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Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:33 pm
by Eric13
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:58 am If Satanism was a sect of Judaism then why don't we allow the jews at JOS and also why do we do rtrs.
Rtrs are Jewish rituals. Point proven.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:34 pm
by Eric13
Owenavo wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:22 pm Wtf did I just read? Lol
Just a collection of facts. Do the research.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:45 pm
by Eric13
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:45 am
Satanism is not a sect of Judaism, in Satanism it's OK to eat pork, and this is encouraged. How do you think Jews will feel about that?
Here is the definition of sect: ‘a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs from those of a larger group to which they belong.’

So the pork thing is an illogical counter argument. Just as in xianity certain sects fallow certain diets and traditions while others don’t. That argument made no sense.

And the rest of your claims on Satanism just align with my first statement. We’re talking about a different sect. Not 100% the same thing. My points were made off of legitimate history and how Satanism came to be as an extension from the jews as a direct thoughtful act. Satanism wasn’t an accidental thing. But A premeditated extension of Judaism. The theistic Satanists work with Hebrew spirits. Including the Jos. You’re a Satanist and so are biased so I understand you trying to defend and that’s okay. I was too for over 13 years. But counter arguments must be logical. I’ve dived into the research. This is what I found and I’m sharing. To the wrong crowd I know. But the aim is to help.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:06 pm
by HPBlackMamba
Eric13 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:45 pm
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:45 am
Satanism is not a sect of Judaism, in Satanism it's OK to eat pork, and this is encouraged. How do you think Jews will feel about that?
Here is the definition of sect: ‘a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs from those of a larger group to which they belong.’

So the pork thing is an illogical counter argument. Just as in xianity certain sects fallow certain diets and traditions while others don’t. That argument made no sense.

And the rest of your claims on Satanism just align with my first statement. We’re talking about a different sect. Not 100% the same thing. My points were made off of legitimate history and how Satanism came to be as an extension from the jews as a direct thoughtful act. Satanism wasn’t an accidental thing. But A premeditated extension of Judaism. The theistic Satanists work with Hebrew spirits. Including the Jos. You’re a Satanist and so are biased so I understand you trying to defend and that’s okay. I was too for over 13 years. But counter arguments must be logical. I’ve dived into the research. This is what I found and I’m sharing. To the wrong crowd I know. But the aim is to help.
By your definition Bhuddism is just another sect of Christianity, and not a different philosophy entirely. Satanism isn't "somewhat" different. It's radically different from Judaism, we are speaking Polar opposites here.

As for your research, I am skeptical about that, because you claim that theistic Satanists work with Hebrew spirits when the actual truth is that they are Pagan Sun worshipers. Here is my source:

You did 13 years of research but you can't even get that right.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:22 pm
by Eric13
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:06 pm
Eric13 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:45 pm
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:45 am
Satanism is not a sect of Judaism, in Satanism it's OK to eat pork, and this is encouraged. How do you think Jews will feel about that?
Here is the definition of sect: ‘a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs from those of a larger group to which they belong.’

So the pork thing is an illogical counter argument. Just as in xianity certain sects fallow certain diets and traditions while others don’t. That argument made no sense.

And the rest of your claims on Satanism just align with my first statement. We’re talking about a different sect. Not 100% the same thing. My points were made off of legitimate history and how Satanism came to be as an extension from the jews as a direct thoughtful act. Satanism wasn’t an accidental thing. But A premeditated extension of Judaism. The theistic Satanists work with Hebrew spirits. Including the Jos. You’re a Satanist and so are biased so I understand you trying to defend and that’s okay. I was too for over 13 years. But counter arguments must be logical. I’ve dived into the research. This is what I found and I’m sharing. To the wrong crowd I know. But the aim is to help.
By your definition Bhuddism is just another sect of Christianity, and not a different philosophy entirely. Satanism isn't "somewhat" different. It's radically different from Judaism, we are speaking Polar opposites here.

As for your research, I am skeptical about that, because you claim that theistic Satanists work with Hebrew spirits when the actual truth is that they are Pagan Sun worshipers. Here is my source:

You did 13 years of research but you can't even get that right.
Mamba, try and think clearly before commenting. It’s not my definition. It’s in the dictionary. And how on earth you took that definition to mean Buddhism and xianity are the same is beyond me. Maybe you missed the last words of the definition.

And actually I explained how they work with Hebrew spirits. It comes from the goetia. I explained that all.

Don had it right which is why he left here. Satanism, Lucifer it’s all Judaism. He took a while to figure it out. But it’s the last thing he acknowledged before leaving. I then did private research that confirmed his claims and also had my own experiences that alined with his and now I’m echoing his sentiments to help others avoid the trap of Satanism. The fact that your arguments are in the manor they are in is just confirmation of the weak foundation your beliefs are on.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:27 pm
by Eric13
Here’s the thing mamba, you’re one of the so called leaders of this place. Your life’s dedicated here so you’re in the same position Cobra is in. You can’t admit your wrong cause all of the work you’ve done falls apart. The site would be pointless, ect. So I don’t expect you to reasonably listen to the info I posted. You’re grounded in your point of view. My aim was to help others who actually are salvageable.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:26 pm
by AnonPoster
Judaism and Paganism is the only two religions that have any truth in them. It's what side you on that counts. The rest of the religions in the world are simply slave bait. They are not really fully on any side. They are pawns.

I bet Mamba loves reading Torah prayers and playing with his dradle while celebrating "Haunnakah in Hell" at least we at the jos love the pagan side of things.

We half are Judaism because the Jew holidays and rituals are the most paid attention too but we are on the side of Jewish Satan and Haman so no we don't love jews.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:48 pm
by Seeker83
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:44 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:58 am If Satanism was a sect of Judaism then why don't we allow the jews at JOS and also why do we do rtrs.
In the same way that Christians use the term "Satanic" to describe anyone and anything they dislike, JoSers label anyone who disagrees with them or questions their doctrine as "Jewish".
I guess that's one of the reasons why I like being here because we can disagree with one another. Even disagree with the clergy. HPMamba you have my respect that way.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:02 pm
by AnonPoster
Mamba practices regular Judaism so the points made on these issues are not good ones by him.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 5:33 pm
by Thanksgiving
something I have come to note over the years is that jews flock to Satanism. They are overrepresented in it. Most satanists groups are full of jews and antifa types who basically just promote anarchism and marxism while adopting degenerate norms. Because satanism like communism is "against the system" and another method of recruiting degenerates, asocial types, and misfits to use them as useful tools, a battering ram to destabilize society. many gentiles into satanism seem to have cursed lives. early deaths, driven mad, mentally unstable, met with misfortune, living in poverty.....

I don't think it's a coincidence that the founder of satanism and the church of satan was a jew and so was most of his "elite" club members. (Anton Lavey). No he was not a gentile born into a jewish body. That is a massive cope/made up bs.

while on the other hand I notice there is very few jews in paganism. the JOS did a lot of mental gymnastics to justify Satan being Odin/Zeus or whatever, because that is what the gentiles in it naturally want. There is always kind of an uneasiness with just "satan" which is why they dress him up as a Pagan god like Odin, the type of figure that the people truly want. there is an alien toxcity around satanism that even an untrained person will notice at first, but promises of psychic abiities, and godhood, and the feeling of being on a true spiritual path can easily suck one in.