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Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 2:43 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"Thank you for allowing the opportunity to communicate with him, regardless of whatever is the truth, I appreciate you having an area where others can discuss things."

I actually do want that for people, despite all the denigration I have received as a 'tyrant' because I'm showing the trolls the door. I am interested in cleaning this forum up to make it a good place for people.
You're welcome.

"He saved us all from the red terror and that Is an undisputable fact"
true enough. But what you are failing to grasp is that, at the source, its all controlled opposition.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 5:48 am
by Don Danko333
Blaze came here complaining twenty plus years of what they have been doing in the JoS has totality failed that I was correct about demons and the JoS. Now its posting here and as Koko [kookoo] on the other thread doing the opposite while complaining as Kookoo I 'am not taking any emails or pm's from people which is what it was complaining over here as blaze. These are the two faced trolls not worth my time. I also know who this moron is from way before as well they play this two faced manic game all the time.

Blaze, Kookoo, etc. Chant SaTaNaMa all you want its not a mantra, do RTR's and waste your time. Keep praising Nick and worshipping the Christian Fuhrer. No one is stopping you.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 5:59 am
by Don Danko333
The Nazi's did mention Satanism.

Rosenberg, Chamberlin and Nietzsche where the founders of Nazi thought and their mystical doctrine of the Thule Society as well. This is the origin of the doctrine of Nazi Christianity which is called 'Positive Christianity' upon which Hitler believed and built his Reich Church upon. The literal Gospel of an Aryan Christ and Christianity. Dietrich Eckart, Hitler's personal mentor, guru and friend was a mystical Christian from his own statements. Hitler dedicated the second part of his book 'Mein Kampf' to Eckart and had a personal shrine to him at his political meeting house when the leader of Germany.

Dietrich Eckart's own public writings compares the Jews to Satan not exactly making Eckart a Satanist. Eckart was an important member of the Thule Society and his name appears as such in the membership list the former director of the Thule Society, published in his second book:

"In a piece entitled “The Midgard Serpent,” written shortly after the November Revolution, Eckart combined Nordic apocalyptic beliefs with Christian eschatology as seen in Revelation. He metaphorically linked Jews to both the evil Midgard serpent that Thor battles and the Red Dragon, symbolizing Satan, who rises up in Revelation.

Eckart further associated the release of Satan to the emancipation of the Jews of Europe. In other words, with Jewish emancipation, Satan had been loosed, and his world rule via the Jews was imminent. Eckart ended his piece with a reference to Revelation 12, writing, “for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”1

Rosenberg admitted his book which lays the entire philosophy for the Nazi Party was just a rewrite of his own guru's, Chamberlain, Christian work 'The Foundations'. Chamberlain is the true philosopher of exoteric National Socialism he is to National Socialism what Marx's is to Communism. Mein Kampf is just a repeating of his book 'The Foundations' and numerous other writings.

"The personality and life of Jesus, whom, Chamberlain and Rosenberg, Nazi Germany's two most influential philosophers, considered as Aryan by race and spirit, as Rosenberg's following passage testifies:

"The Roman Church has emphasized his submissive humility because it wishes to have as many submissive followers as possible. To correct this is a problem for a German revival. To us, Jesus appears as a lord who is conscious of his lordship in the highest and best sense of the term. It is his life which is significant for Germanic men...We discern in the Gospels the might preacher, the ma of wrath in the Temple, the man whom all men followed, not the sacrificial lamb of Jewish prophecy, not the crucified one".

"Thus, Nietzsche (and later the Nazis) despised Judaeo-Christianity as "the anti-Aryan religion par excellence". as a Semitic religion which represents "the revaluation of all Aryan values", and which is hence unworthy of its founder, Jesus Christ, "the noblest man", a "free spirit" whose "un-Jewish, mystical doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven within us' the Nazis praised as typically Aryan, while Chamberlain saw in the birth of Jesus Christ the most important date in the whole history of mankind:

"The coming of Christ signifies, from the point of view of world's story, the coming of a new human species".

"Indeed, for Chamberlain, Jesus, though of Jewish culture and religion, was definitely not a Jew neither by race nor spirit, implying that pure Aryan blood had been infused into the Galileans who were viewed by the Jews as an alien people:

"Christ was not a Jew... whoever asserts he is is either ignorant or insincere...There is not the slightest foundation for the supposition that Christ's parents were of Jewish descent... The probability that Christ was no Jew, that he had not a drop of genuinely Jewish blood in his veins, is so great that it is almost equivalent to a certainty".

"For Rosenberg, Nazism's philosopher who called for a "Germanic Christianity", contrasting Jesus the Aryan with Paul the Jew, the real Christ was the heroic rebel against the Jewish spirit, a "Son of God" or God-Man, " contrast to the Jewish doctrine of the servant of God", an Aryan Superman who, according to Chamberlain, had brought:

"Not peace but the sword. The life of Jesus Christ is an open declaration of war, not against the forms of civilization, culture and religion, which He found around Him- but certainly against the inner spirit of mankind, against the motives which underlie their action, against the goal which they set for themselves in the future life and in the present".

"For Nietzsche, "The church is precisely that against which Jesus preached- and against which he taught his disciples to fight"....And thus, Christianity which ironically took its name from its radically different original founder and the Church, are regarded by Nietzsche as the exact antitheses to the Gospel, to Christ's spirit and practice, and therefore, the "world-historical irony" lay in the fact "that mankind should fall on its knees before the opposite of what was the original, the meaning, the right of the Gospel."

"Hence the heroic and mystical spirit of Jesus Christ is sharply contrasted with the Jewish cowardly, materialistic, and base spirit. Hitler in fact says that the:

"Jews' life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine".

Nietzsche's following:

"Jesus had done away with the concept 'guilt' instilling-he had denied any chasm between God and man, he lived this unity of God and man as his 'glad tiding'..."What did Christ deny? Everything that is today called Christian...precisely that which is Christian in the ecclesiastical sense is anti-Christian in essence: things and people instead of symbols; history instead of eternal facts; forms, rites, dogmas instead of a way of life. Utter indifference to dogmas, cults, priests, church, theology is Christian.. Jesus starts directly with the condition the ''kingdom of Heaven' is in the heart, and he does not bind the means to in in the observances of the Jewish church; the reality of Judaism itself he relates as nothing; he is purely inward He likewise ignores the entire system of crude formalities governing intercourse with God: he opposes the whole teaching of repentance and atonement; he demonstrates how one must live in order to feel 'deified' and how one will not achieve it through repentance and contrition for one sins; 'sin is of no account' in his central judgment... The Kingdom of Heaven is a condition of the heart...not something 'above the earth'. The Kingdom of God does not 'come' chronologically-historically,, on a certain day in the calendar, something that might be here one day but not the day before: it is an 'inward change in the individual', something that comes at every moment and at every moment has not yet arrived".

Thus spoke Nietzsche:
"To resume I shall now relate the real history of Christianity The word 'Christianity ' is already a misunderstanding in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. The Evangel' died on the Cross. What was called 'Evangel' from this moment onwards was already the opposite of what he had lived: 'bad tidings', a dyangel...Only Christian practice, a life such as he who died on the cross lived, is Christian...Even today, such a life is possible for certain men even necessary genuine primitive Christianity will be possible at all times ...Not a belief but a going, above all a not doing of many things a different being..."

For Nietzsche:

"Christianity was an inner experience, a practice, and not an outward "truth"...Therefore true Christianity does not come from blind adherence to a limited set of ideas God, the Beyond, Heaven...what Nietzsche termed "crude answers", but from a direct personal encounter with the spiritual reality with the "God within".

"Adopting Nietzsche's views on Christ and Christianity, the Nazis also believed that true Christianity was base on the mystical concept "the kingdom of heaven is within us", and Chamberlain, basing himself on Christ's own words: "the kingdom of God cometh not with the observation: neither shall they say, lo here or lo there. Fro behold. the Kingdom of God is within you" acknowledges this concept of an inner Christ:

"Theses words of Christ have, however, as we can see, never the character of a doctrine...Down through the ages we hear the words 'Learn of me' and we understand what they mean: to be as Christ was, to live as Christ lived, to die as Christ died, that is the Kingdom of God, that is eternal life".

"Hitler rejected the "servile Judeo-Christian religion of weakness and pity" advocating the belief in a stronger heroic faith, a belief in God which would be inseparable from the Aryan's festive and his blood a faith that does not reject and negate this life in favor of a life in the "beyond" an Aryan religion for free men, who, in Alfred Rosenberg's own words, "know and fell that God is within them"

Hitler's public proclamation of Christianity was in accordance with his own actual belief in it:

"In 1922, a decade before Hitler took power, former Prime Minister of Bavaria Count von Lerchenfeld-Köfering stated in a speech before the Landtag of Bavaria that his beliefs "as a man and a Christian" prevented him from being an anti-Semite or from pursuing anti-Semitic public policies. Hitler turned Lerchenfeld's perspective of Jesus on its head, telling a crowd in Munich:

"I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling 'as a man and a Christian' prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."[2]

In a 1928 speech, he said: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity ... in fact our movement is Christian."[3]"

All unnumbered quotes are from: Nietzsche, Prophet Of Nazism: The Cult Of The Superman, Abir Taha
[1]Dietrich Eckart, “Die Midgardschlange,” Auf gut deutsch (December 30, 1919), 680-681
[2]Speech delivered at Munich 12 April 1922; from Norman H. Baynes, ed. (1942). The Speeches of Adolf Hitler: April 1922 – August 1939. Vol. 1. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 19.
[3] Speech in Passau 27 October 1928 Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf; from Richard Steigmann-Gall (2003). Holy Reich: Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919–1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 60–61

Christian Nazism Is Nazism

The Nazi Party came out of the German Teutonic Movement which had a strong Christian wing the German Christian Teutonic Movement of which basic doctrine is summed up here this is what Chamberlain espoused as well and became the basis of the exoteric wing of the Party.

The book: 'Atlantis Edda & Bible by Hermann Wieland (1925)' was ordered banned and destroyed by the Allied forces after the second war from reports for being the actual bible of Nazi Christianity. This book highlights what the actual Aryan Christianity that Hitler, Rosenberg, Himmler and the Nazi doctrine espoused. That

Aryan Christianity is literally based on the ideology the Germans where the original 'Chosen People' of the Bible including Jesus. And the ancient Hebrews stole this from them and are the false 'Chosen People' also called 'Master Race' in this book. This book shows Nazism was Judaism for Germans. Its no mistake this came from a Protestant nation.

From the introduction of the book:

"Dollinger succeeded in that his first work to show us the proof that Jesus was not a Jew, but in fact an Aryan and that Christianity originated from a German-Aryan source and that many of the ancient Jewish cultures and allegedly Jewish culture of Palestine where indeed Germanic instead. It is thus that we Germans have been instilled for 2,000 years by the Jews of their being the Chosen People"..."

"In the following pages the attempt will now be made to solve the final riddle of the Bible and the reader will see in amazement in how a great effort has been in the last 2,500 years by unscrupulous thieves and skillful literally forgers to distort venerable Aryan holy writings to exchange the Jewish people as the "Master Race" of the world and to make the Germans into their servants..."

"The result of our current struggles as German people will be determined entirely by our critical ideas. If we persist in believing in the international ideals instilled by Judea and Rome then we will lose despite all these temporary successes. But if we keep to the facts stated here and our base beliefs on a reclaimed Aryan Christianity and its racial laws then we will be assured a bloodly victory over the cabal of our worldly enemies..."

From the tenth chapter the Germans are the 12 tribes of Israel:

"It is the German people (Kelien/Thelen/Helden, Heroes) that the house of Israel refers to when they speak of lambs and sheep. Jesus wanted the lost sheep of the house of Israel to once again be found in other words to be reunited in one kingdom. Indeed the name "Israel" is itself an ancient Germanic designation for the various German tribes that existed long before any Jews came to live in Palestine. The name itself originally related to the German tribes that emigrated to this area of Palestine mountains and Carmel mountain. The Hebrews have appropriated this name in their maneuverings so that they might be viewed by others as belonging to a higher bred race and so they can be viewed as Gods "chosen ones". The original twelve tribes of Israel are the twelve Germanic tribes and are not as such Hebrew."

From the chapter on: 'The historical Jesus"

"The Jews themselves thus know perfectly well this is indeed a historical personage. So are the Gospels if correctly understood as a work of immense scope and high moral significance, then the poetry of any specific peoples? Are they poetry of the Jews? impossible! The high moral spirit that shines from the Gospels. and which Goethe could not boast of enough, could simply not have sprung from the brain of a Hebrew. As our racial researchers can rightfully testify. It is certainly guaranteed that these Ebraer, these Hebrews would also thus have taken great care to ensure these teachings of Jesus which are in fact diametrically opposed to the worldview of the teachings of the Jews never be allowed to be claimed by the German world in which they so thoroughly despise. Least they themselves be flung to their own demise.

Absolutely not! Jesus was not one of theirs with their endless schemes of world subversion; the teachings of Jesus instead come from a deep knowledge of nature and the extermination of the weeds of humanity (see chapter 37). This spirit never could have come from a Jew; it could only have spurted from a Germanic a son of god (the Goths). The abysmal hatred of Jesus and his teachings and the cross are all manifested in the blasphemous "sacred" writings of the Jews. This undoubtedly then has some sort of historical background to it. This Jesus most have been a Germanic personality of an intensely singular importance..."

"There can be little doubt then he was one of the brave few that pointed out the dangers of mixing with these children of the Devil. And thus one of the brave few to demand their extermination during the times of Aryan troubles. Thus he must have been of the valiant few to stand and enter into combat against them and their bloody sacrifice rituals and customs. It thus quite an obvious fact he must have been persecuted with limitless anger and pursued by the Ebraer of the entire world.

Jesus and his teachings have therefore not originated from Judaism. Those who deny this must then deny political, nature and racial scientific truths and truths."

"We find in the Christian church the association of the Jesus Christ with the Germans through his representation in his coat of arms as proto Germanic cross combined with the symbol of the sun. Or even more directly as the symbol of the German people themselves, the lamb. He must therefore be considered according to his ancient family, tribal coats of arms as a Germanic king of this there can be doubt."

"Mount Calvary was a worship site for the ancient Canaanite Germans who where subjugated by the Hebrews..."

"For the Germans of Palestine, Jesus was known by a varied different names. He was called "the divine son" the Messiah, or the Christus "the anointed one". Which designated he was from a royal bloodline. He was also called the Arch Angel Michael or even Joshua which meant "help from god" "savior" or "redeemer"...

"With time the Galilean and Sarmatian Germans began to increasing mix with the Jews from the south; this unfortunate circumstance gave the Hebrews the opportunity to get their hands on the records and the sagas of the Germans! In addition these hostile Jews blended themselves in with the Germans of the Middle East with the rites of baptism in order to obtain a more direct and dominate influence over them and their ancestor Jesus. These deceptive Hebrews then gained access to the legends and histories of Esus and then falsified both them and the genealogy of Jesus so as to make it appear he was the offspring of the Jews."

"Thus these snake and dragon people where made to appear as the "Holy and chosen ones of God". This was indeed a diabolical political move of the first order. One which brought disasters of every kind in its wake to the Germanic peoples."

From chapter 37:

"The great wars of the world are more then the struggles of ideals. The Aryan-Christ and nationalist ideal are opposed to the internationalist ideal. On behalf of German-Teutonic Christianity and the German nation itself we will therefore enter into the final and decisive battle between the Aryan god and the pagan animal-men; and annihilate them and then like the Japhetite's of the Bible we will "dwell" in the tents of Shem and Ham. ie,. we will settle their lands with our own Germanic and Aryan country men. Throw away these imaginary, falsified and mendacious word of "love thy enemies" and instead march foreword to crush these animals! The guiding light that will charge our struggles is the racial laws of the "Old Testament" (our "old covenant") and the Gospels of Jesus, i.e,. The "good news' of the protection and deification of Aryanism. Under the battle-flag of the ancient Aryan Christian cross and the ancient swastika we will regain the ancient Germanic lands that have been stolen from us over the centuries and we will regain greater Germania."

All quotes from:
Atlantis Edda & Bible by Hermann Wieland (1925)

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 6:01 am
by Don Danko333
Maxine's claim Hitler and the Nazi's where Satanist's came from a fantasy book "The Spear Of Destiny" which is established to be a work of fiction even by the author.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 6:06 am
by Don Danko333
Hitler The False Messiah German Occultist Warned About

The occultist members of the Thule Society conducted a séance inside the four Seasons Hotel to communicate and gain knowledge from the spirits of two of their murdered comrades for future prophecies and assistance.

The spirits of Prince von Thurn und Taxis and Countess von Westrap appeared they had both been murdered by the Bolsheviks in Munich two of the seven members of the Thule Society executed by firing squad of the red guards on Walpurgis eve. They appeared and from accounts the medium used was a physical medium which means they have the ability to manifest ectoplasm which gives the spirits the ability to manifest their physical appearance and speak to the witnesses in the séance. A skill well documented in the Spiritualist movement in Britain and elsewhere but rare and high ability. The spirits of the two told them the members of the Thule Society the long awaited German messiah was to appear and this being was Adolf Hitler. However they also furthered warned the members of the Thule that: "However the apparitions also came with a dire warning that this Messiah would be a false prophet who would lead Germany into destruction."[1]

Rudolf Steiner the famous occultist and clairvoyant warned that Hitler and the Nazi's would lead Germany to destruction. He predicted in his book: The Book Of Revelation And The Work Of The Priest. That the beast who would lead Germany into total destruction would arise in Germany in the year 1933. Rudolf Steiner wrote that book in 1924 and Rudolf Steiner passed away in 1925. His prediction was as he believed in other lectures this being was actually Adolf Hitler.

History shows they should have paid attention to these warnings.

[1]Walpurgis Night, Thomas Sheridan
Works of Rudolf Steiner

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 6:10 am
by Don Danko333
This can not be under stated Eckart was the man Hitler had a personal shrine chapel built to in his home and stated was a father to him and his mentor...

Dietrich Eckart's own public writings compares the Jews to Satan not exactly making Eckart a Satanist. Eckart was an important member of the Thule Society and his name appears as such in the membership list the former director of the Thule Society, Eckart published in his second book:

"In a piece entitled “The Midgard Serpent,” written shortly after the November Revolution, Eckart combined Nordic apocalyptic beliefs with Christian eschatology as seen in Revelation. He metaphorically linked Jews to both the evil Midgard serpent that Thor battles and the Red Dragon, symbolizing Satan, who rises up in Revelation.

Eckart further associated the release of Satan to the emancipation of the Jews of Europe. In other words, with Jewish emancipation, Satan had been loosed, and his world rule via the Jews was imminent. Eckart ended his piece with a reference to Revelation 12, writing, “for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”1

[1]Dietrich Eckart, “Die Midgardschlange,” Auf gut deutsch (December 30, 1919), 680-681

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 6:12 am
by Don Danko333
Blaze da Kookoo, it seems the Fuhrer was Christian. And since the whole Fuhrer cult was based on a political Messiah [Christian doctrine] he also turned out to be the false Messiah as well.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:05 am
by Don Danko333
Was Hitler even and adept of anything or a just trained politician?

Let us compare the two.


Swami Vivekananda in the late 19th century predicted Indian Independence to the exact year of fifty years. He also predicted the first world war within the time frame it happened and he predicted the second war the same and the reasons for both and this would lead to the independence of India. He was also personal friends with Tesla and when he visited Germany he was invited to the home of a professor when he arrived he asked if he could read the book of philosophy the professor had on his study desk. The professor was surprised as it was almost a thousand pages. And told him it would take months. Vivekananda told him give him an hour. Vivekananda sat in the chair didn't even open the book just held it between his hands on his lap for an hour. When the hour was done he handed the book back to the professor and told him there was nothing of any value in the book. The professor didn't believe he read it why would he. So he told the professor to test him any page he opened to he could recite the entire page word by word and the page number. The professor did extensively. Swami Vivekananda accomplish what he claimed perfectly. The professor was just baffled and amazed. Vivekananda could look into someone's spirit and tell everything about them and what was going to happen to them. He could also send shakti energy into people and allow them to witness the higher reality of Brahman the higher realms of vibration that form the field. Interestingly he also lectured and wrote about Kundalini energy and mysticism.

So this Swami from India with a towel on his head and who wore what looked like a dress, was more psychic and advanced then Hitler.

Charismatic political leader...

As Hitler didn't predict anything they didn't even know Poland was a trap to a larger war or that Russia was preparing the larger war, till the summer of 1940 when Stalin made it obvious. and he believed declaring war on America was going to have Japan go into the war against the Soviet Union and give Nazi Germany total victory over America and the USSR. Which lead to America entering the war and defeating Germany in North Africa, Sicily and Italy then later France and on. While having America turn Britain into Air Strip One in which Germany was bombed into total collapse from. This moronic act actually turned the entire war against Hitler and created a total reverse of their fortune and cost Germany all their gains and success they had already in the war in a short amount of time. Hitler was also wrong about the landing place of D-day by hundreds of miles that allowed the Allies to land in Normandy and push inland enough to establish their forces and within under a year they where taking Berlin. Even when informed of the landing was happening at Normandy Hitler refused to send forces as he believed it was a ruse.

Can White people finally have something that you know.... Actually works. We had the wacky Nazi cult of Christian Identity in which Jesus was Aryan and so was his gospels and the German's were the original Hebrews. Somehow this is paganism today because they used some Teutonic lore to boost their CI mythology. In which the Nazi's just rebuilt the Christian empire of their ancestors with German-White Jesus the rabbi and king of the Aryan Jews. With the Party being the new Church and its leaders the new bishops, Cardinals and Popes.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 8:22 am
by Blaze
Don Danko333 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:05 am Was Hitler even and adept of anything or a just trained politician?

Let us compare the two.


Swami Vivekananda in the late 19th century predicted Indian Independence to the exact year of fifty years. He also predicted the first world war within the time frame it happened and he predicted the second war the same and the reasons for both and this would lead to the independence of India. He was also personal friends with Tesla and when he visited Germany he was invited to the home of a professor when he arrived he asked if he could read the book of philosophy the professor had on his study desk. The professor was surprised as it was almost a thousand pages. And told him it would take months. Vivekananda told him give him an hour. Vivekananda sat in the chair didn't even open the book just held it between his hands on his lap for an hour. When the hour was done he handed the book back to the professor and told him there was nothing of any value in the book. The professor didn't believe he read it why would he. So he told the professor to test him any page he opened to he could recite the entire page word by word and the page number. The professor did extensively. Swami Vivekananda accomplish what he claimed perfectly. The professor was just baffled and amazed. Vivekananda could look into someone's spirit and tell everything about them and what was going to happen to them. He could also send shakti energy into people and allow them to witness the higher reality of Brahman the higher realms of vibration that form the field. Interestingly he also lectured and wrote about Kundalini energy and mysticism.

So this Swami from India with a towel on his head and who wore what looked like a dress, was more psychic and advanced then Hitler.

Charismatic political leader...

As Hitler didn't predict anything they didn't even know Poland was a trap to a larger war or that Russia was preparing the larger war, till the summer of 1940 when Stalin made it obvious. and he believed declaring war on America was going to have Japan go into the war against the Soviet Union and give Nazi Germany total victory over America and the USSR. Which lead to America entering the war and defeating Germany in North Africa, Sicily and Italy then later France and on. While having America turn Britain into Air Strip One in which Germany was bombed into total collapse from. This moronic act actually turned the entire war against Hitler and created a total reverse of their fortune and cost Germany all their gains and success they had already in the war in a short amount of time. Hitler was also wrong about the landing place of D-day by hundreds of miles that allowed the Allies to land in Normandy and push inland enough to establish their forces and within under a year they where taking Berlin. Even when informed of the landing was happening at Normandy Hitler refused to send forces as he believed it was a ruse.

Can White people finally have something that you know.... Actually works. We had the wacky Nazi cult of Christian Identity in which Jesus was Aryan and so was his gospels and the German's were the original Hebrews. Somehow this is paganism today because they used some Teutonic lore to boost their CI mythology. In which the Nazi's just rebuilt the Christian empire of their ancestors with German-White Jesus the rabbi and king of the Aryan Jews. With the Party being the new Church and its leaders the new bishops, Cardinals and Popes.
Lot of stuff to read. I shall look through. I am not kookoo, and I am not a troll. I just said something your little ego couldn't take and now you have to Spurge out like a child. My ip address could literally be confirmed that we are in separate places. But alas it's easier to call one a troll or a jew or whatever, that's why I never get on forums. I don't have time for a bunch of drama queen nonsense. Nor do I need to prove myself to you.

You just can't handle any opinion other then your own and have to lash out and insult and denegrade whatever you feel threatens your narrative. One day twenty years it's calling everyone who doesn't believe in JOS an idiot and now it's anyone who doesn't immediately switch to your new views is an idiot. Realize you would have called yourself one in vice versa positions.

I am in contact with alot of people right now, and we are all shocked as to what we are experiencing and how peoples lives have gone. But after seeing you Spurg out like a little child, we will continue our convos in private. You may continue thinking I'm koo, or the boogeyman or behind every username for the next three years. Whatever floats your boat. Just more insanity and nonsense.

Re: The Origin Of Goetia And Issues Of The LHP

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:00 am
by Blaze
Don Danko333 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:05 am Was Hitler even and adept of anything or a just trained politician?

Let us compare the two.


Swami Vivekananda in the late 19th century predicted Indian Independence to the exact year of fifty years. He also predicted the first world war within the time frame it happened and he predicted the second war the same and the reasons for both and this would lead to the independence of India. He was also personal friends with Tesla and when he visited Germany he was invited to the home of a professor when he arrived he asked if he could read the book of philosophy the professor had on his study desk. The professor was surprised as it was almost a thousand pages. And told him it would take months. Vivekananda told him give him an hour. Vivekananda sat in the chair didn't even open the book just held it between his hands on his lap for an hour. When the hour was done he handed the book back to the professor and told him there was nothing of any value in the book. The professor didn't believe he read it why would he. So he told the professor to test him any page he opened to he could recite the entire page word by word and the page number. The professor did extensively. Swami Vivekananda accomplish what he claimed perfectly. The professor was just baffled and amazed. Vivekananda could look into someone's spirit and tell everything about them and what was going to happen to them. He could also send shakti energy into people and allow them to witness the higher reality of Brahman the higher realms of vibration that form the field. Interestingly he also lectured and wrote about Kundalini energy and mysticism.

So this Swami from India with a towel on his head and who wore what looked like a dress, was more psychic and advanced then Hitler.

Charismatic political leader...

As Hitler didn't predict anything they didn't even know Poland was a trap to a larger war or that Russia was preparing the larger war, till the summer of 1940 when Stalin made it obvious. and he believed declaring war on America was going to have Japan go into the war against the Soviet Union and give Nazi Germany total victory over America and the USSR. Which lead to America entering the war and defeating Germany in North Africa, Sicily and Italy then later France and on. While having America turn Britain into Air Strip One in which Germany was bombed into total collapse from. This moronic act actually turned the entire war against Hitler and created a total reverse of their fortune and cost Germany all their gains and success they had already in the war in a short amount of time. Hitler was also wrong about the landing place of D-day by hundreds of miles that allowed the Allies to land in Normandy and push inland enough to establish their forces and within under a year they where taking Berlin. Even when informed of the landing was happening at Normandy Hitler refused to send forces as he believed it was a ruse.

Can White people finally have something that you know.... Actually works. We had the wacky Nazi cult of Christian Identity in which Jesus was Aryan and so was his gospels and the German's were the original Hebrews. Somehow this is paganism today because they used some Teutonic lore to boost their CI mythology. In which the Nazi's just rebuilt the Christian empire of their ancestors with German-White Jesus the rabbi and king of the Aryan Jews. With the Party being the new Church and its leaders the new bishops, Cardinals and Popes.

Hmmm, you do actually make good points though. If you would take a chill pill and breathe and just discuss things. I think I'm starting to see what you guys are saying. Also on the reverse stuff, I think we have all come to a conclusion that it's just not worth fucking with things we don't understand anymore. The RTRs are said to be done. They are focusing on Demonic rituals now. I noticed they are going the route of changing Demonic names to Pagan names.

Which is what everyone wanted to do since the beginning, but you would get called a coward. So just doing rituals to call the Gods down, sounds good. 🤔 We all have friends that dedicated and immediately experienced immense problems. And they walk away and their lives improve. I guess the JOS answer would be we are all jews. We have had mixed results from RTR. Sometimes it feels like it's clearing things and other times we feel like shit.