Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

Nick when adding an army of shadow-copied accounts, with tampered backups to his arsenal:

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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »


“I will make sure to put it in quotes next time, much better. I agree.”

Thanks, yeah. Much easier on myeyes. If you want to add the quote from whatever 'jake' had to say, maybe then I can address that.

“As for the accounts, it is a chance that he added some accounts to the arsenal of his.”

More than a chance, I would think :)

“You see, Nick is having his software engineer ApolloAbove, and he basically did a backup of the old JoS posts.”

Hard to believe he'd trust ANYBODY to do that. I wonder if this AA account is just him under another name. He was maxines coder. Why would he trust some stranger to do it now?

“Backups of old posts and forums mean backup of all the accounts that were on the JoS prophpbb forums, which imply the fact that the Jake Carlson account is a shadow-copy of the account that Jake had. And since Jake is normally no longer active, you can clearly say that Cobra added it to his arsenal. Interesting that many people joined in 2002 when his crocobra account was active as well, right?”

Jake left the JoS before maxine died. I'll let Don elaborate on what happened to Jake if he wants to. Jake said he was done with online anything anywhere after that and leaving. So it's a fact a jake account that is active a sock puppet account. It's not Jake Carlson. No way. From what I can see from your screenshot, it's not Jake's writing style either.

“Don's account was marked with the "JoS Forum Contributions" tag and runs there as guest (meaning deactivated shadow copy after backup). It was to cover up who really was behind the account but funny enough they didn't care to remove the writings, because, reading isn't Nick's strong point.”

It's pretty rude. But not unexpected. They want to denigrate him but they want his work. Dons work wasn't removed because it was the best on the forum. He was the scholar of the group and highly respected. So to do that to him is an insult. But again, what can you expect from these people?

"As for your account, HPS, I couldn't find anything, like, except the equivalent of a witch burning online, anything else doesn't pop up there when saying HPS, or simply Zola. Sorry to tell you that."

I wasn't a HPS on that forum ever so no, HPS wouldn't pop up. It would be zolaluckystar. He nuked everything I ever wrote with that account long, long ago. Right before they did their public witchburning. Of course he did. I had become the anti-christ of the JoS (laughs). I'm good with that. I'm actually happy he did. I don't want my work on his forum :) So don't be sorry. I'm GLAD it's all gone.

"Oh and Maxine, Maxine's account has normally not reached any activity from 2020, which we all know is reasonable as Maxine died in 2020 (RIP). And as I was spying on the JoS forums backups I saw that Maxine got that "trophies and tags" which are a recent invention of the JoS. In this case, there are two things that happened:

1. Either the forum algorithm (XenForo) that the JoS currently uses, detected the necessary amount of posts from Maxine's account when it was shadow-copied, and that is how Nick gave her the trophies and ranks.

2. It wasn't the algorithm and Nick, or ApolloAbove or whoever many other "Guardians" were working on this project, after having shadow-copied Maxine's account, they basically hacked into it and added the ranks, the title of Founder of Joy of Satan and the usual entitlements they add to everybody.”

I wouldn't be surprised if he went into her account to add the thingees. I wouldn't be surprised if she comes back from the dead and her account suddenly is making posts again either (laughs)! ! It's a miracle! Maxine is communicating with us via spirit download from a spaceship!!!

“We all know that when the old forums went down, Maxine's account was one with no photography, it had Maxine's name in it and that was all. Now there is the shadow-copied account from the old forums for all of Maxine's articles. Funny right?”

Don't know what that means...a picture? Eh...doesn't matter.

“And to tell another fun fact here: the old prophpbb backup forum was planned more than twice and once, they successfully hosted it on some kind of archive website, but it got closed for "supposedly being way too costly" (in reality I knew why it was closed, and that was to re-do the shadow-copying of the accounts so that they could remove you and Don).”

I think they might say that it was way too order to justify unceasing calls for donations. You know, guilt trip people.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

Here is "Jake" Carlson's post, in quotes this time :) :
Jake Carlson wrote:There are some imbeciles who delude themselves into believing that before there was Jewish Christianity, there was already an Aryan Pagan Messianic Movement that believed that Osiris/Serapis is the "Christos," but that the Jews hijacked this movement and replaced Osiris/Serapis the "Christos" with Jewsus/Yeshua the Nazarene, and Jewish "false Christos." Stupidity hits even the highest intelligence in Gentile racial stocks, due to ties to the Jewish plague of Christianity from previous lives and childhood indoctrination or other means of being exposed to the enemies of the Gentiles (non-Jews).
Many so-called "Antisemitic Christians" falsely believe the lie that the Jewish Babylonian Talmud contains tremendously blasphemous statements concerning Christ and Christianity, but any such texts are forgeries from the Middle Ages, as the Jewish Talmud has never said anything against the Christian messiah. Why is that? It is because the Christian messiah is the Jewish messiah.
Here is a revealing quote from the Jewish Babylonian Talmud that contains a veiled reference to Christ.
“Thus Israel should hope for the redemption, because it will be a day of light to them, but why should the Gentiles, seeing that for them it will be a day of darkness?” –Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 98b

The irony behind all of this is that the Gentile Christians have accepted the Jewish messiah, the Christos, as "the way, the truth, and the light/life/whatever," but have no idea that the Jews DEPEND on "Christian Antisemitism" and are not offended by it like the Anti-Defamation League likes to pretend to be.
The Jews know that if Christ ever comes in the form of a divine or semi-divine redeemer, it is only for Israel, and for the Jewish people, worldwide, and the ultimate damnation of the Gentiles, as we are SATAN'S offspring and creation.
The Jews work to curse and undo all of Satan's work, which is one reason why they have infested Paganism with certain ties to Christianity -- the religion that was originally a sect of Judaism that excluded all Gentile converts, prior to coming up with a Christianity FOR the Gentiles to tie Satan's peoples into the Jewish matrix, and lead the Gentile "cattle" to the slaughter.
Many Christians associate Christ with light and redemption. However, what these deluded Gentiles fail to realize is that the coming of Christ is the day of paradise for the Jewish people, globally, while it is the day of the extermination of all White Aryan Gentiles and the enslavement of all of the non-White Gentiles. The very same "savior" that the Gentiles have put their faith in and sold their souls to when they accepted Christ into their hearts and lives as their personal "lord" and "savior" is the very same Adversary of all Gentiles -- the exterminator of the White Gentiles and the Enslaver of the non-White Gentiles who "he" will force to kiss the feet of the Jewish people and slave after them in their Utopian One-World Religion and One-World Government.
All Gentiles, Whites, Blacks, Asians, mixed breeds, and so on, desperately need to work on rejecting all things Christian, because even "Christianity" that is "biased against the Jewish people and Zionism" is of the Jews, and does NOTHING to help, let alone save the Gentile peoples who belong to Satan.
So much for the Jewish Talmud being "anti-Christian," or let alone, "Satanic," when it proves that the Adversary of Satan will destroy all White Gentile Christians, including the Gentiles who have been the most loyal servants of Christ, as the Jewish Talmud also commands the death penalty, even for THE BEST (most obedient) GENTILES. The Talmud states, "Kill the best Gentiles!" -- Sanhedrin 59.
Many Jews try to cover their asses by stating that such blasphemies against the Gentiles are misquotations, but again, they lie, and try to hide their true agenda.
"Antisemitic Christians" are lost souls because they use the JEWISH messiah, the Christos, to "defend" them against the Jewish people, their Talmud, and the pending Noahide Laws.
Yes, it is true that Christ wants to kill even "his" most loyal and obedient White Gentile followers, and then enslave all of the non-White Gentiles, cursing them to an eternity of slaving after the Jewish people, waiting on them hand and foot, which is a fate that is even worse than death.
Christians who await the "second coming" of the Christos, are welcoming the day of the mass extermination of the White Race, even the most devout of Christians among this population. Christians have unknowingly been selling their souls to Christ every time they accept "him" into their hearts and lives as their personal "lord and savior," but in reality "his" promises to Gentile Christians are lies, and "he" is only committed to leading "his" Jewish people in their extermination of White Aryans and the enslavement of even the most devout non-White Christians. Jewish racism against Gentiles of all breeds knows no bounds, and will never be satisfied or quenched until every last White Gentile has been killed and damned for all eternity.
All Gentiles need to wake up to the brutal reality behind the lies, er, I mean "promises" made by Christ, and realize that "his" promises of "Thou shalt prosper" and a pleasant afterlife only apply to "his" Jewish people, and not to Gentiles -- not even the most devout of Christians.
High Priest Jake Carlson
Is it really Jake or not?
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

As for the zolaluckystar account, yes I found only 6 or 7 topics. He nuked all of your work as you said.

Also, the zolaluckystar account is only marked with 1 message / post on ancient-forums, only to find out that even that is censored. It was that when I think you said that you had to make another account to post the information Satan gave you.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »


Not Jake.

Not nick either. Sounds a bit too intelligent to be nick. Not his writing style, nor is it Jakes. One of nicks 'guardians' posing as jake would be my guess, parroting JoS teachings.

This person is still inside the christianity paradigm. You can see it because he's substituted satan for jesus (or god) as the 'creator' (jesus being the only son and gateway to god). It's merely inverted christianity. Which is not accurate. He's not thinking outside the box. I don't think he's doing it to hurt people, he just honestly doesn't get it. He's stuck inside the 'either or' paradigm.

I wasn't referring to an "antisemitic christian second coming of the christos". He doesn't understand. And that's ok. He's got a 3000 foot view. I'm looking from 30 000.

The bible narrative of the devil (satan) and jesus is a concocted 'religion'. Religion is the opposite of spirituality (what we had before). Religion is a tool used to channel the mind and therefore energy of it's victims. It's a kind of juicer. It extracts energy. The energy of worship, of faith, of hope, of respect, of energy exchange (money)...just look at the plunder the vatican holds, of generations of people believing in this program. They made out like bandits!

It was also a terrific way to get dirt on royalty and the nobles back in the day, who all had to 'confess'. Getting dirt on those who hold the levers of power is part of the infiltration and subversion agenda.

It was also that times version of MSM and fulfilled the same function: Mind control.

Religion is part of the Saviour Program. The idea of which is to convince people they need someone to come 'save' them. Which is a victim mentality. It's designed to break people down mentally and emotionally. It takes away personal power and sovereignty and places it into the hands of 'The Lord'. Reducing people mentally from a self sufficient adult who can think for themselves, who is pro-active because they believe in themselves into a stunted, reactive child who does not, and who does as they're told.

Because 'Father' knows best.

This is also why the church teaches people they're born 'sinners'(a cruel lie).

There is so much more to say on this topic! It's actually part of a new article I've been working on (for some time). I'm not going to finalize my essay right this second here!

I'll publish when I'm ready, not in reaction to what fake jake has to say (laughs).
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by GoldenDragon »

Thank you for sharing this, HPS :)

Couldn't believe I fell prey a little bit to the illusion Cobra put.

Oh, and also, to debunk another illusion, ApolloAbove is a dummy account. He doesn't have the programmer trophy or anything to suggest he is a programmer. He hardly even knew a post limit on their very forum.

ApolloAbove is Nick under a new skin again, fooling people as usual
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

Yeah that was Jake's post it was dated from 2019, Jake was forced out by Nick in later summer of 2020.

Jesus Christ is Iesus Kristos [Dionysus] of the Greeks however and Alexandria was a Greek city. The Jewish theraputes took the religion of Iesus Kristos and transformed it into a Jewish version for themselves that is also Osiris of the Egyptians. This is well documented in the histories and scholars books on the subject. The ancient historian Eusebius states such as well.

Iesus Kristors [Dionysus] was born of a virgin birth of god [Deus-Zeus] and a human mother, he turned water into wine, had the palm Sunday event, was crucified and placed in the tomb in which he went to the underworld for three days and returned and rose from the dead and ascended into heaven in front of his followers.

The initiated followers of Osiris-Dionysus where called the Christiani [Christians] and the priests the Bishops of Christos. The bishop of Christ. The IHS Christ monogram of the Catholic church is originally the symbol of Dionysus the son of Deus which is also called Zeus. That is why the Jewish oligarchies and Roman oligarchs decided to create Jewish Christianity it was just corrupting the most popular religion in the Roman Empire into a Jewish one. Which turned the government of Rome into god and the political ruling class into its high priests and rulers so they become god. And in doing so yokes the Gentiles to the god of the Jews in his supreme triumph over the Gods and Goddesses of the Gentiles. Thus to the Jew they have conquered Rome by religious-psychological warfare.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"Yeah that was Jake's post it was dated from 2019, Jake was forced by Nick in later summer of 2020."

Oh, I thought this was a very recent post, 2024? In which case no way it's jake. I didn't notice the date.

I'm surprised he was writing about Osiris and Serapis back then...don't remember seeing that.
It doesn't change what I said earlier about being stuck in the paradigm of 'either or'.

I didn't think it was jake!
My bad.

For another example they destroyed Serapis's grand temple and raised up a church over it.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Chiro symbol of the Christ church was also found in the Temple of Serapis. The Christian mob was surprised to find it there when they destroyed the place. It spells Christ the name Krist, Karast, Christos was different forms of the same title.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:37 am "Yeah that was Jake's post it was dated from 2019, Jake was forced by Nick in later summer of 2020."

Oh, I thought this was a very recent post, 2024? In which case no way it's jake.

I'm surprised he was writing about Osiris and Serapis back then...don't remember seeing that.
It doesn't change what I said earlier about being stuck in the paradigm of 'either or'.

I didn't think it was jake!
My bad.

For another example they destroyed Serapis's grand temple and raised up a church over it.
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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"The Chiro symbol of the Christ church was also found in the Temple of Serapis. The Christian mob was surprised to find it there when they destroyed the place. It spells Christ the name Krist, Karast, Christos was different forms of the same title."

The temple predates christianity. Krist, Karast, Christos...I feel pretty sure it didn't mean the same thing as the christian churches christ character. They appropriated things from earlier wisdom and inverted or twisted it for their own devices.
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