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Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:23 am
by Owen
You missed the point I don't think I'm a sinner or I'm tied into the Christian energy. I said the wiccans who are cursing us satanists in the name of 'God' is psychic torture and negative reptilian trying to blind our third eyes. That's what I meant, Don. Sorry, but I sometimes think you misunderstand me sometimes...

Don Danko333 wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:17 am Christian energy is toxic its this heavy grey energy, something I noticed growing up in the church a lot of people have awful shit happen to them. Like shit that shouldn't happen or not that much their lives are fucked. That includes a lot of physical illness.

Open the Bible its full of curses on all mankind for being sinners. And if you believe your a sinner and tied into the Christian energy that's what you get.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:30 am
by Don Danko333
Maybe but I was commenting on my experience with Christian energy. Why would Wicca's be cursing anyone in the name of the Christian god? You where talking about Christians praying against you.
Owen wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:23 amIf a Christian is trying to pray for you

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:32 am
by Owen
Don Danko333 wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:30 am Maybe but I was commenting on my experience with Christian energy. Why would Wicca's be cursing anyone in the name of the Christian god? You where talking about Christians praying against you.
Owen wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:23 amIf a Christian is trying to pray for you
Don stop being shady and sarcastic now...

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:58 am
by Don Danko333
You stated originally...
Owen wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 6:11 am
Yeah, correct Jesus is not a historical person. Still, I'm not convinced that satanism has the same energy as Christianity. First, of all. Christian energy gives a person a lot of anxiety. As an example, if your soul is satanic or you have gone through a initiation with the demons. If a Christian is trying to pray for you but is doing it in a secretive sneaky way. It will cause a Satanist to have a lot of confusion and also the person may get a feeling like something is pushing on their forehead, that heavy sensation on the middle of your forhead is them trying to blind the person's third eye. That's what some people have tried to do to me. Whereas satanic energy feels great and freeing, unstoppable and nothing crappy or confusing.

However, have a nice day everyone. Don, I don't hate you. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as rude. But sometimes I get carried away and I have a passion for things like this.
Then you stated Wiccan's later in the next post...
Owen wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:23 am You missed the point I don't think I'm a sinner or I'm tied into the Christian energy. I said the wiccans who are cursing us satanists in the name of 'God' is psychic torture and negative reptilian trying to blind our third eyes. That's what I meant, Don. Sorry, but I sometimes think you misunderstand me sometimes...

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:27 pm
by Basilikum
Don Danko333 wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:58 am
Don, do you have any experience with Slavic dieties?

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:12 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
“Christian energy is toxic its this heavy grey energy, something I noticed growing up in the church a lot of people have awful shit happen to them. Like shit that shouldn't happen or not that much their lives are fucked. That includes a lot of physical illness.”

You reminded me of something Don. That time I went to my friends church and I said how it felt lifeless in there? This was because it was (looking at it from the 3rd eye) leeched of all the colors of life. In stark contrast to the glory of life and color and light in the natural world, in the woods where I spent a lot of time growing up in the country out there alone except for animals.....but in the church it was the opposite. Like it was completely grey in there. And I 'heard' a 'voice' (telepathically) say:

“There is no life here.”

And don't bible bangers always say something about how we get everlasting life via jesus or something? I think they do (had to stop and look this up).

Yes. They say the message of salvation is that Jesus Christ—the “one who is life itself”—is the source of eternal life for all people

Thats not at all what I saw with my third eye. I saw the opposite. Death. I felt sorry for my friend who had to go there every sunday and thanked the being I thought of as God I would never have to come back.

Something else too....I went through a period (right before I was directed to the JoS, when I was writing this book about the world being enslaved and so on, to try to wake the people up). During this time I also had met a pastor who took a personal interest in me. She was interesting and one of the few people I could talk to about the war on humanity. Most normies, as I say, their eyes glaze over in 5 minutes or less and simply turn off. They aren't interested. But she was.

So it turns out that what she really wanted to do was 'save' me. And was praying for me, and getting her friends to pray for me too....I was experiencing night terrors (highly unusual as I don't have nightmares). I believe what actually was happening is I was targeted by the negative entities I wanted to expose with my book. It got very bad. So then this minister invites me to these peoples place for dinner. And right after dinner they did this group ambush on me; put their hands on me and began praying...and the minister got on their knees before me, holding my hand and demanded I declare my life to be in jesus hands (or something to that effect).

I found this terribly offensive, to be ambushed like this. I am not and will never be christian. But, as I said before, I'm always looking for those gold nuggets (truth) so I was willing to see what would happen....I'm used to the goodly beings who would literally show up and 'speak' to me (telepathically and a lot in the dreamtime). Basically, a God who answered me and I had no need to 'pray' to Him. But I decided to see what would happen so I closed my eyes and opened my self psychically and 'felt' for any trace of this jesus they were going on about....and I had a vision:

I was alone in a wilderness, standing on a kind of salt plain, like the dry bed of an ancient ocean. Very white, very flat. A vast inhospitable space. And across the horizon marched jagged mountains, almost black because they were under a shadow cast by a heavy layer of black clouds. And lightning was flashing and flashing over there on the other side of this divide of stone. I thought wow....that's a big storm coming....

I looked around for this jesus character. And there was nobody there but me. And again, no life. No green of grass, no blue of sky, nothing soft or animals or insects, just barren salt flats, stone, ominous clouds and lightning. So far away there was no reverberation of the thunder. This place was silent. Not even a breath of breeze. And I flashed back to that time in my friends church and the voice that spoke in my ear saying:

“There is no life here.”

So I opened my eyes, wrenched my hands out of hers, went to the front door and started putting on my shoes and coat while I said thanks but no thanks (essentially). One of them said: But jesus LOVES you! I replied if your jesus loves me so much he can tell me himself and that I was used to a God who actually answered me, not a fantasy guy. And that was the last time I ever saw any of those people.

“Open the Bible its full of curses on all mankind for being sinners. And if you believe your a sinner and tied into the Christian energy that's what you get.”

I have a friend who works for a christian organization. Not a christian themselves they keep what they believe to themself. And this friend also detests holy rollers who go on and on about jesus and can't go two sentences without saying praise jesus. And its just interesting to me because this person told me (and they ought to know) that the worst people they have known have all been christians. That they're the most prone to screwing you over, letting you down, stabbing you in the back...etc. While they keep up a facade of being all goodness and light.

“Where both kikes now Zola so pass the bagel, they say the same nonsense about me as well. That's the joke everyone but Nick is a jew. So I guess they needed a jew to build the JOS for ten years for them. Are jews better then them or something...”

“OMG (laughs). Welcome to the club! What it actually means is you are intelligent. I was recently listening to jordan peterson speaking about political correctness, Turdeau and other subjects like left wing authoritarianism.

He related information that completely apply's to the fanatics who chant jew jew jew and accuse everybody who possesses critical thinking skills of being a 'kike'....who tell you they're nazis because they 'love' their own race. When they're incapable of higher frequency like love and this has been clearly demonstrated via the mindless and relentless attacking of this forum, my legitimate guests and also myself. For example they took great delight (when there was zero moderation) to throw 'kike' in my teeth every day along with all kinds of other filthy names (a form of sadism). That sure isn't demonstrating any higher order frequencies! So to claim they 'care'....about anyone other than themselves is literally impossible. These people who believe Hitler is God and Jesus Christ rolled into one – when there is convincing evidence Hitler was a Rothschild.....we are talking jew haters worshipping a jew while following a jew who infiltrated and took over the JoS....and these are accusing Don and Myself of being evil 'kikes'.......uh....ok.

There is a developing body of research on left wing authoritarianism. From the end of WWII to 2016 when the first work on left wing authoritarianism came out, social psychologists (a pretty woke bunch) – denied vociferously there was any such thing.

The idea that there is a politically correct corpus of beliefs was derided as a right wing conspiracy. Upon testing however, a group of beliefs that were progressive could be identified. BUT, then, along with this came OTHER beliefs that were authoritarian. Authoritarianism is defined as willingness to use fear, power and compulsion to force.

So there is an alignment between 'compassion' and force.

When you have this mind set you can be identified as a left wing authoritarian. But it is to my mind equally applicable to the JoS trolls. The biggest indicator of this belief system?

Low verbal intelligence.

So when one asks: Why do people go along with the party line? (in this case people blindly going along with and following this jew jew jew nonsense). And I know I have definitely asked that one often....

The answer is they are not sophisticated verbally (low academic performance).

It is more associated with leftwing authoritarianism than it is with academic performance...and academic performance is basically ones cognitive ability. So when you call them useful idiots...its literally proven this isn't even being sarcastic or insulting; it's the truth! They're cognitively impaired. Literally stupid.

If you offer these people a one stop fits all solution, all power...they buy it. they buy the propaganda because they aren't sophisticated. And I'm talking the ones who, despite all kinds of facts and information telling them otherwise....they still won't entertain they might be mistaken. Its a kind of cognitive dissonance in operation as well, perhaps.

They buy (whatever propaganda) because its a comprehensive (and simple) explanation for the world. There's a self serving aspect to it also. And since they have no capacity for critical thought, they follow blindly.

Other personality indicators are:
being female or having a feminine temperament (maybe because women or a feminine temperament are more prone to being soft - nurturing - and can fall prey that way)

or having ever taken a course that was expressly politically 'correct' in its aims. In other words being doused in propaganda and buying it.

People have been studying the relationship between left wing authoritarianism and the dark first triad and then tetrad. In BC there was a professor named robert hare. He studied criminal psychopaths. Predatory parasites. Someone who will take what you have and will live off you if they can. He studied the major ones (in prisons). Then there are the ones who are lower level (sub clinical) and still loose in the general population. Sub clinical psychopathy. There are different disciplines and industries that attract these types. Media, politics, entertainment, medicine (especially surgery)...

Sub clinical psychopathology have traits too:

Narcissism - desire for unearned social status and a desire for constant attention.
Machiavellianism - constantly studying others to figure out how to manipulate them in order to get things from them. These parasites craft their words instrumentally in order to achieve their objective. They will for example call this 'seasoning' a mark. They think their parasitic behaviour is 'powerful'. They think its power in manipulating people (PIMP). It's completely ass backwards. It's inversion of reality, an MO of the enemy of humanity (negative entities). A parasite is not powerful. They generally don't create or produce, they take what they can fool other people into providing and if they do create anything, its always about serving themselves.
Sadism – positive delight in the fear and suffering of others. The LOL culture online is actually a manifestation of sadism.

It is a researched and proven fact that online devil troll types are extremely high in the dark tetrad traits I just described. They are enabled online as they can be anonymous there. There are no consequences for their actions.

The relationship between dark tetrad personality traits and authoritarianism is so high that they are practically indistinguishable. Meaning all the nonsense about 'compassion' is in reality the manipulations of snakes pulling in useful idiots (who perhaps might be genuinely compassionate) to further their narrow and self destructive agendas.

This is what these things are. Psychopathic dark tetrad types.

“predatory psychopaths have figured out how to cloak themselves in the guise of compassion and their machinations are enabled online and this is dangerous beyond belief.”

Jordan Peterson

The danger is now and then the psychos get the upper hand. This happened in the Russian 'Revolution'. The Holodomor. The type of people and the things they will do these creeps claim to oppose. When in the heart they are one and the same.

And there seems to be no punishment for psychopaths and the crimes they do online. No accountability since the deep state owned social network platforms enables this. it is a deadly serious problem in society. The psychopaths collect together and work to circumvent normal humanity's responses to their predatory activity....35% of net traffic is porn. And a lot of that is child porn. From targeting seniors phishing and scamming them, to human trafficking, child trafficking, adrenochrome and gun running, etc. It's a global problem.

Re: Where I Was Wrong About Demons

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:11 pm
by Owen
Don Danko333 wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:30 am Maybe but I was commenting on my experience with Christian energy. Why would Wicca's be cursing anyone in the name of the Christian god? You where talking about Christians praying against you.

The bible is literally a book of spells as well and can be used against people who are on the Satanic path. They try and pray for you which affects your mind and soul. But they do this in a sinister way. That's I meant Don. Hope you can forgive my misunderstanding! :)