ImprisonedSoul wrote: ↑Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:10 amHoodedCobra scams his members on a day to day basis... They're a bunch of gullible idiots; so it's no surprise that Zola would be able to get away with doing so as well. Plus; the T4S forum is here to give credit to the JoS by making it look like the JoS has "Real"/ Jewish enemies... T4S forum is a means to make the JoS look more like a legit platform themselves.RedDawn wrote: ↑Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:05 amYou can check the forum yourself idiot. Hp Hooded Cobra doesn't encourage anyone to interact in anyway with this group. You're a hypocritical degenerate person who makes the most retarded arguments and evasions.HPBlackMamba wrote: ↑Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:14 am
When it was brought to my attention that one of our members Trolled the JoS, I reprimanded their behavior. I also made it clear that T4S does not condone this behavior. HoodedCobra could have done the same, when people within the JoS started a misinformation campaign against Zola and Don Danko. Instead he enabled them and encouraged their behavior.
First, you don't answer anyones questions about anything, you only evade and point the finger at JoS and Cobra. Everyone knows you and zola scammed a large amount of money from the Joy of Satan community, baldy. Nobody seems to know where 15k that was given to zola went, 15k is more than enough to cover even a business class plane ticket. Where's the money baldy?
Second, everything you say here does represent your community. You're 1 of 2 community creators and 1 of 5 active members. You've demonstrated yourself to be a lying and manipulative piece of shit. How does what I say represent the views of Joy of Satan and Hooded Cobra? Do you ever answer anything? Stop pointing your deformed reptilian finger at people who are have nothing to do with this conversation. I'm asking you as an individual and not a representative of HP Hooded Cobra or the Joy of Satan. Even if HP Hooded Cobra came here himself, why would he represent the views of the Joy of Satan while you don't represent the views of T4S? Does your hypocrisy know no bounds?
Third, your community isn't growing whatsoever and this is evident to anyone who bothers to look at the views of my post here. I've already received more views and comments than most posts have from over a year ago. Every new account made here is suspected to be the same guy, and they were fucking right. Seeker exposed his identity on each of his accounts to try and convince me not to speak to the anonposter. nazidruid, seeker, thunderbolt and aceofspades are all the same fucking guy. How was the anonposter right? Because your forum has died months ago. Nobody knows or cares about this group.
Lastly, you haven't explained how you donated 1 million dollars worth of crypto or shown in anyway where that money went. Explain to your community how donating 1 million dollars to yourself, even if you did, could be considered generous? Where did this money go to, your fucking "roblox" projects? What a joke. From my understanding, you might have assigned a percentage of a total value of over 1 million dollars to be given to YOUR OWN community once the total value of your coin is mined, which is over 6 billion dollars in total. How is practically taxing people generous?
You're just some guy without any credibility on the internet, you have no right to demand a glance from HP Hooded Cobra or anyone else for that matter. Everything you've made here so far is a joke and it was created through the funding of large scale scam conducted on the generous Joy of Satan community.
Fuck you.
Also, Zola and Black Mamba would never expose HC for being a kike either ((which he very likely is)); in fact... They say he's "Greek" ((despite having no proof that he actually is)). Zola even goes as far as saying that she has real life friends that met him personally, and even had coffee with him, but when one asks for the names of these friends she won't give any names... If Zola was truly out to get HC then she would be pulling the Jew-card on his ass ((since he doesn't show his face, and no one actually knows who he is)), but strangely enough... She does not. I guess kikes always look out for their own, eh? =)
Also; I thought the JoS was suppose to be the most censored website on the net...? Yet for some strange reason; they're still all over YouTube ((which YouTube itself is like the biggest platform out there when it comes censorship)). Maxine's videos/ the original JoS YouTube channel is still up on YouTube; right along with a number of JoS-promoting channels, despite these channels breaking YouTube's community guidelines... It's almost as if the Jews want people to come to the JoS, but the question is, why would they...? Maybe, because the JoS promotes non-existent 'Gods' that ultimately don't do shit for humanity...? Hmmm...? Through the belief in 'Gods' it keeps the individual from taking personal responsibility for their own lives... They place their problems upon the system that these 'Gods' are a part of; while this same system slowly destroys them.
Oh, and by the way... If you don't believe me about Zola and Mamba defending HC by calling him "Greek", then I can find that conversation for you... It should still be up on these forums. If you want me to...? 'Assuming' they don't delete it before I find it, lol.
I never would have guess that but your claim about joyofsatan makes a lot of sense! Especially JoS one of the biggest censorship websites and YouTube. There's even a Facebook page found in search engines with joy of Satan. All are ran by Jews and I also personally know a thing or two
So I'd have to agree with you on that at least.