It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Snakeway »

Velcro wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:42 am
Snakeway wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:39 am
Velcro wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:37 am

However the main and most important aspect is to find about Cobra or Don if they are jews or not. A secret spy agency or not and/or what the hell is all of this Jos about

Please I ask you this and to anybody else who is confident enough to speak with the Gods. So we might find out where are we standing.
They are not Jews. You can be bad and be Gentile
To be honest I never felt this either but I don't want to rely only on my feelings and perception. we really need to find out from the SOURCE if there is something we should know about them and all of this. Just saying...
I know enough they are shit.

Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Velcro »

Snakeway wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:47 am
Velcro wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:40 am
Snakeway wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:37 am

be glad you never interacted with them. My advise to you is lose your curiosity, desire never to be bother by them
I am actually glad. I was curious to hear as many experiences as possible. Do You have any idea why people are being harassed especially in Jos by these beings? Or is a more general occurrence and happens to other people and groups as well.

Most people asume it's because of the RTRs
In my case it was obvious they came because I rised my energy with meditation. i think earth have watchers and I stood out when I did some serious meditation. I never did any ritual. Some of them called me an ''angel'' and wanted to shake hands. he assumed I did not have enough knowledge to know what they were. i think they come see people who advance in anyway spiritually in prison earth and they will try to fool you and deceive you
That's interesting. Indeed when people start seriously advancing all kind of wierd shit starts to happen.
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Thanksgiving »

Velcro wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:22 pm
And Cobra if is a good person indeed should leave aside his loyalty for Maxine and trust everything blindly. I understand and appreciate it but PEOPLE WANTS THE TRUTH OF WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE FOR REAL (in terms of intentions and actions, not pics and home address). If he wants to follow her blindly and clean around her mess including the story with Lavey and his gentile soul... he should not wonder why people are reacting the way they do.... he is making up excuses and explanation for everything she ever said, like she could never be wrong or even bad intended or ill/mad.

I remember once reading that Maxine was leaving her books on the floor and Satan came telling her to not do this with the satanic bible of lavey as it's being disrespectful.
So by intuition she had to come up later on with this soul thing to back this up? I really dont know.

The release of the Demons I read in a book a cabalistic one where the operator is told to not do this and keep the Demons inside or some sort of explanation. Even the concept of BONDING is different than what we are actually told. I am not saying I BELIEVE EVERY CRAP I READ. I just read, compare, reflect, ask. That's all.
My personal opinion is that Cobra is not serious about taking the JOS anywhere serious or doing much of anything beyond what is it now other than spamming the link and possible getting a few more simps. thats why all of his sermons are just rehashes of RTRs and time wasting essays that offer nothing.

I believe he keeps it around for donation crumbs(which probably arn't much tbh nowadays), but mostly because he likes the feeling of being seen as someone important and having a platform/soapbox to preach to people to where they all in turn suck up to him telling him how great he is. I think Don got off in a similar way, which is why he took off when he came out that his revolution that his Lucifer that he spent years promoting was another jewish tulpa. people realized he didn't actually know what he was talking about and he wouldn't be seen the same. I respect him for coming out with that for that reason. Cobra on the other hand is the type of personality that will buckle down and keep a lie going even if he realizes its wrong/complete shit. because it would lower his credibility and people would realize he doesn't actually hold the magic keys. And he knows this. I'm not saying he is a jew, because everyone just accuses everyone of being a jew that they disagree with, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be the case. Cobra has a very "sneaky" personality and a high level of emotional inteligence which is common with jews. Jews are masters at matters such as Manipulation and emotional awareness, but they cannot create or do anything on their own. He is good at writing and saying a lot of fluff but without ever actually saying anything meaningful. Commonly known as "Jewspeak". When he got sole control of the JOS following Maxines death he basically purged all of the other HPs and any member that doesn't parrot his every word. now its exclusively his echo chamber.

Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Velcro »

Thanksgiving wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 6:59 am
Velcro wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:22 pm
And Cobra if is a good person indeed should leave aside his loyalty for Maxine and trust everything blindly. I understand and appreciate it but PEOPLE WANTS THE TRUTH OF WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE FOR REAL (in terms of intentions and actions, not pics and home address). If he wants to follow her blindly and clean around her mess including the story with Lavey and his gentile soul... he should not wonder why people are reacting the way they do.... he is making up excuses and explanation for everything she ever said, like she could never be wrong or even bad intended or ill/mad.

I remember once reading that Maxine was leaving her books on the floor and Satan came telling her to not do this with the satanic bible of lavey as it's being disrespectful.
So by intuition she had to come up later on with this soul thing to back this up? I really dont know.

The release of the Demons I read in a book a cabalistic one where the operator is told to not do this and keep the Demons inside or some sort of explanation. Even the concept of BONDING is different than what we are actually told. I am not saying I BELIEVE EVERY CRAP I READ. I just read, compare, reflect, ask. That's all.
My personal opinion is that Cobra is not serious about taking the JOS anywhere serious or doing much of anything beyond what is it now other than spamming the link and possible getting a few more simps. thats why all of his sermons are just rehashes of RTRs and time wasting essays that offer nothing.

I believe he keeps it around for donation crumbs(which probably arn't much tbh nowadays), but mostly because he likes the feeling of being seen as someone important and having a platform/soapbox to preach to people to where they all in turn suck up to him telling him how great he is. I think Don got off in a similar way, which is why he took off when he came out that his revolution that his Lucifer that he spent years promoting was another jewish tulpa. people realized he didn't actually know what he was talking about and he wouldn't be seen the same. I respect him for coming out with that for that reason. Cobra on the other hand is the type of personality that will buckle down and keep a lie going even if he realizes its wrong/complete shit. because it would lower his credibility and people would realize he doesn't actually hold the magic keys. And he knows this. I'm not saying he is a jew, because everyone just accuses everyone of being a jew that they disagree with, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be the case. Cobra has a very "sneaky" personality and a high level of emotional inteligence which is common with jews. Jews are masters at matters such as Manipulation and emotional awareness, but they cannot create or do anything on their own. He is good at writing and saying a lot of fluff but without ever actually saying anything meaningful. Commonly known as "Jewspeak". When he got sole control of the JOS following Maxines death he basically purged all of the other HPs and any member that doesn't parrot his every word. now its exclusively his echo chamber.
Thank you for your reply, Thanksgiving. That's an interesting hypothesis.

Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Velcro »

Velcro wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 7:23 am
Thanksgiving wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 6:59 am
Velcro wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:22 pm
And Cobra if is a good person indeed should leave aside his loyalty for Maxine and trust everything blindly. I understand and appreciate it but PEOPLE WANTS THE TRUTH OF WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE FOR REAL (in terms of intentions and actions, not pics and home address). If he wants to follow her blindly and clean around her mess including the story with Lavey and his gentile soul... he should not wonder why people are reacting the way they do.... he is making up excuses and explanation for everything she ever said, like she could never be wrong or even bad intended or ill/mad.

I remember once reading that Maxine was leaving her books on the floor and Satan came telling her to not do this with the satanic bible of lavey as it's being disrespectful.
So by intuition she had to come up later on with this soul thing to back this up? I really dont know.

The release of the Demons I read in a book a cabalistic one where the operator is told to not do this and keep the Demons inside or some sort of explanation. Even the concept of BONDING is different than what we are actually told. I am not saying I BELIEVE EVERY CRAP I READ. I just read, compare, reflect, ask. That's all.
My personal opinion is that Cobra is not serious about taking the JOS anywhere serious or doing much of anything beyond what is it now other than spamming the link and possible getting a few more simps. thats why all of his sermons are just rehashes of RTRs and time wasting essays that offer nothing.

I believe he keeps it around for donation crumbs(which probably arn't much tbh nowadays), but mostly because he likes the feeling of being seen as someone important and having a platform/soapbox to preach to people to where they all in turn suck up to him telling him how great he is. I think Don got off in a similar way, which is why he took off when he came out that his revolution that his Lucifer that he spent years promoting was another jewish tulpa. people realized he didn't actually know what he was talking about and he wouldn't be seen the same. I respect him for coming out with that for that reason. Cobra on the other hand is the type of personality that will buckle down and keep a lie going even if he realizes its wrong/complete shit. because it would lower his credibility and people would realize he doesn't actually hold the magic keys. And he knows this. I'm not saying he is a jew, because everyone just accuses everyone of being a jew that they disagree with, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be the case. Cobra has a very "sneaky" personality and a high level of emotional inteligence which is common with jews. Jews are masters at matters such as Manipulation and emotional awareness, but they cannot create or do anything on their own. He is good at writing and saying a lot of fluff but without ever actually saying anything meaningful. Commonly known as "Jewspeak". When he got sole control of the JOS following Maxines death he basically purged all of the other HPs and any member that doesn't parrot his every word. now its exclusively his echo chamber.
Thank you for your reply, Thanksgiving. That's an interesting hypothesis.
And also want to tell you that you generally described the jews not good but extremely good.
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Snakeway »

Jews have emotional inteligence? thats a new one to me, I see them as the opposite, they only know how to be emotionally abusive
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

Velcro wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:29 am
Velcro wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:15 am
Velcro wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:04 am

Let him defend him. If he is not Cobra himself or a clone, sooner or later he will get the same treatment IF NOT WORSE. Let him get his lesson, Snakeway.

I just want to warn people to open their eyes and be careful and spiritually prepared

These are things analysed in YEARS where I had to do 1+1

I do this for my conscience for other people who might fall victims because I was lucky and had the ability to gasp a little into this thanks to my genetic make up but I don't want to imagine what others experienced and did not know or don't know up until this day

Eric once also wrote on the forums that after a fight with Cobra where he defended Don got injured in his heart. A healthy young man.

Snakeway if you can please speak with Belzeebut about clergy Cobra Don whatever you can find out. If they are jews. If they are ill intended. ANYTHING
How would you go about getting an honest answer from an astral entity if you don't have an open third eye, or have the ability to **see through** ((which can only be done through an open third eye)) these entities into knowing whether they're impostors, or not...? And why would you depend upon someone like Snakeway; who is *very likely* not even capable himself? lol. Or do you not care about the actual truth; and just like playing "Make-believe"?
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Snakeway »

Another native american. I am starting to see a pattern.

Tell me what motivates you to spook this place? I thought you were here last time for don. Why now? Slyscorpion?
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

Snakeway wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:49 am Another native american. I am starting to see a pattern.

Tell me what motivates you to spook this place? I thought you were here last time for don. Why now? Slyscorpion?
Lol, spook...? That's the first time someone ever used that word against me; and I don't spook... Unless you mean I'm a scary individual...? And I know you don't mean that. =) Or do you...? If not; maybe you should find a better insult then, hmm?

And I'm here for those who do have the potential to escape this Jewish matrix ((I highly doubt you're that person though))... And in turn; can help me escape as well. There is those who follow the JoS that are very powerful and have great potential. With the right guidance... Not only can I help these people, but they can help me.

I'm banned from YouTube and other social-media platforms where JoS members hang out at ((since the JoS is not a censored organization; as HC likes to claim)), and it's very difficult to get a hold of any followers of the JoS on their forums either since HoodedCobra uses a platform that doesn't allow conversation between members.

And what's up with this "Another" Native American...? I still see you're on that Maxine is "Native American" stuff, when there's no actual proof to support that claim. Hmm?
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

I been called dirty mexican, spic, mongrol, savage, and I've even been mistaken for being Asian and called "Chink" along with that ((and this happened more than a few times in life; and in person too)), but never ever once did someone throw me into the same category as blacks... Ahahaha... I don't know if I should be offended right now; or proud...? lol. I never got that kind of attention before from the alien 'Gods'. =) Which you might be one; in disguise, or just a little puppet/ or mouth-piece for them. I can't say for certain though...

Black people shine the brightest from within, and those who are actually psychically aware/ or have a third eye open would be aware of this fact ((and I myself; have seen it)). The darker the flesh, the brighter one's soul is... The darker the soul; the brighter one's spirit is. Black holes emit light ((as you can see in the center of all galaxies))... And the Aryan soul is based upon the black sun; the broken feminine aspect. The spirits of the darker-races might be broken; and Asians being some-where in between that, but our souls aren't... At least not completely. =) This is also what makes the Nordic one out of the 3 beasts of the field. It's your lack of potential... I would say; psychic foresight that prevents you from seeing the psychic frequency fence/ the exit of Plato's Cave... Or at least to the same extent that people like me can, and since this is the case the platform you're **Given** is going to be higher; naturally speaking. This also allows you a place among the Reptilian and the Grey/ Insectoid...
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Last edited by ImprisonedSoul on Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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