
Don Danko
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Re: Hitler

Post by Don Danko »

The situation was the Jews where running over Europe with Marxism revolution this included within Germany. The world Jewish congress was among the Allied powers at Versailles and demanded in front of the German politicians Palestine from the defeated Ottoman Empire as the agreement they made with Britain secretly to pull America into the war with Germany. One of the members of the Jewish delegation at Versailles, Benjamin Freedman stated this. The German's then realized what happened to them and how organized Jewry had stabbed them in the back during the war. This was the major cause of anger the German's had they lost two million of their men and hundreds of thousands of civilians during the war just to be stabbed in the back from within their own nation by the Jews working with the larger global synagogue. They realized how the Jews had sabotaged the war effort from within their nation as well.

Then they realized the Jewish agenda was behind trying to turn Europe into a Marxist camp. The Jewish leaders also admit this fact. So National Socialism was an organized movement within Germany to push out the international Jewish power in the form of the Rothschild's banking cartel, media control and bought politicians, cultural Marxist subversion and Marxist revolution. For that the Jewish banking cartels in charge of Britain made a deal via their agents to pull France, Britain and Poland into a war with Germany. Then the Jewish leader, Stalin was preparing the total invasion of Europe in 1941. To finish the whole of Europe off.

I think the Jewish ruling elite has fucked themselves over with all of this. The Holocaust narrative as time goes on is becoming the revisionist narrative and because they won't stop going on about Hitler and making all PC revolve around Hitler if a person understands the situation they naturally grasp the Jewish problem.
Don Danko
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Re: Hitler

Post by Don Danko »

TODAY I AM GOING to introduce to you a man whose insights and revelations are of the highest importance to the future of our nation and people, a man who is reviled and hated by the enemies of America, and a man who for over half a century was at the very center of the hidden power which created Communism and which now misrules the United States.

Benjamin H. Freedman was born in 1890, and, by an ironic twist of fate, the delivering physician at his birth was Dr. Simon Baruch, the father of arch-conspirator against America, Wall Street speculator, and adviser and handler of U.S. Presidents from World War I to 1965, Mr. Bernard M. Baruch. In Mr. Freedman’s own words, writing during the years of the Nixon administration:

“Mr. Bernard Baruch was a good friend of this author’s family and would very often consult this author…. have been in a position since 1912 to witness what was going on behind the scenes. This author served on the National Democratic Committee in the 1912 campaign that elected President Wilson to his first term. No doors have been closed to this author since then.”

Benjamin Freedman was raised in a Jewish family and brought up in the Jewish religion. He lived in New York City, and was a wealthy and very successful businessman, eventually becoming the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He was a witness to and to some extent a participant in the political and financial manipulations that resulted in the rise of Communism, the establishment of Israel as a Zionist state, and the Jewish domination of American politics and American media. As an agent of Jewish interests, he had access to and interviewed at length seven presidents of the United States.

After the end of the war to impose the New World Order in 1945, Mr. Freedman became convinced that he had a responsibility to speak out. He had been an agent of, and privy to the councils of, the Judaeo-Communist apparatus which was at that time about to launch two of its greatest projects: the creation of a one-world government under the name United Nations, and the establishment of Israel as a Zionist state over the dead bodies of thousands of Palestinians. He had been concerned over the increasing power of his co-religionists, and their irresponsible use of that power, for some time. He broke with Judaism and became a convert to Catholicism. His scholarship and research in the field of Jewish origins led him to believe that the popular conceptions about Jews and Judaism were so manifestly false that the words themselves should be rejected. In his writings you will often find him referring to so-called or self-styled Jews or to Talmudists, meaning the followers of the Talmud, a holy book of modern Judaism.

In 1946 he founded the League for Peace and Justice in Palestine. Arnold Forster, a high official of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith or ADL, in his 1988 autobiography Square One, called Benjamin Freedman an “affluent, apostate, self-hating Jew.” The magazine Commentary (published by the American Jewish Committee) for February, 1955, referred to him as “Jewish anti-Semite Benjamin Freedman.” Freedman himself stated in 1954:

“The word anti-Semitism is another word which should be eliminated from the English language. [The word] anti-Semitism serves only one purpose today. It is used as a smear word. When so-called or self-styled Jews feel that anyone opposes any of their objectives they discredit their victims by applying the word anti-Semite or anti-Semitic through all the channels they have at their command and under their control. I can speak with great authority on that subject. Because so-called or self-styled Jews were unable to disprove my public statements in 1946 with regard to the situation in Palestine, they spent millions of dollars to smear me as an anti-Semite hoping thereby to discredit me in the eyes of the public who were very much interested in what I had to say. Until 1946 I was a little saint to all so-called or self-styled Jews. When I disagreed with them publicly on the Zionist intentions in Palestine I became suddenly Anti-Semite No. 1.”

Benjamin H. Freedman was in truth a defector from the forces which have been working to destroy our Republic and our civilization. Let us see what he had to say. Today we will be exploring Mr. Freedman’s amazing book The Hidden Tyranny, published in the early 1970s. The following are the words of Mr. Freedman:

* * *

The names of Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon will certainly be found one day inscribed in big red letters in the official annals of the rise and fall of the United States. These seven masters of deception incurred their guilt by debasing their solemn oaths of office on behalf of undisclosed domestic and foreign principals without any apparent qualms or misgivings, to enhance their political fortunes totally oblivious to the threat to United States security and survival.

…The disclosures which follow here are now revealed for the first time anywhere. They now expose for the first time to the grass roots population of the United States the secret un-American, non-American, and anti-American strategy to which these seven masters of deception knowingly subscribed.

…Very early in their political careers, these seven masters of deception… acquired their proficient skill in detecting on which side their political bread was buttered. …Throughout their political careers [they] demonstrated that political shrewdness invariably identified with the immoral dogma of 20th century politicians who preach and practice any means justifies all ends. Accordingly, future grass roots populations of the United States will one day find inscribed in the history of the rise and fall of the United States the verdict that the means …advocated by these seven masters of deception were primarily responsible for the end of the United States.

It is today a well recognized fact of life in political circles in the United States that the censorship exercised by Zionists over the media for mass information constitutes a virtual monopoly. It is likewise today a well recognized fact of life in political circles in the United States since President Wilson won his first election in 1912 as President of the United States, that elections in the United States are seldom won or lost today based upon the candidates’ qualification for office. Elections in the United States since 1912 are won or lost on the battlefields of the media for mass information….

Zionist ownership of media for mass communication, or by Zionist control exercised by some devious corporate device, in effect and in fact censors the news and editorial policies of all the leading daily and Sunday newspapers, all the weekly and monthly news magazines, all leading radio and television stations and networks, the entire motion picture industry, the entire entertainment world and the entire book publishing industry, in effect and in fact the entire complex of media for mass information in the United States, truly a brainwashing monopoly.

As a result of that condition in the United States, for approximately the past fifty years the grass roots population of the United States has only read, heard and seen what passed Zionist censorship and best served Zionist objectives….

The Zionist-ruled media for mass information in the United States never informed the grass roots population… how and why President Woodrow Wilson lied the United States into the desperate predicament in which the United States now finds itself in the Middle East.

…The United States declared war against Germany on April 6, 1917. On April 2, 1917, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress and pleaded with them to declare war against Germany. President Wilson’s appeal to Congress… was primarily President Wilson’s liquidation of his obligation to his blackmailers. The following incontestable facts confirm that conclusion beyond all question of any doubt.

President Wilson’s hand trembled as he read his address. The members of Congress present had no reason to suspect why President Wilson’s hand trembled. …By the time President Wilson finished reading his appeal to Congress, many of his listeners were in tears but not for the reason the grass roots population of the United States today will be in tears when they finish reading this manuscript.

…Congress only declared war against Germany because President Wilson informed Congress that a German submarine had sunk the S.S. Sussex in the English channel in violation of international law and that United States citizens aboard the S.S. Sussex had perished with the ship.

After General Pershing’s troops were fighting in Europe, the hoax was exposed. …The S.S. Sussex had not been sunk and no United States citizens had lost their lives. The United States was now at war in Europe as Great Britain’s ally. That is what Great Britain and the Talmudist Jews of the world conspired to achieve in their crooked diplomatic underworld.

The discovery of the hoax by the British Navy shocked many honorable Englishmen. …The S.S. Sussex was available for anyone to visit who might care to do so to see the S.S. Sussex for themselves with their own eyes. In that war the United States mobilized 4,734,991 men to serve in the armed forces, of whom 115,516 were killed and 202,002 were either injured or maimed for life.

This author crossed the English Channel many times on the S.S. Sussex. The alleged sinking of the S.S. Sussex was the figment of an over-worked Zionist imagination.

Shortly after President Wilson’s first inauguration, President Wilson received a visitor in the White House by [the name of] Mr. Samuel Untermeyer. Mr. Untermeyer was a prominent New York City attorney who contributed generously to the National Democratic Committee that installed President Wilson in the White House….

Mr. Untermeyer surprised President Wilson when he finally stated what brought him to the White House. Mr. Untermeyer informed President Wilson that he had been retained to bring a breach of promise action against President Wilson. Mr. Untermeyer informed President Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 in lieu of commencing the breach of promise action. Mr. Untermeyer’s client was the former wife of a professor at Princeton University at the same time President Wilson was a professor at Princeton University.

Mr. Untermeyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket, written by President Wilson to his colleague’s wife when they were neighbors at Princeton University. These letters established the illicit relationship which had existed between President Wilson and the wife of his colleague neighbor. President Wilson had written many endearing letters to the wife of his colleague, many of which she never destroyed. President Wilson acknowledged his authorship of the letters after examining a few of them.

President Wilson left Princeton University to become the Governor of New Jersey. In 1912 President Wilson was elected to his first term as President of the United States. In the interim, President Wilson’s former sweetheart had divorced her husband and married again. Her second husband resided in Washington with a grown son who was in the employ of one of the leading banks in Washington.

Mr. Untermeyer explained to President Wilson that his former sweetheart was very fond of her husband’s son. Mr. Untermeyer explained that this son was in financial trouble. This son suddenly needed $40,000, as he told the story, to liquidate a pressing liability to the bank for which he worked. The details are not relevant here except that the son needed the $40,000 badly and he needed it quickly. President Wilson’s former sweetheart thought that President Wilson was the logical prospect for that $40,000 to help her husband’s son.

…President Wilson expressed himself as very fortunate that his former sweetheart went to Mr. Untermeyer to seek his assistance. The publicity could have proved very embarrassing to President Wilson if his former sweetheart had instead consulted a Republican attorney.

President Wilson quickly set Mr. Untermeyer’s mind at rest by informing Mr. Untermeyer that he did not have $40,000 available for any purpose. Mr. Untermeyer suggested that President Wilson should think the matter over….

Mr. Untermeyer returned to President Wilson a few days later as they had agreed. President Wilson did not hesitate to inform Mr. Untermeyer that he did not have the $40,000 to pay his blackmailer. President Wilson appeared irritated. Mr. Untermeyer considered the matter a few moments and then volunteered a solution to President Wilson for his problem.

Mr. Untermeyer volunteered to give President Wilson’s former sweetheart the $40,000 out of his own pocket on one condition. Mr. Untermeyer’s condition was that President Wilson promise Mr. Untermeyer to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court a nominee to be recommended to President Wilson by Mr. Untermeyer.

Without further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Untermeyer’s generous offer. Mr. Untermeyer promptly paid $40,000 in currency to President Wilson’s former sweetheart. The contemplated breach of promise suit was never heard of after that. Mr. Untermeyer retained in his possession permanently the packet of letters…. President Wilson was most grateful to Mr. Untermeyer for everything he was doing to solve his problem.

Mr. Untermeyer was a man of great wealth. The law firm in New York of which Mr. Untermeyer was the leading partner, Messrs. Guggenheim, Untermeyer, and Marshall, is still today one of the nation’s most prominent and prosperous law firms. Mr. Untermeyer organized the Bethlehem Steel Company for his friend Mr. Charles M. Schwab.

…Mr. Untermeyer paid $40,000 …out of his own pocket in the hope it might bring to pass a dream close to his heart, a Talmudist Jew on the United States Supreme Court where none ever served.

The day soon arrived when President Wilson was presented with the necessity of appointing a new member of the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Untermeyer recommended Louis Dembitz Brandeis for the vacancy. President Wilson immediately appointed him…. President Wilson and Justice Brandeis became unusually intimate friends. Justice Brandeis knew the circumstances of his appointment by President Wilson….

In 1914 Justice Brandeis was the most prominent and most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States.

…Justice Brandeis volunteered his opinion to President Wilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English channel with the loss of lives of United States citizens justified the declaration of war against Germany by the United States. Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, President Wilson… appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany and they did on April 6, 1917.

The declaration of war against Germany by the United States guaranteed [to] the Talmudist Jews throughout the world that Palestine was to be turned over to them upon the defeat of Germany. The defeat of Germany was certain if the United States could be railroaded into the war in Europe as Great Britain’s ally.

Prior to the October 1916 London Agreement, Talmudist Jews throughout the world were pro-German. The German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Talmudist Jews in Germany all civil rights enjoyed by Germans. …Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Talmudist Jews….

Talmudist Jews throughout the world were informed by cable from London about the October 1916 London Agreement. That information transformed Talmudist Jews throughout the world from pro-German to pro-British. Great Britain placed at the disposal of Talmudist Jews in London their secret codes and worldwide cable facilities to inform Talmudist Jews throughout the world about Great Britain’s pledge to turn over Palestine to them as compensation for railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain’s ally….

On April 6, 1917, President Wilson and Justice Brandeis knew something the grass roots population of the United States did not know. [They] knew the declaration of war by the United States against Germany discharged President Wilson from his obligation to his blackmailers….

There was seldom any address made to Congress that stirred the people of the United States and the world, as President Wilson’s April 2, 1917, plea to Congress to declare war against Germany. President Wilson was aware when he addressed Congress that Germany had not committed any act against the United States which justified a declaration of war…. This author at that time knew President Wilson was informed to that effect before President Wilson made his plea to Congress….

* * *

Ladies and gentlemen, what you have been listening to is an excerpt from Jewish author Benjamin H. Freedman’s manuscript entitled The Hidden Tyranny. We will continue with more amazing revelations by Mr. Freedman of the inner workings of the power elite in the next installment of “The Hidden Tyranny Revealed.”
Don Danko
Posts: 501
Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:39 am

Re: Hitler

Post by Don Danko »

Benjamin H. Freedman was a defector. He defected to the American side. And his story deserves to be told. Being of Jewish birth, he cannot be smeared as an anti-Semite. And having been a wealthy insider and witness to the machinations of America’s enemies, his insights are of the highest value to all who would understand how America has fallen so low.

On our last program, we detailed his revelations of how Woodrow Wilson was manipulated by organized Jewry to bring America into World War I. When the British Empire was in desperate straits during that war, Zionist Jews dangled before the British government the possibility of using their influence in the United States to bring America into the war on Britain’s side. Their price was a promise from Britain to cede Palestine to the Zionists after the war. Using their knowledge of a sordid instance of adultery in Woodrow Wilson’s past, they forced him to appoint a Jew to the United States Supreme Court and forced him to send hundreds of thousands of young American soldiers to be crippled and killed in a war that did not concern the United States at all. Let us continue with these revelations from an insider in a position to know. The following are the words of Benjamin H. Freedman:

* * *

In referring to the declaration of war against Germany by the United States, Sir Winston Churchill said in an interview with a prominent editor published in Scribner’s Commentator in 1936….

“America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917.”

Germany’s peace offer to Great Britain asked for neither indemnities nor reparations. Germany offered to restore the territorial status and political independence of every country with whom Great Britain was at war, as they existed in August 1914 when the war in Europe started. Germany demanded no benefits.

Germany’s October 1916 peace offer was on the table before the British War Cabinet. Germany’s… peace offer needed only one signature to end the war. Great Britain would have quickly accepted… if the World Zionist Organization had not interfered…..

When the British War Cabinet decided to accept Germany’s October 1916 peace offer, the World Zionist Organization offered to railroad the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain’s ally if Great Britain promised the Talmudist Jews of the world Palestine as compensation after Germany’s defeat….

Talmudist Jew pressure in London and Talmudist Jew pressure in New York prevailed. President Wilson had little choice in the matter it seemed. President Wilson was the captive of circumstances in his early life that could not be altered. President Wilson’s April 2, 1917, address to Congress was about to decide the fate of the world.

…Germans regarded [these activities] as a double-cross by Talmudist Jews….

Talmudist Jews promise[d the] Germans victory, then stab[bed] them in the back….

The Kaiser provided the World Zionist Organization with the offices for their world headquarters in Berlin. The Kaiser, his family, and government officials were constantly extending assistance to Theodor Herzl [Note: Theodor Herzl, 1860-1904, was the founder of modern Zionism and the leader of the World Zionist Organization. — Ed.]. Germany extended opportunities to Talmudist Jews not available in other European countries. The Kaiser himself arranged the personal meeting between the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Theodor Herzl.

Bleichroder and Company in Berlin were the private bankers of the Kaiser’s family for generations. They were Talmudist Jews. Warburg and Company of Hamburg were the world’s largest merchant bankers. They were Talmudist Jews. The head of the German General Electric Company, then the world’s largest industrial enterprise, was a Talmudist Jew.

The attitude of Germans toward Talmudist Jews in Germany and throughout the world worsened much after the October 1916 stab in the back….

Talmudist Jews throughout the world made bad matters worse on August 7, 1933, when [they] declared their holy war to destroy the German nation by destroying their export trade upon which their very existence depends. Under the leadership of Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, Talmudist Jews of the world declared a boycott on all German goods and services. They asked their Christian friends to join their worldwide boycott….

Samuel Untermeyer
Mr. Samuel Untermeyer arranged for the International Boycott Conference in Amsterdam in July 1933. Mr. Untermeyer was elected there the president of the World Jewish Economic Federation…..

The New York Times of August 7, 1933, published the Talmudist Jews’ declaration of their holy war against Germany in a three-column report of Mr. Untermeyer’s address to the nation from Columbia Broadcasting Company’s studio on the night of his arrival home from Europe. Mr. Untermeyer among other things stated:

” [The] holy war in which we are embarked… is a war which must be waged unremittingly….

” …the Jews are the aristocrats of the world….

“…[This] economic boycott against all German goods, shipping, and services… is our only really effective weapon… [to] bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends… we shall force them to learn… we will drive the last nail in the coffin….”

This statement was made on August 7, 1933, when not a hair on the head of a Talmudist Jew in all Germany had been touched. Germany was plunged into a depression difficult to describe in a few words, Germany’s export business suddenly ending as if by magic. Talmudist Jews hoped [in] that way to stop Germans from continuing to talk about why they lost the war.

The eminent Rabbi Maurice L. Perlman, head of the British section of the World Jewish Congress, stated to a Canadian audience as reported by the Toronto Evening Telegram of February 26, 1940, that The World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years.

President Roosevelt was a captive of the Talmudist Jews from the time he went to Albany as Governor of the State of New York. …President Roosevelt railroaded the United States into the Second World War.

Germany and Poland had agreed upon a formula giving Germany access across the Danzig Corridor. President Wilson in 1919 created the Danzig Corridor which separated Germany into two halves… separated by a strip of German territory granted to Poland …in order to keep Germany weak… at the instigation of Talmudist Jews at the Versailles Peace Conference….

Crossing the Danzig Corridor from western Germany to eastern Germany or vice versa was like traveling from one country to another country. [Due to] the inconveniences, the delays and annoyances, Germany and Poland had finally worked out their acceptable arrangement that eliminated a majority of German objections to the Danzig Corridor. Germany and Poland reached a basis that would serve to prevent Germany’s resort to more aggressive action.

Adolf Hitler was the head of the German government at the time. Talmudist Jews throughout the world opposed the peaceful adjustment between Germany and Poland of the Danzig Corridor situation. Unrestricted access of traffic between the western half and eastern half of Germany would soon make Germany again the most powerful country in the world. Talmudist Jews throughout the world dreaded the thought.

Shortly before the agreement with Germany was to be signed, Poland secretly signed a treaty with Great Britain dated August 25, 1939. Great Britain agreed in that treaty to hasten to the military assistance of Poland …if Poland were attacked by Germany. With that assurance from Great Britain, Poland broke off negotiations with Germany. Germany did not understand the reason for Poland’s sudden change of mind and decided to proceed with the terms of arrangement agreed upon with Poland. That was the start of World War II.

Great Britain knowingly deceived Poland when [they] promised military assistance…. Great Britain could not come to Poland’s assistance and Great Britain knew it when [the] offer of military assistance… was made.

Poland’s unexplained discontinuance of negotiations with Germany to complete the Danzig Corridor agreement resulted in Germany’s troops moving into the Danzig Corridor without an agreement with Poland. Great Britain knew exactly what would take place in that event, that it would mean the beginning of World War II. The rest is history. Talmudist Jews of the world welcomed a war against Germany in 1939….

President Roosevelt tried his hardest in 1939 to railroad the United States into the war in Europe to accommodate Talmudist Jews in the United States. Germany learned by experience in World War I that the entry of the United States into the war in Europe in 1939 could prove equally disastrous to Germany…. Germany exercised extraordinary caution not to provide the United States with justification under international law to declare war against Germany. That situation presented President Roosevelt with a problem.

Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
President Roosevelt decided if it were impossible for him to get into the war in Europe through the front door that he would railroad the United States into the war in Europe through the back door. Through the back door meant through Japan.

…Germany and Japan had a treaty under which if either Germany or Japan were attacked by a third power, the country which was not attacked by the third power automatically is at war with that third power. President Roosevelt planned to provoke Japan so Japan would attack the United States. Japan in December 1941 attacked Pearl Harbor. The United States immediately declared war against Japan and automatically was at war with Germany.

The personal diary of the Honorable Mr. Henry L. Stimson and all his papers are in Yale University library. Mr. Stimson each day entered in his personal diary in his own handwriting the important events in his life that day. Mr. Stimson was President Roosevelt’s Secretary of War. Mr. Stimson’s diary was introduced as evidence in the United States Senate investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan over the strong objections of friends of President Roosevelt.

Mr. Stimson entered in his diary on November 25, 1941, two weeks before Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, that at a meeting with President Roosevelt and his Cabinet that morning at the White House, President Roosevelt told those present that he wished to be at war against Japan but that he did not want it to appear that the United States fired the first shot.

…President Roosevelt advised Japan they could purchase no more steel scrap or oil from the United States. Japan was in the midst of a war against China. Without scrap steel and without oil Japan would be unable to continue that war. Japan was totally dependent upon the United States for both steel scrap and oil. …President Roosevelt knowingly provoked Japan to attack the United States.

President Harry S. Truman made his great contribution to the desperate predicament in which the United States today finds itself in the Middle East when he recognized as a sovereign state an armed uprising in Palestine by 800,000 armed aliens transplanted into Palestine in a conspiracy organized by Talmudist Jews throughout the world. President Truman in 1946 suffered from a pathological obsession that he must be elected President of the United States in 1948 on his own account.

Mr. Clark M. Clifford [Note: Clark M. Clifford, 1906-1998 , attorney (Clifford and Warnke) and tired old establishment war horse, was the architect of Truman’s 1948 campaign and himself a strong advocate of recognizing Israel. He also co-wrote the National Security Act, which created the Central Intelligence Agency; organized the transition between the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations; and, until succeeded by Nicholas Katzenbach in 1991, was chairman of First American Bankshares, which had links to the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). He defended BCCI twice; in 1978 against the SEC regarding BCCI’s takeover of Financial General Bankshares; and in 1989 against drug-related money-laundering charges in Florida. In the latter case, BCCI paid a $15 million fine; Clifford’s retainer was $45.3 million. On July 29, 1992, Clifford was indicted on ten counts by a federal grand jury for his involvement in the BCCI affair. — Ed.], Secretary of Defense under President Lyndon B. Johnson, deserves a great deal of credit for the recognition of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, by the United States. Mr. Eliahu Epstein, the United States representative of the Jewish Agency in Washington in 1948, told the story in his three page article in the Jewish Chronicle of London in its 10th Anniversary issue… celebrating the founding of the State of Israel.

Mr. Clifford undoubtedly was anxious to help because President Truman had confided in his close friends that he wished to recognize the Zionist state in the first hour of its birth as he did. The State of Israel was officially proclaimed in Tel Aviv at midnight on May 14, 1948. President Truman recognized the State of Israel eleven minutes after midnight.

President Truman finally advised this author that he did not wish to carry on the discussion of the Zionist question with him any further. He wrote to this author that he had turned over the entire Palestine question to the Honorable David Niles. Talmudist Jews were willing to carry out their part of the bargain with President Truman…. Although the odds in President Truman’s election were 20 to 1 against his election, President Truman romped home the winner over Governor Dewey assisted by the invisible and invincible Zionist political steam-roller that always elects their candidates.

President Truman not only used the power and prestige of the United States to compel the United Nations to admit the State of Israel as a peace loving nation… but he made billions of United States taxpayer dollars available to Talmudist Jews to make the State of Israel powerful.

When the day to vote for the admission of the State of Israel arrived, they were short two votes.

The plan was about to collapse. In the emergency Mr. Charles H. Silver engaged Cardinal Spellman to make two trips to South America to change their votes in the United Nations….

The newspapers around the world on June 11, 1964, published Mr. Silver’s confession of a secret I have kept for fifteen years. The secret Cardinal Spellman kept with Mr. Silver was that Cardinal Spellman was sent to South America by Mr. Silver on behalf of the Talmudist Jews in New York….

This author was a close personal friend of Cardinal Spellman for twenty-five years. Cardinal Spellman confessed to this author several years ago that he felt he had committed an irreparable sin by conspiring with the Talmudist Jews… to elect the State of Israel as a member of the United Nations. In the midst of that bloody fighting in the Middle East in June 1967, Cardinal Spellman told this author when alone with him in his study that he felt personally responsible for all the lives lost in the 1967 invasion of the United Arab Republic and Syria by the State of Israel.

* * *

You have been listening to the words of Jewish author Benjamin H. Freedman, a few excerpts from his hard-to-find manuscript The Hidden Tyranny. Mr. Freedman, who was born in 1890, was a witness to Zionist machinations for decades at the very highest level, but after the Judaeo-Communist victory in 1945 he became disgusted with the chicanery of his co-racialists and broke with the Jewish elite, and spent a substantial portion of his sizable fortune in an attempt to bring the truth to Americans. If you are curious why this Jewish author, Benjamin Freedman, invariably uses the term Talmudist Jews, you’ll have to tune in to our next program.
Don Danko
Posts: 501
Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:39 am

Re: Hitler

Post by Don Danko »

Ford published his own book warning America about the Jewish problem and also sent major funds to the National Socialist movement in Germany during the years of struggle.


Ford when asked on the Protocols of Zion stated he believed them true. The fact their true was confirmed by the Chilean diplomat Serrano in his own works he proved this.
Don Danko
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Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:39 am

Re: Hitler

Post by Don Danko »

American President Nixon tried to do what Hitler did for Germany for his own nation.

President Nixon, Vice President Agnew, Fought Against Jewish Media Monopoly And Jewish Power

Vice President Agnew who fought against the Media Monopoly which made him famous made this speech to the American People in the summer of 1973. After this the Jews swarmed in on Agnew's and forced him to resign from office.

The speech that cost Agnew his career:

Vice President's Agnew's address:

"The people who own and manage national impact media are Jewish and, with other influential Jews, helped create a disastrous U.S. Mideast policy. All you have to do is check the real policy makers and owners and you find a much higher concentration of Jewish people than you<re going to find in the population.

By national impact media I am referring to the major news wire services, pollsters, Time and Newsweek magazines, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the International Herald Tribune. For example, CBS' Mr. Paley's Jewish. Mr. Julian Goodman, who runs NBC, and there's a Leonard Goldenson at ABC. Mrs. Katherine Graham owns The Washington Posta and Mr. Sulzberger The New York Times. They are all Jews!

You go down the line in that fashion...not just with ownership but go down to the managing posts and discretionary posts...and you'll find that through their aggressiveness and their inventiveness, they now dominate the news media. Not only in the media, but in academic communities, the financial communities, in the foundations, in all sorts of highly visible and influential services that involve the public, they now have a tremendous voice.

Our policy in the Middle East in my judgement is disastrous, because it's not even handed. I see no reason why nearly half the foreign aid this nation has to give goes to Israel, except for the influence of tis Zionist lobby. I think the power of the media is in the hands of a few people...it's not subject to control for the voters, it's subject only to the whim of the board of directors.' -Vice President Agnew, from Newsweek, Vol.87 1976

President Nixon spoke about this same topic which came public with the Nixon tapes which President Nixon recorded all his conversations in the Oval Office.

From a taped conversation on February 1, 1973 on the subject of Jewish control of the media. Between President Nixon and Reverend Billy Graham were they talk of the Jewish stranglehold on American media:

"This [Jewish] stranglehold has go to be broken of the country's going down the drain."

"You believe that?"

"Yes sir".

"Oh boy, So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it."

Nixon mentioned during these conversations he wanted to do something about the Jewish power monopoly over media and political power in America but he wanted to wait for a second term. Nixon had drawn up lists of powerful Jewish elitists in the media, and other key power positions in America for the FBI, CIA and IRS to go after. The Jews found out about Nixon's planned purge of their anti-American cabal and swarmed down on Nixon and made sure his career was ended. Nixon had been close to McCarthy who went after the Jews and their Communist subversion of America. The Jews destroyed McCarthy for the same reason.

Of course when this came out in the media years later Graham cucked down and groveled like a good Christian before his Jewish masters. He went as far as stating he will crawl to the Jews on his knees and beg forgiveness. That is how much power Jews have they can make the most powerful man in the Free World. The American President terrified of them and their media control and power monopoly and have the most power Christian Leader in America crawl before them on his hands and knees. And ruin the career of a Vice President.

Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star, Texe Marrs
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Re: Hitler

Post by AnonPoster »

HPBlackMamba wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:10 am
AnonPoster wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:01 am
HPBlackMamba wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 4:17 am Did I blaspheme your God?
Yes and also my biggest hero who I work hard to do rtrs for and spread the truth online. Hitler was about love.
Well, who can blame you? Hitler Jesus has nice tits
Your not a very good HP to be honest I think if truth 4 Satan (change the ghetto "niggah" 4 to the proper English for) is to be big then we need to demand much better. You are not on the Calaber of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson or Hitler. I think you should be fired from your position. You call yourself a freedom fighter but keep messing up in the basic things.
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Re: Hitler

Post by HPBlackMamba »

AnonPoster wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:04 pm
HPBlackMamba wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:10 am
AnonPoster wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:01 am

Yes and also my biggest hero who I work hard to do rtrs for and spread the truth online. Hitler was about love.
Well, who can blame you? Hitler Jesus has nice tits
Your not a very good HP to be honest I think if truth 4 Satan (change the ghetto "niggah" 4 to the proper English for) is to be big then we need to demand much better. You are not on the Calaber of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson or Hitler. I think you should be fired from your position. You call yourself a freedom fighter but keep messing up in the basic things.
Good! I don't want to be your HP. I am a priest over my own life and that is all I care about...
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Re: Hitler

Post by AnonPoster »

HPBlackMamba wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:49 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:04 pm
HPBlackMamba wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:10 am

Well, who can blame you? Hitler Jesus has nice tits
Your not a very good HP to be honest I think if truth 4 Satan (change the ghetto "niggah" 4 to the proper English for) is to be big then we need to demand much better. You are not on the Calaber of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson or Hitler. I think you should be fired from your position. You call yourself a freedom fighter but keep messing up in the basic things.
Good! I don't want to be your HP. I am a priest over my own life and that is all I care about...
That is called fake western individualism. It doesn't work. One can never be a complete autonomous individual totally separate from the whole. A good system has a healthy balance of collectivism and individualism.
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Re: Hitler

Post by AnonPoster »

HPBlackMamba wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:59 pm This video is very interesting
I know you don't care about the topic but thanks for watching.
Jos members (and others) will say it's just 'enemy propaganda' as always

Jews use reverse psychology. They are talking so bad extremely bad about their own so you don't came near to them and to keep them united while persecuted. Is as simple as that

This why people needs to be very careful about any NS front.
Don't hate the jews, don't hate any other race, (This will fuel them further) - JUST LOVE AND PREOTECT YOUR OWN

If Hitler will be proven to be part of the tribe it won't demoralize people (as the fools or sneaky ones want you to believe), on the contrary.

Hitler did not invent race. You can love your race without Hitler in question and without hating anybody else.
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Re: Hitler

Post by HPBlackMamba »

AnonPoster wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:10 am
HPBlackMamba wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:59 pm This video is very interesting
I know you don't care about the topic but thanks for watching.
Jos members (and others) will say it's just 'enemy propaganda' as always

Jews use reverse psychology. They are talking so bad extremely bad about their own so you don't came near to them and to keep them united while persecuted. Is as simple as that

This why people needs to be very careful about any NS front.
Don't hate the jews, don't hate any other race, (This will fuel them further) - JUST LOVE AND PREOTECT YOUR OWN

If Hitler will be proven to be part of the tribe it won't demoralize people (as the fools or sneaky ones want you to believe), on the contrary.

Hitler did not invent race. You can love your race without Hitler in question and without hating anybody else.
From the very start I have given proof that Satanism is a philosophy of individualism. This means that we value people according to the content of their character, instead of their collective groups. For example, instead of valuing people according to their racial group, nation, religion etc. We get to know people for who they are and then make a judgement based on that.

Are there Jews that are bad and evil? I am sure that there are, but bad and evil people exist among all races, creeds and cultures. I object to Judaisms religious and cultural beliefs. But then again, I object to the religious beliefs of all religions i.e. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. This has nothing to do with the people though. I hate the beliefs and NOT the people.
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