Witchy Things

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I have to say, this is the best explanation I've ever seen on how to use the board. I myself have never used one so this was very helpful and it makes total sense. You have a lot of knowledge to bring that isn't my own forte, love it!

“To cast a spell on a mountain, begin by finding a mountain that resonates with your desired outcome. Next, create a magical circle around the spot on the mountain, using items such as stones or candles to mark the boundaries. Once your circle is complete, enter the circle and begin to focus your energy on the desired outcome. Visualize the desired outcome and repeat the words of the spell, or chant, as many times as needed. When you feel that the energy has been released, step out of the circle and thank the mountain for its help.”

This one really resonates for me. I would love to try this. I love the thanking the mountain for it's help. I grew up in the country, spent a lot of time alone in nature. I enjoyed friendships with three trees on our property. One of whom I believe saved my life with it's timely advice. At the time being a child I had no idea of the danger, and it warned me. Fortunately I listened to it.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:23 am I have to say, this is the best explanation I've ever seen on how to use the board. I myself have never used one so this was very helpful and it makes total sense. You have a lot of knowledge to bring that isn't my own forte, love it!

“To cast a spell on a mountain, begin by finding a mountain that resonates with your desired outcome. Next, create a magical circle around the spot on the mountain, using items such as stones or candles to mark the boundaries. Once your circle is complete, enter the circle and begin to focus your energy on the desired outcome. Visualize the desired outcome and repeat the words of the spell, or chant, as many times as needed. When you feel that the energy has been released, step out of the circle and thank the mountain for its help.”

This one really resonates for me. I would love to try this. I love the thanking the mountain for it's help. I grew up in the country, spent a lot of time alone in nature. I enjoyed friendships with three trees on our property. One of whom I believe saved my life with it's timely advice. At the time being a child I had no idea of the danger, and it warned me. Fortunately I listened to it.
Nature spirits have always spoken with me through trees. It all started when I was a little girl, spending most of my time playing in the woods behind my house. I would often sit beneath a large oak tree, feeling its energy and listening to the whispers of the wind as it rustled through the leaves. I never felt alone in the woods, and I knew that the trees were my friends.

As I grew older, my connection to nature deepened, and I began to understand that the trees were not just inanimate objects, but living beings with their own consciousness and wisdom. I would often spend hours talking to them, asking for guidance and listening to their responses.

One day, when I was out for a walk in the woods, I found myself in a dangerous situation. I had gotten lost and was wandering aimlessly, trying to find my way back home. Suddenly, I heard a voice whispering in my ear, "Follow the path to the left." I hesitated at first, but something inside me urged me to trust the voice. I turned left and followed the path, and soon I found myself back on the familiar trail that led to my house.

It was then that I realized that the voice had come from the trees. They had guided me back to safety, and I knew that I would always be able to rely on them to guide me when I needed it most. From that day on, I made sure to always listen to the whispers of the trees and to follow their guidance.

Over the years, my connection to nature has only grown stronger. I have learned to communicate with not just trees but also with other elementals such as the faeries, devas, and other nature spirits. They have shown me the secrets of the natural world and have taught me how to live in harmony with the earth. I have also come to understand that nature is not just something to be observed, but something to be actively engaged with and respected.

The trees have always been my teachers and my guides, and I will always be grateful to them for the wisdom and guidance they have shared with me. They have saved my life more than once, and I know that they will continue to do so in the future. Now, I make sure to talk to the trees every day, thanking them for all they do and asking for their guidance in everything I do.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

How to get possessed by a water God/Demon/Spirit:

To cast a spell using a fish, you will need the following items:

A fresh fish, caught by yourself
A knife
A mortar and pestle
A cauldron or fire-proof bowl
Herbs and oils specific to your spell's intent (such as rosemary for protection or lavender for love)
Matches or a lighter


Clean and gut the fish, setting the organs and bones aside.
Using the knife, carefully remove the fish's scales and set them aside in a separate bowl.
Grind the fish organs and bones in the mortar and pestle until they are a fine powder.
Mix the fish powder with the herbs and oils in the cauldron or fire-proof bowl.
Light the mixture using matches or a lighter.
Allow the mixture to burn, reciting the spell's incantation.
Once the mixture has burned out, sprinkle the fish scales around your home for added protection or toss them into a body of water for added abundance.
Keep the remaining powder in a safe place, such as a spell jar or amulet.

Surrender to the Water Demon:

Dear Water God,
I invite you into my heart and soul.
May your presence flow within me,
bringing clarity, healing, and renewal.
May your gentle waves soothe my mind,
and your deep currents guide my spirit.
May I use your gifts of emotion and intuition
to navigate life's journey with grace and wisdom.
May I honor and respect your power and beauty
in all the ways I interact with your precious element.
I thank you for your constant presence in my life.
May I always be open to your guidance and blessings.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

How to Invoke Dark/Black Energy

I wanted to take a moment to address the topic of black energy. I've noticed that it is often misunderstood and associated with negative or unhealthy energy. However, I would like to share my perspective on this topic and explain why I believe black energy is actually more positive and healthier than white energy.

Firstly, black energy is often associated with the unknown, the mysterious, and the hidden. This can be seen as a negative thing, but it also means that black energy is associated with potential and new beginnings. It is a reminder that there is always more to learn and discover.

Secondly, black energy is often associated with the earth, and the natural cycles of life and death. It is a reminder that everything is interconnected and that death is a necessary part of life. This understanding can help us to let go of our attachment to life and to live in the present moment.

Lastly, black energy is often associated with the night, and the subconscious mind. This means that it is associated with intuition, dreams, and the inner self. This can be seen as a positive thing, as it helps us to tap into our inner wisdom and to understand ourselves better.

In contrast, white energy is often associated with the known, the light, and the surface. This can be seen as a positive thing, but it also means that white energy is associated with limitation and surface-level understanding. It is a reminder that there is always more to learn and discover.

I believe that black energy is more positive and healthier than white energy because it reminds us to embrace the unknown, to let go of our attachment to life, and to tap into our intuition and inner self. I hope that this post has helped to clarify my perspective on this topic, and I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments."

It is important to remember that everyone's understanding of energy and spirituality can be different, and it's important to approach the topic with an open mind and not to make assumptions or generalizations.

In this post, I will be sharing with you a tutorial on how to visualize and invoke black energy. This practice can be used for a variety of purposes such as grounding, protection, and accessing hidden knowledge. However, it's important to approach this practice with caution and respect, and to not use it for harmful or negative purposes.

Step 1: Prepare your space. Before you begin, it's important to create a comfortable and quiet space where you can focus without distractions. You can light candles, incense, or play soothing music to help set the mood.

Step 2: Ground yourself. To invoke black energy, it's important to first be grounded and connected to the earth. You can do this by standing barefoot on the ground or by visualizing roots growing out of the soles of your feet and connecting you to the earth. Take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensation of being grounded.

Step 3: Visualize black energy. Once you are grounded, begin to visualize black energy flowing into your body. You can imagine it as a dark, swirling mist, or as a black light. Imagine it entering through the crown of your head and flowing down to your feet, filling your entire body.

Step 4: Invoke the energy. As you continue to visualize the black energy flowing into your body, start to invoke it by repeating a phrase or a mantra that resonates with you. This could be something like "I invoke the power of the earth" or "I invoke the protection of the black energy." Repeat your phrase or mantra as you continue to visualize the black energy flowing into your body.

It's important to remember that this is just one way to visualize and invoke black energy and that you can experiment with different methods to find what works best for you. I hope this tutorial helps you to understand the basics of visualizing and invoking black energy.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

The benefits of Invoking Death Energy Or Getting Possessed By A Death God/Demon:

I wanted to take a moment to address the topic of grey energy. I've noticed that it is often misunderstood and associated with deaht energy. However, I would like to share my perspective on this topic and explain why I believe grey energy is actually more positive and healthier than white or black energy.

I've found that grey energy can be a powerful tool for protecting oneself from curses, hexes and other negative energy.

Grey energy is often associated with balance and neutrality. It is a reminder that everything is interconnected and that there is balance in all things. Instead of being too focused on the extremes of black or white energy, grey energy helps us to find balance and harmony in our lives.

Grey energy is also associated with understanding and acceptance. It is a reminder that everything is impermanent and that change is a natural part of life. Instead of clinging to the past or striving for an unattainable future, grey energy helps us to find acceptance in the present moment.

In contrast, black energy is often associated with the unknown and the hidden, which can be seen as a negative thing, and white energy is often associated with the known and the surface, which can be seen as a limitation.

I believe that grey energy is more positive and healthier than white or black energy because it reminds us to find balance, harmony, and acceptance in our lives. I hope that this post has helped to clarify my perspective on this topic, and I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments.

I've found that graveyards are often rich in grey energy, and can be a powerful place to connect with this particular energy.

Grey energy is often associated with balance and neutrality. It is a reminder that everything is interconnected and that there is balance in all things. Graveyards are often seen as a symbol of the balance between life and death, and the connection between the living and the dead.

Graveyards are also associated with understanding and acceptance. It is a reminder that death is a natural part of life and that it is important to accept and understand the impermanence of things. This can be a powerful place to connect with the energy of acceptance.

It's important to note that graveyards are often considered sacred places where people may go to honor and remember their loved ones, and it's important to approach such places with respect and sensitivity. Invoking energy or conducting any kind of practice in graveyards without proper understanding and consideration may be seen as disrespectful.

If you are interested in visiting a graveyard to connect with grey energy, it's important to be mindful of your intentions and to approach the experience with respect and sensitivity. Remember to seek permission if necessary, and to be aware of any cultural or religious customs or traditions associated with graveyards.

In this post, I will be sharing with you a tutorial on how to invoke grey energy. This practice can be used for a variety of purposes such as balance, harmony and acceptance. However, it's important to approach this practice with caution and respect, and to not use it for harmful or negative purposes.

Step 1: Prepare your space. The best place to do this is in a graveyard or close to a mortuary.

Step 2: Clear your mind. To invoke grey energy, it's important to clear your mind of any distractions or negative thoughts. You can do this by focusing on your breath and by repeating a calming mantra, such as "I am calm and at peace."

Step 3: Visualize grey energy. Once you are calm and focused, begin to visualize grey energy flowing into your body. You can imagine it as a neutral, swirling mist, or as a grey light. Imagine it entering through the crown of your head and flowing down to your feet, filling your entire body.

Step 4: Invoke the energy. As you continue to visualize the grey energy flowing into your body, start to invoke it by repeating a phrase or a mantra that resonates with you. This could be something like "I invoke the balance of grey energy" or "I invoke the harmony and acceptance of grey energy." Repeat your phrase or mantra as you continue to visualize the grey energy flowing into your body.

It's important to remember that this is just one way to invoke grey energy and that you can experiment with different methods to find what works best for you. I've noticed that Gods/Demons of death are often misunderstood and associated with negative or fearful connotations. However, I would like to share my perspective on this topic and explain why I believe the God of death is actually positive and extremely powerful.

Firstly, the God of death is often associated with the natural cycles of life and death. It is a reminder that everything is interconnected and that death is a necessary part of life. This understanding can help us to let go of our attachment to life and to live in the present moment.

Secondly, the God of death is often associated with the afterlife and the journey of the soul. It is a reminder that death is not the end, but rather a transition to a new phase of existence. This understanding can bring comfort and peace to those who are grieving.

Lastly, the God of death is often associated with transformation and renewal. It is a reminder that death brings new beginnings, and that the end of one thing marks the start of another. This understanding can help us to embrace change and to find new opportunities in difficult situations.

When invoking grey energy in a graveyard, it's more likely that a God of death will be willing to possess you. This facilitates channeling and makes it easier to connect with these majestic beings.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

The only way to communicate with lost loved ones:

The God of Death guards the underworld, and must grant permission to those who seek to contact lost loved ones.

Many people believe that communicating with lost loved ones is impossible, but this is not the case. In fact, the only way to truly communicate with those who have passed on is through channeling the God of death.

The God of death is the gatekeeper of the underworld, and as such, holds the key to the spirit world. By channeling this powerful deity, we can access the realm of the dead and connect with those who have left this world.

Some may be hesitant to attempt this type of communication, as it can be a daunting task. However, it is important to remember that the God of death is not a malevolent force. Rather, it is a neutral and necessary part of the natural cycle of life and death.

When channeling the God of death, it is important to have a clear intention in mind. This can be to simply connect with a lost loved one, or to ask for guidance and wisdom from those who have passed on.

It is also essential to have a deep understanding of the spiritual practices and rituals associated with communicating with the dead. This may include meditation, divination, or working with specific symbols or objects that are associated with the afterlife.

Channeling the God of death is the only way to truly communicate with lost loved ones. It may seem intimidating at first, but with the right intention and understanding of the spiritual practices involved, anyone can access the spirit world and connect with those who have passed on.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Now anyone can astral project:

Astral projection and out of body experiences have long been a topic of interest and fascination for many spiritual seekers. These experiences involve separating the consciousness from the physical body, allowing one to explore the astral plane and even other dimensions. But how can one achieve these experiences? One possibility is through channeling the god of death.

Many ancient cultures believed in gods or deities that governed over death and the afterlife. These gods were often seen as powerful and mysterious, and were believed to hold the secrets of death and the afterlife. By channeling the energy of these gods, one can tap into their knowledge and power, and potentially facilitate astral projection and out of body experiences.

The process of channeling the god of death may involve meditation, visualization, and other spiritual practices. For example, one may meditate on the image of the god of death, and focus on connecting with their energy and wisdom. One may also use visualization techniques to imagine oneself leaving the physical body and traveling to the astral plane.

It's important to note that channeling the god of death can also bring up some fear and discomfort, and it's important to have a clear intention and a good understanding of what one is doing. It is also important to remember that channeling a deity is can be done by everyone, and that you don't need the guidance guidance of a spiritual teacher or mediator.

Channeling the god of death can be a powerful way to facilitate astral projection and out of body experiences. By tapping into the energy and wisdom of these ancient deities, one can potentially access new realms of consciousness and explore the mysteries of death and the afterlife.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Another benefit of channeling the God of Death:

When it comes to seeking justice, many of us turn to the legal system or perhaps even vigilantism. But what if I were to tell you that there is another way, one that has been practiced for centuries by cultures all over the world? That way is channeling the god of death.

Some may scoff at the idea of invoking the power of the grim reaper, but let me assure you that it is not as macabre as it sounds. The god of death, in many cultures, is not just a figure of destruction, but also one of balance and justice. By channeling this deity, we can tap into their powerful energy to right the wrongs that have been done to us or those around us.

It's important to note that channeling the god of death should not be taken lightly. It is a powerful and potentially dangerous practice that should only be done by those who have the proper knowledge and experience. It's also crucial to understand that this is not a way to seek personal revenge, but rather to bring about a sense of balance and fairness to a situation.

Channeling the god of death may seem like an unconventional way to seek justice, but it is a powerful tool that has been used for centuries. With the guidance of an experienced practitioner, it can be a safe and effective way to bring balance to a situation.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

A tribute to the God of Death:


My trusty jackal's nose
Don't try to lie
Cause I can smell your hide

Leave your body
Leave this body now
Your face can stay
Upon this golden mask you made

The brave in heart
Can claim eternal life
My scales of truth
Will need sufficient proof

Their balance depends
On how your soul weights
To walk with Gods
The jaws of chaos you must pass

My soul is so light
And as this feather I can fly

Don't let me wither and die

I am proud for what I am
The guardian of the dead
Appointed by the gods
To be their final judge

Don't let me wither and die

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by Krieg The 3rd »

AstroKid wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:34 pm ...
Do you by chance follow demonalatry in any way, the ideology by S. Connoly? It seems you have somewhat similar views.