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Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:18 pm
by Raven
I noticed I'm not getting notified when you respond to me unless you quote something I wrote. I read this forum uses phpbb right? I'm not really familiar with how to use it, should I be getting notified?

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:20 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"I noticed I'm not getting notified when you respond to me unless you quote something I wrote."

I never hit quote when responding

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:22 pm
by Raven
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:20 pm "I noticed I'm not getting notified when you respond to me unless you quote something I wrote."

I never hit quote when responding
Alright, I might not see if you replied to me then

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:24 pm
by Owen
Raven wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:42 pm
The Astro Warrior wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 8:35 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:50 am If that's what you call understanding astrology as a science...Whatever no point in having a conversation. Believe what you want.

Due to Owen’s lackluster defense of western astrology to say the least I suppose I will have to step in here as well, I do agree with a lot you have to say regarding the left hand path, Satanism, “reverse torah ritual”, and returning to the old gods however you seem to have taken your bad experience with western occultism and transformed it into an obsession for eastern systems which you also attempt to mix with western pagan systems which is odd for someone who believes in racialist paganism. Just as you seem to view only eastern methods as correct you constantly assert only eastern astrology is accurate. Just because western astrology has had to innovate and reinvent itself does not make it inaccurate and just because sidereal astrology was used in ancient times does not make it accurate. In many ways I would argue that western astrology’s innovations over the years make it a superior system including hypothetical points (pof, vertex, Lilith, etc), outer planets influence (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), the placidius house system, synastry, and a lot more

Your main argument relies on the position of the stars at birth, while western astrology doesn’t have the exact position of the planets at birth that isn’t the point it follows a fixed seasonal movement. Your system isn’t any more accurate for 4 reasons detailed in Ending the War Between the Astrologers.
“There are several reasons for Vedic astrologers to stop this practice:

1. Even in their own field, there is disagreement about where the Zodiac starts. At least in Western astrology there is no similar ambiguity.

2. Vedic astrologers do not use the constellations as they really are any more than Western astrologers do. If they did so, then the sign of Scorpio as used by Vedic astrologers would have to be at least twice the size of the sign of Libra (since the constellations are so different in size). The use of 30 degrees per sign is a complete departure from the physical reality of the constellations.

3. Vedic astrology uses the Zodiacal signs very differently than Western astrology. For example, Western astrologers successfully determine a person's temperament by seeing which element is most predominate (i.e. the one that most of their planets are in). This sign-based technique is not present in Vedic astrology because it doesn't work using Sidereal signs. (Note, however, that Vedic astrology does have very effective techniques for assessing temperament.)

4. The Tropical Zodiac, used by Western astrologers, is a completely valid coordinate system that accurately reflects the seasonal changes on Earth. In other words, this Zodiac is more directly rooted in the physical reality of life on Earth than the Sidereal Zodiac based upon the distant stars.”

It is also quite ridiculous to assert that the millions of people who use western astrology and have found it to be accurate for their own lives, including some on this forum, are just wrong because it’s not the ancient system. People should use what works for them, if you feel drawn to vedic astrology and find it accurate for your own life that’s fine but that doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong. Some astrologers come to the same conclusion about a person when reading both vedic and western charts as a whole. Western astrology can also be used for accurate predictions and has been many times. Why in your view has western astrology remained so popular if it’s apparently ineffective? If it was so inaccurate why do so many people feel it accurately reflects them and their personality? Both systems can be used effectively just as modern medicine and traditional remedies can both be used to maintain health.

Anyway I don’t have anything against you, if you want to pursue eastern systems than that’s fine different people are drawn to different belief systems that resonate and work for them. Each person’s path is individual and what might work for one does not work for the other. I have personally found western astrology to be accurate in my case and I never resonated with vedic astrology or eastern systems if you do that’s fine just don’t assume that everyone else is wrong in an appeal to tradition fallacy.
Let's be honest, owen isn't exactly an authority regarding astrology
What’s your problem? I never claimed that in the first place.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:29 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"I read this forum uses phpbb right?"

where would you have read that? What makes you think that is so? And whats the reason for saying that? What does that have to do with anyhting?

interesting how you and astral warrior both showed up here together. I don't have a good feeling about you raven.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:32 pm
by Owen
I’ll apologise with how selfish I accidentally came off. But just know I’m very passionate about this stuff. I don’t even think I was being rude too much. Now, it’s strange that it’s some people come in to defend him and I’m looked at like I’m the most wicked person.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:33 pm
by Raven
There isn't a problem? The argument they're trying to have is very complicated, beyond my understanding of astrology too. However they're basically saying you're "defense" but it doesn't seem like it was.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:37 pm
by Raven
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:29 pm "I read this forum uses phpbb right?"

where would you have read that? What makes you think that is so? And whats the reason for saying that? What does that have to do with anyhting?

interesting how you and astral warrior both showed up here together. I don't have a good feeling about you raven.
I can't remember where I read it first , but it does say at the bottom of the page. Phpbb is the software this forum functions on, so in that sense it's very relevant. It's relevant especially for what I get notified for.

I don't know who astro warrior is, I did join to interact in their conversation with mageson though (I do know who Don Danko is obviously).

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:38 pm
by Owen
Raven wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:33 pm
Owen wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:24 pm
Raven wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:42 pm

Let's be honest, owen isn't exactly an authority regarding astrology
What’s your problem? I never claimed that in the first place.
There isn't a problem? The argument they're trying to have is very complicated, beyond my understanding of astrology too. However they're basically saying you're "defense" but it doesn't seem like it was.
I’m forgetting it now. I just apologised, don’t want the forum to be full of drama again. But also raven I know you’re trying to speak with Don. I will not tolerate you or Astro “warrior” being condescending towards me!

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:40 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"I can't remember where I read it first , but it does say at the bottom of the page. Phpbb is the software this forum functions on, so in that sense it's very relevant. It's relevant especially for what I get notified for.
I don't know who astro warrior is, I did join to interact in their conversation with mageson though (I do know who Don Danko is obviously)."

it says it at the bottom of the page. ok. thank you. though I still don't know why you are advertising this. it has no relevance to the conversation. I wonder at the motivations behind that. you failed to acknowledge what I told you and went off on this sidetrack. And I question why that should be. and who you really are.