Return of Light

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Re: Return of Light

Post by BlackOrbit666 »

Merlyn83 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:04 pm
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 3:25 am If I misjudged you mastermind, then I'm sorry.

Religious people believe they're worshiping a god of light and love, 'The Lord'. Some secret society's believe they're worshipping the 'Dark Lord' whom they call satan, baal, or lucifer, according to the testimony of many survivors of ritual abuse. The version of 'satanism' they're referring to is a twisted and inverted, distorted version of primordial satanism, which is what the T4S follows. Primordial Satanism is all about Life. The dark, sick and twisted version followed by secret 'elite' societies is all about death. It's a death cult.

And thanks to this, there is a misconception promulgated in the mass consciousness that satanists worship an archonic force of evil and darkness. On one level its true. THEY do. On a higher level, it's NOT true. So this can lead to confusion.

Primordial Satanism isn't part of the death cult. Satan stands for Life. I'm concerned innocent people are going to be blamed for crimes committed by what is actually a communistic death cult. I see it everywhere. If I only had a dollar for every time I've seen 'satanic' this and that.

This misdirection is a kind of sleight of hand. Shift blame to Satan, the True Satan and people who know Him.

The dark grotesque version of 'satan' promulgated and accepted as fact in mainstream is a false reflection of something that is true and good.

I'm not putting down normies and definitely not people who managed to survive. I'm glad people made it out alive.

While some initiates of secret societies may literally believe they're worshipping satan or lucifer, the ones on top know they're worshipping Saturn, “The Lord', symbolized by the sun – another powerful thing that was taken over and subverted.

There are layers and layers of control. The upper echelons came here as invaders, attacked the advanced, advancing and beautiful society's, the settlements, cities, civilizations etc that existed when 'gods' walked among us. The 'gods' were people like Satan and other benevolent ET and extra dimensional beings of like mind (positives) assisting their children (mankind) to grow up into an adult race of beings destined to become truly super beings like Satan himself. The enemy invaded like a swarm of locusts. They outnumbered the defenders, took over. Turning this place into an animal farm. Humanity became their cattle, their sheep. They have been farming people for literally millennia. They installed proxies to rule on their behalf (hybrids) who, in their turn had others under them who built castles and called themselves 'royalty'. A control system set over us by AI infested ETs to rule humanity by 'divine right'.

There are 13 bloodline families. There is more control structure over these; names we wouldn't recognize, who would be the real adepts. Under the families are slaves, tools, henchmen who sold out or were born into it, people who are blackmailed and bullied to stay in or lose everybody they hold dear.

And then those tools have tools, and so on down the pyramid of control. Some of the names you might recognize would be Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Schiff, Cologna, Bilderberg and Medici. These own the federal reserve, which is not a gov't organization but a private corporation tied to the central banks around the world, in which the german Deutsche bank and bank of England help with money laundering to the octagon groups bank of international settlements – BIS in Basel, Switzerland.
The Bilderberg group, trilateral commission and counsel on foreign relations are also an integral part of the control system which comes down to us from babylonian times, and includes the money magic debt slavery system which is a vicious scam foisted on humanity.

The Bilderberg group and the CFR are charged with the implementation of some of the new world order agendas like population control, vaccinations, chemtrail spraying, food, water and air poisoning, running the drug cartels, human trafficking. This many headed hydra has hubs located worldwide, some would be Greenland, Israel, Antarctica, the Ukraine and Switzerland. Switzerland is HQ for the CIA, its base is under lake geneva connected to CERN. Switzerland is home to the Holy See, i.e. the Holy See means C-I-A. The names for Switzerland are CH and Suisse that equates to CIA and SS.

The logo of CERN contains the number “666”, indicative of “The Beast”, a Biblical euphemism for the Devil or Anti-Christ. Some say this is an acronym for “Rome”, the Roman Empire. Which of course never actually fell, it still exists.

The worlds smartest child revealed CERN opened a portal:
Please elaborate more on CIA, Rome, 666, etc because I been at my wits end to constantly hearing about it's the End Times and so on and talking about 666 as a computer chip mark of the beast.

It's not just that I need information to arm myself with because most of my family has been talking about it constantly. It's causing me anxiety because if I dared disagree, it would be drama . I am gonna read more.
The 666 number represents the power of the vital forces.

The Solar chakra has the 666 number.

The 666 as the "Beast Mark" and computer chips under our skin, being implanted, is just a lie and an enormous experiment to make humans slaves.

Be careful about fake YouTube videos that dramatize a l the 666 subject.

They are not worthy to watch as you will only waste your time with them.

For Rome, it was and still easy, as the energetic print of some places still lives, the sacred place of the Ancient Roman Gods.

Back into the days when Rome was more spiritual and connected to the Gods, basically everything related to hard work, agriculture, weather, military, living and such was prosperous in nature.

Do not forget that for agriculture and silvics, people called Mars, the Roman God of Agriculture and War.

I even wrote a topic about Mars, summarizing general information related specifically to Him.

You can look it up if you want, it is called "Mars (Mythology)".

The "End of Times" as preached in the fake Christian books are a total unnecessary Abraham's Apocalyptic view of the world.

If you search it up, the Jehovass Witnesses and other such Abrahamic cults and sects mostly predicted or started to predict the "End of Times" since 1700s.

Imagine that from the 1700s until now, and this is still going, they predicted that asteroids are coming to us, thing which is false as no impacts or catastrophic impacts of asteroids were noted, plagues that they invented in order to make their profecies seem true, food shortages that are caused by the "moral guys" by burning down the Amazonian forests and destroying other natural resources, and the wars thing that is purely made by corrupt politicians and big players in the External Politics scene which incite both the to-be-victimized and Agressor countries.

Such thing happened in the Ruddia vs Ukraine War and failed attempts to escaladate the conflict to begin another World War. In this case, War World 3.

Do not fear as it won't escalate.

Those things like OH NOES, MIH WORLD WAR 3 BEGINS AND SUCH are in a lot of times mediatic experiments performed on us.

So, it is nothing to be really afraid of.

Lol, now, at the time of writing this post I realize I interfered a bit with HPS Zola :oops: , lol

Proud Cancerian with Scorpio Ascendant ♋ ♏
Ave Satanas
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Re: Return of Light

Post by Merlyn83 »

BlackOrbit666 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:15 pm
Merlyn83 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:04 pm
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 3:25 am If I misjudged you mastermind, then I'm sorry.

Religious people believe they're worshiping a god of light and love, 'The Lord'. Some secret society's believe they're worshipping the 'Dark Lord' whom they call satan, baal, or lucifer, according to the testimony of many survivors of ritual abuse. The version of 'satanism' they're referring to is a twisted and inverted, distorted version of primordial satanism, which is what the T4S follows. Primordial Satanism is all about Life. The dark, sick and twisted version followed by secret 'elite' societies is all about death. It's a death cult.

And thanks to this, there is a misconception promulgated in the mass consciousness that satanists worship an archonic force of evil and darkness. On one level its true. THEY do. On a higher level, it's NOT true. So this can lead to confusion.

Primordial Satanism isn't part of the death cult. Satan stands for Life. I'm concerned innocent people are going to be blamed for crimes committed by what is actually a communistic death cult. I see it everywhere. If I only had a dollar for every time I've seen 'satanic' this and that.

This misdirection is a kind of sleight of hand. Shift blame to Satan, the True Satan and people who know Him.

The dark grotesque version of 'satan' promulgated and accepted as fact in mainstream is a false reflection of something that is true and good.

I'm not putting down normies and definitely not people who managed to survive. I'm glad people made it out alive.

While some initiates of secret societies may literally believe they're worshipping satan or lucifer, the ones on top know they're worshipping Saturn, “The Lord', symbolized by the sun – another powerful thing that was taken over and subverted.

There are layers and layers of control. The upper echelons came here as invaders, attacked the advanced, advancing and beautiful society's, the settlements, cities, civilizations etc that existed when 'gods' walked among us. The 'gods' were people like Satan and other benevolent ET and extra dimensional beings of like mind (positives) assisting their children (mankind) to grow up into an adult race of beings destined to become truly super beings like Satan himself. The enemy invaded like a swarm of locusts. They outnumbered the defenders, took over. Turning this place into an animal farm. Humanity became their cattle, their sheep. They have been farming people for literally millennia. They installed proxies to rule on their behalf (hybrids) who, in their turn had others under them who built castles and called themselves 'royalty'. A control system set over us by AI infested ETs to rule humanity by 'divine right'.

There are 13 bloodline families. There is more control structure over these; names we wouldn't recognize, who would be the real adepts. Under the families are slaves, tools, henchmen who sold out or were born into it, people who are blackmailed and bullied to stay in or lose everybody they hold dear.

And then those tools have tools, and so on down the pyramid of control. Some of the names you might recognize would be Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Schiff, Cologna, Bilderberg and Medici. These own the federal reserve, which is not a gov't organization but a private corporation tied to the central banks around the world, in which the german Deutsche bank and bank of England help with money laundering to the octagon groups bank of international settlements – BIS in Basel, Switzerland.
The Bilderberg group, trilateral commission and counsel on foreign relations are also an integral part of the control system which comes down to us from babylonian times, and includes the money magic debt slavery system which is a vicious scam foisted on humanity.

The Bilderberg group and the CFR are charged with the implementation of some of the new world order agendas like population control, vaccinations, chemtrail spraying, food, water and air poisoning, running the drug cartels, human trafficking. This many headed hydra has hubs located worldwide, some would be Greenland, Israel, Antarctica, the Ukraine and Switzerland. Switzerland is HQ for the CIA, its base is under lake geneva connected to CERN. Switzerland is home to the Holy See, i.e. the Holy See means C-I-A. The names for Switzerland are CH and Suisse that equates to CIA and SS.

The logo of CERN contains the number “666”, indicative of “The Beast”, a Biblical euphemism for the Devil or Anti-Christ. Some say this is an acronym for “Rome”, the Roman Empire. Which of course never actually fell, it still exists.

The worlds smartest child revealed CERN opened a portal:
Please elaborate more on CIA, Rome, 666, etc because I been at my wits end to constantly hearing about it's the End Times and so on and talking about 666 as a computer chip mark of the beast.

It's not just that I need information to arm myself with because most of my family has been talking about it constantly. It's causing me anxiety because if I dared disagree, it would be drama . I am gonna read more.
The 666 number represents the power of the vital forces.

The Solar chakra has the 666 number.

The 666 as the "Beast Mark" and computer chips under our skin, being implanted, is just a lie and an enormous experiment to make humans slaves.

Be careful about fake YouTube videos that dramatize a l the 666 subject.

They are not worthy to watch as you will only waste your time with them.

For Rome, it was and still easy, as the energetic print of some places still lives, the sacred place of the Ancient Roman Gods.

Back into the days when Rome was more spiritual and connected to the Gods, basically everything related to hard work, agriculture, weather, military, living and such was prosperous in nature.

Do not forget that for agriculture and silvics, people called Mars, the Roman God of Agriculture and War.

I even wrote a topic about Mars, summarizing general information related specifically to Him.

You can look it up if you want, it is called "Mars (Mythology)".

The "End of Times" as preached in the fake Christian books are a total unnecessary Abraham's Apocalyptic view of the world.

If you search it up, the Jehovass Witnesses and other such Abrahamic cults and sects mostly predicted or started to predict the "End of Times" since 1700s.

Imagine that from the 1700s until now, and this is still going, they predicted that asteroids are coming to us, thing which is false as no impacts or catastrophic impacts of asteroids were noted, plagues that they invented in order to make their profecies seem true, food shortages that are caused by the "moral guys" by burning down the Amazonian forests and destroying other natural resources, and the wars thing that is purely made by corrupt politicians and big players in the External Politics scene which incite both the to-be-victimized and Agressor countries.

Such thing happened in the Ruddia vs Ukraine War and failed attempts to escaladate the conflict to begin another World War. In this case, War World 3.

Do not fear as it won't escalate.

Those things like OH NOES, MIH WORLD WAR 3 BEGINS AND SUCH are in a lot of times mediatic experiments performed on us.

So, it is nothing to be really afraid of.

Lol, now, at the time of writing this post I realize I interfered a bit with HPS Zola :oops: , lol
Well my anxiety is coming from Christians in my family constantly worried about the end times etc from all the shit on tv and internet. I wish I could tell them this shit without the backfire telling me I'm listening to the devil lol.
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Re: Return of Light

Post by BlackOrbit666 »

Merlyn83 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:37 pm
BlackOrbit666 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:15 pm
Merlyn83 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:04 pm

Please elaborate more on CIA, Rome, 666, etc because I been at my wits end to constantly hearing about it's the End Times and so on and talking about 666 as a computer chip mark of the beast.

It's not just that I need information to arm myself with because most of my family has been talking about it constantly. It's causing me anxiety because if I dared disagree, it would be drama . I am gonna read more.
The 666 number represents the power of the vital forces.

The Solar chakra has the 666 number.

The 666 as the "Beast Mark" and computer chips under our skin, being implanted, is just a lie and an enormous experiment to make humans slaves.

Be careful about fake YouTube videos that dramatize a l the 666 subject.

They are not worthy to watch as you will only waste your time with them.

For Rome, it was and still easy, as the energetic print of some places still lives, the sacred place of the Ancient Roman Gods.

Back into the days when Rome was more spiritual and connected to the Gods, basically everything related to hard work, agriculture, weather, military, living and such was prosperous in nature.

Do not forget that for agriculture and silvics, people called Mars, the Roman God of Agriculture and War.

I even wrote a topic about Mars, summarizing general information related specifically to Him.

You can look it up if you want, it is called "Mars (Mythology)".

The "End of Times" as preached in the fake Christian books are a total unnecessary Abraham's Apocalyptic view of the world.

If you search it up, the Jehovass Witnesses and other such Abrahamic cults and sects mostly predicted or started to predict the "End of Times" since 1700s.

Imagine that from the 1700s until now, and this is still going, they predicted that asteroids are coming to us, thing which is false as no impacts or catastrophic impacts of asteroids were noted, plagues that they invented in order to make their profecies seem true, food shortages that are caused by the "moral guys" by burning down the Amazonian forests and destroying other natural resources, and the wars thing that is purely made by corrupt politicians and big players in the External Politics scene which incite both the to-be-victimized and Agressor countries.

Such thing happened in the Ruddia vs Ukraine War and failed attempts to escaladate the conflict to begin another World War. In this case, War World 3.

Do not fear as it won't escalate.

Those things like OH NOES, MIH WORLD WAR 3 BEGINS AND SUCH are in a lot of times mediatic experiments performed on us.

So, it is nothing to be really afraid of.

Lol, now, at the time of writing this post I realize I interfered a bit with HPS Zola :oops: , lol
Well my anxiety is coming from Christians in my family constantly worried about the end times etc from all the shit on tv and internet. I wish I could tell them this shit without the backfire telling me I'm listening to the devil lol.

I know.

Hearing constantly about the irrational fearing of the "End Times" can bring a lot of anxiety.

You need to find your preoccupations Noth spiritually and physically and ignore the Christian thi king that the world is going to end or other stuff like this.

The world surely will not end as it is not Satan and the Gods' will to happen so.

Nor it will ever be in any moment.

Yeah, I could wish to tell them too, I have my mother for example which I have a very good relation with but as soon as I tend to repeatedly accuse the Bible of the wrongod9ngs of people and such, she starts to get a little bit angry.

Though, I must appreciate the fact that my mother is very calm in her answers and is not a fanatic Christian like those I see in other countries.

Proud Cancerian with Scorpio Ascendant ♋ ♏
Ave Satanas
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