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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:24 pm
by Don Danko333
That's the whole point they DECIEVE you. That is the point of deception you don't know its happening.

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:27 pm
by LockyMoth
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:24 pm That's the whole point they DECIEVE you. That is the point of deception you don't know its happening.
Well, why do you think we are deceived? Honestly.

Satan is not from the Goetia nor from the Qlippoth et all.

We are alive, me and Celeste are doing well so, being LHP and also Theistic Satanist doesn't mean anything bad.

On what path are you exactly?

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:29 pm
by Don Danko333
My question is for Zola, you stated you're working with some other being then Satan-Lucifer the lying, deceiving Christian spirit from the Klipothic regions of Hebrew hell. And that you know its real identity and true name, so what is it then? No need for a large article just who is it then.

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:32 pm
by Don Danko333
Don't tell me your above deception. How long were you at the JoS. That was a deception of Maxine with the Demons using it as a gateway drug to their LHP current in the background. It took me 16 years to fully understand Satan-Lucifer is no good. Those spirits can read you and push your buttons that includes shape shifting.
LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:27 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:24 pm That's the whole point they DECIEVE you. That is the point of deception you don't know its happening.
Well, why do you think we are deceived? Honestly.

Satan is not from the Goetia nor from the Qlippoth et all.

We are alive, me and Celeste are doing well so, being LHP and also Theistic Satanist doesn't mean anything bad.

On what path are you exactly?

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:53 pm
by LockyMoth
Well, why do you think we are deceived? Honestly.

Satan is not from the Goetia nor from the Qlippoth et all.

We are alive, me and Celeste are doing well so, being LHP and also Theistic Satanist doesn't mean anything bad.

On what path are you exactly?

I have been in the JoS as a normal member, not HP like you and many others for I think 3 or 4 years.

But I am not delusional and I am also very smart enough to see the lies of the JoS especially that of Nick.

I had I think two accounts that were mines officially until I saw that Nick lies and I wanted to get put, Nick didn't allow me to do this and so a fake account trying to denigrate me and my Satanic research was created, and the original accounts were "mysteriously hacked and posted Jewish slander".

It took you 16 years for finding out the truth about the JoS, I don't doubt that. It wasn't like in my case it would have taken just some months and then kaboom I got the truth.

I am not going to trust any narrative that the JoS is pushing, especially in the situation regarding Nick who was first member and founder of JoS Greek and then he mysteriously, "mysteriously" became HP.

He took leverage on the fact that Maxine died, not that I miss her or something like wytf would I do that, but jonestly, Nick is doing an even more mess.

And, regarding some of your old replies to my posts when you said that you wouldn't make such accusations about Nick (about him being Jewish), then how does it come that Nick promotes the RTR you have debunked as being Jewish letter trickery???
Returning to your citation here:

And trust me, I am not deceptive when I said that not by Maxine way. I don't believe that playing with yourself like Maxine has stated is a way to free Demons.

But, the Demons are not JoS only and they are behaving very differently but positively from what the JOs states.

Like I have said, even before JoS, I have met Satan and Lucifer and no energetic vampirism was affecting me. I had my moments in the past when I contacted the wrong entity, including doing the RTRs when I joined the JoS and believing I did the good thing, when I didn't, but outside the JOs and Grimmoiric methods, I did a lot of great work in Theustic Satanism and I have always managed to have a positive relationship with Satan and Lucifer.

I have met many people, like those from Temple of Set who are mostly Luciferian, and also those from Ordo Templi Orientis, fully Luciferians, none of them are crazy, they are mentally sane and also have families.

Moreover, I agree with you on the point that Satan and Lucifer appear in many forms, that's true, but none of the forms that appeared to me when I really did practice LHP which is based on independent experiences and individuality in terms of spirituality none of those forms have been malevolent or parasitically draining my energy.

If it is not only my probably biasing assumption, you seem to associate negative experiences you had with Satan and Lucifer because of your trauma because you were demoted from the JoS clergy I think bakcmin 2015.

Trust me that even though I didn't join up JoS at that time you joined and when I joined and wanted to left, I was badly treated too, the JoS has made me go nuts and think that Satan is bad.

But that was only their perception.

I got over the overtone effect eventually and I found out truths not lies from Satan.

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:05 pm
by Don Danko333
That was not the accusation you made about Nick it was the P word and I don't believe that and never came across any evidence to even think such, Nick is a scumbag but that is not one of his problems. You made this based on the fact he read some online article on that fashion company scandal. Nick calls everyone a Jew so what. I don't make unfair accusations against people because I don't like them even if they are a total bag of shit. I was not demoted from the JoS I left as a High Priest on my own free will. And I already stated previous on this thread why I left the LHP. Satan-Lucifer already had me building another major online project for him but I walked from that project for reasons I already stated. Satan-Lucifer is also vampiric from working with him one on one for a couple of years. Its beyond channeling [telepathic communication] this being its taking off your energy to a high degree its exhausting.

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:19 pm
by LockyMoth
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:05 pm That was not the accusation you made about Nick it was the P word and I don't believe that and never came across any evidence to even think such, Nick is a scumbag but that is not one of his problems. You made this based on the fact he read some online article on that fashion company scandal. Nick calls everyone a Jew so what. I don't make unfair accusations against people because I don't like them even if they are a total bag of shit. I was not demoted from the JoS I left as a High Priest on my own free will. And I already stated previous on this thread why I left the LHP. Satan-Lucifer already had me building another major online project for him but I walked from that project for reasons I already stated. Satan-Lucifer is also vampiric from working with him one on one for a couple of years. Its beyond channeling [telepathic communication] this being its taking off your energy to a high degree its exhausting.
I said that Nick is a Jew so it would count as a J word.

I see and it is true that you don't make unfair accusations, usually, but calling some people crackhead and drug addicts when they are not writing like frig addicts is something of an unfair accusation but, hell, I will leave the past to cease and desist.

And, is it about SiJoS that you wanted to build up? It never appeared and I heard it was about you.

And no, you didn't leave the HP role on free will, everyone that was on the forums at that time knows that you were abusively demoted by Nick when Maxine had problems, personal problems. Who does want to take place when someone is almost dying or has problems? Except for a Jew.

I am not calling you a Jew nor I would ever call you that as, based on most of your writings, you are an intelligent man.

The thing that triggers me is that you are putting up the Qlippoth is the same as Goetia and Demonic Existence when things aren't at all like this. It is all that simple.

And, my statement proves just right that you are associating things related to Demons with past trauma you had because you were demoted. Remember that you have an account on Try post on it and see what people will tell you because of the misinformation they are in because of Nick.

Nick is surely a jackal and that is one of his existne5ial problems. It is all so evident.

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:17 pm
by Don Danko333
People can look over at that thread for themselves its the P word. Sitardass and Sly Scorpion both admitted on these forums to crack and meth abuse. So its not unfair its what they stated. Most of their insane shit posting was while lit on the pipe. I did leave the JoS on my own free will, I was not kicked out till late early September to late August. And that is when I informed Nick via Shannon why I left and the RTR's are nonsense. I left in mid July. Its on my posting account around the 14th of July 2020. Its my free will to leave and I did. I mentioned that years ago. Nick wanted to fuck with my work but I was not demoted I was a High Priest.

So your telling me everyone on the JoS would disagree with that fact because you claim its not true because of what everyone on the JoS has been told by Nick, but then your stating no one on the JoS knows anything because of Nick's bullshiting for years on everything. You need to put two and two together on that.

Looking at the Klipoth and the Goetia the same demons on the Klipoth are in the Goetia. Wonder why. Past trauma... I was not in a car accident. I simply decided to leave this Jewish nonsense. Sholmo may want the world but he is not getting my soul.

If I still believed in this nonsense I would have just created another version of the JoS once it was official that Maxine was gone to the KFC in Jew hell. Maxine never declared a successor to run the JoS as the Admin HP of the clergy. So given the infighting that Nick created and always creates due to whatever his problems are in life. I could have just transferred over to a new JoS to salvage the organization and rebuild it into something workable. Given I was in the clergy from 2008 till I left in mid July of 20 and I spent from the start of 11 of that time in the ranks as a high priest and built the successful attributes of that organization that would be fair on my part. I have noticed over the years everyone reads my work even outside of the Jos but no one cares about Nick or Maxine's contributions. Even my biggest haters can't stop reading my work and asking for it and the amount of people always wanting to contact me for information and help is always a lot. That includes having university PHD's emailing for help with information on books they are researching on to write. And people emailing me for book deals from reading my work. When it got out that I left the JoS I had people asking me to come on board of their organizations as clergy as well. Leaving the JoS opened a lot of different doors for me.

LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:19 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:05 pm That was not the accusation you made about Nick it was the P word and I don't believe that and never came across any evidence to even think such, Nick is a scumbag but that is not one of his problems. You made this based on the fact he read some online article on that fashion company scandal. Nick calls everyone a Jew so what. I don't make unfair accusations against people because I don't like them even if they are a total bag of shit. I was not demoted from the JoS I left as a High Priest on my own free will. And I already stated previous on this thread why I left the LHP. Satan-Lucifer already had me building another major online project for him but I walked from that project for reasons I already stated. Satan-Lucifer is also vampiric from working with him one on one for a couple of years. Its beyond channeling [telepathic communication] this being its taking off your energy to a high degree its exhausting.
I said that Nick is a Jew so it would count as a J word.

I see and it is true that you don't make unfair accusations, usually, but calling some people crackhead and drug addicts when they are not writing like frig addicts is something of an unfair accusation but, hell, I will leave the past to cease and desist.

And, is it about SiJoS that you wanted to build up? It never appeared and I heard it was about you.

And no, you didn't leave the HP role on free will, everyone that was on the forums at that time knows that you were abusively demoted by Nick when Maxine had problems, personal problems. Who does want to take place when someone is almost dying or has problems? Except for a Jew.

I am not calling you a Jew nor I would ever call you that as, based on most of your writings, you are an intelligent man.

The thing that triggers me is that you are putting up the Qlippoth is the same as Goetia and Demonic Existence when things aren't at all like this. It is all that simple.

And, my statement proves just right that you are associating things related to Demons with past trauma you had because you were demoted. Remember that you have an account on Try post on it and see what people will tell you because of the misinformation they are in because of Nick.

Nick is surely a jackal and that is one of his existne5ial problems. It is all so evident.

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:31 pm
by Don Danko333
Satan-Lucifer when I contacted this entity in September 16, 2020. In the conversation gave me the telepathic instructions of the project I was to create for it and the timing it would occur in the mid spring of 2021 this occurred. And was online I called it The Sanat Kumara Society. And I was being directed on building this into a different approach project from the spooky sauce of the traditional LHP sites. I also worked on another project that had the website ready to go and I had created around thirty plus articles but the person on the other end quit on the project in early September 20, the person who ran the site and owned the domain. I started that project earlier in 20 while getting ready to leave the JoS. It was called Lucifer's Court. I also did a bit here back in early 21 but it didn't work out and I had to leave to put all my time in the Sanat Kumara Society anyway. That project was becoming a massive archive of information quickly. Hours daily working on it. That includes what I had in storage not up on the site either. Satan-Lucifer also told me to leave the JoS in 20 because he wanted new projects. But I left on my own decision no one else. Satan-Lucifer always did want a lot of work from me. That is why Satan-Lucifer showed up in my life back in 05 got my attention and told me what search terms to use to find the JoS and then told me a bunch of shit to get me to dedicate to this shit. That's how it goes with the Christian devil the deceiver and all that.

Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:37 pm
by LockyMoth
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:17 pm People can look over at that thread for themselves its the P word. Sitardass and Sly Scorpion both admitted on these forums to crack and meth abuse. So its not unfair its what they stated. Most of their insane shit posting was while lit on the pipe. I did leave the JoS on my own free will, I was not kicked out till late early September to late August. And that is when I informed Nick via Shannon why I left and the RTR's are nonsense. I left in mid July. Its on my posting account around the 14th of July 2020. Its my free will to leave and I did. I mentioned that years ago. Nick wanted to fuck with my work but I was not demoted I was a High Priest.

So your telling me everyone on the JoS would disagree with that fact because you claim its not true because of what everyone on the JoS has been told by Nick, but then your stating no one on the JoS knows anything because of Nick's bullshiting for years on everything. You need to put two and two together on that.

Looking at the Klipoth and the Goetia the same demons on the Klipoth are in the Goetia. Wonder why. Past trauma... I was not in a car accident. I simply decided to leave this Jewish nonsense. Sholmo may want the world but he is not getting my soul.

If I still believed in this nonsense I would have just created another version of the JoS once it was official that Maxine was gone to the KFC in Jew hell. Maxine never declared a successor to run the JoS as the Admin HP of the clergy. So given the infighting that Nick created and always creates due to whatever his problems are in life. I could have just transferred over to a new JoS to salvage the organization and rebuild it into something workable. Given I was in the clergy from 2008 till I left in mid July of 20 and I spent from the start of 11 of that time in the ranks as a high priest and built the successful attributes of that organization that would be fair on my part. I have noticed over the years everyone reads my work even outside of the Jos but no one cares about Nick or Maxine's contributions. Even my biggest haters can't stop reading my work and asking for it and the amount of people always wanting to contact me for information and help is always a lot. That includes having university PHD's emailing for help with information on books they are researching on to write. And people emailing me for book deals from reading my work. When it got out that I left the JoS I had people asking me to come on board of their organizations as clergy as well. Leaving the JoS opened a lot of different doors for me.

LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:19 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:05 pm That was not the accusation you made about Nick it was the P word and I don't believe that and never came across any evidence to even think such, Nick is a scumbag but that is not one of his problems. You made this based on the fact he read some online article on that fashion company scandal. Nick calls everyone a Jew so what. I don't make unfair accusations against people because I don't like them even if they are a total bag of shit. I was not demoted from the JoS I left as a High Priest on my own free will. And I already stated previous on this thread why I left the LHP. Satan-Lucifer already had me building another major online project for him but I walked from that project for reasons I already stated. Satan-Lucifer is also vampiric from working with him one on one for a couple of years. Its beyond channeling [telepathic communication] this being its taking off your energy to a high degree its exhausting.
I said that Nick is a Jew so it would count as a J word.

I see and it is true that you don't make unfair accusations, usually, but calling some people crackhead and drug addicts when they are not writing like frig addicts is something of an unfair accusation but, hell, I will leave the past to cease and desist.

And, is it about SiJoS that you wanted to build up? It never appeared and I heard it was about you.

And no, you didn't leave the HP role on free will, everyone that was on the forums at that time knows that you were abusively demoted by Nick when Maxine had problems, personal problems. Who does want to take place when someone is almost dying or has problems? Except for a Jew.

I am not calling you a Jew nor I would ever call you that as, based on most of your writings, you are an intelligent man.

The thing that triggers me is that you are putting up the Qlippoth is the same as Goetia and Demonic Existence when things aren't at all like this. It is all that simple.

And, my statement proves just right that you are associating things related to Demons with past trauma you had because you were demoted. Remember that you have an account on Try post on it and see what people will tell you because of the misinformation they are in because of Nick.

Nick is surely a jackal and that is one of his existne5ial problems. It is all so evident.

Look, when you are a High Priest from the JoS clergy and you were kicked out as you admitted, nit because of your faults, personally didn't see any, but because of Nick's infighting he creates, you are sadly DEMOTED in that case.

Where it was the P word I said in my accusation towards Nick, can't remember it? But let's leave that aside, after all, those forums and you coming here are not both the reason and causa activa for accusations and arguments.

You say that some people who had their organizations have contacted you to become clergy in them or something like this?

Can you tell me what those organizations are and who manages them, clergy online names of course, not real names or anything as I respect privacy?

About the rest of the things I say, I put two together very easily and imagine that I possess information that is over 14 years old in spite of me being a member of the JoS for only 2 or 3 years, that is to the maximum-minimum.

And, you had trauma. It is called psychological trauma. You had work published on the JOs, work that is based on a lot of evidence and resources, from various sources, but Nick caused infighting and made your work discredited and supposedly from the Enemh.

That is what I am trying to bring to you.

You are not the Enemy in this story. Nor me nor anyone who managed to escaped Nick's lies.

Your work has been removed since the moment you were kicked out because of the infighting. All the topics on the Sata Dharma, the Wheel of Power, they are not existing there anymore.

Your things that are now kept archived onnT4S forums, those writings I recall seeing on an archived version of the Yahoo!Groups. Now they are gone from JoS main website.

I find you as a reasonable one, so, if you want to shake hands with Templus Infernalis, my organization which I started recently, currently as a restrained online concept, I would be glad if you do that.

Do you have some other people who you think you are trustworthy to collaborate with me, yes or no?