so, better prepare.