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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:41 am
by Don Danko333
I don't answer emails or PM's anymore from people I don't already know. I don't care Blaze do whatever, your an adult, even go back to the JoS and let Nick take your money. I 'am not responsible for anyone but myself. I left that cult on my own free will over three years ago and have detailed all the issues with it and the LHP. Take it or leave it. Maxine has been dead for along time and she lied about everything. The JoS is all but gone at this time its not a functional organization any more and has not been for awhile either. You all had years to pull together and build a new model but never did so its not that important to any of you.

If you want to do the RTR and chant Hebrew letters then chant Hebrew letters. Its pointless for what Maxine claimed its supposed to do, but whatever its your life. Sit around all day and chant SaTaNaMa if you want. I don't care.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:51 am
by Don Danko333
The only reason Nick pretends he cares or believes in anything to do with the JoS, is because he bragged in private he was making 200 to 300 hundred dollars a week off the JoS the amount of lying he has been caught doing in public shows he does not believe in the JoS. And he brags he spends the money on himself. Nick is always demanding money in the name of the "gods" like any Christian minister demanding money in the name of Jesus. The JoS was Maxine's business hustle now its Nick's. Maxine made 11 thousand dollars in one donation alone. She spent it on a vacation.

Give money to Nick in the name of Father Jesus....ummmmm Father Satan, Maxine's version of god the father.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:16 am
by Don Danko333
People should stop projecting their ideology, politics' and philosophies onto spirits, demons or gods. You might be disappointed. Jesus Christ is a political egregore that was created to achieve a global materialization of the political ambition of the people who created it and wrote the Bible [political manifesto]. There is no god, gods or anything behind it. People are projecting the Christian influence on their minds and expanding this onto demons, gods and spirits that do exist. They might not share your personal opinion on anything and they might inform you of things you might not want to hear.

I will give you an example Lucifer did start to directly show up to me in late 2019, he told me around early 2020 that Maxine just made the whole JoS up anyway and I should leave it. Here I know he was telling me the truth because I did research into her claims at this time. But he still plain out told me Maxine made the whole JOS up. Not anything she was claiming to the public all these years she was.

I was also shown things about National Socialism its a Fascist Christian Cult. This is what all the information shows as well. It has nothing to do with Paganism or Satanism. Adolf Hitler was a confessing Christian and Nazism is a Christian sect.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:21 am
by Don Danko333
You note this with people who need Adolf Hitler to be a Pagan or Satanist. There life will end if he was not... Why? That is not an adult way to behave. They have replaced one Messiah, Jesus Christ with another Adolf Hitler.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:38 am
by Don Danko333
Its not a mistake Maxine's husband ran a silly Nazi group he was making money off for years. I think Maxine got some idea's from him. She also decided to put Nazism into everything to attempt to move JoS members to her husbands phony Nazi club of Fuhrer fun. Both Maxine and her husband were making a living off their members.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 5:46 pm
by Don Danko333
Sitchen was not a Sumerian expert and Sumerian scholars have debunked him numerous times pointing out he was just making shit up on purpose to fit into his space man ideology. The Sumerian conception of the Anu gods is similar to how Christian's think of Angel's, higher realm astral beings that descend energetically to communicate with humans in the material world from higher astral realms. Not flying down in space craft. This is the same with the Egyptian, Greek and Hindu deities they are always stated to be higher realm beings that are evoked with rituals to descend to the earth plane.

They have been making gold in labs for decades why would advanced ET's need to fly to earth to find gold? And why create humans to get it? We are using more advanced technology with more advanced systems today not using methods from centuries ago for resource extraction. Sitchen's claim amounts to the Anu beings are the Amish of outer space. Maxine was just using moronic theories to claim demonic entities are space aliens. The irony of Sitchen a Jewish man claiming the Anu flew across space to earth for gold is not lost either. Why did the Anu come to earth... some one dropped a shekel...

SaTaNaMa means in Sanskrit.... 100 [Sata] names [nama] that is all. The one hundred names of who? That is why the Lakshmi hymns are called Satanama Lakshmi Sloka the 100 names of Lakshmi. Its addressing the 100 names of Lakshmi they are chanting in the hymn. Yogi Bhajan of whom this dumb claim of Satanama being some great mantra was exposed by his own close people for being a sex predator and con artist. Maxine just took this from some book of his and passed it off for her own group as some great truth. Maxine didn't understand Sanskrit and was too lazy to study Sanskrit. That is why she passed all the study assignments off onto me in her never ending laundry list of work assignments.

Maxine didn't have any Magnum Opus as she died years ago and her devil daddy didn't save her. She was copying out of books and not communicating with any beings. The Final RTR was called FINAL RTR because she stated devil daddy told her it would finish the enemy totality in a couple of years. Its been more then a few years it didn't work and the Jews do this ritual themselves for centuries. I guess its not the Final RTR as Nick was putting out more RTR's after this one. So just chant Hebrew and give Nick your money.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 6:09 pm
by Don Danko333
Youtube is full of Pagan video's telling people how to get in contact with Pagan deities. Problem solved of how to get into contact with Pagan deities.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 6:32 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar

"I was also shown things about National Socialism its a Fascist Christian Cult. This is what all the information shows as well. It has nothing to do with Paganism or Satanism. Adolf Hitler was a confessing Christian and Nazism is a Christian sect."

I feel Catholicism also has a part in the death cult. Hitler was tight in with pope pius XII. There are groups behind these groups using them for their proxies, the real 'masters' who are all about exploiting and keeping control over the human race. I am convinced they're not human (non terrestrial).

"People are projecting the Christian influence on their minds and expanding this onto demons, gods and spirits that do exist. They might not share your personal opinion on anything and they might inform you of things you might not want to hear."

I have to agree they definitely have their own opinions. They tell you what you need to know, not what you want to hear. My own personal experience is they're as individual as you or I. You can't 'command' them or 'summon' them. You can ask. But not demand. These beings have abilities we don't (presently) have. Its fallacy and lunacy to think you could control or demand them to show up or do anything. They have their own opinions and agendas like any other intelligent being. They show up when they want to. In my own case, usually because I could use a hand, needed to know something and sometimes they have brought me gifts. But then they're off again. They have their own lives.

“They have replaced one Messiah, Jesus Christ with another Adolf Hitler.”

Or you could say, jesus with the biblical satan. When they were calling satan 'father' it always never sat right with me.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 12:32 am
by Blaze
Don Danko333 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:51 am The only reason Nick pretends he cares or believes in anything to do with the JoS, is because he bragged in private he was making 200 to 300 hundred dollars a week off the JoS the amount of lying he has been caught doing in public shows he does not believe in the JoS. And he brags he spends the money on himself. Nick is always demanding money in the name of the "gods" like any Christian minister demanding money in the name of Jesus. The JoS was Maxine's business hustle now its Nick's. Maxine made 11 thousand dollars in one donation alone. She spent it on a vacation.

Give money to Nick in the name of Father Jesus....ummmmm Father Satan, Maxine's version of god the father.
Do you have proof of this? Who did he say this in private too.

Satanama won the Nobel prize for increasing telomeres 47%. Elizabeth Blackburn. You are the one that first posted that. You don't have to act so defensive, if you don't want to communicate that is fine by me. I am well aware I am an Adult, I probably have more age then alot of you.

I came and agreed with you, and it feels like you are calling me an idiot. That approach has never won you very much good PR. Now that no one cares about a title or anything, it definitely doesn't. But I am questioning everything I knew and YOU preached for two decades. That's hardly closed minded I would say.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 2:39 am
by Blaze
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 6:32 pm
"I was also shown things about National Socialism its a Fascist Christian Cult. This is what all the information shows as well. It has nothing to do with Paganism or Satanism. Adolf Hitler was a confessing Christian and Nazism is a Christian sect."

I feel Catholicism also has a part in the death cult. Hitler was tight in with pope pius XII. There are groups behind these groups using them for their proxies, the real 'masters' who are all about exploiting and keeping control over the human race. I am convinced they're not human (non terrestrial).

"People are projecting the Christian influence on their minds and expanding this onto demons, gods and spirits that do exist. They might not share your personal opinion on anything and they might inform you of things you might not want to hear."

I have to agree they definitely have their own opinions. They tell you what you need to know, not what you want to hear. My own personal experience is they're as individual as you or I. You can't 'command' them or 'summon' them. You can ask. But not demand. These beings have abilities we don't (presently) have. Its fallacy and lunacy to think you could control or demand them to show up or do anything. They have their own opinions and agendas like any other intelligent being. They show up when they want to. In my own case, usually because I could use a hand, needed to know something and sometimes they have brought me gifts. But then they're off again. They have their own lives.

“They have replaced one Messiah, Jesus Christ with another Adolf Hitler.”

Or you could say, jesus with the biblical satan. When they were calling satan 'father' it always never sat right with me.

He confessed christian as he was pushing SS into the clerical positions, and attempting to subvert it within. Too much info has been released on this stuff at this point. He saved us all from the red terror and that Is an undisputable fact. Not trying to argue with you Zola, just you have to really explain your side and we would have to unpack these things, I have way to much information for ignorant claims to suddenly sway me over facts. But I am open minded to learn. But these topics are not why I came in the first place. Merely to tell Don, I am shocked at something of my worldview being wrong after so long. But whether or not a conversation is possible is...unimportant. You can even delete my comments now if you wish, as the message was just to Don.

Thank you for allowing the opportunity to communicate with him, regardless of whatever is the truth, I appreciate you having an area where others can discuss things. Things should never be in one place under heavy moderation. That Is a horrible idea. Maxine once said for everyone to make their own websites and spread out, this idea that others could not talk and make groups never came from her. The only purpose for that is control.

Have a good day. Till next time.