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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:56 am
by ImprisonedSoul
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:54 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:52 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:58 am Hey Born in Hell stupid dick

In case Gods attached that thing on you, which I don't know, you TOTALLY DESERVE IT FUCK HEAD.

Why? Because you threatened kids and people kids to murder and crap. You are capable of unimaginable shit and desaster and people like you don't deserve any advancement.

Stay in darkness and suffering you moron!
How do I know I'm dealing with kids...? Again; this goes back to me possibly being in an alien hologram of some sort. And I would also never attack anyone's kids unless I had a good reason in doing so; which would have to be a hell of a good reason... And the 'Gods' kill kids everyday through their matrix; and sometimes in very, very horrible manners. I bet the attacks ((in some cases)) are worse than physical death itself. I ((nor any human being)) could ever compare in the amount of suffering they've caused to the world... And these are also the same 'Gods' you suck off too ((like a bitch; may I add)).
Unless you have a good reason?

Give me a good reason
Like for example; and this is a very shitty example by the way, but it's valid... They arm a kid with a nuke that could wipe out millions of people. The only way to ensure that nuke doesn't activate is to kill the kid. What would you do...? Allow the kid to live and risk the lives of millions; or kill him...? I'd go for the second. Now I'm not saying a situation like that would ever happen; but I'm talking about being placed in a situation ((life and death)) to where I would have no choice. You get me...?

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:57 am
by ImprisonedSoul
Urban Zombie wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:53 am I am willing to talk to you more though I did find your views incredibly interesting. You did a good job in critique more so than most sites did of the jos. Most sites are just obvious nonsense that bother with this. You actually understand the astral stuff.

And your hopeless imprisoned ideas about life would make for a nice movie or story or vibe of something creative. A lot of people would kind of find it interesting to watch or listen too.

But it's not hopeless on the other side life is beautiful and amazing.
Thanks... I appreciate those words; and no... I never try to give up hope; as little as I do have of it. lol...

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:01 am
by AnonPoster
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:56 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:54 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:52 am

How do I know I'm dealing with kids...? Again; this goes back to me possibly being in an alien hologram of some sort. And I would also never attack anyone's kids unless I had a good reason in doing so; which would have to be a hell of a good reason... And the 'Gods' kill kids everyday through their matrix; and sometimes in very, very horrible manners. I bet the attacks ((in some cases)) are worse than physical death itself. I ((nor any human being)) could ever compare in the amount of suffering they've caused to the world... And these are also the same 'Gods' you suck off too ((like a bitch; may I add)).
Unless you have a good reason?

Give me a good reason
Like for example; and this is a very shitty example by the way, but it's valid... They arm a kid with a nuke that could wipe out millions of people. The only way to ensure that nuke doesn't activate is to kill the kid. What would you do...? Allow the kid to live and risk the lives of millions; or kill him...? I'd go for the second. Now I'm not saying a situation like that would ever happen; but I'm talking about being placed in a situation ((life and death)) to where I would have no choice. You get me...?

Fair enough.

What about your ex posts from your other account because I read them all...

I will share with you a big secret: up until you don't develop some moral fiber you won't get helped by the Gods. Ever never. You can't fool any god, remember that.

What is your purpose of advancing spiritually for what more precisely? If you want that to destroy like a mad or for SELFISH reasons, you will never get help. As plain and simple as it sounds.

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:14 am
by ImprisonedSoul
Urban Zombie wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:47 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:39 am
Urban Zombie wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:07 am

Your going to tell me this when you couldn't even get rid of an astral parasite that is powerful but not unbeatable I won against this one once another person removed a second one from me awhile before that. Those things are weird and appear to be a thoughtform not an intelligent being anyways.

Let me guess its the one with long thin legs like a spider has tentacles that go into the lower chakras and makes this weird computer sound and can block or change thoughts.

If your against the JOS though it maybe will not be removable cause the Gods don't protect people who hate their agenda.
Maybe it was the 'Gods' that placed this thing on me to begin with, because they're not legit...? I'm not saying the 'Gods' have never existed, but how can I go about determining whether or not the JoS follows the right ones; and not just impostor beings...?

And getting rid of astral attachments isn't so easy when you don't have an open third eye. =) I doubt any legit human being does; knowing how we live under a system that is solely designed to keep people from opening the third eye; let alone gaining any sort of occult power period. I also don't believe that the creature on me is some thought-form either, but an actual living creature of some sort... I've seen it a couple times, but not completely... It's like some sort of giant insect; or at least that's the vibe I got from it by reading it's energy field one night ((a night where I was very open to the astral)). I've seen the Greys multiple times and I've also seen little people; such as beings like the 'God' Bes, and pixies... I've actually had a physical encounter with pixies. Why am I bringing any of this up...? Just making a point; I'm not a soul that wasn't born without power... I've always been having psychic experiences through out my life... All the way back towards my childhood.
Yeah and two of those astral things attacked me when watching your videos then they quit coming to me as soon as I realized that I never saw them before or since.
My point is I don't know what your attached too I don't know if I can trust everything.

You do seem to be aware of some things normal people are not and people don't speak about a lot on the JOS I am too.

There are people that are pretty much hosts for aliens and there are the Jews I am suprised you don't know this site is run by two of them too as is the whole exposing joy of Satan movement. It's all a front. You never got to try out a lot of stuff from jos.

If it's not workable and doesn't give power then that means I am powerful from past lives.

I am not in the enemy matrix btw I have some control over aspects of it. I am mostly here as an observer. I can remote view other places there are ones both beautiful and horrible. We appear to be in a section of space that is mostly occupied planets by the same enemy or planets that have no life. The planet closest to us I call nightmare planet the enemy already won there most the people either have the chip or are greatly modified. The rest on lockdown in huge dystopian looking cities living in pods.

Good luck getting in contact with anyone. You are blocked from doing that. They are too far away and those not involved in this war don't want to be involved. Some planets literally hate our guts cause of how low and arrogant humanity is.

I trust the Gods so far so good they helped us ancient times wasn't like today. In Egypt people were free to advance and do what they want mostly.

So what this translates to is we get out of this war maybe win maybe lose but you end up in a confused state trapped till whatever happens happens.

It sucks to be you and yes maybe someone will help you in time keep up hope.
Oh; I'm, definitely aware of the **likely fact** that ZoaLuckyStar and BlackMamba are both kikes/ or alien hybrids... Or even host-bodies. I don't trust them worth shit, but I have to give them credit for one thing... They definitely don't censor the shit out of you like Cobra does. It's hard to get any message ((to someone who does follow the JoS)) past that guy. There's a reason why he chose the ancient-forums for a platform; it's a forum website that makes it very difficult for members to conversate with eachother, and when you try it has to go through his approval first. He doesn't allow me to freely talk to anyone, because he probably knows I can convince them of another view... One that contradicts his Satanic "Truth".

I personally believe that T4S is a response to the JoS; a psyop... One that is meant to make the JoS "Look" credible. Think about it; if the ZaoLuckyStar was HoodedCobra's enemy then she could of easily played the Jew-card on his ass, but instead she says he's Greek... And he's from Greece. She covers for HoodedCobra. Now why is that...? Think about it.

I'm only on these forums to reach out to people like you. In hopes I can change your mind; and perhaps in the far future you can help me with my problem ((the astral attachment)). I'm not here for anyone else; but besides for those who follow the JoS.

You: I am not in the enemy matrix btw I have some control over aspects of it.

Me: if you're like me, ((a human being)) then you're in it... You just haven't yet found the motivation to admit it; that, or you haven't gained the foresight that is needed to see it. Then again; if you're able to remote view... Then perhaps you do have that foresight? Which makes me wonder why you're still alive... Why the 'Gods' permit you to walk around freely. I'd be willing to bet though; ((If you could remote view)) then you're definitely not allowed to demonstrate these powers to anyone, but I'm more curious to who keeps you from doing that... The enemy; or those you work for...? I also doubt you're permitted to answering that question either; and if so... Then there's a reason for that and that reason is very likely unknown to you; and deep down inside your heart you possibly know the answer to that, but you're scared to acknowledge it... If so, why...?

I was learning how to remote view myself; and I did remote view a few times... Once I remote viewed a star in the night sky, but the moment didn't last for longer than second, but I did feel the distance between me ((on Earth)) and this star; and I literally know and *Felt* what light years feel like. It was an overwhelming feeling... One moment I'll never forget in my life either... One moment out of the many. :)

Sometimes these remote viewing experiences though could be induced through visions via the third eye; it is a possibility that you're not seeing any worlds within our universe; but another. The 'Gods' have always been known to be tricksters through out every ancient culture around the world. They likely convinced you of what you're seeing is in this universe/ or galaxy, when really it's not. I've had plenty of these visions that I believe were different universes I was peering into; and almost ((if not all)) of these visions came directly from the aliens/ likely the Greys through means of telepathy. I've seen other worlds... Aliens; and I've even seen worlds that are based around torture and death; brutal places and one such vision was also used against me as a threat. Scare tactics... I've seen a lot of shit, dude. An underground city once too; that had strange lights about it. Didn't look like a human city at all, but it was HUGE and the cave it was in was huge in itself... Looked big enough to where it could hold all of downtown Los Angeles in.

Sometimes they're even capable of creating visions; through imagination... It takes a pretty trained mind to see beyond that; and to know what's real and what's not.

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:17 am
by ImprisonedSoul
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:01 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:56 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:54 am
Unless you have a good reason?

Give me a good reason
Like for example; and this is a very shitty example by the way, but it's valid... They arm a kid with a nuke that could wipe out millions of people. The only way to ensure that nuke doesn't activate is to kill the kid. What would you do...? Allow the kid to live and risk the lives of millions; or kill him...? I'd go for the second. Now I'm not saying a situation like that would ever happen; but I'm talking about being placed in a situation ((life and death)) to where I would have no choice. You get me...?

Fair enough.

What about your ex posts from your other account because I read them all...

I will share with you a big secret: up until you don't develop some moral fiber you won't get helped by the Gods. Ever never. You can't fool any god, remember that.

What is your purpose of advancing spiritually for what more precisely? If you want that to destroy like a mad or for SELFISH reasons, you will never get help. As plain and simple as it sounds.
Lol, you're so clueless about the planet you live on... And who the 'Gods' truly are. :) You're a product, bud... A psychic exploit. They don't give a shit about you; and the 'Gods' that look human ((beautiful Nordics)) are actually alien human hybrids/ or a Grey alien putting on the illusion of such through telepathic means; and they'll also goes as far as telepathically influencing your subconscious mind to add to that illusion. They know humanity inside and out; and better than we know ourselves. They know what humans being would be like if we weren't bound to their matrix; and they're also able to imitate those forms too and then pretend to be our ancient ancestors/ or the "Pagan" 'Gods' through those imitations... And also through their hybrids. It is likely that these beautiful Nordics that you're seeing are also Jews that have been privileged with a lot of occult power. Ones that have "earned their way" into working beside our non-human alien controllers themselves.

And good 'Gods' don't get involved in human affairs; and they're not even aware of humanity's existence. If you had any real experience as an occultist ((which I'd be willing to bet that you don't; if you're being genuine)) then you would know this.

And to answer your questions; I want enough power to free myself from the bonds of their matrix, so I can actually EXPLORE the universe... And if I'm lucky die a warrior's death. =) Warring against those that are like the ones that control this planet. My heart is in warfare... And I'll never truly be a warrior until I leave their matrix.

As for my ex-posts that I made on my last account... What about em? lol.

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:29 am
by AnonPoster
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:17 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:01 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:56 am

Like for example; and this is a very shitty example by the way, but it's valid... They arm a kid with a nuke that could wipe out millions of people. The only way to ensure that nuke doesn't activate is to kill the kid. What would you do...? Allow the kid to live and risk the lives of millions; or kill him...? I'd go for the second. Now I'm not saying a situation like that would ever happen; but I'm talking about being placed in a situation ((life and death)) to where I would have no choice. You get me...?

Fair enough.

What about your ex posts from your other account because I read them all...

I will share with you a big secret: up until you don't develop some moral fiber you won't get helped by the Gods. Ever never. You can't fool any god, remember that.

What is your purpose of advancing spiritually for what more precisely? If you want that to destroy like a mad or for SELFISH reasons, you will never get help. As plain and simple as it sounds.
Lol, you're so clueless about the planet you live on... And who the 'Gods' truly are. :) You're a product, bud... A psychic exploit. They don't give a shit about you; and the 'Gods' that look human ((beautiful Nordics)) are actually alien human hybrids/ or a Grey alien putting on the illusion of such through telepathic means; and they'll also goes as far as telepathically influencing your subconscious mind to add to that illusion. They know humanity inside and out; and better than we know ourselves. They know what humans being would be like if we weren't bound to their matrix; and they're also able to imitate those forms too.

Good 'Gods' don't get involved in human affairs; and they're not even aware of humanity's existence. If you had any real experience as an occultist ((which I'd be willing to bet that you don't; if you're being genuine)) then you would know this.

And to answer your question; I want enough power to free myself from the bonds of their matrix, so I can actually EXPLORE the universe... And if I'm lucky die a warrior's death. =) Warring against those that are like the ones that control this planet. My heart is in warfare... And I'll never truly be a warrior until I leave their matrix.

My first hand experience prove me the Gods wants to release this planet from enslavement. They also provided me with help beyond any doubt at a personal level.

Your statements are based on what? The sience fiction books that you read. Based on the frustration that a malicious entity got on you? Did you dedicated your soul yes you did I remember and soon after what exactly have you done to advance yourself and help the planet? Meditated for a while and soon after throw it all to the garbage? Do you understand that this is a serious fight? You seem to stay idle and not help yourself too much just repeating the same old same old. How is this going to help you or anybody?

Maybe you have better chances if you learn astrology and look into your own chart to uderstand yourself better.

Also go and speak with Satan but do it for real and not bullshit

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:46 am
by ImprisonedSoul
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:29 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:17 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:01 am

Fair enough.

What about your ex posts from your other account because I read them all...

I will share with you a big secret: up until you don't develop some moral fiber you won't get helped by the Gods. Ever never. You can't fool any god, remember that.

What is your purpose of advancing spiritually for what more precisely? If you want that to destroy like a mad or for SELFISH reasons, you will never get help. As plain and simple as it sounds.
Lol, you're so clueless about the planet you live on... And who the 'Gods' truly are. :) You're a product, bud... A psychic exploit. They don't give a shit about you; and the 'Gods' that look human ((beautiful Nordics)) are actually alien human hybrids/ or a Grey alien putting on the illusion of such through telepathic means; and they'll also goes as far as telepathically influencing your subconscious mind to add to that illusion. They know humanity inside and out; and better than we know ourselves. They know what humans being would be like if we weren't bound to their matrix; and they're also able to imitate those forms too.

Good 'Gods' don't get involved in human affairs; and they're not even aware of humanity's existence. If you had any real experience as an occultist ((which I'd be willing to bet that you don't; if you're being genuine)) then you would know this.

And to answer your question; I want enough power to free myself from the bonds of their matrix, so I can actually EXPLORE the universe... And if I'm lucky die a warrior's death. =) Warring against those that are like the ones that control this planet. My heart is in warfare... And I'll never truly be a warrior until I leave their matrix.

My first hand experience prove me the Gods wants to release this planet from enslavement. They also provided me with help beyond any doubt at a personal level.

Your statements are based on what? The sience fiction books that you read. Based on the frustration that a malicious entity got on you? Did you dedicated your soul yes you did I remember and soon after what exactly have you done to advance yourself and help the planet? Meditated for a while and soon after throw it all to the garbage? Do you understand that this is a serious fight? You seem to stay idle and not help yourself too much just repeating the same old same old. How is this going to help you or anybody?

Maybe you have better chances if you learn astrology and look into your own chart to uderstand yourself better.

Also go and speak with Satan but do it for real and not bullshit
You: My first hand experience prove me the Gods wants to release this planet from enslavement. They also provided me with help beyond any doubt at a personal level.

Me: Lol, you sound just like me... 6 to 7 years ago. =) Back when I was still following the JoS... How I use to tell myself these things... How I use to run away from the obvious redflags to the safety of my comfort zone. If you're a legit human being; it's going to come back to haunt you in the long run... And I can't ((unfortunately)) telepathically send you the information ((through vibes)) into where you would actually get that hint; as I have this astral attachment on me that prevents me from doing so. You should read what I wrote here... About the Hotel California and the boiling frog metaphor... Maybe you'll get a hint then...? I doubt it though; viewtopic.php?t=684&start=20 <------ Read my last comment directed at Urban Zombie.

You: Maybe you have better chances if you learn astrology and look into your own chart to uderstand yourself better.

Me: Ahahaha... I bet you follow Western astrology, eh...? The same form of astrology HC promotes? You do know that Western astrology is proven to be inaccurate... Your western sun sign is not your actual sign; and actual scientists ((astronomers)) have proved this. If you want a more accurate form of astrology; then I recommend Vedic / Sidereal. Your Vedic Sidereal sign is actually astronomically correct.

You: Meditated for a while and soon after throw it all to the garbage? Do you understand that this is a serious fight?

Me: LOL! You have no idea the shit I been through; honestly... I'm surprised I still fear death after all the life and death situations I've been placed in ((directly)) by astral entities.

As for meditation... There was a time in my life that I was meditating every week, and almost everyday of that week for sometimes 2 to 3 hours a day. I was doing chakra meditations... Third eye meditations. Energy meditations, void... Yoga. Breathing exercises... I was pretty much doing it all dude, and I kept it up for about 6 months ((Total)) and I began to open up my third eye... Feel energy, sense it... Program and direct it. I was beginning to see the third eye itself when I would close my eyes; and even in some cases I would even be able to see through my own eyelids ((into the real world; and the astral)). It got to that point to where I was seeing the orbs/ stars floating around my room... Outside... Out in public places too. The colors of these orbs would varie; some would appear gold... Some red; and some even blue. They would sometimes FLASH ((like a camera flash)). If I focused on these orbs long enough; I would start to make out a body that the star itself was in; like a ghost if you will...? A spirit. I came to the conclusion that these stars were souls. After seeing the actual spirits is when my life changed... Completely.

The more you vibrate with them; the more they're able to interact with you, and even TOUCH YOU ((physically)). Some of the shit I saw was giant insects too... Like centipede-like creatures, spiders... And even wasps and flying beetles of some sort. The centipede-like one looked extremely dangerous ((and was 1 person wide and stood about two stories high)) and had huge mandibles; and that was 1 experience that kept me from advancing further. 1 out of the many experiences... Another experience was waking up in the middle of the night; with one of these astral entities placing a pillow over your head and demonstrating the fact that it could easily crush my skull in. Such experiences ((which I doubt you've came close to even having)) happened to me quite often; and trust me... These scare tactics work. You have no idea man... lol. At least I doubt you do, unless you're an agent-smith type... Just playing the role of a fool...? =) And that is very likely. I can tell you a lot of my experiences; some you would likely never believe... Especially if you think I'm crazy now.

You: Also go and speak with Satan but do it for real and not bullshit

Me: Have plenty of times... He never helped me with shit; and the shit he did help me with ultimately didn't matter ((in the long run)).

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:55 am
by AnonPoster
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:46 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:29 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:17 am

Lol, you're so clueless about the planet you live on... And who the 'Gods' truly are. :) You're a product, bud... A psychic exploit. They don't give a shit about you; and the 'Gods' that look human ((beautiful Nordics)) are actually alien human hybrids/ or a Grey alien putting on the illusion of such through telepathic means; and they'll also goes as far as telepathically influencing your subconscious mind to add to that illusion. They know humanity inside and out; and better than we know ourselves. They know what humans being would be like if we weren't bound to their matrix; and they're also able to imitate those forms too.

Good 'Gods' don't get involved in human affairs; and they're not even aware of humanity's existence. If you had any real experience as an occultist ((which I'd be willing to bet that you don't; if you're being genuine)) then you would know this.

And to answer your question; I want enough power to free myself from the bonds of their matrix, so I can actually EXPLORE the universe... And if I'm lucky die a warrior's death. =) Warring against those that are like the ones that control this planet. My heart is in warfare... And I'll never truly be a warrior until I leave their matrix.

My first hand experience prove me the Gods wants to release this planet from enslavement. They also provided me with help beyond any doubt at a personal level.

Your statements are based on what? The sience fiction books that you read. Based on the frustration that a malicious entity got on you? Did you dedicated your soul yes you did I remember and soon after what exactly have you done to advance yourself and help the planet? Meditated for a while and soon after throw it all to the garbage? Do you understand that this is a serious fight? You seem to stay idle and not help yourself too much just repeating the same old same old. How is this going to help you or anybody?

Maybe you have better chances if you learn astrology and look into your own chart to uderstand yourself better.

Also go and speak with Satan but do it for real and not bullshit
You: My first hand experience prove me the Gods wants to release this planet from enslavement. They also provided me with help beyond any doubt at a personal level.

Me: Lol, you sound just like me... 6 to 7 years ago. =) Back when I was still following the JoS... How I use to tell myself these things... How I use to run away from the obvious redflags to the safety of my comfort zone. If you're a legit human being; it's going to come back to haunt you in the long run... And I can't ((unfortunately)) telepathically send you the information ((through vibes)) into where you would actually get that hint; as I have this astral attachment on me that prevents me from doing so. You should read what I wrote here... About the Hotel California and the boiling frog metaphor... Maybe you'll get a hint then...? I doubt it though; viewtopic.php?t=684&start=20 <------ Read my last comment directed at Urban Zombie.

You: Maybe you have better chances if you learn astrology and look into your own chart to uderstand yourself better.

Me: Ahahaha... I bet you follow Western astrology, eh...? The same form of astrology HC promotes? You do know that Western astrology is proven to be inaccurate... Your western sun sign is not your actual sign; and actual scientists ((astronomers)) have proved this. If you want a more accurate form of astrology; then I recommend Vedic / Sidereal. Your Vedic Sidereal sign is actually astronomically correct.

You: Meditated for a while and soon after throw it all to the garbage? Do you understand that this is a serious fight?

Me: LOL! You have no idea the shit I been through; honestly... I'm surprised I still fear death after all the life and death situations I've been placed in ((directly)) by astral entities.

As for meditation... There was a time in my life that I was meditating every week, and almost everyday of that week for sometimes 2 to 3 hours a day. I was doing chakra meditations... Third eye meditations. Energy meditations, void... Yoga. Breathing exercises... I was pretty much doing it all dude, and I kept it up for about 6 months ((Total)) and I began to open up my third eye... Feel energy, sense it... Program and direct it. I was beginning to see the third itself when I would close my eyes; and even in some cases I would even be able to see through my own eyelids. It got to that point to where I was seeing the orbs/ stars floating around my room... Outside... Out in public places too. The colors of these orbs would varie; some would appear gold... Some red; and some even blue. They would sometimes FLASH ((like a camera flash)). If I focused on these orbs long enough; I would star to make out a body that the star itself was in; like a ghost if you will...? A spirit. I came to the conclusion that these stars were souls. After seeing the actual spirits is when my life changed... Completely.

The more you vibrate with them; the more they're able to interact with you, and even TOUCH YOU ((physically)). Some of the shit I saw was giant insects too... Like centipedes, spiders... And even wasps and flying beetles of some sort. The centipede one looked extremely dangerous; and that was 1 experience that kept me from advancing further. 1 out of the many experiences... Another experience was waking up in the middle of the night; with one of these astral entities placing a pillow over your head and demonstrating the fact that it could easily crush my skull in. Such experiences ((which I doubt you've came close to even having)) happened to me quite often; and trust me... These scare tactics work. You have no idea man... lol. At least I doubt you do, unless you're an agent-smith type... Just playing the role of a fool. =)

You: Also go and speak with Satan but do it for real and not bullshit

Me: Have plenty of times... He never helped me with shit; and the shit he did help me with ultimately didn't matter ((in the long run)).
Sorry I told you this





I fucking don't and won't read it. Write normally snd I fucking will. Will you?

I need to go now anyway. Start meditating daily ok. Clean your aura and soul snd do yoga for a start.

Bye bye you maniac. If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Stop being weak and needy and do something concrete.

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:57 am
by ImprisonedSoul
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:55 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:46 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:29 am

My first hand experience prove me the Gods wants to release this planet from enslavement. They also provided me with help beyond any doubt at a personal level.

Your statements are based on what? The sience fiction books that you read. Based on the frustration that a malicious entity got on you? Did you dedicated your soul yes you did I remember and soon after what exactly have you done to advance yourself and help the planet? Meditated for a while and soon after throw it all to the garbage? Do you understand that this is a serious fight? You seem to stay idle and not help yourself too much just repeating the same old same old. How is this going to help you or anybody?

Maybe you have better chances if you learn astrology and look into your own chart to uderstand yourself better.

Also go and speak with Satan but do it for real and not bullshit
You: My first hand experience prove me the Gods wants to release this planet from enslavement. They also provided me with help beyond any doubt at a personal level.

Me: Lol, you sound just like me... 6 to 7 years ago. =) Back when I was still following the JoS... How I use to tell myself these things... How I use to run away from the obvious redflags to the safety of my comfort zone. If you're a legit human being; it's going to come back to haunt you in the long run... And I can't ((unfortunately)) telepathically send you the information ((through vibes)) into where you would actually get that hint; as I have this astral attachment on me that prevents me from doing so. You should read what I wrote here... About the Hotel California and the boiling frog metaphor... Maybe you'll get a hint then...? I doubt it though; viewtopic.php?t=684&start=20 <------ Read my last comment directed at Urban Zombie.

You: Maybe you have better chances if you learn astrology and look into your own chart to uderstand yourself better.

Me: Ahahaha... I bet you follow Western astrology, eh...? The same form of astrology HC promotes? You do know that Western astrology is proven to be inaccurate... Your western sun sign is not your actual sign; and actual scientists ((astronomers)) have proved this. If you want a more accurate form of astrology; then I recommend Vedic / Sidereal. Your Vedic Sidereal sign is actually astronomically correct.

You: Meditated for a while and soon after throw it all to the garbage? Do you understand that this is a serious fight?

Me: LOL! You have no idea the shit I been through; honestly... I'm surprised I still fear death after all the life and death situations I've been placed in ((directly)) by astral entities.

As for meditation... There was a time in my life that I was meditating every week, and almost everyday of that week for sometimes 2 to 3 hours a day. I was doing chakra meditations... Third eye meditations. Energy meditations, void... Yoga. Breathing exercises... I was pretty much doing it all dude, and I kept it up for about 6 months ((Total)) and I began to open up my third eye... Feel energy, sense it... Program and direct it. I was beginning to see the third itself when I would close my eyes; and even in some cases I would even be able to see through my own eyelids. It got to that point to where I was seeing the orbs/ stars floating around my room... Outside... Out in public places too. The colors of these orbs would varie; some would appear gold... Some red; and some even blue. They would sometimes FLASH ((like a camera flash)). If I focused on these orbs long enough; I would star to make out a body that the star itself was in; like a ghost if you will...? A spirit. I came to the conclusion that these stars were souls. After seeing the actual spirits is when my life changed... Completely.

The more you vibrate with them; the more they're able to interact with you, and even TOUCH YOU ((physically)). Some of the shit I saw was giant insects too... Like centipedes, spiders... And even wasps and flying beetles of some sort. The centipede one looked extremely dangerous; and that was 1 experience that kept me from advancing further. 1 out of the many experiences... Another experience was waking up in the middle of the night; with one of these astral entities placing a pillow over your head and demonstrating the fact that it could easily crush my skull in. Such experiences ((which I doubt you've came close to even having)) happened to me quite often; and trust me... These scare tactics work. You have no idea man... lol. At least I doubt you do, unless you're an agent-smith type... Just playing the role of a fool. =)

You: Also go and speak with Satan but do it for real and not bullshit

Me: Have plenty of times... He never helped me with shit; and the shit he did help me with ultimately didn't matter ((in the long run)).
Sorry I told you this





I fucking don't and won't read it. Write normally snd I fucking will. Will you?

I need to go now anyway. Start meditating daily ok. Clean your aura and soul snd do yoga for a start.

Bye bye you maniac. If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Stop being weak and needy and do something concrete.
Lol, this guy/ host or w/e he is... I had a feeling I was being trolled/ or agent-smithed again. /sigh... When am I going to learn...? Probably never...

And you won't read my comment, because you're scared of what I wrote... You don't want to acknowledge my experiences. For what reason; I do not know, but if you're an actual human ((troll)) then I would say that the reason is obvious. Just like me years ago... Didn't want to acknowledge the fact that there is no 'Gods' here to guide you out; you truly **ARE** on your own.

You: If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Me: A wet chair...? Rofl... Why that? And I'll take the bait; once again... lol.

You better hope the entity doesn't leave me... Because it's the entity that's protecting you from me now; and unlike you... I wouldn't have to physically put my hands on your bitch-ass in order to cause you real harm. lol. You get away with talking to me the way you do, because of this astral attachment on me and the protection of the Greys... Use to be a time in my life ((when they didn't have as much power over me as they do now)) and guys like you would think twice when yapping those little mouths of theirs. =) How I wish I can go back to those times... lol. "You never realize what you have until it's lost"

Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:29 am
by ImprisonedSoul
And I write the way I want to write; if you don't like it... Then too bad.