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Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:52 am
by BlackOrbit666
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:59 am “Thankfully that Godfather troll got banned. It was the old pal Cobra lol, who got his nerves triggered a bit by the title of the topic, and, in his little mind he thought that trying to denigrate me and you would be a sweet thing to do.”

I'm writing the following to clarify as the official voice of the T4S. I've been getting the impression you're speaking as if for the T4S, and some of what you say therefore, is not entirely accurate. So I feel compelled to clarify. But don't take it personally. It's not meant that way:

Cobra, in all his incarnations here, got himself banned. He earned it a thousand times over. Business sabotage is a crime. I'm enforcing my rules.

“Unluckily for him, the taste of things got bitter, as, ublike their forums which work with the Christian forces, the forums here truly work with Satanism, with real Spiritual Satanism.”

Spiritual satanism is a term coined by the JoS. This is not a T4S belief. The JoS did this so they could call themselves 'SS'. As in Nazi SS. The real true Satanism the T4S follows is not spiritual satanism, It's Primordial Satanism. You don't have to agree with my (the T4S) beliefs, you can still be a part of the T4S community. But be law abiding.

“What do you need to know, for starters, is thar Satan and the Gods are not, Nordic, or ET beings.”

The positive being I know as Satan, plus others I've interacted with, are advanced extra dimensional beings not from this planet. Ie: ETs. So we'll have to agree to disagree on that one, lol. In reference to “what you need to know” I think maybe a better way is to share what you know or believe to be true, then allow people to make their own minds up.

“we truly "have our guts" so to say to ask our questions directly to Satan and the Gods, if we need to”

The T4S feels it's best to utilize your own native intuition (gut) first and foremost. Trust yourself, your intuition. If you do go looking for answers from an advanced being, be as discerning as you can. Be cautious. We don't refer to them as 'the gods'. That is a JoS thing. While it's true they're like super-beings or 'gods' compared to us as we are at present; once we have the full power of our minds back, when our DNA is completely repaired and fully activated once again, our power will rival any being in this universe.

Your personal inner connection to the power that creates universes, holds all answers, originates within. This is why we say to trust and believe in yourself, listen to your gut. Your intuition. I think of these super beings (positive ones like Satan and my guides, and others) as friends or as acquaintances. I don't worship them as gods. I don't practice setting up an altar to them, don't do rituals to them. Mamba spent literally months working what he called high magic to invite Satan to appear. When Satan eventually showed up, mamba offered himself up to be possessed by Satan, in order to do His work on this earth. Satan replied that He will never possess anyone and isn't interested in our worship. The T4S doesn't believe in giving worship energy to anything or anyone without. Satan has also shown us this by example, where He states He is the one true god. For Him, that is so. It's an example. The JoS misunderstood and fell to their knees worshipping Him as the one true god. That is in error.

I respect the power these beings have; I would not be rude or disrespectful, but to worship them is a child like mentality. Like calling a super being 'Father' Satan. Big Sky Daddy. Satan wants us to be free and adult. Adults ask questions, think for themselves, use their own personal intuition, logic and reason to reach conclusions. Just like Satan. Someone who acts from calm pragmatism (and Satan is very calm – His energy is incredibly tranquil and soothing. It's quite amazing), someone who does not react emotionally. The enemy of humanity wants that kind of kneejerk irrationalism. Makes humans easier to control.

“You can be a Hispanic with only 5% traits that may look Jewish, but you do not need to be shy about it, Satan accepts us regardless of our race.”

I'm sure you didn't mean it this way blackorbit, but this could be taken as you subtly pushing vanessa is jewish. She stated she's not. JoS people are absolutely obsessed with the jew thing. It's just unpleasant.

“Moreover, the JoS in absolutely NO WAY has the right or capacity to tell you which race you are.”

I agree. Nobody has the right. What does it matter anyways? The T4S feels people should be judged not for their race, but for their individual actions. Which is about taking personal responsibility. Another thing Satan is big on.

This rtr nonsense is basically praying to Israel in the way that rabbis do, chanting hebrew backwards and forwards. Don did a ton of research on this as I've shared in the muh thread. It's not our race or our magic (according to what he was able to find out), which is why there is a negative effect for gentiles. It really makes me wonder why cobra would push this rtr. And then comes in here to push it as well! Why? I have to question that. I do question that.

I agree, stay positive on your individual path, Vanessa. I encourage you to trust and believe in yourself. Nobody knows better than you what you need, what works for you. One way I've found that works for me in regards finding answers is to go to sleep with the set intention I'll remember what I dream. I fall asleep thinking of the question I need the answer to. I tell myself when I awaken, the answer will be there. This really works. It might take many tries, but it definitely works. If you want to ask me a question here, I'll do my best to give you a helpful answer.

Hope this helps.
First of all, thank you for replying and clarifying, ir means a lot to me.

Second of all, even though I may act as a megaphone for the T4S, I do not do that.

I, unlike the others had a very negative experience with what it is called as the JoS and I clearly know where the Cobra is trying to infiltrate and it gets on my nerves in most of the times.

I did not say at all that Vanessa is Jewish, this doesn't apply as firstly it would be a total contradiction to what I have stared, that the JoS doesn't have the right to tell you which race you have.

As for the SS thing, I find it very good that you clearly see that they tried to do the SS thing not as in Spiritual Satanism, but more on the Schwarze Sonne perspective, which equals Nazism.

I am law abiding in my nature.

When I said unfortunately for him, things got bitter I was strictly referring to the fact that, even though he tried to incriminate me and tried to attack Vanessa, Cobra ultimately failed.

Yes, I will reformulate my sharing of opinions.

Who said about referring to Demons as in Gods?

The Gods, either from Egypt or the Greek Pantheon, or Scandinavian Gods are totally different from the Demons.

I think that Primordial Satanism stands more as LaVeyan, please enlighten me on this if I am wrong :)

The JoS mainly intentionally misinterpreted the idea of Satan as in a very powerful Spiritual being in order to attract very young members to their Nazi agenda.

Just, as a sheer fact that the JoS is sponsored by the NSM, a high profile Nazi organization in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US.

The RTR, just as I read from Don Danko is the way the rabbis use their power, reverse chanting that cursed letters and more.

The christian false deity thar christians tend to worship needs a lot of energies.

When I was a JoS frequenting member, and did the RTRs in the past, I always found it quite ridiculous that besides the letter AMA which doesn't reverse, there is the energy raising thing that is supposedly said in order to "have the more efficiency on your work to destroy the Jews".

As for the Demons as ET beings, I think everyone has their personal experiences with them and nor I or the others have the right or capacity to interfere in the relations one has with the Demons.

I have experience with them more from the Ars Goetia perspective, and I did not use any binding methods.

Dictionnaire Infernal, excluding some of Jacques Coline DePlancy's drawings which I personally think they are hideous, again are very good and are only used to share the personal experiences Jacques had with the Demons and, we, after working on with communicating with Satan and His Demons by using Sigil meditation, we are having our personal relations with Him and Them.

For example, from one of my friend's perspective, Azazel appeared as a very tall man, with a scepter with two sbakes and two wings that were brownish-red.

In my case, he appeared more as a very strong King that carried on a Magic Scroll and had a crown formed from Platinum and the purest and shi iest gold I have ever seen.

Basically, everything is clear that the experiences are personal.

Thank you for wishing me to stay positive in my path, it surely needs to be kept with positive energy.

By the way, your method for finding answers to questions is called lucid dreaming and the active memorization of parakinetic sleep experiences.

It surely helps in certain situations, but currently it is not my case.

And, also, Spiritual Satanism is sadly, a misconceptually coined term by the JoS.

There are two Satanic orientations or practices, everyone chooses what he wants, and those Satabic practices that are widely known are Atheistic Satanism in which Satan is seen more as an archetype or something, and Theistic Satanism which actually implies the fact that Satan is a real being, and all of His Demons as well.

Not to be confused with Sethianism, which is a totally different occult practice which involves the Egyptian Pantheon, method practiced by Temple of Set.

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:04 am
by BlackOrbit666
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:59 am “Thankfully that Godfather troll got banned. It was the old pal Cobra lol, who got his nerves triggered a bit by the title of the topic, and, in his little mind he thought that trying to denigrate me and you would be a sweet thing to do.”

I'm writing the following to clarify as the official voice of the T4S. I've been getting the impression you're speaking as if for the T4S, and some of what you say therefore, is not entirely accurate. So I feel compelled to clarify. But don't take it personally. It's not meant that way:

Cobra, in all his incarnations here, got himself banned. He earned it a thousand times over. Business sabotage is a crime. I'm enforcing my rules.

“Unluckily for him, the taste of things got bitter, as, ublike their forums which work with the Christian forces, the forums here truly work with Satanism, with real Spiritual Satanism.”

Spiritual satanism is a term coined by the JoS. This is not a T4S belief. The JoS did this so they could call themselves 'SS'. As in Nazi SS. The real true Satanism the T4S follows is not spiritual satanism, It's Primordial Satanism. You don't have to agree with my (the T4S) beliefs, you can still be a part of the T4S community. But be law abiding.

“What do you need to know, for starters, is thar Satan and the Gods are not, Nordic, or ET beings.”

The positive being I know as Satan, plus others I've interacted with, are advanced extra dimensional beings not from this planet. Ie: ETs. So we'll have to agree to disagree on that one, lol. In reference to “what you need to know” I think maybe a better way is to share what you know or believe to be true, then allow people to make their own minds up.

“we truly "have our guts" so to say to ask our questions directly to Satan and the Gods, if we need to”

The T4S feels it's best to utilize your own native intuition (gut) first and foremost. Trust yourself, your intuition. If you do go looking for answers from an advanced being, be as discerning as you can. Be cautious. We don't refer to them as 'the gods'. That is a JoS thing. While it's true they're like super-beings or 'gods' compared to us as we are at present; once we have the full power of our minds back, when our DNA is completely repaired and fully activated once again, our power will rival any being in this universe.

Your personal inner connection to the power that creates universes, holds all answers, originates within. This is why we say to trust and believe in yourself, listen to your gut. Your intuition. I think of these super beings (positive ones like Satan and my guides, and others) as friends or as acquaintances. I don't worship them as gods. I don't practice setting up an altar to them, don't do rituals to them. Mamba spent literally months working what he called high magic to invite Satan to appear. When Satan eventually showed up, mamba offered himself up to be possessed by Satan, in order to do His work on this earth. Satan replied that He will never possess anyone and isn't interested in our worship. The T4S doesn't believe in giving worship energy to anything or anyone without. Satan has also shown us this by example, where He states He is the one true god. For Him, that is so. It's an example. The JoS misunderstood and fell to their knees worshipping Him as the one true god. That is in error.

I respect the power these beings have; I would not be rude or disrespectful, but to worship them is a child like mentality. Like calling a super being 'Father' Satan. Big Sky Daddy. Satan wants us to be free and adult. Adults ask questions, think for themselves, use their own personal intuition, logic and reason to reach conclusions. Just like Satan. Someone who acts from calm pragmatism (and Satan is very calm – His energy is incredibly tranquil and soothing. It's quite amazing), someone who does not react emotionally. The enemy of humanity wants that kind of kneejerk irrationalism. Makes humans easier to control.

“You can be a Hispanic with only 5% traits that may look Jewish, but you do not need to be shy about it, Satan accepts us regardless of our race.”

I'm sure you didn't mean it this way blackorbit, but this could be taken as you subtly pushing vanessa is jewish. She stated she's not. JoS people are absolutely obsessed with the jew thing. It's just unpleasant.

“Moreover, the JoS in absolutely NO WAY has the right or capacity to tell you which race you are.”

I agree. Nobody has the right. What does it matter anyways? The T4S feels people should be judged not for their race, but for their individual actions. Which is about taking personal responsibility. Another thing Satan is big on.

This rtr nonsense is basically praying to Israel in the way that rabbis do, chanting hebrew backwards and forwards. Don did a ton of research on this as I've shared in the muh thread. It's not our race or our magic (according to what he was able to find out), which is why there is a negative effect for gentiles. It really makes me wonder why cobra would push this rtr. And then comes in here to push it as well! Why? I have to question that. I do question that.

I agree, stay positive on your individual path, Vanessa. I encourage you to trust and believe in yourself. Nobody knows better than you what you need, what works for you. One way I've found that works for me in regards finding answers is to go to sleep with the set intention I'll remember what I dream. I fall asleep thinking of the question I need the answer to. I tell myself when I awaken, the answer will be there. This really works. It might take many tries, but it definitely works. If you want to ask me a question here, I'll do my best to give you a helpful answer.

Hope this helps.
I may add the fact that the cobra himself, in an archived topic from the old prophpbb forums he had he clearly stated things such as praying to Israel and more.

Plus, when I was pro-JoS in my past, when Cobra already hated me for disagreeing with him, he always used some speech method that was used and is used by Jews, such as ironically saying L'chaim to you too, you stupid kike.

I am afraid to say this, but I personally think k that Cobra is a lost cause and cannot be saved.

He is that one type of individual, who, independently of how much knowledge he is shown to, it always leads to total disapproval of external opinions and repairing of past mistakes.

The only thing that is true from the JoS is the collection of the pdfs they have here, but that is only because they plagiarized a lot of information from there, including from Franz Bardon who, surprisingly, was a an ex catholicism, 3 month old Christian and mostly in his free time, an occultist.

So, just as another proof that the JoS isn't at all Satanic in its nature.

I could easily talk about the different currents and sects in Satanism and how they are totally different, but, what I can say for now is that everyone reading my messages, and yours, and maybe messages from others, they shall remember to not engage in any JoS related work.

Stay away also from the translations that they want to be done, as you will only help the spread of Hebrew and fake supposedly anti-Jewish, lol, rituals.

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:27 pm
by Bane666
I've also had run ins with this "blitzkrieg" character he made the same accusations about me just because I disagreed with JOS and it was worse over email. So I left the forums and started browsing here for a long while, now I finally decided to make an account here because it seemed like a more positive and free place I hope I made the right decision.

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:54 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
Welcome Bane, I hope you'll enjoy your time here :)

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:08 pm
by Merlyn83
Bane666 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:27 pm I've also had run ins with this "blitzkrieg" character he made the same accusations about me just because I disagreed with JOS and it was worse over email. So I left the forums and started browsing here for a long while, now I finally decided to make an account here because it seemed like a more positive and free place I hope I made the right decision.
Welcome bane. I was a long time member of JoS in 1998 but I got tired of getting hounded because I'm trans and was falsely accused of being a Jew and infiltrator. One time JoS wasn't like that but Satanism been corrupted by those damn Nazis.

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:28 pm
by Bane666
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:54 pm Welcome Bane, I hope you'll enjoy your time here :)
Thank you!

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:30 pm
by BlackOrbit666
Bane666 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:27 pm I've also had run ins with this "blitzkrieg" character he made the same accusations about me just because I disagreed with JOS and it was worse over email. So I left the forums and started browsing here for a long while, now I finally decided to make an account here because it seemed like a more positive and free place I hope I made the right decision.

Hello, Bane :)

Welcome on the T4S.

Please have a good stay!

Unlike the JOS where Blitzkreig and others are, there is no censorship here in terms we really have posting freedom, as you already saw when posting your introduction.

For the moment what I can say is that you are right about Blitz and others that are high ranking on the JOS.

When you disagree with them, you are falsely called a jew or an infiltrator.

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:44 pm
by Venessa
Bane666 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:27 pm
Hello Bane! This place is incomparable to Cobra's censorship gulag. Zola is doing a pretty good job keeping the trolls out, but sometimes they come in to harass members, such as bearer1 and godfather. the jos can't stand any platform that allows free speech regarding all of the terrible things they've done for decades.

Anyway, there's a great community here so I'm quite confident you'll not be disappointed in your decision to join us here! <3

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:37 pm
by shitposterInquisitor
Merlyn83 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:08 pm
Bane666 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:27 pm I've also had run ins with this "blitzkrieg" character he made the same accusations about me just because I disagreed with JOS and it was worse over email. So I left the forums and started browsing here for a long while, now I finally decided to make an account here because it seemed like a more positive and free place I hope I made the right decision.
Welcome bane. I was a long time member of JoS in 1998 but I got tired of getting hounded because I'm trans and was falsely accused of being a Jew and infiltrator. One time JoS wasn't like that but Satanism been corrupted by those damn Nazis.
The JoS didn't exist in 1998.

Re: I asked jos for help about the rtrs and they were very rude!!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:25 pm
by Merlyn83
shitposterInquisitor wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:37 pm
Merlyn83 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:08 pm
Bane666 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:27 pm I've also had run ins with this "blitzkrieg" character he made the same accusations about me just because I disagreed with JOS and it was worse over email. So I left the forums and started browsing here for a long while, now I finally decided to make an account here because it seemed like a more positive and free place I hope I made the right decision.
Welcome bane. I was a long time member of JoS in 1998 but I got tired of getting hounded because I'm trans and was falsely accused of being a Jew and infiltrator. One time JoS wasn't like that but Satanism been corrupted by those damn Nazis.
The JoS didn't exist in 1998.
Lol you obviously don't know shit. I was there in the beginning. It was under angelfire website creator in construction. It wasn't copyrighted til 2002. I was 19 years old at the time and I communicated with Maxine personally as well. You can't argue with someone who KNOWS the facts.

I been around since JoS inception. And I tell most of the crap being put on there is garbage.