The Joy of Satan gave me a great life


Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Velcro »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:09 pm It's so offensive to see what the Ministry has become ... And how well it all began, what hopes were ... But the Jews won ... Already ... On this planet, everything is already lost... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I totally agree so much hope and enthusiasm at the beginining

But I disagree that everything is already lost.

Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Velcro »

Eric13 wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:12 pm
666siatris wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:53 pm
Eric13 wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:56 pm
I think the reason I can see they’re the true liars so easily is because I’m experiencing it directly. When cobra said I was harassing women my first thought was does he mean lydia? She’s the only women I’ve messaged. So I asked her. She said no you haven’t harassed me I’ll message cobra and clear that up. So she did and then cobra privately said to me “my bad, me and you are okay now.” Now they want to change their tune? See Mageson is right. They’re liars. I’ve never harassed anyone. I don’t talk to anyone. I mind my business.

As far as you, after you’ve read everything don has to say from his perspective on the cobra, Maxine rtr subjects and why you still maintain loyalty to the Jos, it’s very clear. You have very bizarre emotional tantrums in all of your posts indicating a strong inability to reason. You get triggered the same way a xian does when you question their god and they just want to beat you up. It’s insecurity. It’s the same reason why cobra flips out all the time and just screams at people. Same with Maxine. It’s all insecurity. I don’t see don or any of the others who left the Jos having tantrums. Just you and your gang. Everyone else is quite level headed. Think about that if you’re able.
i was lock from my other account. thanks mambe.

about you, kike, all magestein is doing here for years is rant. like urself.

you join him because ure weak and shit. ur common mission is slander. only.

like him you write bs lies. ure in a place that attack JOS from day 1.

you attack all SS who done work for SATAN before too. you are a toxic cockroach

i treat u like cobra never did. he talked to ur worthless ass like human being.

don is a tantrum and a kike rabbi writing lies all day. thats all he does. lol

only ur public behavior is enough you toxic grey possessed creature. you even wrrote this LOL
Okay, so you say, I don’t receive help from the gods cause I suck and am toxic, didn’t do anything for the gods and (yawn) whatever?

When I was going through hard times, I remember having a job working 7 days a week. I’d brew a pot of coffee at night so I could stay up all night until 4-5 am doing rtrs. Then I’d pass out and have to be at work at 7 am sharp. Never got any sleep. All I did was rtrs. Did this for months so the gods would help me with a situation. Nothing happened.

Then I remember living in Maine in the winter in a studio apartment with a friend and no privacy. So at night when he went to sleep I’d go in the negative temperatures out in the snow freezing my ass off and do rtrs through the night. I’d summon a demon and they’d say we’ll help you but you need to do more rtrs. Then one day I did rtrs from the moment I woke up until I went to sleep. Only taking breaks to eat. Nothing happened. So if doing all of that wasn’t enough And I suck then what can I say? I’m sorry I’m not a robot and had to take meal breaks in between rtrs. I’d like to know yours and everyone else’s routine who IS getting help?

When covid happened and we went on lockdown, I was illegally kicked out of my home. My landlord panicked and sold the house even though I had a lease, I was laid off from my job and living in my car. Then the government decided to boost unemployment benefits and they sent me a card in the mail to receive payments that got lost in the mail for 4 months. I had no money and no one was hiring. Meanwhile cobra and Maxine are saying SS will be taken care of. My so called GD at the time just told me one thing. Do more rtrs and help will come. No such help came. Things just got worse. My car got totaled. Ect.

You mention grey possession or enemy possession as a way to discredit me, but don’t you realize you’re actually arguing for me? See I summoned and tried to work with gods for many many years but none ever showed up. Only enemy ets and greys, ect. They pretended to be gods. As they’re doing to so many others right now. So yeah…

Also cobra recently made a post on succubus and how demon lovers can help one advance. No doubt after this tons of people did a ritual to get a demon lover. Those fools are screwed. Now they’re going to be having sex with the enemy. Hence why cobra promoted this.

All you do is make baseless claims and rage ranting. It’s almost comical how you can expect to be taken seriously in any manor. Youre the best ambassador the jos has to defend themselves? Lol only proves our point more and more.

Have you considered that the bad symptoms and bad luck being from the RTRs exclusively? At some point that Hebrew energy is becoming heavily toxic for a gentile soul. It's only empowering jewish souls.

I mean it's a jewish ritual after all in whatever order you might be doing it or affirmations.

I don't know. Maxine demon section also I would say not to be trusted. It's also from a jewish abusive source, with slight alterations (coming from her imagination and not proper interactions as she would say). FACT she did interact with Mamon which she later on call him Zeus. Now Cobra is calling Belzeebut Zeus. Maybe next year will be something else. So why is Cobra modifying Maxine claims? Was she lying. Didn't she hear it or see it right?

Another example is with Flauros which in reality is nobody but Horus. The names also resembles. But Maxine made from this 2 different entities.

You've been a member for 15 years I guess you had a strong will to keep it on despite everything you say.
It was all that bad all along? What was your motivation to keep it going?

Btw, I have never seen any greys or reptilians. I must do something really wrong lol, as I really want to, ...out of pure curiosity.

Why not restart a solid meditation program and stay away from that toxic community? I think you will get so much better. They still have a lot (not all) good meditations they DID NOT INVENT THEM OR OWN THEM, so use them.

I suspect Siatris is Cobra himself.
Think about it. He looks too damn stupid for a guy supposedly knowing so much inside info or being someone confident. Having access to all kind of emails. he chosed a bad character to play. I also get the same vibes and energy and has the same retarded jokes as Cobra when mad or want to mock someone.

That guy almost gave you a heart attack never forget that, this is not something to forgive. no matter what.

Take care and the best luck to you!
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Varun »

In a way I guess I expected to see you here soon, Eric. It sucks you had to go through that all.

From all I know doing too many of those rituals can drain you not only spiritually, it can start draining your physical body as well and weakening even your organs as body is struggling to keep up. Most people already have busy life and are doing plenty of things already+ their meditation schedule, and then if you add doing 4-6 rituals every single day is suicidal on long terms. It is absolutely expected to eventually develop whole bunch of weird health and even psychological issues because of this. I don't think it's healthy at all to do this to yourself, or allow anybody to force you to live such an unhealthy and toxic life. What Cobra is doing is criminal, and he is risking to see his lil "army" dropping dead suddenly in masses or appearing in hospital beds or in psych. wards.

This has nothing to do now with rituals being effective or not, it is obviously unhealthy and you can shorten your lifespan almost by half by following his insane ritual schedules. Note that he usually demands at least some 4-6 rituals every day, but then add guilt tripping and the way he wants everyone to panic, and people want to keep doing 15-20 or even more rituals a day. Doing more than 1-2 rituals daily for most people is insanely unhealthy and more and more are reporting that they are feeling like shit already.
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Varun »

I know that back then people were insanely rude to me and were calling me names and turning back on me simply because I couldn't keep up with stupid ritual schedules anymore. I was doing rituals since they appeared, almost every single day, usually several of them daily. After several years I started feeling worn out and obviously felt bad after I would try to spam them. One or two F-RTRs felt somewhat okay I guess. But anything more than that I would feel like a zombie soon. Whole last year I was struggling to keep up and I just would feel like shit sometimes even after trying to do second one. There were days where I just would do one rep of that ritual, and I would feel like I had it enough already.

It happened to me plenty of times that I tried to push myself to do more and I would have heart palpitations while doing those rituals. I would feel short of breath, dizzy, and I would feel so weak and worn out overall as well.

Some SS who I was in touch back in the days went completely crazy and suspected that I am a jew because I couldn't bring myself to do more, but I even physically felt limited to do more and that was it, however their peanut brains never allowed them to see situation in other way and they were always guilt-tripping me to try to do more despite me not feeling well at all.

There were times last year when I would literally hear some intruding thoughts to just kill myself since I am good for nothing. I asked some SS did they heard something similar or felt some weird emotions similar to that after not doing enough rituals for a while, and some told me is almost normal to experience such a thing. They would feel so paranoid and bad about not spamming at least 10+ rituals a day that they would completely go nuts about it, and would attack others to do the same or word will end etc etc, you gotta be the jew if u feel anything bad from any ritual blah blah..

Some SS went as far as refusing to get a job as much as possible so they can spam rituals, as well as they were refusing to get any friends or a partner cause it will harm "their spiritual advancement and productivity".

Eventually I just got tired of it all. It's all just crazy.
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Varun »

I will also add that overall I didn't actually felt too bad from F-RTR, I never felt like I am in some crazy pain or that something is insanely bad going on, but it was obvious how draining it can be. All rituals can be insanely draining. Anybody who thinks it's healthy to spam them every day is obviously crazy or simply really ignorant and blinded.
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Eric13 »

Velcro wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:06 pm

Have you considered that the bad symptoms and bad luck being from the RTRs exclusively? At some point that Hebrew energy is becoming heavily toxic for a gentile soul. It's only empowering jewish souls.
You've been a member for 15 years I guess you had a strong will to keep it on despite everything you say.
It was all that bad all along? What was your motivation to keep it going?
No, because I’ve tried working with the demons for many years. All they ever did was lead me on. It wasn’t just the rtrs, but it was intentional bad guidance from the ‘demons’.

As for why I stayed so long? I think it’s probably similar to why when a women is abused in a relationship and people ask, why did you stay? Are you crazy? Are you stupid? The answer is no, she isn’t crazy or stupid. The way cults work, is things happen gradually. It’s a slow brainwashing. As well, cults can’t work by exclusively abusing. People would just go. They work because amongst the abuse, there is intervals of genuine good experience and what seems like genuine care and concern from the cult leaders. The leaders are masters at manipulating. Masters at making you feel cared for even after hurting you. Just like when a man beats his women around and then makes her feel like it’s her fault he had to hit her. But he loves her of course. Cobra and the ministry are brilliant at this. They make you feel like the bad stuff that happens is your fault. You’re not doing enough or whatever.

Another thing with cults is they work by inspiring hope. The victims of cults begin to rely on this hope and it becomes the foundation for which they ground their whole realities upon. If you just pull that foundation out, their whole world goes crashing under and mental breakdown ensues. So leaving isn’t so easy. Seeing the truth isn’t so easy.

Unfortunately one doesn’t need to be stupid or crazy to fall for this. One just has to be in search of hope. Which guess what? We’re all in search of that. Smart and sane people too. This can happen to anyone..
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Snakeway »

666siatris wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:04 pm

you kikes claim like snakeway that Maxine is alive....he say she not...

She is alive, I don't know for how long

Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by Velcro »

Eric13 wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 7:04 pm
Velcro wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:06 pm

Have you considered that the bad symptoms and bad luck being from the RTRs exclusively? At some point that Hebrew energy is becoming heavily toxic for a gentile soul. It's only empowering jewish souls.
You've been a member for 15 years I guess you had a strong will to keep it on despite everything you say.
It was all that bad all along? What was your motivation to keep it going?
No, because I’ve tried working with the demons for many years. All they ever did was lead me on. It wasn’t just the rtrs, but it was intentional bad guidance from the ‘demons’.

As for why I stayed so long? I think it’s probably similar to why when a women is abused in a relationship and people ask, why did you stay? Are you crazy? Are you stupid? The answer is no, she isn’t crazy or stupid. The way cults work, is things happen gradually. It’s a slow brainwashing. As well, cults can’t work by exclusively abusing. People would just go. They work because amongst the abuse, there is intervals of genuine good experience and what seems like genuine care and concern from the cult leaders. The leaders are masters at manipulating. Masters at making you feel cared for even after hurting you. Just like when a man beats his women around and then makes her feel like it’s her fault he had to hit her. But he loves her of course. Cobra and the ministry are brilliant at this. They make you feel like the bad stuff that happens is your fault. You’re not doing enough or whatever.

Another thing with cults is they work by inspiring hope. The victims of cults begin to rely on this hope and it becomes the foundation for which they ground their whole realities upon. If you just pull that foundation out, their whole world goes crashing under and mental breakdown ensues. So leaving isn’t so easy. Seeing the truth isn’t so easy.

Unfortunately one doesn’t need to be stupid or crazy to fall for this. One just has to be in search of hope. Which guess what? We’re all in search of that. Smart and sane people too. This can happen to anyone..
Thank you for the reply
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by AnonPoster »

HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:58 pm
666siatris wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:53 pm
i was lock from my other account. thanks mambe. .
Now that is desperation :lol: :lol: :lol:
If I really locked you out of your other account it would have shown up on the forums public logs on Discord (which everyone can read right now). Keep making up stories about me. It's really going to help JoS in the long run (sarcasm)
Discord is a den of Pedophiles and Jews!!! I wish it was posted somewhere people will go. We are told on the JOS not to install Discord for this reason or use it.
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Re: The Joy of Satan gave me a great life

Post by AnonPoster »

This forum is so much fun :D :lol: :lol: :dance: :clap: everyone is fighting with each other, building conspiracy theories, gossiping) only I still don't understand why this forum is called Satanic. It's more of a humorous forum) :lol: :clap:
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