The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by AnonPoster »

god is good and the god sheeet is the smoke satan and god are backwards satan is the goooood :obscene-smokingweed: :obscene-smokingweed: :obscene-smokingweed: :obscene-smokingweed: :obscene-smokingweed: :obscene-smokingweed: this is true satanism the good is my church and satan is my blunt
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Don Danko
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Don Danko »

I have had a lot of former JoS people pm and tell me the same you are. But a lot of them are sacred to say it in public. You can witness why Sitardass finally came out on his main account after trolling on the Anon account forever just to attack you with nonsense you really triggered him and the JoS Cobra crew. They attempt to lie, harass and make people fearful to say anything. Nick is a bitch and he knows it. They got no magic, no brains and no backbone. How is Mamba just standing there laughing at three plus years of their magic directed against him and doing fine.... He is right they are weak bitches. He is the proof. People should remember this as a lot of people believe that Coblah is some deep level dark sorcerer and they are sacred of the magic that does not exist. How is Mamba doing fine then...They brag they are cursing him for years around the clock and he is not even effected by it. Mamba is correct they are weak bitches.

Eric13 wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:36 pm
Don Danko wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:23 am
Hi, Don , this is Eric13 from the jos forums, not sure if you remember me. Boy am I glad I found you and these forums. I’ve been binging your posts for the last couple of days reading your whole side of things. I would say it’s shocking but it isn’t. All of it makes sense and the pieces are finally coming together.

What was truly shocking to me and made no sense was when you were called an infiltrator and removed. I remember thinking how is this possible? There were no red flags. Now reading your side, it’s easy to digest how Maxine and cobra are the true liars because there was a million red flags with them all along and I was in too much denial to see them for what they are. Fact is I’ve been doing jos meditations and rtrs for years and my life sucks. I’ve been on the verge of mental breakdowns so bad. Contemplating suicide like so many others.

I had every single prominent member on the jos turn on me for simply criticizing this terrible non functioning pointless astrology website they made. For questioning your whole removal Cobra accused me of being an infiltrator and made up lies of me harassing women online. I literally have never privately talked to anyone online ever accept cobra and Lydia ever. So how am I harassing women? Just a straight lie out of nowhere to defame and discredit me. Ive struggled with enemy possession and other horrible interactions with enemy spirits for over 3 years of trying to get the gods to help me with it nothing has worked. Cobra just calls me a schizo. I basically stopped doing rtrs recently cause I feel like shit every time I do them. It’s so refreshing to see you’re still here and fine and weren’t the liar all along. I never looked for these forums cause I was so loyal to the jos. But man I was so angry cause I’ve literally hated cobra for so long. And I’ve felt so guilty about it. But he’s truly horrible. But I kept thinking how I never believed what they said about you and finally I was like, I’m gonna look for Mageson. Man, I am so happy to have found you. Glad you’re doing good mein bro. Hope to learn more. I’m officially leaving the jos and those pretentious holier than though psychopaths. It feels bad having wasted almost 15 years on that path. Can’t imagine how you felt. But glad it’s over.
Last edited by Don Danko on Wed Dec 22, 2021 7:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
Don Danko
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Don Danko »

Cobra getting caught lying in public about Maxine still being around would have been the obvious reveal he is a lying dork to anyone paying attention. And now Cobra changing Maxine's story of Father Satan was going to give her the Magnum Opus to give to the whole JoS in public on line. To Cobra now changing this to almost no one is getting the Magnum Opus in the JoS because they are not worthy is a cover for the fact Cobra has no Magnum Opus and neither did Maxine.

Eric13 wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:36 pm
Don Danko wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:23 am
Hi, Don , this is Eric13 from the jos forums, not sure if you remember me. Boy am I glad I found you and these forums. I’ve been binging your posts for the last couple of days reading your whole side of things. I would say it’s shocking but it isn’t. All of it makes sense and the pieces are finally coming together.

What was truly shocking to me and made no sense was when you were called an infiltrator and removed. I remember thinking how is this possible? There were no red flags. Now reading your side, it’s easy to digest how Maxine and cobra are the true liars because there was a million red flags with them all along and I was in too much denial to see them for what they are. Fact is I’ve been doing jos meditations and rtrs for years and my life sucks. I’ve been on the verge of mental breakdowns so bad. Contemplating suicide like so many others.

I had every single prominent member on the jos turn on me for simply criticizing this terrible non functioning pointless astrology website they made. For questioning your whole removal Cobra accused me of being an infiltrator and made up lies of me harassing women online. I literally have never privately talked to anyone online ever accept cobra and Lydia ever. So how am I harassing women? Just a straight lie out of nowhere to defame and discredit me. Ive struggled with enemy possession and other horrible interactions with enemy spirits for over 3 years of trying to get the gods to help me with it nothing has worked. Cobra just calls me a schizo. I basically stopped doing rtrs recently cause I feel like shit every time I do them. It’s so refreshing to see you’re still here and fine and weren’t the liar all along. I never looked for these forums cause I was so loyal to the jos. But man I was so angry cause I’ve literally hated cobra for so long. And I’ve felt so guilty about it. But he’s truly horrible. But I kept thinking how I never believed what they said about you and finally I was like, I’m gonna look for Mageson. Man, I am so happy to have found you. Glad you’re doing good mein bro. Hope to learn more. I’m officially leaving the jos and those pretentious holier than though psychopaths. It feels bad having wasted almost 15 years on that path. Can’t imagine how you felt. But glad it’s over.
Don Danko
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Don Danko »

I found out the Final RTR is a Kabbalah ritual the Jews do themselves and that Maxine lied about Hitler and Satanism her main source the book: The Spear of Destiny, for all her major claims is a fictional book. Then the fact I found out after she had been just stealing off numerous authors from Delong to Drunvalo Melchizedek was not surprising after that. After that I left because its all lies. The last part was understanding the Shlomo demon dimension they are not gods just Hebrew angels from Kabbalah magic.
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Eric13 »

siatris666 wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 2:16 am

nigga stop lying will u. i knew u harass the Lydia she told us . u were trying to hit her all time in emails. u jealous fag. u also slander a girl like her in this forum too . there is post attacking lydia in this forum.

it hurts u. weak ass bitch

i was sent email RIGHT NOW where u say about greys INSIDE U after i ask abt u. u fucking grey, shut ur fucking mouth. KIKE BITCH

u ARE a schizo. making 1000000 accounts to lie dick ass.

first u speak of gods, jos and cobra, now u knife in the back

you are nothing. only another kikestein i remember too ur other post shit on another project

bitch ass nigga. gods didnt help u cause u fucking suck
I think the reason I can see they’re the true liars so easily is because I’m experiencing it directly. When cobra said I was harassing women my first thought was does he mean lydia? She’s the only women I’ve messaged. So I asked her. She said no you haven’t harassed me I’ll message cobra and clear that up. So she did and then cobra privately said to me “my bad, me and you are okay now.” Now they want to change their tune? See Mageson is right. They’re liars. I’ve never harassed anyone. I don’t talk to anyone. I mind my business.

As far as you, after you’ve read everything don has to say from his perspective on the cobra, Maxine rtr subjects and why you still maintain loyalty to the Jos, it’s very clear. You have very bizarre emotional tantrums in all of your posts indicating a strong inability to reason. You get triggered the same way a xian does when you question their god and they just want to beat you up. It’s insecurity. It’s the same reason why cobra flips out all the time and just screams at people. Same with Maxine. It’s all insecurity. I don’t see don or any of the others who left the Jos having tantrums. Just you and your gang. Everyone else is quite level headed. Think about that if you’re able.
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Eric13 »

Don Danko wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 7:42 am I have had a lot of former JoS people pm and tell me the same you are. But a lot of them are sacred to say it in public. You can witness why Sitardass finally came out on his main account after trolling on the Anon account forever just to attack you with nonsense you really triggered him and the JoS Cobra crew. They attempt to lie, harass and make people fearful to say anything.
The only major thing I disagreed with you on, which was quite important, was that Buckethead isn’t retarded lol. It’s a character.

But in all seriousness yes, you’re right. It’s all fear mongering. So many of his sermons are meant to scare you into doom and gloom. I would repeatedly make responses trying to urge people to stay positive. Those were ignored. In our last big debate where cobra was having a 2 year old tantrum, I remember just trying to stay calm. And the calmer my posts were he just deleted them. I questioned a lot privately but I was genuinely terrified to question anything publicly. That’s the environment they create.

Another thing, HP myla just left the ministry. And she made an announcement saying so. But was it put at the top announcement section? No. Hardly anyone saw it and almost no replies. Cobra doesn’t want people to know he’s the only HP there now. That it is literally a dictatorship. It’s the cobra show. I was fiercely loyal to them all. And by just questioning they’ll turn on you. That’s how much they care for their members who don’t play ball. Shannon is all but gone. Never there. Hope she comes around and sees what’s going on. I know she’s already questioning things.

With Maxine. Cobra makes you feel like you’re insane to think her just up and leaving is a weird thing. He says “this isn’t a movie where you hold hands and sail off into the sunset. It’s real life.. bla bla bla” I didn’t realize saying goodbye was something only in the movies. Especially when it means not just saying goodbye but passing the baton onto another after a long serious shady history of hps. They literally make you feel insane. I was at a point where I was questioning everything about myself. Like there was something wrong with my soul that was incurable. Cause I asked cobra if you were jew. He said he didn’t know but there was something wrong with your soul that is not fixable. I began to think holy shit, is that what’s wrong with me? It’s these types of thoughts that lead people to suicide. This is how evil his behavior has been. It’s not a joke. People literally are dying and going insane and on drugs from this cult. It’s criminal.
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Eric13 »

Oh and btw, I’m not afraid to admit who I am. I don’t live in a fear based world like those in the jos. I can admit who I am without fear. The truth doesn’t need fear. Lies do. There’s a reason the jos focuses on fear. Everything is, “Guys we’re fucked if we don’t spam rtrs. The end is coming, if you don’t spam the fuck out of rtrs bla bla” Never a focus on progress. Just “yeah shits hitting the fan. Up your rtrs.” Total fear mongering. Same with the so called demons. None of them helped me when I needed it. It was always “do more rtrs and we’ll help” nothing ever happened..
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Agni »

The lesson we learn from JoS is that Cobra is not to be trusted, nor his followers. All they seek is to put you down while they make the law as they please. You cant have an opinion. If you do have an opinion then you are against them. That means your social status goes straight down. JoS is no more than a communistic group.

There is no real advancement there. All you do there is to try and breathe in some energy and then spam those damn RTRs.

How does your soul advances then? How?

You think that breathing in some small amounts will advance you when you constantly drain yourself with RTRs?
There are no real spiritual practices in JoS. And if they are, they are only things that get you nowhere.

If you ask something about it or question some things. Then my friend you are working against JoS. And the last thing you will expect is to have some shady figures at your door with the intent to kill you or to threaten you to shut up.

JoS has become what it swore to destroy.
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by 666siatris »

Eric13 wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:56 pm
siatris666 wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 2:16 am

nigga stop lying will u. i knew u harass the Lydia she told us . u were trying to hit her all time in emails. u jealous fag. u also slander a girl like her in this forum too . there is post attacking lydia in this forum.

it hurts u. weak ass bitch

i was sent email RIGHT NOW where u say about greys INSIDE U after i ask abt u. u fucking grey, shut ur fucking mouth. KIKE BITCH

u ARE a schizo. making 1000000 accounts to lie dick ass.

first u speak of gods, jos and cobra, now u knife in the back

you are nothing. only another kikestein i remember too ur other post shit on another project

bitch ass nigga. gods didnt help u cause u fucking suck
I think the reason I can see they’re the true liars so easily is because I’m experiencing it directly. When cobra said I was harassing women my first thought was does he mean lydia? She’s the only women I’ve messaged. So I asked her. She said no you haven’t harassed me I’ll message cobra and clear that up. So she did and then cobra privately said to me “my bad, me and you are okay now.” Now they want to change their tune? See Mageson is right. They’re liars. I’ve never harassed anyone. I don’t talk to anyone. I mind my business.

As far as you, after you’ve read everything don has to say from his perspective on the cobra, Maxine rtr subjects and why you still maintain loyalty to the Jos, it’s very clear. You have very bizarre emotional tantrums in all of your posts indicating a strong inability to reason. You get triggered the same way a xian does when you question their god and they just want to beat you up. It’s insecurity. It’s the same reason why cobra flips out all the time and just screams at people. Same with Maxine. It’s all insecurity. I don’t see don or any of the others who left the Jos having tantrums. Just you and your gang. Everyone else is quite level headed. Think about that if you’re able.
i was lock from my other account. thanks mambe.

about you, kike, all magestein is doing here for years is rant. like urself.

you join him because ure weak and shit. ur common mission is slander. only.

like him you write bs lies. ure in a place that attack JOS from day 1.

you attack all SS who done work for SATAN before too. you are a toxic cockroach

i treat u like cobra never did. he talked to ur worthless ass like human being.

don is a tantrum and a kike rabbi writing lies all day. thats all he does. lol

only ur public behavior is enough you toxic grey possessed creature. you even wrrote this LOL
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by 666siatris »

Eric13 wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 2:21 pm Oh and btw, I’m not afraid to admit who I am. I don’t live in a fear based world like those in the jos. I can admit who I am without fear. The truth doesn’t need fear. Lies do. There’s a reason the jos focuses on fear. Everything is, “Guys we’re fucked if we don’t spam rtrs. The end is coming, if you don’t spam the fuck out of rtrs bla bla” Never a focus on progress. Just “yeah shits hitting the fan. Up your rtrs.” Total fear mongering. Same with the so called demons. None of them helped me when I needed it. It was always “do more rtrs and we’ll help” nothing ever happened..
so fearful :lol: :lol: :lol:
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