Siatris is Cobra

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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Post by AnonPoster »

BigDog is back pigs you censored my comments and deleted my account I aint forgive you for this dog I said dont fuck with me now I will fuck you up you deserve it for censoring and banning me for no reason dog I am dedicated satanist I never dissed anybody. Take this now zola bird you deserve it
Last edited by AnonPoster on Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Post by BirdofFreedom »

AnonPoster wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 1:49 am
BirdofFreedom wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 1:38 am
AnonPoster wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 1:16 am

Actually I read what this fellow agaistallwhatever said and he either missunderstood it or playing stupid?! His comment *has nothing to do* with what siatriscobra combo happened. LoooooL
He's Quite dumb member btw for how pretentious he present HIMSELF... nothing but another lackey
His name[Againstallauthority] is quite literally a mockery of people who rejected the authority over at the JOS and went and did their own things like me.
That's how the enemy tries to mess with people.

He also had changed his profile picture from a Ram to an Eagle, i hope that was not aimed at me.

He might mock you. For sure he is patrolling this place. And allow me to point of few things:

If this guy or Serbon and however sees ALL OF THIS about Cobra and keep it up on supporting him despite evident shit going around, they are all complicit to the con.

I studied agaistallwhater and he is a little shark going to be soon eaten by a bigger shark, Cobra. If he is innocent and not one of the inside guys of cobra's crew, then, he will soon will be drain by those vampires
He wants attention, I will pay close attention to him. Just curious to see the outcome of all of this.

they DESERVE eachother anyway!

Such a character with such a disgusting moral compass and business ethics absolutely disgusting I have no empathy for scumbags.

Personally, After 7 years of serving Jos I am fedup

I watch them now for entertainment, seeing more like a feak show each day.

I THANK SATAN each day for being able to detach eventually and call their shit out!
7 years? interesting there's a chance we may have meet if you've been there that long ago.

I've noticed that a lot of people around that time frame have left the site, it's filled with mainly new comers now.
the old members that are still there turned into freakshows like you said, have you seen fancymancy and ol whatever?
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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Post by AnonPoster »

BigDog is back pigs you censored my comments and deleted my account I aint forgive you for this dog I said dont fuck with me now I will fuck you up you deserve it for censoring and banning me for no reason dog I am dedicated satanist I never dissed anybody. Take this now zola bird you deserve it
Last edited by AnonPoster on Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Post by AnonPoster »

BigDog is back pigs you censored my comments and deleted my account I aint forgive you for this dog I said dont fuck with me now I will fuck you up you deserve it for censoring and banning me for no reason dog I am dedicated satanist I never dissed anybody. Take this now zola bird you deserve it
Last edited by AnonPoster on Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Post by AnonPoster »

BigDog is back pigs you censored my comments and deleted my account I aint forgive you for this dog I said dont fuck with me now I will fuck you up you deserve it for censoring and banning me for no reason dog I am dedicated satanist I never dissed anybody. Take this now zola bird you deserve it
Last edited by AnonPoster on Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Post by AnonPoster »

BigDog is back pigs you censored my comments and deleted my account I aint forgive you for this dog I said dont fuck with me now I will fuck you up you deserve it for censoring and banning me for no reason dog I am dedicated satanist I never dissed anybody. Take this now zola bird you deserve it
Last edited by AnonPoster on Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Post by Snakeway »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 9:20 pm Some1 should call the police on the bastard before he kills his gf and himself.
Why would he do that?
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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Post by BirdofFreedom »

Did AgainstAllAuthority really make an 'error' or 'mistake'?
Maybe he THINKS he did, but weather he lied or not is not important.

the point is cobra and his goons are trying to push what AgainstAllAuthority said as a means of hiding cobra's deception.

Thanks to an Anonymous poster we have an image of the post cobra made before deleted it.

The other thing is that cobra EDITED the posts to change the quote name from hpcobra to siaitris.

Ironically as of right now the post where serbon asked what happened and if he miss quoted is still unedited(as of writing this)
If you quote the post serbon made you get these details ... 44#p355344

Code: Select all

[quote=Serbon post_id=355344 time=1652731993 user_id=70021]
[quote=AgainstAllAuthority post_id=354952 time=1652651741 user_id=71283]
[quote="HP. Hoodedcobra666" post_id=354947 time=1652651369 user_id=48]
all domains are in maxine name. she could pull plug.

all her old email i have spoken to. NOT A WORD. ask anyone.

cobra say the truth but 
unfortunately he just respect privacy OR GOT TOLD BY HER to NOT say

Then this forum could go dark at any moment and we don't have any backup.
What actually happened here? Did you accidentally reply to siatris but quoted Cobra, since the original post seems to be deleted now?
The post ID gives the quote the little ↑ to jump to the post and the user ID highlights the person's name that was quoted in blue and allows it to be clicked and when clicked it links you back to the person's profile which corresponds to the ID.
Here you can see user_id=48 links back to cobra's profile.

You can also see the post_id which is 354947.
When clicking the ↑ of a post_id=354947 it takes you back to the original post made by cobra, but when you do it says "The requested topic does not exist." because cobra deleted his post after he realized he fucked up. ... =3&t=71887
If you go back to an archive before it was edited by cobra u can see the post ID links back to the post that was deleted by cobra and cobra's user ID.
Image ... =3&t=71887
In the an archive after cobra edited the post you can see that he removed the user ID, Time and post ID.
If you try to quote his post(at the time of writing this) this is what you get. ... 52#p354952

Code: Select all

[quote=Mastermind post_id=354952 time=1652651741 user_id=71283]
[quote="Siatris666" post_id=--- time=--- user_id=--]
all domains are in maxine name. she could pull plug.

all her old email i have spoken to. NOT A WORD. ask anyone.

cobra say the truth but 
unfortunately he just respect privacy OR GOT TOLD BY HER to NOT say

Then this forum could go dark at any moment and we don't have any backup.
cobras paranoia is getting to him, he's trying to cover his tracks but in doing so he's making things worse for him.