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Re: My testimony as an ex-JoS member.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:16 am
by shitposterInquisitor
BirdofFreedom wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:13 am
shitposterInquisitor wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:05 am
BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:03 pm When you're with the Satan, the real one that is, not whatever those morons on the jos follow.
Come now. Prove it. Don't just say catholicism is not christianity and protestantism is, mormonism might be and jehovas... erm... 2itnesses is not; and that islam doesn't worship the same jesus, as well.
alright then, leave this place now and don't come back.
i don't want to see you around here anymore.
I'll put on my gimp suit and be 'round yours in 5. You're going to have fun!

So prove it. Claim claims, prove claims.

Re: My testimony as an ex-JoS member.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:56 am
by AnonPoster
BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:13 pm you don't know about my brain.
now lets get to business, are you prisma yes or no? if not then get out of my way.

prisma already knows when i want something done it gets done anyone who gets in the way is looking for trouble.
now answer the question.
Take a good luck, kids. This is how you act when your brain is more similar to that of a robot than a normal person.

"But why doesn't he try to fix it, Dad?"

Maybe one day his processors will compute the correct action, but for now he is stuck in a logic trap. He is self-justifying his autism :(. It will be another 100 years before he realizes any better.

Re: My testimony as an ex-JoS member.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 4:15 pm
by Fluxinella Stellaris

Re: My testimony as an ex-JoS member.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:27 am
by Ipsissimus83
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:50 am hello. the goal of this post is not to hate on JoS etc, just to share my own experience on the Joy of Satan ministries.

i joined JoS three years ago. this was my first source of Satanism. i loved it because, the site has so much knowledge about Satanism and Magic. then, i also discovered the forum. so, i started to write in the forum - especially for magic advices etc... but JoS forums literally oppressed me so much, as an LGBT person. so i hated on myself and tried to change myself. i'm healing from that, fortunately. i feel better. also, their routine oppressed me. i got OBSESSED that EVERYDAY i had to practice things of the meditation routine etc... while as i said, now i practice with my own time and ways.

the JoS forums, also made me isolate from other people and angry with everyone. Also, i was literally hating on race mixing people and was about this race stuff. i am ashamed about that. i lost so much time for nothing. i thought that JoS was the only truth in the world. i was always trying to leave, but not being able to. because, i thought that Satanism = Only JoS. and i had religion crisis about that. because i thought that if i left JoS, i wouldn't have been Satanist anymore. but this doesn't work like that. Satanism is open to everyone and it hasn't a cult or a sect / coven etc.. it is individual.

then, returning to the meditation routine: i got obsessed and, despite i have depression and i feel mentally limited, i was pushing myself more than the normal. this drained me so much instead. in regard to rituals schedule for example: i can't stand so many vibrations. so during it, i was starting to cry from tiredness and dryness sympttoms and i got told it was the enemy's fault, but it was because i wasn't able to handle all of these vibrations especially the race ritual and i felt useless. like, no one should tell you what ritual to do.

i left and rejoined JoS so many times, because i thought it was the absolute truth. also, what was deceiving me is that they have great magic stuff and Satanism knowledge. but, no. it didn't work for me. it just harmed me. what really makes me shocked is that i was thinking i was feeling good. but NOT. i was just ignoring my emotions. ignoring my mental health. in fact now that i started listening to these, it's a disaster. not putting all of that on JoS, but also JoS' ideologies and hate contributed to this. i'm desiring to heal, JoS' cause or not. i want to heal. and now no one can tell me that as an LGBT person i'm not valid + i want to practice on my own and, i don't want to hate like that anymore. i am a human and so i can do errors, but i want to spread love as i can, even if it's hard to live. but i wanted to say my experience there.

if you left, i'm proud of you. you've been mentally strong and you found mental freedom. i'm glad. i'm proud of you.

if you are struggling to leave, please know that Satan and the Gods don't care. Satanism IS individual. so they love you. just do what you feel to do, please think with your mind and heart. also, practicing everyday only because they said that, is harmful for your mental health and physical health. you want to practice on your own when you feel in the right moment. so.. remember you also have a community here to support you. when i discovered this forum, i felt like i was able to handle my "dependency" on JoS and i gradually left. thank you everyone. i wasn't able to think by myself.
I am sorry this happened to you but I'm a transgender man and of course the fact my identity is there, it can not change. Lol so I wasn't about to change anything, I guess being me, stubborn and a jackass. :lol:

Anyway I was faithful to JoS many years but when that trash about LGBTQ was spreading in JoS forums, oh hell no I wasn't about to put up with their toxic shit. So I permanently left JoS last year. No desire to return their way isn't the only way. In fact I believe Jesus is the Anti-Christ LMAO. After all he did destroy things In a temple. Actually you can consider me gnostic so to speak. It's impractical to hate race mixers in today's world. LOVE TRANSCENDS race. It makes sense if Kundalini and spiritual enlightenment is about transcending limitations.... Then there are no limitations in Satanism. Maxine said it herself a while back. So I think Jesus is more of a Satanist than a Christian. He talks of "kingdom of God within you". I mean seriously. Of course that would earn me "jewwwww!"

It's actually very liberating because if you strip away all the names and symbolism and psychobabble bs in the end all you have left is YOU. God's Plan is the same thing as your True Will.

Truth is , your character and who you are is more important than religion or Satanism itself You have a right to defend yourself. Yeah they may claim that's atheism. Actually I define atheism in a gnostic way that God is within you. So you are a god/dess. If Satan was with JoS we would know, Cobra and JoS have shitty, psychotic, narcissistic behavior this is a result from being predatory on others. But make no mistake I have outlook that I know they are going to get what's coming at them, because the Dark Lord will withdraw his breath from those who wage war on those like Cobra because Satan as I understand is about the individual and the Will.

So by the same token the teachings of that Nazi ideology on JoS preys on those who are already weak minded, that is THOSE WHO CRAVE POWER AND LACK IT IN REAL LIFE. This should be evidence of predators and abusers. it's definitely a hook and toxic. This is because these delusional fuck's don't have a life they are satisfied with and blame it on "enemy" rather than addressing their issues or illnesses in their life.

They are too blinded. Creating the information by taking bits of here and there on the internet to suit your own agenda is definitely a cult.

Re: My testimony as an ex-JoS member.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:12 am
by Bane666
BirdofFreedom wrote: Wed Jul 20, 2022 5:08 am
Fluxinella Stellaris wrote: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:01 am
Holy shit I just read all of that, epic battle and lore drop. I am now patiently waiting for part two if you guys wanted to organize something.