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Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:45 pm
by AstroKid
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:33 pm NO, no!!! PLEASE don't feel afraid! You haven't done anything wrong! I really mean it, we can all learn from your responses. People watching who are too shy to ask you themselves will read the responses you give another and they learn! Its a very valuable part of the open forum!
I appreciate that you clarified this for me. If you are truly sincere that I don't have to be afraid of speaking my mind, then here is how I honestly feel about the whole incident. You say that this is an open forum but it doesn't feel very free to me. Of course I have only been here for a day or two, so I am still trying to get a feel for the general atmosphere.

It's one thing to have rules in place to keep the conversation respectful and productive, but it's another thing entirely when the admin starts dictating what we are and aren't allowed to hear. It's not just that the admin is deciding what we can and can't hear, it's that they are also sending a message about what is and isn't acceptable to talk about. They are setting the tone for the entire forum, and it's not a good one.

a forum is supposed to be a place where people can come together to discuss and share ideas. It's not supposed to be a platform for one person to impose their views on others. Which is how I felt when you decided for me whether I am allowed to hear comments on my thread. Thank you for allowing me to get this off my chest, as I did feel offended and violated but was afraid to speak up.

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:01 pm
by AstroKid
Instructions for the Truth Spell


A white candle
A piece of paper and a pen
A strand of your hair
A small bowl of water


Begin by finding a quiet and secluded place where you will not be interrupted.
Light the white candle and place it in front of you.
Take the piece of paper and pen, and write the name of the person you wish to know the truth from at the top of the paper.
Take the strand of your hair and tie it around the base of the candle.
Place the bowl of water in front of the candle and the piece of paper.
Sit in front of the candle, paper and bowl of water, and focus on your intention to uncover the truth.
Repeat the following incantation three times:

"By the power of the flame,
Let the truth be known,
By the power of the water,
Let the lies be shown,
By the power of my hair,
Let the truth be revealed,
So mote it be."

Wait for the candle to burn down completely, and observe the flame and the water while you wait.
When the candle is finished burning, take the paper and bury it in the earth or burn it, and dispose of the water.

Note: This spell is intended for uncovering the truth in situations where it is difficult to obtain it through conventional means. It's important to remember that this spell does not guarantee that the truth will be revealed and that any information obtained should be used with caution and ethical considerations.

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:10 pm
by AstroKid
Many people believe that channeling spirits means giving up complete control of your body, and this is the truth. Channeling is simply a way of communicating with the spirit world, and it is important to remember that you are free to give up control.

It is natural to feel afraid or hesitant when first attempting to channel spirits, but it is important to remember that you have the power to stop the communication at any time. It is also important to set boundaries and guidelines with the spirits you are communicating with to ensure your safety and comfort.

It is also important to remember that channeling spirits is the same as possession. Consensual possession occurs when a spirit takes control of a person's body with their consent, and channeling is a conscious and voluntary act.

In fact, channeling can be a very empowering and transformative experience. It allows you to connect with the spirit world and gain insight and guidance that can help you in your daily life.

So don't be afraid to surrender control of your body when channeling spirits. Trust in your ability to communicate with the spirit world in a safe and controlled way, and you may be surprised at the benefits it can bring to your life.

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:14 pm
by AstroKid
I have always been fascinated by the concept of death and the afterlife, and I have found that connecting with the god of death has brought a new level of understanding and peace to my life.

For me, the god of death represents not only the end of physical life, but also the release of our souls from the constraints of the physical world and the beginning of a new journey.

One of the ways I connect with the god of death is through channeling. I find that when I enter into a meditative state, I am able to communicate with the god of death and receive messages that bring me insight and guidance.

But my favorite way to connect with the god of death is through my Ouija board in the graveyard. There's something about being surrounded by the energy of the deceased that amplifies the connection and the messages I receive are often profound and healing.

I know that for some people, the idea of connecting with the god of death may seem morbid or even frightening, but for me it has brought a sense of closure and understanding to my own mortality. It reminds me to appreciate the time we have on this earth and to live fully in the present moment.

So if you are open to it, I highly recommend connecting with the god of death and seeing what messages he has for you. It may just bring you a new level of peace and understanding in your own life.

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:20 pm
by AstroKid
Long ago I was feeling suicidal. The weight of my problems felt like a physical burden that I couldn't bear any longer. I felt like ending my life would be the only way to escape the constant pain and suffering. But then, something unexpected happened.

I channeled the god of death. I don't know how or why, but suddenly, I could hear his voice in my head. He spoke to me with a calm and soothing tone. He told me that death will come eventually and that I didn't have to rush it or make it happen prematurely.

He reminded me that my time on this earth is limited, but that it is also precious. He reminded me that I have a purpose and that there are people who care about me. He reminded me that suicide is not the only option, and that there is always hope.

His words had a profound impact on me. They gave me the strength to keep going and to seek help.

I want to remind anyone who is feeling suicidal that there is always hope. Suicide is not the only option, and you are not alone. There are people who care about you and want to help. And, if you ever feel like giving up, just remember that death will come eventually, and there's no need to rush it.

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:28 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"Long ago I was feeling suicidal. The weight of my problems felt like a physical burden that I couldn't bear any longer. I felt like ending my life would be the only way to escape the constant pain and suffering. But then, something unexpected happened.

I channeled the god of death. I don't know how or why, but suddenly, I could hear his voice in my head. He spoke to me with a calm and soothing tone. He told me that death will come eventually and that I didn't have to rush it or make it happen prematurely.

He reminded me that my time on this earth is limited, but that it is also precious. He reminded me that I have a purpose and that there are people who care about me. He reminded me that suicide is not the only option, and that there is always hope.

His words had a profound impact on me. They gave me the strength to keep going and to seek help.

I want to remind anyone who is feeling suicidal that there is always hope. Suicide is not the only option, and you are not alone. There are people who care about you and want to help. And, if you ever feel like giving up, just remember that death will come eventually, and there's no need to rush it."

Yes I have definitely felt that in the course of my life. But....there IS always hope for sure. Don't give up. Life is indeed, incredibly precious. I know for certain there is existence after death, but at the same time.....I don't want to die. I really don't. I like being here. despite all the pain.

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:31 pm
by AstroKid
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:28 pm "Long ago I was feeling suicidal. The weight of my problems felt like a physical burden that I couldn't bear any longer. I felt like ending my life would be the only way to escape the constant pain and suffering. But then, something unexpected happened.

I channeled the god of death. I don't know how or why, but suddenly, I could hear his voice in my head. He spoke to me with a calm and soothing tone. He told me that death will come eventually and that I didn't have to rush it or make it happen prematurely.

He reminded me that my time on this earth is limited, but that it is also precious. He reminded me that I have a purpose and that there are people who care about me. He reminded me that suicide is not the only option, and that there is always hope.

His words had a profound impact on me. They gave me the strength to keep going and to seek help.

I want to remind anyone who is feeling suicidal that there is always hope. Suicide is not the only option, and you are not alone. There are people who care about you and want to help. And, if you ever feel like giving up, just remember that death will come eventually, and there's no need to rush it."

Yes I have definitely felt that in the course of my life. But....there IS always hope for sure. Don't give up. Life is indeed, incredibly precious. I know for certain there is existence after death, but at the same time.....I don't want to die. I really don't. I like being here. despite all the pain.
Death and life are two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other. The process of death is necessary for the continuation of life on Earth. Without death, there would be no room for new life to grow and thrive.

The cycle of life and death is evident in all living organisms, from the smallest microbe to the largest mammal. In plants, for example, the death of leaves in the fall allows for new growth in the spring. In animals, death allows for the continuation of the species through reproduction. The death of one organism also means sustenance for another. For example, a dead tree in the forest becomes food and shelter for a variety of organisms.

Death also plays a crucial role in the process of natural selection. Organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over time, these adaptations accumulate in a population, leading to the evolution of new species. Without death, there would be no mechanism for natural selection to occur and evolution would come to a halt.

In addition to its role in the natural world, death also has a profound effect on human society. The loss of a loved one can be a difficult and painful experience, but it also serves to remind us of the preciousness of life. The inevitability of death can inspire people to live their lives to the fullest and make the most of the time they have.

Furthermore, death can also have a positive impact on the economy. The death of older individuals often results in the transfer of wealth and property to the next generation, which can stimulate economic growth.

Death is a necessary aspect of life. It plays a crucial role in the continuation and evolution of life on Earth, both in the natural world and in human society. Without death, life would come to a standstill, and the beauty and diversity of the world around us would be lost. It is important to remember that death is not something to be feared, but rather a natural part of the cycle of life.

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:38 pm
by BlackOrbit666
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:13 am Thank YOU. I am so happy you came here and this includes ALL of the new members (and old) who are contributing to the raising of frequency here through their willingness to support one another and contribute in their own uniquely positive ways, encouraging and learning from each other. I take it as a sign of better days to come, it's so fulfilling to witness. I am very grateful to you all :)
This feels like a very good appreciation of my qork included :)

Thank YOU a lot for sharing this.

In my opinion, it may take a lot to bring back what was in the archive of the forums (P.S:May I publish the sermons of yours and Mamba's sermons crediting you and him where the case is applied?) but surely better days will come and the frequency will reach a very good rate.

Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell

The greatest man in the Universe is the one who has the psychological aptitude to get over the Enemies' traps :idea:

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:47 pm
by AstroKid
The concept of channeling is often associated with spiritual entities and elemental forces, but did you know that it is also possible to channel the energies of the planets? Just as we can tap into the wisdom and guidance of spirit guides and the elements, we can also connect with the unique vibrations and influences of the planets to enhance our spiritual growth and understanding of the world around us.

The planets in our solar system each have their own distinct energy and influence. For example, the Sun is associated with vitality and leadership, while Venus is linked to love and beauty. By connecting with these energies, we can gain insight and guidance in areas related to their associated traits. For example, channeling the energy of Venus can help us navigate relationship issues and improve our own self-love. Similarly, channeling the energy of Saturn can help us develop discipline and structure in our lives.

To channel the energy of a planet, there are a few different techniques you can try. One method is to simply meditate on the planet, visualizing yourself connecting with its energy and receiving guidance from its vibrations. Another approach is to use crystals or gemstones associated with the planet, such as using a clear quartz for the Sun or rose quartz for Venus. You can also incorporate rituals or ceremonies, such as lighting a candle or burning incense, to create a sense of intention and focus for your channeling session.

It's also important to note that astrology can play a big role in channeling planetary energies. Each planet is associated with specific astrological signs and houses, and understanding these associations can help you tap into the planet's energy more effectively. For example, if you have a strong placement of Venus in your natal chart, you may have a natural affinity for channeling its energy.

It's also worth noting that the planets are not just associated with certain traits, they also have certain archetypes. For example, Jupiter is associated with the king and the teacher, Mars with the warrior and the athlete, Saturn with the father and the elder. Channeling the energy of a planet can help you tap into those archetypes and embody those energies in your own life.

It's important to remember that channeling is a personal and intuitive process, and what works for one person may not work for another. As you explore channeling planetary energies, trust your own intuition and be open to experimenting with different techniques to find what resonates with you. With practice and patience, you can learn to tap into the guidance and wisdom of the planets and enhance your spiritual growth and understanding of the world around you.

Re: Witchy Things

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:53 pm
by AstroKid
Saturn is a powerful planet in astrology that is associated with discipline, structure, and responsibility. It is known as the "taskmaster" of the zodiac and is associated with lessons, limitations, and challenges. Channeling the energy of Saturn can help you focus on your goals, be more organized, and take responsibility for your actions.

To channel the planet Saturn, first, it is important to understand its astrological placement in your birth chart. If Saturn is prominently placed in your chart, then you may already have a strong connection to its energy. If not, you can still work with Saturn's energy by focusing on the sign and house that it occupies in your chart.

One way to channel Saturn's energy is to set clear goals and make a plan to achieve them. Saturn is associated with discipline and structure, so taking the time to create a detailed plan of action can help you stay focused and on track. Make sure to break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and set deadlines for yourself.

Another way to channel Saturn's energy is to focus on your responsibilities. Saturn is associated with responsibility and accountability, so take the time to evaluate where you may be falling short in your responsibilities. If you are not fulfilling your obligations, make a plan to do so. It can also be helpful to focus on your long-term goals, as Saturn is associated with long-term planning and commitment.

Additionally, it's also important to be mindful of the areas of your life where you may be avoiding responsibility or shirking your duties. Saturn's energy can help you to take a more mature and responsible approach to these areas of your life.

Saturn also has a strong connection to the material world, and channeling its energy can help you to be more practical and realistic in your approach to finances and material possessions. Take the time to evaluate your spending habits and make a budget. Look for ways to make your money work for you and focus on building long-term financial security.

Another way to channel Saturn's energy is through meditation and self-reflection. Saturn is associated with introspection and self-reflection, so take the time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. This can help you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your motivations.

Additionally, Saturn is associated with the color black, so surrounding yourself with black objects or wearing black clothing can help to channel its energy. You can also light a black candle during meditation or visualization exercises to help connect with Saturn's energy.

Channeling the energy of Saturn can help you to be more disciplined, organized, and responsible in your approach to life. It can also help you to focus on long-term goals and build a stronger connection to the material world. By understanding Saturn's astrological placement in your birth chart, setting clear goals, focusing on responsibilities, being practical and realistic in your approach to finances, and practicing meditation and self-reflection, you can channel the energy of Saturn to improve your life.