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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 6:26 am
by Don Danko333
My experience is the energy of Satanism is the same energy of Christianity but its more heavier its the negative side of the Christian energy form the collective negative energy of billions of people directing negative mental energy towards that concept is what it amounts to. That is why Satanism is a shit magnet its the resonance attracting like people. Its from some reports and probably created a egregore of Christian Satan. Jesus appears to psychic's and Saints some times and he is not a historical person but some kind of energy form created by the collective mental energy of billions of people believing in Jesus.

Its better to just step outside of Christianity and if a person wants to work with Saturnian spirits then do so outside of Christian context. But you get what you get with the Saturnians. Its not for everyone. And some of them are dangerous.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 6:35 am
by Don Danko333
That how Saturians are you learn as you go. I was told the JoS was the place to start my own development. With spiritual practices, study, magical practice and such. This was back in 2005 and there was almost nothing online anywhere and the only books I had access to where very limited and basic I was going nowhere anyway. And being some working class person Its not like their is any occult lodge to teach me either so it is what it was.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 6:39 am
by Don Danko333
What you mention about the JoS, Zola. Back in the day when I showed up it actually was not like that. It started over time till it became Maxine's war cult. The place where she channeled all her rage, hatred and miserable attitudes on her own life onto the group mind. That heavy Christian energy is also on the JoS it can increase negativity over time.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:21 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
I didn't really have any experience in christianity except that the brother of the woman who ended up marrying one of my siblings, he was an absolute bible banger, hardcore and we all thought he was absolutely crazy.

And then I was invited to come with a friend to her church on a Sunday and I was curious, so I went to see what it was all about, what they did. And when I went I opened my self up to 'see' if I could sense anything about this place (psychically I mean). And what I got was that there is no life here. The energy in the place, in the walls, it was all dead. I was better off spending my weekends out in nature (which is what I usually did).

The satanism attached to the bible (I think) is a controlled opposition scenario. And my goodness are some of those people messed up. All the weirdness and cosplay, just messed up. Rainbows and tutus and purple hair....please! Mental health issues galore celebrated and encouraged because these people don't understand they are being sucked into a kind of soul trap... Again, focussing on low energy and frequency. Its a trap.

And then look at the hollywood concept of satanism...skulls and goth and all the window dressing. Death imagery. It strikes me as a death cult thing and so is its other half, the christianity. And then think about the sick garbage the 'elites' are into....this SRA they do. I've been listening to an interview of some survivors who made it out of that cult (born into it) alive and the things they experienced are so sick its just unbelievable.

I'm for LIFE. I'm interested in the higher energies, period. freedom. Being a sovereign being in my own right, not on my knees to a jesus thing or anything, anyone else.

I agree there must be a created thoughtform of the jesus thing and likely the bible satan as well has one too after generations. Thats a lot of energy, built up over time, directed to them. When I was doing the dream yogin work I was going to places in the astral that have their own external reality, meaning they are formed by a lot of people and so much energy has gone into these places over the course of probably decades...centuries even. They exist independently of any one 'dreamer'. They've taken on astral form. And so of course why couldn't this jesus thing have the same result? Its logical.

“But you get what you get with the Saturnians. Its not for everyone. And some of them are dangerous.”

True enough and its a good thing to keep in mind. In the end it wasn't for me. I prefer the current I'm on now.

I think telling newbies summoning demons (any and all) because they are all 'good' is just ridiculous dangerous advice. It's irresponsible. I don't think its a good idea to be putting out an open ended invitation. If you are going to work with them you have to be very clear what exactly you want and will give. You have to be very specific and clear. Calling one of them up just for the sake of it is not advisable. Thats' my feeling on it. And my mentor told me the same. Some of them are dangerous, he said.

I know what you mean about almost nothing to be found online. I began back before there was an online. All I had was what I could find at the library. And I did learn a lot from my mentor, he was a good guy. Before I met him I did what my intuition told me seemed good. Like focussing so intently on the dreamwork. I did that to begin because someone I loved a lot died tragically and very suddenly and I wanted to talk to him and make sure he was ok, and it was the best route to take. The High Golden Road. It was the road my guides guided me to. I think I learned a lot from them as I did spend years at a kind of university with others like myself, with these beings teaching us. Although, a lot of what I learned, I don't have conscious recall. Or maybe, a better way to explain it is memories come when they are meant to - And it isn't till now, 23 years later that some of what I learned is beginning to make sense now. I hope things come more clear as I progress.

I heard the JoS at the beginning was terrific. And I had high hopes when I joined that I would get to meet other people interested in pursuing a spiritual path. Because meeting and knowing people who truly are, who live it are few and far between. And there is nothing like being able to talk to them. Compare notes, etc. Normies, their eyes glaze over in 5 seconds flat if you try to get deep with them.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:30 am
by Don Danko333
Yeah I think Nick and his fellow trolls motivation in trolling this place to shit. Loss of control a lot of JOS might just decide to come here instead and so it has to be vilified and attacked. The amount of PM's and email's I was getting from JOS related people warning me about the kike Zola and her evil ways for posting here was normal. This would just not be me but everyone else. I noticed one of your posters a former JOS person the way they bowed out of here. That is probably why.

This place is forbidden realm. This place is more like the original JoS in the sense of open freedom to have a conversation and post information. Maxine used to admit she was fallible and not perfect and one should advance spirituality and contact these spirits themselves. Then over time it became the war cult of all knowing Maxine. Then Nick just stole the collective labor of many over decades for himself to exploit for money and a power trip.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:01 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
I do think that the people who do this (troll this place to shit) have been infested with low frequency and have become human sock puppets for negative entities. One of the things I used to notice and had many conversations with my mentor about was how the negative entities hated to have any light cast on them. Meaning being discussed and us comparing notes on them. What they do, how they operate, so we'd have these deep conversations about it. Many times I'd labor over an e-mail to him about these and the message would just....disappear right before I could send it. Or the internet connection would fail, things like that. Sometimes it was the black screen. The computer would have to be rebooted. Basically trying to stop us talking. They didn't like us freely talking and I think some of these people shitting all over this place is the same thing, these negative entities working through them doing the same thing. You know that saying how if you're getting a lot of flack you must be over the target?

These entities would also come at me in waking life through people who had holes in their aura.

Amazing how this lie (the evil kike fairy tale) has been carried on. I'm aware people were literally threatened to not post here or else....that's fucked up. Why do people knuckle under to it?

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:06 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
well, before there was moderation I realize they would be attacked mercilessly too. And so thats why a lot knuckled under. But there is moderation now.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 6:11 am
by Owen
Don Danko333 wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 6:26 am My experience is the energy of Satanism is the same energy of Christianity but its more heavier its the negative side of the Christian energy form the collective negative energy of billions of people directing negative mental energy towards that concept is what it amounts to. That is why Satanism is a shit magnet its the resonance attracting like people. Its from some reports and probably created a egregore of Christian Satan. Jesus appears to psychic's and Saints some times and he is not a historical person but some kind of energy form created by the collective mental energy of billions of people believing in Jesus.

Its better to just step outside of Christianity and if a person wants to work with Saturnian spirits then do so outside of Christian context. But you get what you get with the Saturnians. Its not for everyone. And some of them are dangerous.
Yeah, correct Jesus is not a historical person. Still, I'm not convinced that satanism has the same energy as Christianity. First, of all. Christian energy gives a person a lot of anxiety. As an example, if your soul is satanic or you have gone through a initiation with the demons. If a Christian is trying to pray for you but is doing it in a secretive sneaky way. It will cause a Satanist to have a lot of confusion and also the person may get a feeling like something is pushing on their forehead, that heavy sensation on the middle of your forhead is them trying to blind the person's third eye. That's what some people have tried to do to me. Whereas satanic energy feels great and freeing, unstoppable and nothing crappy or confusing.

However, have a nice day everyone. Don, I don't hate you. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as rude. But sometimes I get carried away and I have a passion for things like this.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:17 am
by Don Danko333
Christian energy is toxic its this heavy grey energy, something I noticed growing up in the church a lot of people have awful shit happen to them. Like shit that shouldn't happen or not that much their lives are fucked. That includes a lot of physical illness.

Open the Bible its full of curses on all mankind for being sinners. And if you believe your a sinner and tied into the Christian energy that's what you get.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:22 am
by Don Danko333
Where both kikes now Zola so pass the bagel, they say the same nonsense about me as well. That's the joke everyone but Nick is a jew. So I guess they needed a jew to build the JOS for ten years for them. Are jews better then them or something...
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:01 am
Amazing how this lie (the evil kike fairy tale) has been carried on. I'm aware people were literally threatened to not post here or else....that's fucked up. Why do people knuckle under to it?