The Final RTR Exposed


Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by sunrise »

Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
White Mage wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:05 pm
Hamansbitch wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:44 pm
I can dismantle all your arguments on all these topics btw. You think your something.
Then get started. While you're at it, maybe you can convince me, and independent person in all this, that JOS was right after all.

But before you do, maybe I can give you some hints as to what makes a convincing argument? Here are some frequent problems I've noticed with most JOS members that try to debate others;

Red Flag #1. Calling anyone that disagrees with you a jew, rather than tackling their arguments.

Red Flag #2: Taking HP HC's/Maxines words as gospel, or just repeating what they say over and over again. Ex "The RTR was given to us from Azazel" whenever questioned about their beliefs (just like a Christian who keeps saying the bible is true because god said so).

Red Flag #3: Making claims without evidence (ex "Don is a Rabbi").

Red Flag #4: Saying "if you had any real experience in the astral..." Literally everyone and their mother says this. Christians tell me "if you had any real spiritual/astral experiences, you'd know jesus is real!" So does every single light worker, new/jew age occultist, etc. "If you had any real astral experience, you'd know that the angels are loving beings!" That's not an argument, never will be.

Red Flag #5: Mixing correlation with causation. Ex, saying the RTR is working because the world is becoming more NWO-aware/anti-Semitic, whatever. That was happening already in spite of the RTR. That's not proof of causation. Nor are rising organic health food sales causing a rise in autism...


So let me ask you a few questions;

1. Do you truly believe that Maxine "freed" the demons/Aryan gods, beings that are supposedly incredibly powerful, simply by masturbating and, I quote, "orgasming into their chakras" in order to free them? This one, middle-aged woman (and a couple of teenage boys supposedly), FREED THE GODS through masturbation. Do you believe that to be true? Here's the video of her saying that :

2. Can you give me a single reason to believe Maxine's claims about masturbating/freeing/having sex with demons, or even any other claim she has made? Running a satanic neo-nazi website for 20 years isn't a reason. If I ran a similar website for 20 years, would you start believing I freed the demons and have sex with them if I said so, and that anyone that questions me is a jew?

2. If you think its unlikely that she truly freed the demons by masturbation and orgasming into their chakras, then why would you believe her claims that "Azazel" speaks to her?

3. Can you provide any hard proof that the RTR was given by Azazel or whomever instead of just made up by Maxine/HP HC?

4. Can you provide any "hard proof" - not HP HC saying so - but real, proof, that Don is either 1. Jewish or a Rabbi 2. A communist 3. Plagiarized HP HC?

5. If Don did plagiarize HP HC, then how come Mageson is still producing top-tier content on this site, whereas HP HC is producing the same old garbage-tier sermons that provide little to no research. Shouldn't it be the other way around if Don was plagiarizing?

And as HPBlackMamba said, welcome to the forum.
Red Flag 1: I never did that. In fact I know gentiles can disagree with me

Red Flag 2: Maxines beliefs go along with my personal beliefs and past life memories. Same with my partner the JOS is saying nothing new.

Red Flag 3: it was only helped along by azazel. Not given by him. It's thanks to the hard work of Maxine and cobra we have it.

Red flag 4: open yourself up to the astral yourself then. Tell me I am wrong. You can't cause your methods are watered down or you are open to the astral but blinded by Hebrew curses or the tetragrammaton barrier or you have bindings in your chakras. I know how to get rid of some of this stuff. Give me a bit and I would convince you.

Red Flag 5: you really think the enochian keys and rtrs we did had nothing to do with this and of course freeing the Demons. Remember before we did any rituals was the world headed in that direction. Look at a chart for religion beliefs in the USA hmm steady for a long time. Then conviently when the JOS is formed and Maxine and others free the Demons vollah starts dropping then faster after we do the rtrs.

1. I have no reason to doubt it but I think you fail to understand what freed means. It means taking away curses and blocks that prevented them from having a foothold in this dimension. The enemy magick talks about it all the time with portals same with our Gods. We opened the Gates so to speak allowing them to come through without being abused and gain power from us again.

2. The Gods speak to a lot of us. I have had Bael come and help with plenty. They take care of us. So I don't doubt it Maxine is one of us. I have heard baels voice btw.

3. Looking for proof and logic is where a lot of people fuck up. How many crimes are unsolved for the same reason. How many enemy agents get away with stuff. You should trust your feelings and emotions more than this. It was created by Cobra and Maxine from years of study.

4. I think no such thing. I do not believe he is a Jew. But top teir content lol don't make me laugh these are basic things.

5. Ok are you all going to do nothing in this war. How many of you are serious. How many of you do other things if you doubt the rtr. How many seriously meditate. How many of you have interacted with the Gods or Satan.

I think I know the answer to this and so do you.

Get to work for our side and stop this nonsense.

-It was created by Maxine and cobra after YEARS OF STUDY-

Step 1.

You take a prayer

Step 2.

you reverse the order, letters, syllables, whatever, you reverse

Step 3.

You make an affirmation.



I am still waiting for that list of (((hundreds of books))) studied for this matter.

I am open to change my mind anytime and do the RTRs again if proven wrong.

Red flag 5. YES, before the RTRs, we didn't have a PANDEMIC AND A POLICE STATE. NOW WE HAVE IT. GOOD JOB. And covid passports and many others to come. The world is IMPROVING as we speak!! Oh, I forgot, 'the things are getting worse before getting better' - yes, of course.

The simple fact that Aleph letter INVERTED is manifesting the Jewish messiah, should be enough. Doesn't this concern you for REAL? Because there is proof online that the jews reverse their own letters, (((as you admitted))), without ERASING anything but as a simple PRACTICE or TO CONNECT FURTHER INTO THE JEWISH MATRIX.

2/Have you asked Bael about the legitimacy of the RTRs? Please do so! If you are so open to the astral please, bring the info here.

3/Trusting your feelings and emotions is PRECISELY the fucked up real FALLACY. Not the LOGIC. So, you said it with your own words: you hold emotional attachments towards them (HC and Maxine), so you want to trust their word solely.

I, myself can love somebody to the Moon and back, if the person is proven to be WRONG moreover A TRICKSTER, - fuck it - the feelings are dying instantly. YOU ALWAYS NEED YOU USE YOUR HEAD AND CRITICAL THINKING. And this 'attachment is precisely that TRAP or the VEIL that doesn't allow you to see and understand the reality of things.
It's a painful act to accept that you have been lied to and misled for so long, you resist accepting it as it is. The christians are the same, so attached by their own habits and so-called traditions that they just won't change their mind...

When it comes to CULTS, all of them started in the same day, an entity/demon/angel came to instruct a person about a so-called MISSION and blah, blah. Come on, give me a break, you want to call yourself A PROPHET - you bring some TESLA shit on the table - and I WILL BELIEVE YOU.
I remember once that MORON HC compared himself with Tesla. Lol. He had a sermon saying ''people like me, and like Tesla and etc are hated by blah, blah''. How do you dare, you HC NOBODY? How do you dare to put yourself next to Tesla?
How did you help us so far? By taking our Mcdonals money (how this shit called it), for astrological charts that haven't been delivered in 2 years?
Oh, I forgot, he was attacked, always attacked, all those years - but the cash went through in his account just fine.

Maxine did nothing new. However, she might have been just mentally ill due to a long life of poverty and abuse - a possible hypothesis. Maybe she had the best intentions, but intentions don't mean RESULTS. I am saying 'MAYBE' because I am almost sure they (HC AND HERSELF) are jews due to their actions.

The joy of Satan is nothing but CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Why doesn't your master HC promote rituals for the whites and gentile people instead? Why are we doing rituals to wake the whites-only once a year for a few days and not daily? You know our race is dying, right, and HOW DIRE is this situation, to begin with. Isn't it a RED FLAG that he doesn't give a damn about us as a whole?

Why not fighting jews with OUR ARIAN WEAPONS, like the RUNES? The same way Hitler did.

It's like going to Japan to fight the samurai in their own field with their own means - you can't - they have been instructed in generations upon generation and already runs into their veins/ blood.

If HC is innocent (which I highly doubt, considering HOW MANY LIES AFTER LIES AFTER LIES HE SAID SO FAR) - tell him to add at the announcements on the ancient forums, the link with this forum where Don is currently posting. Tell him to ALLOW THE GOIYM (his favourite word, look how often he is using it) TO MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICE AND AN INFORMATIVE DECISION. Tell him to allow people to have FREE CONVERSATIONS about all those things. This might prove something, BUT HE WON'T. Ask yourself why? What he has to fear, THE TRUTH?
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White Mage
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by White Mage »

Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
Red Flag 1: I never did that. In fact I know gentiles can disagree with me
Glad to hear it.
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
1. I have no reason to doubt it but I think you fail to understand what freed means. It means taking away curses and blocks that prevented them from having a foothold in this dimension. The enemy magick talks about it all the time with portals same with our Gods. We opened the Gates so to speak allowing them to come through without being abused and gain power from us again.

Red Flag 2: Maxines beliefs go along with my personal beliefs and past life memories. Same with my partner the JOS is saying nothing new.
I've heard people take that interpretation before, but that still doesn't answer how one middle-aged woman could open up the metaphysical gates to communicate with the demons just by masturbation and orgasms.

However, I hate to break it to you, but that's not what Maxine said at all. I strongly recommend you to listen to this video.

Go to 6:30. Maxine talks about orgasming into her chakras, and connecting her chakras to the demon's chakra, with these demons laying on top of her like they're having sex. She said that they would "sprout wings" after getting to the crown chakra, and would become "free." Azazels wings were, supposedly, grey, with his aura being sick, until Maxine freed her, in which he became healthy again with a healthy aura and white wings. She recounts how Azazel would visit her, escatic with joy, saying "I'm free. I'm free."

Now to 9:20. Maxine says the demons were imprisoned for 12,000ish years and wanted to "return to the light" but couldn't, and were deprived of their power and grew sick. She said she freed 40 of these demons via this masturbation ritual, all of whom would visited her and were much more healthy. She lastly says that in over 12,000 years, Satan said that nobody wanted to helm them and Maxine was the very first.

This is what she said. Verbatim. Check it out. She's clearly describing "freeing" them in the manner I first described, not in this "opening the gates to allow connection" way that you're talking about, or that there was some veil placed over Earth to prevent communication. It's literally "freeing" them from prison.

Here's my question. Why do you "have no reason to doubt" this? Do you just believe whatever someone tells you? If so, I have good news for you. I'm ready to announce to everyone on T4S and JOS that I've been having sex, in the flesh, with Astaroth every night. See, she teleports into my bedroom every night thanks to my rituals, and she goes back to her home planet after we finish. Sometimes we have threesomes with Lilith. She's now pregnant with our child, and Satan told me that he will bring about the Fourth Reich! However, we need money for diapers, so could you please donate to my Bitcoin address?

Believe me? I hope not. So why do you believe Maxine when she says this kind of silly nonsense? Gosh, I feel nauseous just using such a vulgar metaphor. Can't understand how Maxine does it.
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
Red Flag 3: it was only helped along by azazel. Not given by him. It's thanks to the hard work of Maxine and cobra we have it.
That's what they said. The RTR isn't anything complex at all. It's actually super simple. I could have made up something similar. Hard work my ass. How about they source their research. Provide the books and documents they've read to "research" this stuff. Don/Mageson was the only person to provide sources. None of them ever do.
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
Red flag 4: open yourself up to the astral yourself then. Tell me I am wrong. You can't cause your methods are watered down or you are open to the astral but blinded by Hebrew curses or the tetragrammaton barrier or you have bindings in your chakras. I know how to get rid of some of this stuff. Give me a bit and I would convince you.

2. The Gods speak to a lot of us. I have had Bael come and help with plenty. They take care of us. So I don't doubt it Maxine is one of us. I have heard baels voice btw.
What if I told you I'm already open to the astral and Satan himself told me the JOS is bullshit? You'd say I'm deluded/talking to a thoughtform/whatever. Because I have had so many people reach out to me telling them a particular demon told them to move on from the JOS because it was a cult.

You see, you don't get the point I'm making. What happens when one occultist says "Satan told me you are bullshit," and the other says "You obviously aren't astrally aware, because if you were, Satan would have told you I'm legit." What happens then, huh? You get no where.

Ironically, your line of logic is the exact same one that Christians give me. "If you prayed seriously to Jesus and opened yourself to him, you'd find out the truth. Jesus spoke to me, and he speaks to lots of us here at our kosher jew-loving prayer group." It's okay to have experiences, but you need to verify and certify they are true. Millions of people say they talked or felt Jesus. That's not an argument to be a Christian.
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
Give me a bit and I would convince you.
Go ahead. I'm open to convincing.
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
Red Flag 5: you really think the enochian keys and rtrs we did had nothing to do with this and of course freeing the Demons. Remember before we did any rituals was the world headed in that direction. Look at a chart for religion beliefs in the USA hmm steady for a long time. Then conveniently when the JOS is formed and Maxine and others free the Demons vollah starts dropping then faster after we do the rtrs.
Yes, I think the RTR did nothing. Hmm. It's almost as if something happened in the last 20-25 years, like a new form of communication that lets people interact and share ideas without being in person?

It's called the internet, and as it became more popular, of course the rise of anti-Semitism/NWO-aware views would grow. That's literally that example I showed, about health food sales and autism. Just replace those with RTR and anti-Semitism. It's a false correction. It's not good proof at all.

What if I told you I knew a Christian identity fool who said Jesus gave him a prayer that would destroy the jew world order? He and his cult members have done this prayer to jesus every day for years, and are now saying that the rise of anti-semitism and pro-NS philosophies are a direct result of their special Jesus prayer. Obviously you'd realize this is a false correlation. The exact same thing with the RTR.
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
3. Looking for proof and logic is where a lot of people fuck up. How many crimes are unsolved for the same reason. How many enemy agents get away with stuff. You should trust your feelings and emotions more than this. It was created by Cobra and Maxine from years of study.
My gut, emotions, and feelings tell me the JOS is a cult. From my years of interacting and witnessing cults form, rise, and die, the JOS with Maxine fits exactly what I've seen. Do you know how many times I've seen a cult leader claim that they "freed/had sex with/were chosen" by the demons/gods/angels/federation of light/whatever? This is standard-fare. Let me know if I'm wrong, but I suspect you haven't seen many cults before, because everything with this Maxine/HPHC worship is 100% cult-like.
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
4. I think no such thing. I do not believe he is a Jew. But top teir content lol don't make me laugh these are basic things.
Can you find me a single article written by HPHC since Mageson left that's anywhere close to what he just wrote here? viewtopic.php?f=2&t=122

Everything HP HC writes is just paragraphs on paragraphs of generic shit, almost like a priest's sermon, before ending by telling people to keep doing the RTR. I could ghostwrite for him. Don/Mageson's stuff is very unique and dense with info. Don't get me started on Maxine's content. I've read her old sermons. It's a joke. "Father Satan loves you" this, "Father Satan knows your heart" that, etc.
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
5. Ok are you all going to do nothing in this war. How many of you are serious. How many of you do other things if you doubt the rtr. How many seriously meditate. How many of you have interacted with the Gods or Satan.

I think I know the answer to this and so do you.

Get to work for our side and stop this nonsense.
I could be a lazy bum, or someone who meditates 12 hours a day and communicates with the demons daily. It wouldn't matter to you, because if I told you I was, then you'd say I'm deluded or am a Jew or something similar. In your mind, anyone who doesn't think the RTR is legit is wrong/or is jewish.

Also, you've said that Don was trying to spread Marxist values. Again, do you have any proof for that claim?

Just so you know, I'm not trying to be adversarial here. I appreciate you coming on here and responding, really. Most JOS members wouldn't do that.

I think the reason why most people just believe what Maxine/HPHC say to be gospel is because there really aren't any pro-NS, pro-occult, anti-jew groups like the JOS. Beside's trash criminal groups like the O9A, JOS occupies a unique niche. I think people that realize these things to be true, end up adopting this cult-like worship of Maxine by osmosis. Most JOS critics also are anti-NS and pro-jew, so that doesn't help convince people at all. Also, the fact that many members back in the Yahoo group days were teenagers and don't have enough life experience to know what cults are like is another reason also.
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White Mage
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by White Mage »

sunrise wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:47 am
-It was created by Maxine and cobra after YEARS OF STUDY-

Step 1.

You take a prayer

Step 2.

you reverse the order, letters, syllables, whatever, you reverse

Step 3.

You make an affirmation.



I am still waiting for that list of (((hundreds of books))) studied for this matter.

I am open to change my mind anytime and do the RTRs again if proven wrong.

Red flag 5. YES, before the RTRs, we didn't have a PANDEMIC AND A POLICE STATE. NOW WE HAVE IT. GOOD JOB. And covid passports and many others to come. The world is IMPROVING as we speak!! Oh, I forgot, 'the things are getting worse before getting better' - yes, of course.

The simple fact that Aleph letter INVERTED is manifesting the Jewish messiah, should be enough. Doesn't this concern you for REAL? Because there is proof online that the jews reverse their own letters, (((as you admitted))), without ERASING anything but as a simple PRACTICE or TO CONNECT FURTHER INTO THE JEWISH MATRIX.

2/Have you asked Bael about the legitimacy of the RTRs? Please do so! If you are so open to the astral please, bring the info here.

3/Trusting your feelings and emotions is PRECISELY the fucked up real FALLACY. Not the LOGIC. So, you said it with your own words: you hold emotional attachments towards them (HC and Maxine), so you want to trust their word solely.

I, myself can love somebody to the Moon and back, if the person is proven to be WRONG moreover A TRICKSTER, - fuck it - the feelings are dying instantly. YOU ALWAYS NEED YOU USE YOUR HEAD AND CRITICAL THINKING. And this 'attachment is precisely that TRAP or the VEIL that doesn't allow you to see and understand the reality of things.
It's a painful act to accept that you have been lied to and misled for so long, you resist accepting it as it is. The christians are the same, so attached by their own habits and so-called traditions that they just won't change their mind...

When it comes to CULTS, all of them started in the same day, an entity/demon/angel came to instruct a person about a so-called MISSION and blah, blah. Come on, give me a break, you want to call yourself A PROPHET - you bring some TESLA shit on the table - and I WILL BELIEVE YOU.
I remember once that MORON HC compared himself with Tesla. Lol. He had a sermon saying ''people like me, and like Tesla and etc are hated by blah, blah''. How do you dare, you HC NOBODY? How do you dare to put yourself next to Tesla?
How did you help us so far? By taking our Mcdonals money (how this shit called it), for astrological charts that haven't been delivered in 2 years?
Oh, I forgot, he was attacked, always attacked, all those years - but the cash went through in his account just fine.

Maxine did nothing new. However, she might have been just mentally ill due to a long life of poverty and abuse - a possible hypothesis. Maybe she had the best intentions, but intentions don't mean RESULTS. I am saying 'MAYBE' because I am almost sure they (HC AND HERSELF) are jews due to their actions.

The joy of Satan is nothing but CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Why doesn't your master HC promote rituals for the whites and gentile people instead? Why are we doing rituals to wake the whites-only once a year for a few days and not daily? You know our race is dying, right, and HOW DIRE is this situation, to begin with. Isn't it a RED FLAG that he doesn't give a damn about us as a whole?

Why not fighting jews with OUR ARIAN WEAPONS, like the RUNES? The same way Hitler did.

It's like going to Japan to fight the samurai in their own field with their own means - you can't - they have been instructed in generations upon generation and already runs into their veins/ blood.

If HC is innocent (which I highly doubt, considering HOW MANY LIES AFTER LIES AFTER LIES HE SAID SO FAR) - tell him to add at the announcements on the ancient forums, the link with this forum where Don is currently posting. Tell him to ALLOW THE GOIYM (his favourite word, look how often he is using it) TO MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICE AND AN INFORMATIVE DECISION. Tell him to allow people to have FREE CONVERSATIONS about all those things. This might prove something, BUT HE WON'T. Ask yourself why? What he has to fear, THE TRUTH?
Everything you've just said is spot on Sunrise. Hit the nail on the head - love it.

If Maxine freed the demons, she must be pretty powerful right? After all, not even Hitler or Maria Orsic freed them, according to her. Therefore, why doesn't she prove just how powerful she is. Maria Orsic developed technical documents for levitation technology that Dr. Schuman verified and was astounded by. Lets see Maxine do the same. Or show some siddhis. She hasn't done anything.

As you've said, there's no proof that gentiles can use jewish magick to reverse it. The story of the golem only says that other rabbis/jews can reverse the letters. There's no indication that gentiles can do this. It's exactly like the samurai example. Gentiles using kabbalah rituals is going to be ineffective, at best. Saying "hail satan" at the end doesn't change that. Someone's "intention" to reverse doesn't change that either. You can ingest poison while "intending" for it to be healthy, but it will still hurt you - placebo effect be damned.

The aleph letter thing that you've found is absolutely damning. No one, not HP HC, not Hamansbitch, has countered that.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Hamansbitch »

sunrise wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:47 am
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:06 am
White Mage wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:05 pm

Then get started. While you're at it, maybe you can convince me, and independent person in all this, that JOS was right after all.

But before you do, maybe I can give you some hints as to what makes a convincing argument? Here are some frequent problems I've noticed with most JOS members that try to debate others;

Red Flag #1. Calling anyone that disagrees with you a jew, rather than tackling their arguments.

Red Flag #2: Taking HP HC's/Maxines words as gospel, or just repeating what they say over and over again. Ex "The RTR was given to us from Azazel" whenever questioned about their beliefs (just like a Christian who keeps saying the bible is true because god said so).

Red Flag #3: Making claims without evidence (ex "Don is a Rabbi").

Red Flag #4: Saying "if you had any real experience in the astral..." Literally everyone and their mother says this. Christians tell me "if you had any real spiritual/astral experiences, you'd know jesus is real!" So does every single light worker, new/jew age occultist, etc. "If you had any real astral experience, you'd know that the angels are loving beings!" That's not an argument, never will be.

Red Flag #5: Mixing correlation with causation. Ex, saying the RTR is working because the world is becoming more NWO-aware/anti-Semitic, whatever. That was happening already in spite of the RTR. That's not proof of causation. Nor are rising organic health food sales causing a rise in autism...


So let me ask you a few questions;

1. Do you truly believe that Maxine "freed" the demons/Aryan gods, beings that are supposedly incredibly powerful, simply by masturbating and, I quote, "orgasming into their chakras" in order to free them? This one, middle-aged woman (and a couple of teenage boys supposedly), FREED THE GODS through masturbation. Do you believe that to be true? Here's the video of her saying that :

2. Can you give me a single reason to believe Maxine's claims about masturbating/freeing/having sex with demons, or even any other claim she has made? Running a satanic neo-nazi website for 20 years isn't a reason. If I ran a similar website for 20 years, would you start believing I freed the demons and have sex with them if I said so, and that anyone that questions me is a jew?

2. If you think its unlikely that she truly freed the demons by masturbation and orgasming into their chakras, then why would you believe her claims that "Azazel" speaks to her?

3. Can you provide any hard proof that the RTR was given by Azazel or whomever instead of just made up by Maxine/HP HC?

4. Can you provide any "hard proof" - not HP HC saying so - but real, proof, that Don is either 1. Jewish or a Rabbi 2. A communist 3. Plagiarized HP HC?

5. If Don did plagiarize HP HC, then how come Mageson is still producing top-tier content on this site, whereas HP HC is producing the same old garbage-tier sermons that provide little to no research. Shouldn't it be the other way around if Don was plagiarizing?

And as HPBlackMamba said, welcome to the forum.
Red Flag 1: I never did that. In fact I know gentiles can disagree with me

Red Flag 2: Maxines beliefs go along with my personal beliefs and past life memories. Same with my partner the JOS is saying nothing new.

Red Flag 3: it was only helped along by azazel. Not given by him. It's thanks to the hard work of Maxine and cobra we have it.

Red flag 4: open yourself up to the astral yourself then. Tell me I am wrong. You can't cause your methods are watered down or you are open to the astral but blinded by Hebrew curses or the tetragrammaton barrier or you have bindings in your chakras. I know how to get rid of some of this stuff. Give me a bit and I would convince you.

Red Flag 5: you really think the enochian keys and rtrs we did had nothing to do with this and of course freeing the Demons. Remember before we did any rituals was the world headed in that direction. Look at a chart for religion beliefs in the USA hmm steady for a long time. Then conviently when the JOS is formed and Maxine and others free the Demons vollah starts dropping then faster after we do the rtrs.

1. I have no reason to doubt it but I think you fail to understand what freed means. It means taking away curses and blocks that prevented them from having a foothold in this dimension. The enemy magick talks about it all the time with portals same with our Gods. We opened the Gates so to speak allowing them to come through without being abused and gain power from us again.

2. The Gods speak to a lot of us. I have had Bael come and help with plenty. They take care of us. So I don't doubt it Maxine is one of us. I have heard baels voice btw.

3. Looking for proof and logic is where a lot of people fuck up. How many crimes are unsolved for the same reason. How many enemy agents get away with stuff. You should trust your feelings and emotions more than this. It was created by Cobra and Maxine from years of study.

4. I think no such thing. I do not believe he is a Jew. But top teir content lol don't make me laugh these are basic things.

5. Ok are you all going to do nothing in this war. How many of you are serious. How many of you do other things if you doubt the rtr. How many seriously meditate. How many of you have interacted with the Gods or Satan.

I think I know the answer to this and so do you.

Get to work for our side and stop this nonsense.

-It was created by Maxine and cobra after YEARS OF STUDY-

Step 1.

You take a prayer

Step 2.

you reverse the order, letters, syllables, whatever, you reverse

Step 3.

You make an affirmation.



I am still waiting for that list of (((hundreds of books))) studied for this matter.

I am open to change my mind anytime and do the RTRs again if proven wrong.

Red flag 5. YES, before the RTRs, we didn't have a PANDEMIC AND A POLICE STATE. NOW WE HAVE IT. GOOD JOB. And covid passports and many others to come. The world is IMPROVING as we speak!! Oh, I forgot, 'the things are getting worse before getting better' - yes, of course.

The simple fact that Aleph letter INVERTED is manifesting the Jewish messiah, should be enough. Doesn't this concern you for REAL? Because there is proof online that the jews reverse their own letters, (((as you admitted))), without ERASING anything but as a simple PRACTICE or TO CONNECT FURTHER INTO THE JEWISH MATRIX.

2/Have you asked Bael about the legitimacy of the RTRs? Please do so! If you are so open to the astral please, bring the info here.

3/Trusting your feelings and emotions is PRECISELY the fucked up real FALLACY. Not the LOGIC. So, you said it with your own words: you hold emotional attachments towards them (HC and Maxine), so you want to trust their word solely.

I, myself can love somebody to the Moon and back, if the person is proven to be WRONG moreover A TRICKSTER, - fuck it - the feelings are dying instantly. YOU ALWAYS NEED YOU USE YOUR HEAD AND CRITICAL THINKING. And this 'attachment is precisely that TRAP or the VEIL that doesn't allow you to see and understand the reality of things.
It's a painful act to accept that you have been lied to and misled for so long, you resist accepting it as it is. The christians are the same, so attached by their own habits and so-called traditions that they just won't change their mind...

When it comes to CULTS, all of them started in the same day, an entity/demon/angel came to instruct a person about a so-called MISSION and blah, blah. Come on, give me a break, you want to call yourself A PROPHET - you bring some TESLA shit on the table - and I WILL BELIEVE YOU.
I remember once that MORON HC compared himself with Tesla. Lol. He had a sermon saying ''people like me, and like Tesla and etc are hated by blah, blah''. How do you dare, you HC NOBODY? How do you dare to put yourself next to Tesla?
How did you help us so far? By taking our Mcdonals money (how this shit called it), for astrological charts that haven't been delivered in 2 years?
Oh, I forgot, he was attacked, always attacked, all those years - but the cash went through in his account just fine.

Maxine did nothing new. However, she might have been just mentally ill due to a long life of poverty and abuse - a possible hypothesis. Maybe she had the best intentions, but intentions don't mean RESULTS. I am saying 'MAYBE' because I am almost sure they (HC AND HERSELF) are jews due to their actions.

The joy of Satan is nothing but CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Why doesn't your master HC promote rituals for the whites and gentile people instead? Why are we doing rituals to wake the whites-only once a year for a few days and not daily? You know our race is dying, right, and HOW DIRE is this situation, to begin with. Isn't it a RED FLAG that he doesn't give a damn about us as a whole?

Why not fighting jews with OUR ARIAN WEAPONS, like the RUNES? The same way Hitler did.

It's like going to Japan to fight the samurai in their own field with their own means - you can't - they have been instructed in generations upon generation and already runs into their veins/ blood.

If HC is innocent (which I highly doubt, considering HOW MANY LIES AFTER LIES AFTER LIES HE SAID SO FAR) - tell him to add at the announcements on the ancient forums, the link with this forum where Don is currently posting. Tell him to ALLOW THE GOIYM (his favourite word, look how often he is using it) TO MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICE AND AN INFORMATIVE DECISION. Tell him to allow people to have FREE CONVERSATIONS about all those things. This might prove something, BUT HE WON'T. Ask yourself why? What he has to fear, THE TRUTH?

What lies did he say everything on the JOS can be proven with independent research but it takes long study. It also can be proven in the way life is right now look at the world around you.

You talk about the police state and covid but do nothing to fight it. Yes we could spend years working with runes. But the rtrs are much faster. It is supposed to get worse and worse till there is some sort of collapse of society or the economy. That is part of the plan it was stated by Maxine in early 2020 (before she had to go into hiding or something) and it has been stated by cobra.

This is stopping the Jewish world order not propping it up. Look at how aware people are getting. We do race awakening more than once a year in fact we are doing it now.

Let me ask you if we are controlled opposition why are we so attacked by the Jews. Why are we persecuted by so many people in society and hated.

"If a comrade of ours opens a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not find himself vilified there, then he has spent yesterday to no account. For if he had achieved something he would be persecuted, slandered, derided and abused. Those who effectively combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its slanderous attacks." -Adolf Hitler

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Hamansbitch »

White Mage wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:44 am
sunrise wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:47 am
-It was created by Maxine and cobra after YEARS OF STUDY-

Step 1.

You take a prayer

Step 2.

you reverse the order, letters, syllables, whatever, you reverse

Step 3.

You make an affirmation.



I am still waiting for that list of (((hundreds of books))) studied for this matter.

I am open to change my mind anytime and do the RTRs again if proven wrong.

Red flag 5. YES, before the RTRs, we didn't have a PANDEMIC AND A POLICE STATE. NOW WE HAVE IT. GOOD JOB. And covid passports and many others to come. The world is IMPROVING as we speak!! Oh, I forgot, 'the things are getting worse before getting better' - yes, of course.

The simple fact that Aleph letter INVERTED is manifesting the Jewish messiah, should be enough. Doesn't this concern you for REAL? Because there is proof online that the jews reverse their own letters, (((as you admitted))), without ERASING anything but as a simple PRACTICE or TO CONNECT FURTHER INTO THE JEWISH MATRIX.

2/Have you asked Bael about the legitimacy of the RTRs? Please do so! If you are so open to the astral please, bring the info here.

3/Trusting your feelings and emotions is PRECISELY the fucked up real FALLACY. Not the LOGIC. So, you said it with your own words: you hold emotional attachments towards them (HC and Maxine), so you want to trust their word solely.

I, myself can love somebody to the Moon and back, if the person is proven to be WRONG moreover A TRICKSTER, - fuck it - the feelings are dying instantly. YOU ALWAYS NEED YOU USE YOUR HEAD AND CRITICAL THINKING. And this 'attachment is precisely that TRAP or the VEIL that doesn't allow you to see and understand the reality of things.
It's a painful act to accept that you have been lied to and misled for so long, you resist accepting it as it is. The christians are the same, so attached by their own habits and so-called traditions that they just won't change their mind...

When it comes to CULTS, all of them started in the same day, an entity/demon/angel came to instruct a person about a so-called MISSION and blah, blah. Come on, give me a break, you want to call yourself A PROPHET - you bring some TESLA shit on the table - and I WILL BELIEVE YOU.
I remember once that MORON HC compared himself with Tesla. Lol. He had a sermon saying ''people like me, and like Tesla and etc are hated by blah, blah''. How do you dare, you HC NOBODY? How do you dare to put yourself next to Tesla?
How did you help us so far? By taking our Mcdonals money (how this shit called it), for astrological charts that haven't been delivered in 2 years?
Oh, I forgot, he was attacked, always attacked, all those years - but the cash went through in his account just fine.

Maxine did nothing new. However, she might have been just mentally ill due to a long life of poverty and abuse - a possible hypothesis. Maybe she had the best intentions, but intentions don't mean RESULTS. I am saying 'MAYBE' because I am almost sure they (HC AND HERSELF) are jews due to their actions.

The joy of Satan is nothing but CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Why doesn't your master HC promote rituals for the whites and gentile people instead? Why are we doing rituals to wake the whites-only once a year for a few days and not daily? You know our race is dying, right, and HOW DIRE is this situation, to begin with. Isn't it a RED FLAG that he doesn't give a damn about us as a whole?

Why not fighting jews with OUR ARIAN WEAPONS, like the RUNES? The same way Hitler did.

It's like going to Japan to fight the samurai in their own field with their own means - you can't - they have been instructed in generations upon generation and already runs into their veins/ blood.

If HC is innocent (which I highly doubt, considering HOW MANY LIES AFTER LIES AFTER LIES HE SAID SO FAR) - tell him to add at the announcements on the ancient forums, the link with this forum where Don is currently posting. Tell him to ALLOW THE GOIYM (his favourite word, look how often he is using it) TO MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICE AND AN INFORMATIVE DECISION. Tell him to allow people to have FREE CONVERSATIONS about all those things. This might prove something, BUT HE WON'T. Ask yourself why? What he has to fear, THE TRUTH?
Everything you've just said is spot on Sunrise. Hit the nail on the head - love it.

If Maxine freed the demons, she must be pretty powerful right? After all, not even Hitler or Maria Orsic freed them, according to her. Therefore, why doesn't she prove just how powerful she is. Maria Orsic developed technical documents for levitation technology that Dr. Schuman verified and was astounded by. Lets see Maxine do the same. Or show some siddhis. She hasn't done anything.

As you've said, there's no proof that gentiles can use jewish magick to reverse it. The story of the golem only says that other rabbis/jews can reverse the letters. There's no indication that gentiles can do this. It's exactly like the samurai example. Gentiles using kabbalah rituals is going to be ineffective, at best. Saying "hail satan" at the end doesn't change that. Someone's "intention" to reverse doesn't change that either. You can ingest poison while "intending" for it to be healthy, but it will still hurt you - placebo effect be damned.

The aleph letter thing that you've found is absolutely damning. No one, not HP HC, not Hamansbitch, has countered that.
We don't need to counter it all you have to do is look at the astral. Also try out the rtr yourself while being aware of the astral and look at the energy feel what it is doing.

Oh wait you can't do that cause your meditations are ineffective and don't open you up fully to the astral even after many years most likely and you won't use ebil JOS meditations now would you 🤣 they are plaguised or weak oh I forgot about that.

Anyways if you can't be open to the astral you can let go and take it on faith and feel positive about it.

But when you open up youll know you did good.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Hamansbitch »

White Mage wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:44 am
sunrise wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:47 am
-It was created by Maxine and cobra after YEARS OF STUDY-

Step 1.

You take a prayer

Step 2.

you reverse the order, letters, syllables, whatever, you reverse

Step 3.

You make an affirmation.



I am still waiting for that list of (((hundreds of books))) studied for this matter.

I am open to change my mind anytime and do the RTRs again if proven wrong.

Red flag 5. YES, before the RTRs, we didn't have a PANDEMIC AND A POLICE STATE. NOW WE HAVE IT. GOOD JOB. And covid passports and many others to come. The world is IMPROVING as we speak!! Oh, I forgot, 'the things are getting worse before getting better' - yes, of course.

The simple fact that Aleph letter INVERTED is manifesting the Jewish messiah, should be enough. Doesn't this concern you for REAL? Because there is proof online that the jews reverse their own letters, (((as you admitted))), without ERASING anything but as a simple PRACTICE or TO CONNECT FURTHER INTO THE JEWISH MATRIX.

2/Have you asked Bael about the legitimacy of the RTRs? Please do so! If you are so open to the astral please, bring the info here.

3/Trusting your feelings and emotions is PRECISELY the fucked up real FALLACY. Not the LOGIC. So, you said it with your own words: you hold emotional attachments towards them (HC and Maxine), so you want to trust their word solely.

I, myself can love somebody to the Moon and back, if the person is proven to be WRONG moreover A TRICKSTER, - fuck it - the feelings are dying instantly. YOU ALWAYS NEED YOU USE YOUR HEAD AND CRITICAL THINKING. And this 'attachment is precisely that TRAP or the VEIL that doesn't allow you to see and understand the reality of things.
It's a painful act to accept that you have been lied to and misled for so long, you resist accepting it as it is. The christians are the same, so attached by their own habits and so-called traditions that they just won't change their mind...

When it comes to CULTS, all of them started in the same day, an entity/demon/angel came to instruct a person about a so-called MISSION and blah, blah. Come on, give me a break, you want to call yourself A PROPHET - you bring some TESLA shit on the table - and I WILL BELIEVE YOU.
I remember once that MORON HC compared himself with Tesla. Lol. He had a sermon saying ''people like me, and like Tesla and etc are hated by blah, blah''. How do you dare, you HC NOBODY? How do you dare to put yourself next to Tesla?
How did you help us so far? By taking our Mcdonals money (how this shit called it), for astrological charts that haven't been delivered in 2 years?
Oh, I forgot, he was attacked, always attacked, all those years - but the cash went through in his account just fine.

Maxine did nothing new. However, she might have been just mentally ill due to a long life of poverty and abuse - a possible hypothesis. Maybe she had the best intentions, but intentions don't mean RESULTS. I am saying 'MAYBE' because I am almost sure they (HC AND HERSELF) are jews due to their actions.

The joy of Satan is nothing but CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Why doesn't your master HC promote rituals for the whites and gentile people instead? Why are we doing rituals to wake the whites-only once a year for a few days and not daily? You know our race is dying, right, and HOW DIRE is this situation, to begin with. Isn't it a RED FLAG that he doesn't give a damn about us as a whole?

Why not fighting jews with OUR ARIAN WEAPONS, like the RUNES? The same way Hitler did.

It's like going to Japan to fight the samurai in their own field with their own means - you can't - they have been instructed in generations upon generation and already runs into their veins/ blood.

If HC is innocent (which I highly doubt, considering HOW MANY LIES AFTER LIES AFTER LIES HE SAID SO FAR) - tell him to add at the announcements on the ancient forums, the link with this forum where Don is currently posting. Tell him to ALLOW THE GOIYM (his favourite word, look how often he is using it) TO MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICE AND AN INFORMATIVE DECISION. Tell him to allow people to have FREE CONVERSATIONS about all those things. This might prove something, BUT HE WON'T. Ask yourself why? What he has to fear, THE TRUTH?
Everything you've just said is spot on Sunrise. Hit the nail on the head - love it.

If Maxine freed the demons, she must be pretty powerful right? After all, not even Hitler or Maria Orsic freed them, according to her. Therefore, why doesn't she prove just how powerful she is. Maria Orsic developed technical documents for levitation technology that Dr. Schuman verified and was astounded by. Lets see Maxine do the same. Or show some siddhis. She hasn't done anything.

As you've said, there's no proof that gentiles can use jewish magick to reverse it. The story of the golem only says that other rabbis/jews can reverse the letters. There's no indication that gentiles can do this. It's exactly like the samurai example. Gentiles using kabbalah rituals is going to be ineffective, at best. Saying "hail satan" at the end doesn't change that. Someone's "intention" to reverse doesn't change that either. You can ingest poison while "intending" for it to be healthy, but it will still hurt you - placebo effect be damned.

The aleph letter thing that you've found is absolutely damning. No one, not HP HC, not Hamansbitch, has countered that.
I know this stuff is real cause my girlfriend is powerful like Maxine is too she knows Hitler from a past life was an important person in Egypt who is well liked and she talked to Maxine in her mind before. We also visited other planets before too.

She is so smart she already knew a lot of stuff on the JOS site before reading it from being open to the astral.

So yeah this stuff is for real. That proves it.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by sunrise »

Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:19 am
White Mage wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:44 am
sunrise wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:47 am
-It was created by Maxine and cobra after YEARS OF STUDY-

Step 1.

You take a prayer

Step 2.

you reverse the order, letters, syllables, whatever, you reverse

Step 3.

You make an affirmation.



I am still waiting for that list of (((hundreds of books))) studied for this matter.

I am open to change my mind anytime and do the RTRs again if proven wrong.

Red flag 5. YES, before the RTRs, we didn't have a PANDEMIC AND A POLICE STATE. NOW WE HAVE IT. GOOD JOB. And covid passports and many others to come. The world is IMPROVING as we speak!! Oh, I forgot, 'the things are getting worse before getting better' - yes, of course.

The simple fact that Aleph letter INVERTED is manifesting the Jewish messiah, should be enough. Doesn't this concern you for REAL? Because there is proof online that the jews reverse their own letters, (((as you admitted))), without ERASING anything but as a simple PRACTICE or TO CONNECT FURTHER INTO THE JEWISH MATRIX.

2/Have you asked Bael about the legitimacy of the RTRs? Please do so! If you are so open to the astral please, bring the info here.

3/Trusting your feelings and emotions is PRECISELY the fucked up real FALLACY. Not the LOGIC. So, you said it with your own words: you hold emotional attachments towards them (HC and Maxine), so you want to trust their word solely.

I, myself can love somebody to the Moon and back, if the person is proven to be WRONG moreover A TRICKSTER, - fuck it - the feelings are dying instantly. YOU ALWAYS NEED YOU USE YOUR HEAD AND CRITICAL THINKING. And this 'attachment is precisely that TRAP or the VEIL that doesn't allow you to see and understand the reality of things.
It's a painful act to accept that you have been lied to and misled for so long, you resist accepting it as it is. The christians are the same, so attached by their own habits and so-called traditions that they just won't change their mind...

When it comes to CULTS, all of them started in the same day, an entity/demon/angel came to instruct a person about a so-called MISSION and blah, blah. Come on, give me a break, you want to call yourself A PROPHET - you bring some TESLA shit on the table - and I WILL BELIEVE YOU.
I remember once that MORON HC compared himself with Tesla. Lol. He had a sermon saying ''people like me, and like Tesla and etc are hated by blah, blah''. How do you dare, you HC NOBODY? How do you dare to put yourself next to Tesla?
How did you help us so far? By taking our Mcdonals money (how this shit called it), for astrological charts that haven't been delivered in 2 years?
Oh, I forgot, he was attacked, always attacked, all those years - but the cash went through in his account just fine.

Maxine did nothing new. However, she might have been just mentally ill due to a long life of poverty and abuse - a possible hypothesis. Maybe she had the best intentions, but intentions don't mean RESULTS. I am saying 'MAYBE' because I am almost sure they (HC AND HERSELF) are jews due to their actions.

The joy of Satan is nothing but CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Why doesn't your master HC promote rituals for the whites and gentile people instead? Why are we doing rituals to wake the whites-only once a year for a few days and not daily? You know our race is dying, right, and HOW DIRE is this situation, to begin with. Isn't it a RED FLAG that he doesn't give a damn about us as a whole?

Why not fighting jews with OUR ARIAN WEAPONS, like the RUNES? The same way Hitler did.

It's like going to Japan to fight the samurai in their own field with their own means - you can't - they have been instructed in generations upon generation and already runs into their veins/ blood.

If HC is innocent (which I highly doubt, considering HOW MANY LIES AFTER LIES AFTER LIES HE SAID SO FAR) - tell him to add at the announcements on the ancient forums, the link with this forum where Don is currently posting. Tell him to ALLOW THE GOIYM (his favourite word, look how often he is using it) TO MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICE AND AN INFORMATIVE DECISION. Tell him to allow people to have FREE CONVERSATIONS about all those things. This might prove something, BUT HE WON'T. Ask yourself why? What he has to fear, THE TRUTH?
Everything you've just said is spot on Sunrise. Hit the nail on the head - love it.

If Maxine freed the demons, she must be pretty powerful right? After all, not even Hitler or Maria Orsic freed them, according to her. Therefore, why doesn't she prove just how powerful she is. Maria Orsic developed technical documents for levitation technology that Dr. Schuman verified and was astounded by. Lets see Maxine do the same. Or show some siddhis. She hasn't done anything.

As you've said, there's no proof that gentiles can use jewish magick to reverse it. The story of the golem only says that other rabbis/jews can reverse the letters. There's no indication that gentiles can do this. It's exactly like the samurai example. Gentiles using kabbalah rituals is going to be ineffective, at best. Saying "hail satan" at the end doesn't change that. Someone's "intention" to reverse doesn't change that either. You can ingest poison while "intending" for it to be healthy, but it will still hurt you - placebo effect be damned.

The aleph letter thing that you've found is absolutely damning. No one, not HP HC, not Hamansbitch, has countered that.
I know this stuff is real cause my girlfriend is powerful like Maxine is too she knows Hitler from a past life was an important person in Egypt who is well liked and she talked to Maxine in her mind before. We also visited other planets before too.

She is so smart she already knew a lot of stuff on the JOS site before reading it from being open to the astral.

So yeah this stuff is for real. That proves it.

Let me tell you my personal opinion on this:

Maxine is not Kennedy. Maxine is not Hitler. Maxine is/was just a simple person walking on the streets UNDISTURBED, doing her shopping and basically living like any normal person.

As a matter of fact - if you use google, you will see her home address, her previous address - which makes things even easier for anybody to reach her.

She was there in plain sight as a target. FOR 20 YEARS.

The fact that some christians attempt to 'put a bomb' to her car or other stories, as she claimed, did not prove anything.

Do you know the story of the general of Escobar, his last general who died recently? That guy, to this last day, HAD TO CHANGE HIS ADDRESS ON WEEKLY BASIS to avoid being killed.

Imagine if Maxine was A REAL threat to the jews, - do you think that what, - the jews would just sit and watch her TAKING THEIR POWER, and do nothing about it. Giving their financial power, don't you think that they would have paid a sniper to take her out of the equation immediately? What would be your argument - the fact that the Gods protected her ...The Gods have come and diverted the bullets or mess their heads, (to not take any action against)...this is utter bullshit and, you know it as well.

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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Hayden »

Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:19 am
I know this stuff is real cause my girlfriend is powerful like Maxine is too she knows Hitler from a past life was an important person in Egypt who is well liked and she talked to Maxine in her mind before. We also visited other planets before too.

She is so smart she already knew a lot of stuff on the JOS site before reading it from being open to the astral.

So yeah this stuff is for real. That proves it.

Lol I like how this thing came in here trying to be legit at first, but only took two back and forths for that to quickly end and the mentally ill larp to reveal itself.

I wonder how many people over at the JOS would still take Maxines word as gospel if they knew what she actually looked like. That she was an overweight native american cat lady larping as an aryan while engaging in race mixing with 3 different ethnicities of men. She wasn't even honest about her race and we're supposed to think all this other crazy shit she claimed is true.
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White Mage
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by White Mage »

Hayden wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:34 am
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:19 am
I know this stuff is real cause my girlfriend is powerful like Maxine is too she knows Hitler from a past life was an important person in Egypt who is well liked and she talked to Maxine in her mind before. We also visited other planets before too.

She is so smart she already knew a lot of stuff on the JOS site before reading it from being open to the astral.

So yeah this stuff is for real. That proves it.

Lol I like how this thing came in here trying to be legit at first, but only took two back and forths for that to quickly end and the mentally ill larp to reveal itself.

I wonder how many people over at the JOS would still take Maxines word as gospel if they knew what she actually looked like. That she was an overweight native american cat lady larping as an aryan while engaging in race mixing with 3 different ethnicities of men. She wasn't even honest about her race and we're supposed to think all this other crazy shit she claimed is true.
Lol. I actually didn't know that Maxine was native American. In my JOS video, I thought she was some mid-western, trailer-park living, overweight white woman. That's crazy.

Dude, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me they/their partner had a past life with Hitler and lived in have no idea just how often that pops up over and over again...
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Hayden »

White Mage wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:45 am
Hayden wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:34 am
Hamansbitch wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:19 am
I know this stuff is real cause my girlfriend is powerful like Maxine is too she knows Hitler from a past life was an important person in Egypt who is well liked and she talked to Maxine in her mind before. We also visited other planets before too.

She is so smart she already knew a lot of stuff on the JOS site before reading it from being open to the astral.

So yeah this stuff is for real. That proves it.

Lol I like how this thing came in here trying to be legit at first, but only took two back and forths for that to quickly end and the mentally ill larp to reveal itself.

I wonder how many people over at the JOS would still take Maxines word as gospel if they knew what she actually looked like. That she was an overweight native american cat lady larping as an aryan while engaging in race mixing with 3 different ethnicities of men. She wasn't even honest about her race and we're supposed to think all this other crazy shit she claimed is true.
Lol. I actually didn't know that Maxine was native American. In my JOS video, I thought she was some mid-western, trailer-park living, overweight white woman. That's crazy.

Dude, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me they/their partner had a past life with Hitler and lived in have no idea just how often that pops up over and over again...
Lol. Yeah mentally ill larpers full of delusion. I'll give this guy credit though he at least tried (at first). But once you and sunrise came in with your hogs hanging out it didn't take long for "Uhhh I was with Hitler in a past life stfu and I just know this stuff just cuzzzz" shieeeeeeet. I think we are only a post away from the inevitable foam from the mouth rambling with the word jew thrown in there.
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