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Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:55 am
by Don Danko333
The Chiro as a mystical symbol represents a certain position on the solar orbit in which the solar year restarts. Osiris was the Egyptian green man as well within the religion a solar god who causes the life to return.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:52 am The Chiro symbol of the Christ church was also found in the Temple of Serapis. The Christian mob was surprised to find it there when they destroyed the place. It spells Christ the name Krist, Karast, Christos was different forms of the same title.

The temple predates christianity. Krist, Karast, Christos...I feel pretty sure it didn't mean the same thing as the christian churches christ character. They appropriated things from earlier wisdom and inverted or twisted it for their own devices.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:01 am
by Don Danko333
Some of the mystical teachings of Osiris did make it into the gospels. Christ's statements on making one's eye single and that creates an inner light which dispels the inner darkness and that is the essence of what and who he is. However in the context it now means nothing but how its recreated by the Christian church to mean.

The Egyptian and Greek mystic's taught by placing one's focus on the brow where the anointing oil the chrism in the exoteric sense is placed it creates this esoteric chrism and this inner light unities the Ba and Ka into the Ankh body a higher light body. The Egyptians make use of the Ankh as symbol of their magic however Egyptian magic is based on ones soul power or Heka. The Ankh relates to this. The point between the eye brows connects into the mid brain the eye of Osiris or Horus to the Egyptians. The staff of Osiris has the pine cone on the top with twin cobra serpents. The pine cone is the inner eye. Plato the Greek mentions the same in the Timaeus that there is gland in the brain when activated by focus it causes the energies to flow in the spine which the Greeks called the Holy reed.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:12 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"Some of the mystical teachings of Osiris did make it into the gospels. Christ's statements on making one's eye single and that creates an inner light which dispels the inner darkness and that is the essence of what and who he is. However in the context it now means nothing but how its recreated by the Christian church to mean."

That's really interesting. I was listening today to someone who was talking about channeling and how they'd been told (by this entity) there are two forms of attention. One is described as where the attention is focussed into a narrow beam (made me think of void focus), how when you get into that zone you hit the no time state....and its also a state where information and connection to receive insights, communications etc happens. They said it was because when in that state, the inner eye and attention is like a lazer (light). Information is encoded in light. That's interesting. The other form of attention is the common kind that most people are wider and more diffused.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:16 am
by Don Danko333
Its just placing the focus on the point between the brows that attention generates the activation and energy of this point and flows it back into the third eye which is in the mid brain to activate the entire system, from there it will start to activate the entire chakra system alone the spine and in the brain. The Hindu's call the mid brain the cave of Brahma and the Taoist the crystal palace. Dionysus relates to the ecstasy of activation of the the energy flowing in the spine in the Greek world.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:52 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
“Its just placing the focus on the point between the brows that attention generates the activation and energy of this point and flows it back into the third eye which is in the mid brain to activate the entire system, from there it will start to activate the entire chakra system alone the spine and in the brain. The Hindu's call the mid brain the cave of Brahma and the Taoist the crystal palace. Dionysus relates to the ecstasy of activation of the the energy flowing in the spine in the Greek world.”

I just spent 10 minutes responding Don and when I tried to send, it vanished so I have to try again! This is why I recommend if you're writing a big reply online, do it in a word document and cut/paste it. I usually do that. This time I didn't. Grrr....

I've lost the thread of what I was thinking. I'll try to recapture it. I was trying to say I find this topic really interesting because when one is writing in that kind of focus, when you're really into the topic at hand, all your energy focussed as you say, between your brows as you focus on the page (and this happens when one hits void or the zone doing art – same idea). It feels exactly like the painting begins to paint itself and you're watching it happen.

I actually feel this same way writing sometimes. The words come, I don't have to think, it's like it's writing itself and I'm watching the words appear on the page. I never gave it much thought before but now after listening to this guy saying this is channeling...made me pay more attention.

And there is as you say, a feeling of ecstasy of activation and you can feel energy flowing. Anyhow, it's something I'm starting to look more closely at. He describes this is not classic channeling as understood where one is surrendering control of their physical so another entity can take over. Not like that but more like making a connection on a kind of superhighway to a place of knowingness. When the connection is successful the information comes.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:34 am
by Don Danko333
Something I will mention is I'am not big on channeling claims I have already gone through a process of opening the psychic ability to understand the amount of filters, assumptions, stories, narratives and miscommunication that occurs. This has to be done for awhile over a long time to properly develop with certain practices. Its better to use divination methods like cards for most people. Being in a intuitive state is one thing but straight up channeling is different. Its a high level of psychic mediumship. New Age people are always juggling terms to move the goal posts on them. People have to be aware of that.

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:52 am “Its just placing the focus on the point between the brows that attention generates the activation and energy of this point and flows it back into the third eye which is in the mid brain to activate the entire system, from there it will start to activate the entire chakra system alone the spine and in the brain. The Hindu's call the mid brain the cave of Brahma and the Taoist the crystal palace. Dionysus relates to the ecstasy of activation of the the energy flowing in the spine in the Greek world.”

I just spent 10 minutes responding Don and when I tried to send, it vanished so I have to try again! This is why I recommend if you're writing a big reply online, do it in a word document and cut/paste it. I usually do that. This time I didn't. Grrr....

I've lost the thread of what I was thinking. I'll try to recapture it. I was trying to say I find this topic really interesting because when one is writing in that kind of focus, when you're really into the topic at hand, all your energy focussed as you say, between your brows as you focus on the page (and this happens when one hits void or the zone doing art – same idea). It feels exactly like the painting begins to paint itself and you're watching it happen.

I actually feel this same way writing sometimes. The words come, I don't have to think, it's like it's writing itself and I'm watching the words appear on the page. I never gave it much thought before but now after listening to this guy saying this is channeling...made me pay more attention.

And there is as you say, a feeling of ecstasy of activation and you can feel energy flowing. Anyhow, it's something I'm starting to look more closely at. He describes this is not classic channeling as understood where one is surrendering control of their physical so another entity can take over. Not like that but more like making a connection on a kind of superhighway to a place of knowingness. When the connection is successful the information comes.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:38 am
by Don Danko333
Nick is now doing his line of moronic abuse on people claiming if a person is having difficulties in their life its their fault. Nick showed in that post he does not work with any Demonic spirits if you summon a Demonic spirit, after doing divination on that spirit to understand if you should work with that spirit. You create a pact this spirit agrees it will then help and advise you in what you need. If you're just praying to a Demonic spirit and your life is not improving and or getting worse that spirit does not care about you and is not helping you. If you do a pact and the spirit does not keep its end its the same.

Its not intelligent to start working with Demonic spirits if you are not a practicing occultist and don't have evolved spiritual ability. Demonic spirits at the best are familiar spirits. Nick does not have this and Maxine lied about having this as well that is why Maxine stole off other authors and claimed this stolen information came from her made up father Satan and the "Gods". She was not communicating with any deities or demonic spirits.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:45 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
I'm describing what I'm feeling, comparing it to what I was hearing about channelling. I'm not making any claims, I don't know since I've always avoided channeling. I'm wondering if thats what I was doing with out realizing. I never gave it much thought before. The no time zone is definitely an intuitive state but yeah, I've begun wondering if it's anything maybe to do with channeling.
I've used cards for decades and those have proven to be pretty accurate a lot of the time.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:48 am
by Don Danko333
I still like my cards they always work.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:45 am I'm describing what I'm feeling, comparing it to what I was hearing about channelling. I'm not making any claims, I don't know since I've always avoided channeling. I'm wondering if thats what I was doing with out realizing. I never gave it much thought before. The no time zone is definitely an intuitive state but yeah, I've begun wondering if it's anything maybe to do with channeling.
I've used cards for decades and those have proven to be pretty accurate a lot of the time.

Re: Nick Needs Shekels the Joy of $hekels

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:48 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
yes, I like my cards too :)