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Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 11:41 am
by AnonPoster
AnonPoster wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 2:21 am
AnonPoster wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 2:12 am
AnonPoster wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 9:48 am And I also want to thank from the bottom of my heart to every person who contributed in this investigation.

thank you so much

despite knowing cobra is corupt this took me too by surpise. But I seized the moment and share it to all. I am glad we were able to asamble the pieces together and confirm without any doubt that cobra played siatris. What does this mean, I really dont know or why. I guess it is hard to swallow but don't be disheartened, your relation to the Gods or spiritual progression is not dependent on Cobra. On the contrary, since he invented siatris imagine how much more is it there...

What I am sure about - Satan wants the truth out and exposure of Cobra. Going after him before proving him an enemy, will make him a martyr, therefore, I was always against doxxing, cursing and/or illlegal actions. Truth-integrity- patience pays off always.
Satan will promote Cobra to be a political leader in the world some day soon. Cobra is to be respected along with all other Satanic clergy. Maxine is to be worshipped as she saved the world and humanity from destruction.

This is no different than speaking with christians and muslims. Really. You show them facts, they sing their song
Looked into what you say and none of it is facts. But all things members of Joy of Satan claim are facts. Clearly Zola has Jewish blood.

You think also that this other person needed a fake account because you are likely Zola yourself. Maybe a friend of hers.

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:31 pm
by AnonPoster
cobra did this during the mercury retrograde again showing that he doesnt know much about astrology at all and probably just copy pasted from other peoples work for his natal readings.

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:19 pm
by BirdofFreedom

This is cobra realizing how much he messed up by trying to use siatris as a scape goat.
to bad he still has not 'rectified' anything, as he has not yet come out an admitted his mistakes.

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:21 pm
by BirdofFreedom
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:31 pm cobra did this during the mercury retrograde again showing that he doesnt know much about astrology at all and probably just copy pasted from other peoples work for his natal readings.
You made this post on june 2nd, and on june 3rd he makes a post about 'Saturn returns' you must've hurt his ego or something.

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:45 pm
by AnonPoster
BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:19 pm

This is cobra realizing how much he messed up by trying to use siatris as a scape goat.
to bad he still has not 'rectified' anything, as he has not yet come out an admitted his mistakes.
Exactly BirdofFreedom, I had the same feeling.

I feel bad for Cobra, I feel sad. I mean, if he could only ACCEPT the reality that Maxine messed up in some regards, RTRs included so we could just move on with it and find, you know, viable ways and rituals to fight the enemy and promote our Gods. It's just, I don't know anymore... I feel sad for this entire situation. I say I ridicule it but I can't. Satan's family, remember?...

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:43 am
by BirdofFreedom
AnonPoster wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:45 pm
BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:19 pm

This is cobra realizing how much he messed up by trying to use siatris as a scape goat.
to bad he still has not 'rectified' anything, as he has not yet come out an admitted his mistakes.
Exactly BirdofFreedom, I had the same feeling.

I feel bad for Cobra, I feel sad. I mean, if he could only ACCEPT the reality that Maxine messed up in some regards, RTRs included so we could just move on with it and find, you know, viable ways and rituals to fight the enemy and promote our Gods. It's just, I don't know anymore... I feel sad for this entire situation. I say I ridicule it but I can't. Satan's family, remember?...
It's natural to feel sympathy with one's family.

But i see no reason as to why i should give him smypathy.

When it comes to cobra he called me a kike on multiple occasions, even when i told him to check himself and know for sure if that's the route was wants to take, he still proceeded to call me a kike.

The point is that cobra perceived me as his enemy and didn't hesitate to attack me, after that there was no reason why i should feel sympathy towards someone who sees me as an enemy.

The irony here is that even in their own site this sort of thing is pointed out. ... cLove.html
The truth is- love is something everyone must earn. Of course, there is misplaced love, as in situations where one becomes infatuated or even obsessed with another person and the love is not returned. These are emotions out of control and can be something very ugly and painful.

Satanism is about being free and living with nature. Love for love's sake, or love that is wasted on ingrates is abuse of this emotion. Foolish Christians are taught to love their enemies. This teaching is suicidal. How long would our bodies last if our immune systems turned the other cheek so to speak and loved invading viruses? These sick twisted teachings regarding love can land one in the psychiatrist's office. This is where so many of these people end up going at certain points in their lives. ... _Aura.html
The hieroglyphics and carvings in many of the Egyptian temples and pyramids are there to tell us something. The classic pose with the arms crossed over the chest is for a reason- to protect the heart chakra. This warns of being sympathetic to the wrong things, or helping those who are undeserving of any help. Having sympathy for an enemy or enemies and their programs in the case of spiritual warfare will only result in one’s downfall and this has extended to entire peoples and nations over the millennia.
Human beings thrive on love and acceptance. An infant deprived of love, often will not thrive and if they do, most will be impaired for life, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Love is an essential part of our makeup. Entities who wish to destroy us, know this. The deluded New Age movement's focus on "unconditional love" [there is no such thing in reality, regardless of how they rationalize and lie to themselves], is VERY dangerous and opens those who take this advice, making them ready victims for all kinds of entities. This is the scheme of the Nazarene parasite that is nearly always depicted with open arms, exposing the heart chakra, encouraging victimization.

Over the years I've seen a lot of my friends get attacked by cobra and have had their lives ruined as a result of it, they didn't fight back as they were to afraid to do so.

Where it not for the people and anonymous users who caught cobra in his acts, spoke up against him and persisted in their accusations cobra would have never realized just how much he messed up, he would have continued to act as he did if no one spoke up against him.

What's even more ironic is cobra's own sermon.
"Satan is also called the Accuser of the jewish people, in their bible.
The whole of Judaism is created around 'silencing' the 'accuser' and destroying Satan."
Like i said, were it not for the people here who stood up against cobra he would have continued with his disgusting act.
Of course this sort of freedom of speech is not allowed in his own site, where he runs and hides from the truth and censors anyone he feels threatened by.

Ironic how 'siatri's' name here is 'siatris_stings_you' when cobra was the one who got stung.

Also what exactly constitutes Satan's family? besides what i quoted above, does being gentile constitute being 'family'? or is it simply calling oneself a 'Satanist'?
Have you seen the refugee crsis? where tons of people from a foreign nation came and wrecked their host nation.
What about ww2? where it was gentiles fighting gentiles.

Gentile or not, one has to stand their ground, as a lot of people from the jos are deluded when it comes to the fact that gentiles can be cruel as well, even to their own.

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 2:00 am
by AnonPoster
BirdofFreedom wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:43 am
AnonPoster wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:45 pm
BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:19 pm

This is cobra realizing how much he messed up by trying to use siatris as a scape goat.
to bad he still has not 'rectified' anything, as he has not yet come out an admitted his mistakes.
Exactly BirdofFreedom, I had the same feeling.

I feel bad for Cobra, I feel sad. I mean, if he could only ACCEPT the reality that Maxine messed up in some regards, RTRs included so we could just move on with it and find, you know, viable ways and rituals to fight the enemy and promote our Gods. It's just, I don't know anymore... I feel sad for this entire situation. I say I ridicule it but I can't. Satan's family, remember?...
It's natural to feel sympathy with one's family.

But i see no reason as to why i should give him smypathy.

When it comes to cobra he called me a kike on multiple occasions, even when i told him to check himself and know for sure if that's the route was wants to take, he still proceeded to call me a kike.

The point is that cobra perceived me as his enemy and didn't hesitate to attack me, after that there was no reason why i should feel sympathy towards someone who sees me as an enemy.

The irony here is that even in their own site this sort of thing is pointed out. ... cLove.html
The truth is- love is something everyone must earn. Of course, there is misplaced love, as in situations where one becomes infatuated or even obsessed with another person and the love is not returned. These are emotions out of control and can be something very ugly and painful.

Satanism is about being free and living with nature. Love for love's sake, or love that is wasted on ingrates is abuse of this emotion. Foolish Christians are taught to love their enemies. This teaching is suicidal. How long would our bodies last if our immune systems turned the other cheek so to speak and loved invading viruses? These sick twisted teachings regarding love can land one in the psychiatrist's office. This is where so many of these people end up going at certain points in their lives. ... _Aura.html
The hieroglyphics and carvings in many of the Egyptian temples and pyramids are there to tell us something. The classic pose with the arms crossed over the chest is for a reason- to protect the heart chakra. This warns of being sympathetic to the wrong things, or helping those who are undeserving of any help. Having sympathy for an enemy or enemies and their programs in the case of spiritual warfare will only result in one’s downfall and this has extended to entire peoples and nations over the millennia.
Human beings thrive on love and acceptance. An infant deprived of love, often will not thrive and if they do, most will be impaired for life, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Love is an essential part of our makeup. Entities who wish to destroy us, know this. The deluded New Age movement's focus on "unconditional love" [there is no such thing in reality, regardless of how they rationalize and lie to themselves], is VERY dangerous and opens those who take this advice, making them ready victims for all kinds of entities. This is the scheme of the Nazarene parasite that is nearly always depicted with open arms, exposing the heart chakra, encouraging victimization.

Over the years I've seen a lot of my friends get attacked by cobra and have had their lives ruined as a result of it, they didn't fight back as they were to afraid to do so.

Where it not for the people and anonymous users who caught cobra in his acts, spoke up against him and persisted in their accusations cobra would have never realized just how much he messed up, he would have continued to act as he did if no one spoke up against him.

What's even more ironic is cobra's own sermon.
"Satan is also called the Accuser of the jewish people, in their bible.
The whole of Judaism is created around 'silencing' the 'accuser' and destroying Satan."
Like i said, were it not for the people here who stood up against cobra he would have continued with his disgusting act.
Of course this sort of freedom of speech is not allowed in his own site, where he runs and hides from the truth and censors anyone he feels threatened by.

Ironic how 'siatri's' name here is 'siatris_stings_you' when cobra was the one who got stung.

Also what exactly constitutes Satan's family? besides what i quoted above, does being gentile constitute being 'family'? or is it simply calling oneself a 'Satanist'?
Have you seen the refugee crsis? where tons of people from a foreign nation came and wrecked their host nation.
What about ww2? where it was gentiles fighting gentiles.

Gentile or not, one has to stand their ground, as a lot of people from the jos are deluded when it comes to the fact that gentiles can be cruel as well, even to their own.

Lol, not ironic. He ^got stung by a bigger scorpio.

Satan^s direct line *white people *dedicated by blood*

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:54 am
by S.V
Lol siatris is cobra looooool

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:57 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
Yes, and so are you missy :)

Re: Siatris is Cobra

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:03 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
And I also want to thank from the bottom of my heart to every person who contributed in this investigation.

thank you so much

despite knowing cobra is corupt this took me too by surpise. But I seized the moment and share it to all. I am glad we were able to asamble the pieces together and confirm without any doubt that cobra played siatris. What does this mean, I really dont know or why.

Perhaps Satan wants the truth to come out...