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Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:39 pm
by Celeste AikoGal
Endsieg wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:22 pm The thing about Lilith or any entity really is there is a common pattern of what happens to people when they worship or devote themselves to it. In "Lilith's" the common theme is gender issues and parasitic relations, basically you know what type of entity it is by the results. People come to Lilith broken and usually stay that way. I have yet to see anyone who has benefitted in the long term from association with her, I could say it was just the lilith server I was in but really it seems to expand beyond that.

You have to be very careful what entity you let into your heart, its hard to get them back out again, some never do... There is a reason that ancient carvings had hands covering the chest I think JOS even wrote about it, to protect the heart chakra giving sympathy to enemies only leads to ruin.
You can ask entities for helping, however you must do most of the work yourself. The same goes with therapists and whatever way of getting help. You need to find the light within yourself. While Lilith is connected to vampyrism aspect, she doesn't possess others. And to have long term benefits from her, you would need to always work with her. She shows the way, but it's up to you how to walk in it. No one can really heal you. They may help you, but you do the big change yourself. I suggest to see in Demonolatry groups, there are so many good experience reports about Demons, included her. And well, Demons won't possess your soul. Demons never hurt anyone unless they are being rude or doing unethical things. Gender issues are related to many female Deities, she is not the only one. Verrine is the God of Healing, but even with her you must do most of the work yourself if it's about inner healing.

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:48 pm
by Endsieg

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:52 pm
by Celeste AikoGal
Yes. This is delusional stuff. Hate them.

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:59 pm
by Endsieg

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:05 am
by Celeste AikoGal
I agree with this so much. Max you can get is an harsh phrase such as "just leave or you are stupid", even if sometimes the victim may not understand.

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:08 am
by LockyMoth
Maccha Latte wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:06 am
LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:27 pm
Maccha Latte wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:19 pm

You'll have a dream tonight. Seek the golden city of the night,
follow the main road, and don't go into alleyways. You'll find
her palace where she'll be expecting you. Your base chakra
will resonate with her energy but that's fine, just try to relax.

Tell her:
"I'm sorry if I was rude, Mother. Please show me your vision."

After you wake up, meditate to see what I talked about.
Good luck!
Ya I may have not been too explicit in my question, but, besides a dream, is there a special community in which I can discuss with experts like you?

Je suis français, madame. Je ne savais pas que la grande prêtresse tenait un magasin. Je peux vous poser des questions sur votre communauté et sur le magasin.

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:33 am
by Don Danko333
Lilith is the dark side of the Hebrew goddess Shekinah. She has made this known to those who work closely with her and this is how she appeared to me as well the last time. All the entities on the dark tree are the dark and destructive polarity of the entities on the light tree. That is how the system is created and operates. This is the Judeo-Christian pantheon. Its not Paganism a Gentile religion. The left is the negative and destructive forces and entities. Just look at the major LHP groups and social media that is the manifestation of the energies. That is how the occult texts state they are set up and people who work closely with these entities openly state this. So the question is what comes from this in the long run of a person's life.

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:43 am
by Don Danko333
The Hebrew Satan, Samael is a Hebrew arch angel in the pantheon and the left hand of their god form. This is how the occult system operates and those who work with this entity open state this. The problem is people have gotten into the same problem anti-Jewish, Christians have. They believe their religion which is Semitic is somehow anti-Semitic.

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:47 am
by Don Danko333
If you are contacting an entity with its sigil and rituals sooner or later even telepathically in the mundane sense the actual entity is going to show up and manifest. If an entire community is full of lunatic's and messed up lives and they are all contacting this entity and working with it and its energies that is the result. Destructive beings bring destructive results.
Endsieg wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:59 pm
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:39 pm
You can ask entities for helping, however you must do most of the work yourself. The same goes with therapists and whatever way of getting help. You need to find the light within yourself. While Lilith is connected to vampyrism aspect, she doesn't possess others. And to have long term benefits from her, you would need to always work with her. She shows the way, but it's up to you how to walk in it. No one can really heal you. They may help you, but you do the big change yourself. I suggest to see in Demonolatry groups, there are so many good experience reports about Demons, included her. And well, Demons won't possess your soul. Demons never hurt anyone unless they are being rude or doing unethical things. Gender issues are related to many female Deities, she is not the only one. Verrine is the God of Healing, but even with her you must do most of the work yourself if it's about inner healing.
I see, my main issue is people don't know who they are contacting, astral deception is quite easy and entities have everything to gain from creating some cult around them which give constant energy to the host. You know an entity is a parasite when it gives nothing for your devotion, yet this was every single case where I came from. With therapists as well you want to make sure you find the right one not somebody masquerading as one who is manipulative. If you find out you are in a parasitic relationship where you get nothing in return the only logical option is to leave, but too many get trapped with this entity and can't go anywhere else. They become dependent.

Re: Lilith is a really dangerous entity

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:48 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
That may be true but the entity we know as Satan has another name and He existed long before christianity.